A Debate for the Templars



Morning All

For the last several weeks, I have been having an internal argument with myself about the Templars, and their recruitment policies. Yesterday, I had a luvverly conversation with one of their members, Ehlias, on the same topic, and now wish to ask the question to you all.

One of the things that the Templars adhere to, is the use of 'sensible' names. For example, a name such as Autius Glitterblade would be acceptable, as this is within keeping to a role within the game. A name such as Smokemeakipperillbe Backforbreakfast (and yes the name does exist - is there a longer one on the server?) would obviously not be in keeping with a specific role, and would most likely be rejected.

All of my characters tend now to have their own personality, and more often than not, when I play them, I feel myself slipping into the mentality of that character when dealing with other people. For example, Caessa is pure woman, she comes across as agressive, hardened to the outside world (due to lack of groups usually), but she tends to have a soft spot for certain people, and had to pursue the affections of Autius for many a moon, trying desperately hard to avoid flirting with others in his presence. Its a persona that has developed over many months, and I often feel genuinely sad that I sent her on holiday til scouts get decrapified.

My latest and new main character is called Shaeffer Shex. At the time, I just gave the surname following a long joke at my name in guild chat. How would the Templars view this name? In the same way as Caessa (and indeed Jehovah, but then she's just plain fanatical) Shaeffer is starting to develop his own personality now. In several dealings I've had with people, Shaeffer is starting to turn into a bit of a ladies man, using his dangerous exploits, songs, and anything else he can possibly come up with to flirt with as many members of the female race as is humanly possible.

The name Shaeffer Shex is just a name, and a surname as far as i am concerned. Indeed, whenever anyone has queried it, I have even used it to my advantage, by saying that I always suspected that my parents didnt want me, but I never found any proof....

Since the name is in keeping with my character, and indeed the two names taken separatly are perfectly acceptable, would there be an issue with the Templars if I wished to apply to them in the future?

Before the Wombles get the wrong idea, this is not the same as me saying ' I wanna join the Templars, cani can i can i?' This is just an interesting debate as to the possibilty of it.

Any comments would be appreciated, just keen to find out how they would view it. Were the name in any way not in keeping with the realm, then I would definitely agree that it would not be suitable...but a 'proper' name that also happens to raise a smile, and is in keeping with the char I am trying to progress....how is this considered?

See you all later,


personally I dont see anything wrong with the name but then again

1. I am not a templar just a roleplayer
2. english is not my first language so I might miss the joke (unless the idea is it should say Safer Sex, in which case its not even funny ;))
3. if they ont want ya, the wont get anything to drink at The Stone while I am serving :p (that was a joke, better let them know or someone might be offended :))


i rp now and then with Myshra is there are any templars in group / events, but it looks kinda wierd if i do with Suzanne charlton (weather girl) Suzie Quattro (you must know who she is) or my soon to be surnamed Dixie Normous from austin powers 3.


Not a Templar (anymore) but if I had been handling your recruiting interview, and had found out your full name, then I would have turned you down.

A (bad) pun on 'Safer Sex' is not a roleplay name, even if you roleplay the character.

A few fellows who were recruited into the Templars have either been shown the door over their name, or given an ultimatum to change their name. So Vince changed his surname from "Muppetman" to something more roleplay :) but Shoo Salesman was given the boot ;)

Not sure what happened to the fellow who's name was a phonetic spelling of "Huge Erection". Last thing I heard he was still in the Order but threatening to leave 'cos no one had a sense of humour and kept giving him a hard time over his name. But that hard time, as far as I am aware, did not include being thrown out for having a disgraceful (let alone not roleplay) name.

One last thing -- must say I find the name of "Jehovah Witless" to be in bad taste. Religion and politics should be left out of games, particularly when taking the pee. Have been meaning to tell you before but I thought you were just another nutcase :p


Guilds joining policies are there own business, unless of course they break the CoC due to racism etc.

I have no problem at all with guilds refusing people based on their names, and I can speak as someone with wierd names : Fattus Gittius (armsman), Blakken Whyte (minstrel), Gluttenfer Punishment (cabalist) and Enoch Eulation (cleric).
I knew that my names weren't likely to be acceptable by most guilds, but that was my choice :)

If you wanted to join a guild that has an entry policy that you do not meet the requirements of, you could try getting to know the guild (and vice versa). I doubt my names fit Lamh Dhearg's naming policy, but I became very good friends with a lot of the guild before I even thought of leaving my previous guild.


Must say I agree with Fattus in that a guilds naming policies are their own, I wasnt trying to force the issue in any way at all. At this exact moment in time I am a Dark Womble, and pleased to be one.

