A girls first time is always special


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Misleath said:
Please. Is this a joke? Why do you really take the time to whine on FH because someone didn't rezz you and ignore you. They should really start a QQ forum on FH, perhaps a moderator can fix that? And btw, it isn't violating any rule not rezzing and putting you on ignore for no reason.

But yeah, you said you were a noob and I really think that saying that you are a mom and think that it makes you a different person makes you a noob, irl.
Strong reply \o\
Shame you're not getting anywhere :(


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Rickie said:
I'll put you on my ignore. :kissit: Im sooo evul.

You still havent understood anything
Don't think he's actually trying to listen :| Like me in most of my posts really :/


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Rickie said:
Was asking for a rezz from a fg running literally over my back as I was “eating grass” in Odin’s Gate. I got an answer back “oop”, and they ran off!?! Now that’s not very polite, - and I have never ever seen anyone do that before nor have I ever done that myself.

About 15 min later I pm the cleric just to inform her that im not a bb, and the answer back was…” now you are on ignore too! “ :twak:
Well ofc it ain't fun to not get rezzed, but if the guy said oop and didn't rezz you it was kinda clear that she didn't want to rezz you no matter what you were. To pm him 15 min later and "inform" her as you put it is just to look for a fight, and I see where the cleric could missunderstand you if your intentions were good..


Part of the furniture
Mar 10, 2004
This was the funniest thread I've read so far this year :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Saving my group from death, isnt bad attitude towards you Rickie.
I'll do the same thing next time. I value running with my group with as few deaths as possible, and they do the same.

Honestly I dont see a good enough reason to sit down and rest for power when there is a fg+ mids inc from bridge. Do you?

Although, offending someone is never fun, even if you feel its your fault or not. So hope you'll be ok, and I can assure you that if the situation is different next time, we will rez, we always do.

Kind regards,



Can't get enough of FH
May 23, 2004
Zebolt said:
To pm him 15 min later and "inform" her as you put it is just to look for a fight, and I see where the cleric could missunderstand you if your intentions were good..

I only did that because the guys i was i grp with told me that he got a PM saying that i was his BB.

Its still not about being rezz or not... its about being poilte. :touch:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
I also was in the grp.
And yes zhaine knows the chat log so dont yabbediyab him ;d

We had just been fighting a long time and clerics had barely 2% power left. what u want? use all we need for next fight vs hard mid grps?

Usually at bridge fights 5-6 stealthers die and all pm for ress.

thats power needed for any inc close to a keep like beno.

People usually wants to run back to CS and be rebuffed. Some ignore that and rather get ressed at Brynja Bridge and get insta slaughtered by Dwera or some other stealther.

If Roshia tells you she doesnt have any power. Accept it and do a release. it rly doesnt takes that much time. And in all honesty. Do you really wanna be ressed and RS next to the busiest bridge in daoc? its stupid and 2x death in a row is a pisstake for anyones mood.

As we wouldnt rly stick around to guard you.

Im sure you get a ress next time. but when we fought double amount of mids with everything down and no power we dont stay there when we see trolls on bridge.

Hopefully you have forget it by this time.

But in our set fg. We let Zhaine order us around. we cant split.

It was better back in the days when I was grp leader ;d
But zhaine rather leads ;p

Cheers and have a good day :)

P.S and about being polite.
You have tbh no time to chat with some dead person about a ress when running about in busy rvr zones.
If you wanna chat with someone polite. Perhaps you should try your Guild Chat?


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Chat logs suck tbh :| I can roleplay having friends in a log!

RaZieL SoulReaver

Fledgling Freddie
Jul 14, 2004
what ever happened to working together as a realm i miss that wait that right it never happened was a nice dream though
bring back old NF :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
RaZieL SoulReaver said:
what ever happened to working together as a realm i miss that wait that right it never happened was a nice dream though
bring back old NF :)

now whats best for the realm, the group stopping to ress and dying (including the cleric), or they keep running? :eek:


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 18, 2004
Rickie is a nice person ! She innocent i tell ya !!! ... anyway whats this post about ??!?!!?

Har har har har hohohohh hahah hihihi


Zebolt said:
Well ofc it ain't fun to not get rezzed, but if the guy said oop and didn't rezz you it was kinda clear that she didn't want to rezz you no matter what you were. To pm him 15 min later and "inform" her as you put it is just to look for a fight, and I see where the cleric could missunderstand you if your intentions were good..

Arthemis said:
It's exactly the same in most mid cases :p But we also do bad in NF imo :p

Mids reading Albs forum !!!! OMG... but with the title i'm not suprised tbh !

AND M8S!! ;

Misleath said:
Please. Is this a joke? Why do you really take the time to whine on FH because someone didn't rezz you and ignore you. They should really start a QQ forum on FH, perhaps a moderator can fix that? And btw, it isn't violating any rule not rezzing and putting you on ignore for no reason.

But yeah, you said you were a noob and I really think that saying that you are a mom and think that it makes you a different person makes you a noob, irl.

OMG M8S.... Is it the alchohol or....... Are you from WoW Misleath reading DAoC forums ?!?!!? Or are you non alb ????

