A girls first time is always special


Can't get enough of FH
May 23, 2004
I’m not sure… maybe a mistake, but I was assuming that quit a lot of Albs knew me by now. I mean.. I have been playing for more than 3 years now, many of you guys know me as Tosen’s Mom. And I am! :clap:

My hope is that most of you guys know my son and me as friendly. I know we try to be. And it’s easy to be because of the many friends we have here in the game. I have always been so proud to play DaoC because the CoC was never violated afaik.

Maybe that’s why it came to me as a shock what happened today. For the first time I was put on ignore!! Oh dear!! Am I a bad girl now?

Was asking for a rezz from a fg running literally over my back as I was “eating grass” in Odin’s Gate. I got an answer back “oop”, and they ran off!?! Now that’s not very polite, - and I have never ever seen anyone do that before nor have I ever done that myself.

About 15 min later I pm the cleric just to inform her that im not a bb, and the answer back was…” now you are on ignore too! “ :twak:

So Ladies and Gentlemen of Albion… pleas help me here! Is it just me…. or is it bad behavior? Is it normal to run over a fellowplayer and not give a rezz in RvR?

If so…… I do understand we are doing such a poor job in NF, and I will stop trying to make an effort in RvR.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 18, 2004
It's exactly the same in most mid cases :p But we also do bad in NF imo :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
Rickie said:
Is it normal to run over a fellowplayer and not give a rezz in RvR?

It's pretty normal for that to happen :/

There're situations when you've finished a fight and need to leave the area quickly, being low on mana you can't afford to res anyone and it's too much hassle to get the group to stop and wait while you regen for a res. Generally clerics don't have any influence on the group and the person leading(probably a sorc) is the one to blame if you don't get res'd by a passing group :p

+ Solo'ers don't expect to be res'd as most would rather /release and rebuff before going back.
I wouldn't take it personally, as it's just the way the game is ;)

I hope to leave this game being on more /ignore lists than anyone else, and in my estimation, the competition is pathetic! :cool:


Part of the furniture
May 20, 2004

erm... read the thread again... it's about her being ignored by that person!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
Dont worry about it!

What do you care if some jumped up cleric has you on ignore? You've probably never spoken to them before and won't do again. Which, given the cleric's attitude, is probably a good thing :p

In my experience, 90% of the time when someone says they've put you on /ignore.. they haven't. It's a virtual-power thing for insecure people. So again, do you really want to speak to that person again? If you do, go ahead and PM them and I can practically guarentee you, you will get a reply.


Can't get enough of FH
May 23, 2004
Escape said:
+ Solo'ers don't expect to be res'd as most would rather /release and rebuff before going back.
I wouldn't take it personally, as it's just the way the game is ;)

Oh sorry... i dident tell we where too.... and being a cleric i dont have to run back to rebuff ;)

I still dont get it. Im a n00b, - i know. But being a mother im alowed to :cool: Why put someone on ignore for asking for a rezz... she dident have to look for me..... she was standing on me !!! :touch:

And my point here is : If we cant be polite in game, and if we cant help eachother in NF ( ore anywhere ingame) i think we have a reason for our bad luck in Alb. Think.... would a real knight behave like that??


Can't get enough of FH
May 23, 2004
LOL.... but she did!! And im a good girl! :wub:


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 18, 2004
I think most clerics would rezz if they had time / power and where in the right situation would rezz - afaik it gives rp to rezz ? :)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 11, 2004
i rez wit my paly as much as ican... tis sadly the main way i gain rps... if it is slow. helll i sit down in middle of a big ass siege for power if it means i can rez and get rps.
damn my being hated.

and ROFL at that flash. :( thats me in teh cartoon :(


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 26, 2004
Escape said:
Generally clerics don't have any influence on the group and the person leading(probably a sorc) is the one to blame if you don't get res'd by a passing group:
Hope you dont think that oO. Lets all blame the clerics for not taking time to help :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
I was in that FG. And I was leading it, and i was the one saying to not rez. To stay there and rez you, when we had around 9-10 mids inc from bridge while we just had fought off another full group of mids so we were totally out of power, would be suicide.

I said to clerics, we come back and rez later, and by then you had already started to act like an idiot in PM's and whining, so one of them even had to set you on ignore.

If situation was other, ofcourse we would have rezzed you. Use your pan button, check whats around, perhaps theres a reason we didnt stay around for rez?




Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Rickie said:
I’m not sure… maybe a mistake, but I was assuming that quit a lot of Albs knew me by now. I mean.. I have been playing for more than 3 years now, many of you guys know me as Tosen’s Mom. And I am! :clap:

My hope is that most of you guys know my son and me as friendly. I know we try to be. And it’s easy to be because of the many friends we have here in the game. I have always been so proud to play DaoC because the CoC was never violated afaik.

Maybe that’s why it came to me as a shock what happened today. For the first time I was put on ignore!! Oh dear!! Am I a bad girl now?

Was asking for a rezz from a fg running literally over my back as I was “eating grass” in Odin’s Gate. I got an answer back “oop”, and they ran off!?! Now that’s not very polite, - and I have never ever seen anyone do that before nor have I ever done that myself.

About 15 min later I pm the cleric just to inform her that im not a bb, and the answer back was…” now you are on ignore too! “ :twak:

So Ladies and Gentlemen of Albion… pleas help me here! Is it just me…. or is it bad behavior? Is it normal to run over a fellowplayer and not give a rezz in RvR?

If so…… I do understand we are doing such a poor job in NF, and I will stop trying to make an effort in RvR.
Well if he said oop, he would've had to wait for power there or mcl to pop etc, and I can imagine people not feeling like sitting around waiting to rez someone they don't know.

Anyway, you had me thinking this would be a fun thread, with the title n all :eek:


Fledgling Freddie
May 19, 2004
I am not embarrassed to say that I'm the cleric that didn't rez. I usually always do but in this case we were hard pressed as Cedrik said in his post, and therefore I could not sit down and rest power while my group ran off.

As for why you were put on my ignore list I can explain. You were apparently there as a duo, and you buddy was giving me grief, calling me bad names etc, he said I didn't answer him and in the stress of it all, I didn't see you were the one asking for rez and he was the one saying I was a cakeface for running past, so I said to him I thought you were his bb.

Being very upset over him, I assumed you were both more or less the same kind of person and therefore, not to disturb my mood or my rvr anymore I put you both on ignore.

For the record I don't usually keep people on ignore and you were both removed hours before I logged off. So if there is anything else you are welcome to ask me in game.

I'm sorry if you got offended, although at the time and in that situation I felt that was what I had to do.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
No no no!!! Wrong! You're meant to tell her to whine more or something alike, this will never turn out as a fun thread this way :(:(:(


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Poor old Straefy...

Never a fun thread around when U need one eh...


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
I always rez people even if our sorc moves off, Yes gets me into alot of trouble sometimes :)
But since NF not being able to rez is a bit odd seeing as you can get PR(most clerics have this eventhough it's mostly level 1), MCL for a full rez, EoY for a quick rez or even a pot if you need that little bit extra power.
For me to get all this down then there must have been some long fight going on but normally I have 1 of these things up always anyway.

But then again I can also understand when people need to move quick they rather not rez, if mids were comming and you lay down maybe the cleric could have PR'ed you but you would have died in 10 seconds then anyway seeing as the mids would have basically insta killed you again.
It all depends on the situation really, though I am sure nearly all Clerics (atleast the ones I've seen as of late) try to rez if possible.
I must admit though once some pallies ruin my 100% rezzes I just quit rezzing people at that tower/keep, hate to lose 50% power then seeing the person stand up again with 10% hp..
But going a bit offtopic here :)
If someone puts you on his/her ignore list it personally doesn't bother me if someone does that to me as mostly it's a person who I never want to talk to anyway, Hope you got it all worked out though :)


Can't get enough of FH
May 23, 2004
CedrikWayfarer said:
I said to clerics, we come back and rez later, and by then you had already started to act like an idiot in PM's and whining, so one of them even had to set you on ignore.

Im sorry... that must have been someone else ! I dident act like anything and i did not whine! I over the hole episode i send 3 lines: 1. Rezz please? (was told no) 2. Thank you so very much :) (no reply) 3. Just for info, im not a bb.(Now you are on ignore to)..... that was all.

Straef said:
Anyway, you had me thinking this would be a fun thread, with the title n all :eek:

Poor Straef :wub:

RoshiaPendard said:
..... so I said to him I thought you were his bb.

Being very upset over him, I assumed you were both more or less the same kind of person and therefore, not to disturb my mood or my rvr anymore I put you both on ignore.

For the record I don't usually keep people on ignore and you were both removed hours before I logged off. So if there is anything else you are welcome to ask me in game.

I'm sorry if you got offended, although at the time and in that situation I felt that was what I had to do.

Oh dear…. Now I am offended! Me… a bb.

