A Geersha prophecy - help break the code!



he hasn't finished it all either

but very good anyway

, will update my piece then :)

From the deepest and most sacred bowels of the earth, up to the world above
burnt every day by the fire in the sky, she gave us weapons forged against the upright people, and every night all stomachs are filled with the flesh of our enemies.

With your first arrival , you brought us your strength, and united our banners under your command. We worshipped your avatar after the first trial.

With your second arrival, you brought us your vengeance, and freed our people oppressed by the offspring of the usurper. Praised be the black hand of vengeance of your Daughter, body of your spirit, who has made the blood of the throne-stealers flow!"

Cap'n Sissyfoo

It all looks good apart from 'whatever'. It just doesn't fit with the rest of the message. :p


Framh thah dapast andash mast sacradash bawals afah thah arth
(From the depest and most sacred bowels of the earth)

apash tah thah warldash abavah barntash avarah dash bah thah farash anah thah skash
(up to the world above burnt every day by the fire in the sky)

yah gagash ash wathatash falagah agastash thah apraghtash paplah,
(you gave us Weapons forged against the upright people)

andash avarah naghtah arash stamachs arah falladash wath thah flash afah arash anamash.
(and every night our stomachs are filled with the flesh of our enemy)

Wath yarash farstah arravalash, yah braghtah ash yarash strangthah,
(With your first arrival, your brought us your strength)

andash anatah arash bannarsah andarah yarash cammandah.
(and United our banners under your command.)

Wah warshappadash yarash avatarah madash afah thah farstah traalah.
(we worshipped your avatar made of the first tree)

Wath yarash sacandah arravalash, yah braghtah ash yarash vangaancah
(with your second arrival you brought us your vengeance)

andash fradah arash paplah apprassadash bah thah affsprangash afah thah asarparah
(and freed our people oppressed by the offspring of the Usurper)

Prasadah bash thah blackash handah afah vangaancah afah yarash daghtarah
(Praised be the blackened hand of vengeance of your daughter)

badash afah yarash sparatah
(body of your spirit)

whach hash madah thah bladash afah thah thranash stalarash flawah !
(which has made the blood of the throne stealers flow)

that should cover it ;)
only took 45 minutes too ;)


wathate falage

weapons forged


sorted now

Cap'n Sissyfoo

So...when do we get our prize? :p

~goes off to have a celebratory beer and neuter a pregnent 12 year old~


I still think

apagahst=upright is wrong... sounds "bad" but I can´t think of anything better, excpet maybe if they mean upright in a sense of righteous..


yeah, in the righteous way I guess it makes sense

or, upright could mean walking on 2 feet, rather than 4?


Well considering the geershas mortal enemies are the people of albion and they are hunched so they look like they walk on all fours i can say, that must be why.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Aren't Geershas hunched? Guess it refers to the fact that humans tend to walk 'upright' as opposed to hunched over.

/edit curse you, Sharma. :p

Cap'n Sissyfoo

I was correcting your point about 'walking on four'. They walk on two but drag their knuckles. :p




Originally posted by Addlcove
I still think

apagahst=upright is wrong... sounds "bad" but I can´t think of anything better, excpet maybe if they mean upright in a sense of righteous..

apagahst = Up against?


what timing!

I just finished my coursework assignment for Uni :)

up nice and early to hand it tommoro, and I have all day to myself

doing this actually made me redo certain parts of my paper.... good stuff :D

Cap'n Sissyfoo

What are you studying at Bournemouth Uni? :-s


Business IT

the assignment was how the course we're doing relates to the needs of industry

5% research on course, 5% researc on industry, 100% bullshit.

Can't go wrong :)


but what does it mean? Are we still gonna have to face the 2nd arrival? As its a prophecy, it would be quite pointless if it was all history now. So I guess there will be more fights against the geersha's?


me stuff again

btw don't think too hard, some parts of the words can be removed. Basically i used Meriam-Webster to translate the odd words. it generally gives the words closest to what they should mean, mostly a list of 5-10 words that look like it, thrust me it's easier then susspected ^^

oh and upright: UPRIGHT implies a strict adherence to moral principles. In other words the brave albs with their Pallies and Clerics etc.

But basically, the whole story is a summary of the event which started in the summer, nothing new about it ^^


where do we send the cracked message?.....

Framh thah dapast andash mast sacradash bawals afah thah arth, apash tah thah warldash abavah barntash avarah dash bah thah farash anah thah skash, yah gagash ash wathatash falagah agastash thah apraghtash paplah, andash avarah naghtah arash stamachs arah falladash wath thah flash afah arash anamash.

Wath yarash farstah arravalash, yah braghtah ash yarash strangthah, andash anatah arash bannarsah andarah yarash cammandah, Wah warshappadash yarash avatarah madash afah thah farstah traalah.

Wath yarash sacandah arravalash, yah braghtah ash yarash vangaancah, andash fradah arash paplah apprassadash bah thah affsprangash afah thah asarparah.

Prasadah bash thah blackash handah afah vangaancah afah yarash daghtarah, badash afah yarash sparatah whach hash madah thah bladash afah thah thranash stalarash flawah !

From the depest and most sacred bowels of the earth
up to the world above burnt every day by the fire in the sky
you gave us Weapons forged against the upright people
and every night our stomachs are filled with the flesh of our enemy

With your first arrival, your brought us your strength
and United our banners under your command.
we worshipped your avatar made of the first tree

with your second arrival you brought us your vengeance
and freed our people oppressed by the offspring of the Usurper

Praised be the blackened hand of vengeance of your daughter
body of your spirit which has made the blood of the throne stealers flow


I agree, i demand Phat Lewt, 20p/pp would suffice ^^ or some sort of fluffy item, like Geersha Dictionairy orso ^^


Nah would take too much time, a plaque with a clicky on it which lists the names of us ubah translators ^^ Big plaque though, lets say the wall of the church in camelot size, or just on the round table tbh :p


reading graknaks makes me think:

"Worshipped her avatar after the first trial"

but was there not some wacky tree-thingie in the hib keep on the island?


As i said, mine was partial ^^ and i couldn't remember half what was going one with all the "Gifv me event weapons!!!@2221@!!" spam ><


wathate falage

weapons forged

Can somone explain the translation here please? Or is it a total guess :D

And the tree/trial translation....can understand traalah having the aa changed to ee since quite alot of the words ending in ah have the vowels changed around however I don't see another instance of ah meaning that a letter is dropped.....unless it is just for pronunciation then the extra L is abit too surplus for my tastes and so the reason that I first read it as trial. Trouble is that tree does make abit more sense...

Brannor McThife

Ahahaha... just saw this thread... ahahaha...Geersha STILL around... what's that? something like 18 months after they first appeared?


Talk about drawn out events... :rolleyes:

<pokes a stick at teh Monkhays through the cage and runs away>



Originally posted by Marwolaeth
wathate falage

weapons forged

Can somone explain the translation here please? Or is it a total guess :D

And the tree/trial translation....can understand traalah having the aa changed to ee since quite alot of the words ending in ah have the vowels changed around however I don't see another instance of ah meaning that a letter is dropped.....unless it is just for pronunciation then the extra L is abit too surplus for my tastes and so the reason that I first read it as trial. Trouble is that tree does make abit more sense...

it´s a question about comming up with a likely match that will make sense in the english translation, apaghast and upright isn´t exactly alike either.

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