My aim with this post was to merely to explore a possible grey area, and to see what peoples views are on them. To be perfectly honest with you, I was expecting a response similar to that of Turambers, and have no qualms with it. My own personal opinion on it is that although Shaeffer Shex and Blakken Whyte are deliberate in their construction, in terms of actual names that parents would give their children, it is a feasible name with which to roleplay. This is where the grey are lies I think, in that it is acceptable on one level, whilst being unacceptable on another. Whyte and Shex are valid surnames for roleplay (Although if I had Shaeffer Sex I would definitely have no case) , Shaeffer and Blakken would be acceptable first names for roleplay. Using the examples Turamber gave, Vince would be valid, Muppetman would not. Shoo, and Salesman....not even someone with my weird sense of imagination could get away with explaining that one away :)

For the record, you said that Vince changed his surname....how did he go about doing that? I was always under the impression that this was a permanent thing? Should the situation ever change, and I wish to indulge my evil likkle imagination by furthering Shaeffers roleplaying aspects with the Templars <or indeed any other rp guild, although I know not of too many others> I will change the name to prevent any difficulties.

Anyhoo, I'm here to have my mind changed, exchange of views and whatnot, thats what this luvverly forum is here for , so do your worst :flame:

Oh before I forget, with regards to the whole Jehovah issue, the majority of people I've met have taken it the way it was intended, but I have had just 2 people take offense to it. It was a spur of the moment decision to use it, had been debating on it for possible backlash, but I'd just come off the back of a few naughty people repeatedly killstealing, so I wasnt in the most considerate of moods.

As it happens, Jehovah is no longer in active service, and probably wont be back anytime soon. If it is possible to change the surname, it will be removed, and y'all might be in for a little extra ressing. The whole sermon idea of soapboxing will remain however, as all responses Ive had to that have been positive.

My apologies to those it caused offence to, was nothing but harmless fun, which is what the vast majority of people have taken it as.


Originally posted by old.Tyraette
For the record, you said that Vince changed his surname....how did he go about doing that? I was always under the impression that this was a permanent thing?

Report yourself to RightNow, or ask someone to report you.
I also have a vague memory of us being able to switch surname once, at the Name Registrar, but since I have not regreted my name yet I have not tried it.
Regarding your original question, I believe Turamber pinned it down pretty good. A name such as that would with 99% certainty be refused (depends on if the recruiter is having severe hangover or not and miss the pun ;)).
I think it is good that we apply a naming policy, despite it sometimes feels less-than-good to say 'no' to someone due to their name. Especially if they throw some outstanding roleplaying in your face when they ask to join, but that is life I guess.


............ although muppetman really does suit him ;)


I will certainly try it if I aim to head to the Templars at some stage in the future.

Good to get a few replies better than.. 'No, dont like name, sod off' :)

which is always good

As said, I completely expected the response I got, and am not gonna get on the high horse about it <vertigo donchano>

Purely out of interest however, although I accept that mine would be refused for a punne <or play on words>, would Blakken be refused under the same measure? Irrelevant of the player, just on the sole basis of the name?

Just curious ;)


Originally posted by old.Tyraette
would Blakken be refused under the same measure? Irrelevant of the player, just on the sole basis of the name?

Just curious ;) [/B]

If they heard the whole name ? Yes. If they heard only the first name they would probably be invited. What happens after that would appear to depend on chance and unforeseen occurence. Though I would bet on a 'name change or out' ultimatum.


Second names are a bugger. We used to forget to ask people about second names, which is why we found that we had Shoo Salesman, Hugh Eghrection and Karma Kameleon in the Guild.

I personally always feel bad when telling someone they can't join because of their name. But it's so incredibly hard to maintain any sort of immersive roleplay in DAoC that such a name would be the final straw. It's not black and white though. When someone is a very good roleplayer, they'll get away with a dodgy name longer than if they're not. Hugh and Karma, for example, are very nice blokes, and Hugh was a fantastic mad friar. But picture a bunch of roleplayers (yeah yeah, I know we're all wierd) trying to have some serious immersive chat down The Stone, and in walks "Safe Sex" ! We've more or less managed to develop the ability to screen out the - ahem - less than pure roleplay names which abound in Albion, but having to interact with one seriously in your own Guild is just the straw which breaks the camel's back. We have, however, now started to ask people's second names as a matter of routine.

But yes, some people, however politely we decline their interest, seem unable to differentiate between us not liking their name and not liking them as a person. There are quite a few people in Camelot who I like a great deal but whose name would never be acceptable to the Order. It's never personal, just roleplay.

old.Gombur Glodson

pardon me for somewhat ruining the seriousness but some of those names are quit funny :D
But I cant see how they dont fit in roleplaying


Three words

Suspension of Disbelief...

