a conversation with "a stranger"



At entrance to camp. forest, from p(l)ains, there is a little ghost, neutral, not talking but something like that the ghost tried to talk to me.. like he missed something. Hmm

I remember Baldurs Gate 2, with that little Ghost missing his Teddy :).


that ghost is the quest u get at the sergant grueber at bridge=)

Growler or sumtin


Ball Lightning, new mob

I was just missing abit to lvl to 44, so I went to solo the easy Clerks ( con blue), when all of a sudden that house is continously hit by lightning....The Danaoin Clerks transforms into Danaoin Soldiers and leutenants. Theses conned purple at lvl 43....There is more...

I did a F8 like 10 times and got a mob called Unnatural Storm, so I used /stick and found out that it was ball lightning rolling on the floor...it was aggresive towards me..and I died.

The lightning started about midnight (in-game time). I wonder if this is just another drop mob, or if it has something to do with the yet, unknown invading enemy force........


Re: Ball Lightning, new mob

Originally posted by old.Galieran
I was just missing abit to lvl to 44, so I went to solo the easy Clerks ( con blue), when all of a sudden that house is continously hit by lightning....The Danaoin Clerks transforms into Danaoin Soldiers and leutenants. Theses conned purple at lvl 43....There is more...

I did a F8 like 10 times and got a mob called Unnatural Storm, so I used /stick and found out that it was ball lightning rolling on the floor...it was aggresive towards me..and I died.

The lightning started about midnight (in-game time). I wonder if this is just another drop mob, or if it has something to do with the yet, unknown invading enemy force........

Read upwards..

It's the storm.
The ball isn't at the floor, but in the heaven - try look up, and target where the lightning come from.

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