WTF is going on m8s? :eek2:

Drunken Haggus.

P.S Rickie /hugs x1000000 and Tosen /hugs x100000 ..... Everyone /hugs x10000 Me wub you all !!


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 18, 2004
well its more fun reading the threads on alb forum than the ones in mid section! :p

And the title also made it even more interesting than those who includes "template"!


/hug haggus too :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
Haggus said:
OMG M8S.... Is it the alchohol or....... Are you from WoW Misleath reading DAoC forums ?!?!!? Or are you non alb ????

Misleath, Alysson and Duinlyn are my chars on Albion/Prydwen.


Can't get enough of FH
May 23, 2004
CedrikWayfarer said:
Honestly I dont see a good enough reason to sit down and rest for power when there is a fg+ mids inc from bridge. Do you?

No! I still don't. But rollplay or not....you dont STAND on someone saying no to a rezz. I still don’t have a problem with /releas....oh dear... I do that all the time ;) Gotta love EoY. Is all about behaviour.... and trying to get ppl to work together as a realm.

RaZieL SoulReaver said:
what ever happened to working together as a realm i miss that wait that right it never happened was a nice dream though
bring back old NF :)

Good morning Handsome… how would you have your eggs? Didt you have a good dream while sleeping ? :fluffle:

/big hug

Haggus said:
Rickie is a nice person ! She innocent i tell ya !!! ... anyway whats this post about ??!?!!?


Hei ya Gimp! :worthy:

Some how I was sure to see you in this thread! Same old same old…. That’s why I wub you sooo much.
And no….. im not telling THAT story to anyone … (besides Staffy…I promised ) we keep THAT as our secret!

Its all about my first time on someones ignorelist. Can you imagine that!?! Im growing in game!

Nah….its NOT mend to be a whinethread. It’s a thread about me missing some team-work in Albion and the lack of politeness. I know… im a dreamer. But wouldn’t it be nice?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Rickie said:
Topic here is not the filter…. Its more behaviour.

Im an officer in Knights of The Round Table, and I know for sure that we would never leave someone behind if we were on a Guild-hunt! We just don’t do that. I would be shameful to run as a guildgrp ( representing the hole guild) with that attitude.

Normal behvaiour is to
1. Try solve via pm
2. Try solve with help of guildmasters
3. If that doesnt help, well i guess you could go here and make silly threads.

Sorry to say, but i would be shameful if we ran as a guildgroup, stopped at a bridge, sat down to regen power, rezz and get steamrolled by mids/hibs.
We always try to rezz, if we dont have power, we go somewhere semi safe and rest up, then come back.

If you dont get replies on your sends... Ever thought of that group might be fighting, person you did send might have loads of other /sends, /as, /os, /g, /gu, /s etc etc etc.

Honestly, take a chillpill, read a book, watch a movie..
IF it happens on a regular basis. Then i would be able to understand you. But atm you are just making a fool out of yourself...


Can't get enough of FH
May 23, 2004
Muddry said:
Normal behvaiour is to
1. Try solve via pm
2. Try solve with help of guildmasters
3. If that doesnt help, well i guess you could go here and make silly threads.

Sorry to say, but i would be shameful if we ran as a guildgroup, stopped at a bridge, sat down to regen power, rezz and get steamrolled by mids/hibs.
We always try to rezz, if we dont have power, we go somewhere semi safe and rest up, then come back.

If you dont get replies on your sends... Ever thought of that group might be fighting, person you did send might have loads of other /sends, /as, /os, /g, /gu, /s etc etc etc.

Honestly, take a chillpill, read a book, watch a movie..
IF it happens on a regular basis. Then i would be able to understand you. But atm you are just making a fool out of yourself...

Rickie said:
Nah….its NOT mend to be a whinethread. It’s a thread about me missing some team-work in Albion and the lack of politeness. I know… im a dreamer. But wouldn’t it be nice?

1. Try solve via pm-----Is it just me or do that work when on ignore?
2. Try solve with help of guildmasters-----If im not wrong it was his decision, - and not the cleric!
3. If that doesn’t help, well i guess you could go here and make silly threads.----Thank you, - I know its my first time. <blush> Im sure I will learn. Like the rest of you guys have.

I rest my case!


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Misleath said:
Misleath, Alysson and Duinlyn are my chars on Albion/Prydwen.
I need that 40p ring for my cleric alys x<


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Arthemis said:
:( doesnt sound nice ! how did it look btw :)
People being all polite and just sticking to the game -.- No random spam! :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Rickie said:

1. Try solve via pm-----Is it just me or do that work when on ignore?
2. Try solve with help of guildmasters-----If im not wrong it was his decision, - and not the cleric!
3. If that doesn’t help, well i guess you could go here and make silly threads.----Thank you, - I know its my first time. <blush> Im sure I will learn. Like the rest of you guys have.

I rest my case!

Guildmasters <-- read again.. Not Guildmaster, there are 3 of us.

Rest of you guys? Feel free to search and quote any whine threads from me.

Get you facts straight before you say things like that.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Muddry said:
Rest of you guys? Feel free to search and quote any whine threads from me.

Get you facts straight before you say things like that.
You're an alb... isn't that enough :p

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