Level 50 Infiltrator
Order of The Knights Templar



now i have that out the system...

so whats his sirname now? and i do miss you templar guys, probably would have joined you if i hadn't shrunk developed cat like features and been wizzed off to hib by a mystical force<probably someone answering nala's prayers>

I can understand why names must not be too much of a joke within an rp guild. But by the same note, would my minstrel named cher have been allowed into templars? since its obviously a character based on the pop queen cher herself.

And how about nala lionne..... if u hadn't guessed she named herself due to the film the lion king with its main female character being a lion called nala.

just some more questions to throw into the melee


Not being a big fan of the Lion King, I can't say I'd noticed. Also - call me unobservant - but Cher had passed me by too (mind you, Cher was never in the Guild so I didn't look too closely).

As I say, it's not black and white. Only a tiny proportion of names in Camelot are even remotely "authentic". My own is Anglo-Saxon, who were of course more likely to be the Mids that Arthur was fighting against than members of his own army. But it's all about atmosphere. Some names are not even vaguely dark ages, but they're just names, and so as long as their owners roleplay, we have no problem. A good rule of thumb is that if the first name and surname are arranged to create a humourous phrase or sentence, or if the name is a currently famous personality or brand, then we'd point the applicant in the direction of another Guild with our best wishes. A good example is Pyrrhic, who is one of our members. As just "Pyrrhic" she's fine, it's just a name. If she'd taken the surname "Victory" then that would have been unacceptable to us.

Bottom line is that each name is considered on its own merits, and a consensus reached. Some are easier to decide on than others.

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by old.Tyraette
For the record, you said that Vince changed his surname....how did he go about doing that? I was always under the impression that this was a permanent thing?
It can be changed by the GM's /CSR's at present, and later by yourself (some or other patch).

Oh before I forget, with regards to the whole Jehovah issue, the majority of people I've met have taken it the way it was intended, but I have had just 2 people take offense to it. It was a spur of the moment decision to use it, had been debating on it for possible backlash, but I'd just come off the back of a few naughty people repeatedly killstealing, so I wasnt in the most considerate of moods.

As it happens, Jehovah is no longer in active service, and probably wont be back anytime soon. If it is possible to change the surname, it will be removed, and y'all might be in for a little extra ressing. The whole sermon idea of soapboxing will remain however, as all responses Ive had to that have been positive.

My apologies to those it caused offence to, was nothing but harmless fun, which is what the vast majority of people have taken it as.
Don't worry. I'll be reporting it as religiously provocative and the name should be changed completed. I am not a Jehovah's Witness, and I understand you saying there was no intent, but in the end, it's mocking another religion, irrespective of intent.

On RP names, well, I've pretty much kept every single name I have, except for one, Spik, ( Of Spik 'n Span Inc. ;) My wittle Kobbie runie.) within RP.

Everyday I add names to the list of "bad" names. I must say I like the Womble who took the SmiteTheEnemyWithCunningPhrases or something like that quite amusing, as it's from a Terry Pratchett book. I've seen some really sad names...and constantly shake my head while running around Albion and Midgard on Prydwen.


old.Gombur Glodson

you do see a lot of Discworld names out there but that just adds to the scenarie and remind you how good the books are :)
When are they making the discworld mmorpg? :)

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
When are they making the discworld mmorpg? :)
There's a Discworld MUD. Great fun, that old codger, the legendary fighter (bah...names on the... AHA!) Cohen the Barbarian is the fighter trainer. Great, great fun. You get to run around Ankh-Morpork and die a lot to rats. :D

It's one of the more complex MUDs as I found it hard to get started, but once you get going, it's great fun. Problem with a Discworld MMORPG is that it'll need a LOT of interactive AI. Would be really fun. ;)



hmmm so i take it the names "Hugh Jaas", "Amanda Hugandkiss" and "Elee Phantitis" wouldnt b acceptable then?

Brannor McThife

Tieris, ask yourself this. What point in history (mythology) are we dealing with? Sure the names are "witty" or "worth a laugh", but this is a midieval game. And my view is that here, your name should be suitable to the time. I personally choose not to party with people with unsuitable names. Disapprove of this statement if you wish, but I don't perceive people with stupid names as people to be taken seriously, so if, Amanda Hugankis (Thanks Bart) asked for a rez or yelled for help...I'd pretty much shake my head, rez them, and henceforth ignore them. That's just personal choice though, and nothing personal. ;) Hey, in AO or SW:G, go ahead, name yourself what you want.


old.Gombur Glodson

Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Hey, in AO or SW:G, go ahead, name yourself what you want.


