Uncle Sick(tm)
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- #91
Originally posted by old.Turamber
Oh my goodness, what a long thread this turned out to be me - and more twists and turns than a Hitchcock film!
If I had known how to report the character name "Jehovah Witless" then I would have done so. To millions of people throughout the planet the use of the Divine name in a game is very offensive indeed. To add the surname "Witless" and thus have a pop at one of the largest Christian movements/sects is also bad.
Sure, to atheists it seems daft that people get upset about such things -- but please accept that we do get upset about such matters, and respect us, in the same way that we have respect for your atheism, even though it also seems nonsensical to us.
It seems daft? I would like to top that statement by saying it is utterly ludicrous.
Having a go at christianity?
Are we aiming the Big Bertha at mosquitos here?
For Christ's (oho... ban me, please) sake - it was not like Tyraette called the toon Jesus CornholesSaintJohn, was it?
THAT would have been offensive.
I give a shit about religious feelings... day after day the belief in some wooloo wooloo supreme creature causes enough grief for three planets. Perhaps your belief offends 'faithful' atheists? Ever thought about it?
Jehovas Witless... is this blasphemous?
This surely depends on just how tight arsed you are... or how tolerant.
Go ahead and get "Life of Brian", Brannor, and report the whole Monty Python troupe to the Vatican for they truly offend THEIR CoC.
Names... what are names? Smoke in the wind. If someone has a stupid name- I am going to ignore the person. That's how I do it. If the name is REALLY offensive, go ahead report it.
Did you report Geforce on Pryd/Alb? He is using a brandname, isn't he?
I met a RandAlThor during my time on Alb. "Wheel of Time" anyone? Go- report him or Jordan might sue GOA!!! Shock horror!
Tell Big K. before it's too late...
Get a life or at least a fucking grip on yourself...