Im sorry if someone else did upset you. But I hope you have learned something from this tho. Don’t bring your anger to the next in line

Ofc I will talk to him, and if he called you a cakeface… I apologise for that. But im sure you will agree…I was NOT impolite.

As for whether or not im on your ignorelist now… well… its ok for keeping me there now. I can live with it. But I cannot accept to be called names.

Straef said:
No no no!!! Wrong! You're meant to tell her to whine more or something alike, this will never turn out as a fun thread this way

Come over and sit on Mom’s lap Staffy…. I have a better story …but only for you to hear

Andrilyn said:
It all depends on the situation really, though I am sure nearly all Clerics (atleast the ones I've seen as of late) try to rez if possible.
If someone puts you on his/her ignore list it personally doesn't bother me if someone does that to me as mostly it's a person who I never want to talk to anyway, Hope you got it all worked out though

Ohh… we have meet ;)

Topic here is not the filter…. Its more behaviour.

Im an officer in Knights of The Round Table, and I know for sure that we would never leave someone behind if we were on a Guild-hunt! We just don’t do that. I would be shameful to run as a guildgrp ( representing the hole guild) with that attitude.


Part of the furniture
May 20, 2004
Here ya go Straef, here's your fun :p

RoshiaPendard said:
...You were apparently there as a duo, and you buddy was giving me grief, calling me bad names etc, he said I didn't answer him and in the stress of it all...

Being very upset over him, I assumed you were both more or less the same kind of person and therefore, not to disturb my mood or my rvr anymore I put you both on ignore.

I'm sorry if you got offended, although at the time and in that situation I felt that was what I had to do.

Oki doki Rosh <smiles>
Could you plz paste your chat log in here?
Being an Officer of Knights 0f The Round Table I know how important it is with evidence when talking about stuff like this.
I wrote to Rosh: Do you mind rezzing Rickie? She's a cleric.
I then waited a bit... then saw either her or their pally (Aye, they even had a pally) rezz another cleric and then they ran off.
And yea I know you were in a fight but u never replied, so when you just ran off, I admit, I called you a cakeface, sorry... I had a very bad day, and being ignored by 2 clerics and a pally didn't make it any better.
But look at it like this :)
Cakeface: Cake (sweet) face... sweet face? :fluffle:

And for Cedrik... don't judge before u've seen the log really... or atleast screenshots... that's wouldn't be fair! And I've only really had good experience with Stigmata, they seem like a nice guild. Let's not ruin my impression ;)

Good luck and safe travels


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
Please. Is this a joke? Why do you really take the time to whine on FH because someone didn't rezz you and ignore you. They should really start a QQ forum on FH, perhaps a moderator can fix that? And btw, it isn't violating any rule not rezzing and putting you on ignore for no reason.

But yeah, you said you were a noob and I really think that saying that you are a mom and think that it makes you a different person makes you a noob, irl.


Can't get enough of FH
May 23, 2004
Misleath said:
Please. Is this a joke? Why do you really take the time to whine on FH because someone didn't rezz you and ignore you. They should really start a QQ forum on FH, perhaps a moderator can fix that? And btw, it isn't violating any rule not rezzing and putting you on ignore for no reason.

But yeah, you said you were a noob and I really think that saying that you are a mom and think that it makes you a different person makes you a noob, irl.

Pleas read the thread befor posting m8. Im NOT whining about not getting rezz..!

As for being a n00b.. well i am....but being a mom sure dident make me one. I see lots of fathers play in here, and hold on... dont tell anyone ... im not the only mom in here! I even play with a grandmom from time to time :kissit: Who is the real n00b here....? The one thinking that this is a men exclusive-game?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
It wasn't about gender. I think its the same thing to say that you are a noob because you are a father.

Atleast it is good you realise that you are a noob, and it can't be that hard to understand that you get ignored for whining after not getting a rezz.


One of Freddy's beloved
Mar 19, 2004
RoshiaPendard isnt a bad girl, sometimes you just get in groups with crap people who runs off regardless if you say you need to rez.


Can't get enough of FH
May 23, 2004
Misleath said:
It wasn't about gender. I think its the same thing to say that you are a noob because you are a father.

Atleast it is good you realise that you are a noob, and it can't be that hard to understand that you get ignored for whining after not getting a rezz.

I'll put you on my ignore. :kissit: Im sooo evul.

You still havent understood anything


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 18, 2004
Roshia is a nice person methink - this game isnt about beign noob or not!
Its more about having fun ?! :cheer:


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Rickie said:
Come over and sit on Mom’s lap Staffy…. I have a better story …but only for you to hear
:eek2: !! \o/

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