Luke M4dl33tJedisk11lzpwnzj004ll or something like that :p


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Tieris, ask yourself this. What point in history (mythology) are we dealing with? Sure the names are "witty" or "worth a laugh", but this is a midieval game. And my view is that here, your name should be suitable to the time. I personally choose not to party with people with unsuitable names. Disapprove of this statement if you wish, but I don't perceive people with stupid names as people to be taken seriously, so if, Amanda Hugankis (Thanks Bart) asked for a rez or yelled for help...I'd pretty much shake my head, rez them, and henceforth ignore them. That's just personal choice though, and nothing personal. ;) Hey, in AO or SW:G, go ahead, name yourself what you want.


So you continue to group with like minded snobs, while 'ignoring' people who probably have a good soh and are in the game for fun? (I have grouped with RPers and people with daft names, I met idiots from both groups of players)

Seriously, I think this issue is futile tbh. If you have an RP(ish) guild that has naming policies, fine. But to exclude or ignore people because they have a different gaming ideology to you outside of a guild structure seems a bit bloody minded to me. And Glauthrong is a 'medieval' name is it ? and Brannor McThife ? Language today in Europe has been so bastardised over the centuries, its impossible to determine what would be a real medieval name. The context of 'realistic' and fitting names is purely personal. Although it is a game with an essentially medieval setting, it has Kobolds that can cast blue bolts of death out of their fingertips, so I don't think we should get to bogged down with realism :p

Bottom line is guilds can use any criteria they see fit (inside the CoC) when recruiting. But not to group with someone because of their name ? Sheesh.....get real.

RP snobs, as bad as the 1337 kiddies imho.


that is not snobbish, that is being careful <smile>

ANYONE that in the lack for comming up with a good name takes
R0x0j00n00bi3s (seen that one on excalibur) instead of using the name generator is in my opinion not even worthy of a res, I am a hardcore roleplayer (90% of the time) and I won´t group with people who´s name I found unserios, my choice, my loss if they are good people....

oh and in case you meet an idiot thats roleplaying do a

/t xxxx [ooc] are you in character right now?

if they say no contact their guild leader and complain <smile>


Originally posted by old.chesnor

So you continue to group with like minded snobs, while 'ignoring' people who probably have a good soh and are in the game for fun? (I have grouped with RPers and people with daft names, I met idiots from both groups of players)

Seriously, I think this issue is futile tbh. If you have an RP(ish) guild that has naming policies, fine. But to exclude or ignore people because they have a different gaming ideology to you outside of a guild structure seems a bit bloody minded to me. And Glauthrong is a 'medieval' name is it ? and Brannor McThife ? Language today in Europe has been so bastardised over the centuries, its impossible to determine what would be a real medieval name. The context of 'realistic' and fitting names is purely personal. Although it is a game with an essentially medieval setting, it has Kobolds that can cast blue bolts of death out of their fingertips, so I don't think we should get to bogged down with realism :p

Bottom line is guilds can use any criteria they see fit (inside the CoC) when recruiting. But not to group with someone because of their name ? Sheesh.....get real.

RP snobs, as bad as the 1337 kiddies imho.

agree with both Brannor and you Chesnor - it depends on what their name is like. I would not group with Iroxxorj00n00bs CuzImSol33t because I know I wouldn't enjoy myself with such a 'kid'. I don't have much in common with 12-year-olds, I dislike his attitude toward the 'game' (just because the choice of name yes) and I have no respect for him nor would I ever get any.

Names like <thinks about the thousands of names not offensive but not roleplaying either> Shadowblood (hi!), Firestarter or Hugandkiss would not strike me as offensive, although I might disagree that those names are very respectful toward the roleplayers. These people I would group with, chat with and so on but I don't love their choice of name because of that :) I won't judge these people (like the above example) but instead just ignore their choice of name, and play along.

For the record. I'm a semi-roleplayer - if someone roleplays when grouped with me (or just meets me anywhere) I will gladly roleplay. If I end up in a group with just non-roleplayers (more common) I will probably choose not to roleplay at all, as I only get upset by all disrespectful comments roleplaying get you from some people.


ok how about "Balan Sing"?? a good name 4 a minstrel yet funny <well imo> :)

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by old.ondor
role play is for nerds

...and names like "Kissmyaxe togetmybuffs" are for gimps. :puke:


old.Gombur Glodson

Originally posted by old.ondor
role play is for nerds

then why are you playing an rpg? go back to CS please


Kissmyaxe togetmybuffs

This name makes no sense. Healers can't use axes, unless of course the 'axe' is a witty replacement for 'arse', which ironically happens to be what you are.

And if you had any idea about Healers, you would realise that Healer buffs (unless you are a gimped Healer) are not very good (except one) and I doubt you have the intelligence to realise which one it is.

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