a conversation with "a stranger"



"a stranger" is a neutral mob played by GameMasters from GoA. U may have read about them - some in mid, and some in hib.

This time they have come to ALB!

When walking from Lyo towards Cornwall station (for arrows) i met a little grey alb talk to a green-con "a stranger"-mob.

I went close, but he got scared and ran - first backed off a bit, and ran quickly. I couldn't catch up with him.

Then when refilling arrows i went back. Thoughout the forrest near Cornwall station (lots of trees there), and saw a grey alb-scout talk to him.

I stealthed and went closely.
He kept asking about: Do you know a knight without honour?
The scout asked him questions - and he ansawed. They talked about the alliance of albion. "Albion united".. About how many ppl in it. etc.

When the convesation went dead, i said: Sir...

And unstealthed.

He said: AGH!.. and ran.

I ran after him, and he yelled: Go away from me!

I got close to him, and ensured i wouldn't hurt him.
Afterwards i told him that i didn't knew much about a Knight without honour - but i would ask the "alliance" and talk to him again.

He ended the conversation with: I will seek u again, if i ever return to these lands.

And /bow, and i /curt.

- He thanked for being nice :).

Anyone know anything about this Knight Without Honour?

He doesn't know his name, but he is just knowned as the knight without honour.

Where is he? - And what has he done?


event event! :clap:

Ive seen tons of these new NPCs all around midgard, and on Gorre there were some werewolfs attacking vindsaul faste (yggdra borderkeep) and actually killing the guards there.. sounds very much like some event testing also.. I unfortunately didnt see it with my own eyes, I was deep deep down in vanern doing my epics..

btw lots of these new npcs, never had to go to one of them for my epic.. so if not almost all, atleast most of them, are bound to some sort of event I think... exciting :)


i got 48 screeny of conversation 78 megabyte


trying to get sub to help me convert the pictures - and he can post them for me. :)

Send me ingame, if u got questions. - Name is cowled.

Hit ^_^

i heard about the wearwolf(s) threting to attack ppl in
mid/prywden. but when they finnaly attack they were killed by
ordonary players there. dunno much about it tho.

my bro talked to a "stranger" in mid/prywden too. but i think that one was a Npc. tho as it dident say to much.


i admit , i am the Knight without Honour



My first thought was Karam, but is he really a knight?


Cowled ... try pressing 'L' next time and log the conversation, saves a hell of a lot of space :)

Besides that: Good post, interesting.


I know - but didn't know if i he just ran away .. or something..

but yea.. would be nice :(



We have solved it..

He talked about "What is the biggest power of albion"
and afterwards: "How is cornwall, any danger?"

It's the dragon he's talking about!.. GRR

But how he connect Dragon and Knight without honour - no idear.

But it's the dragon for sure!



Dragon, Knight, Dragon Knights? Bah, no idea really


wooh, really very interessting...

u see he was very happy the knights of the round table where mentioned when he starts speaking about knights..he said yes, very good.

my first thought was: a knight without honor from the round table, must be eather lancelot (as he fell in love with king arthors wife) or mordred, the foe of arthor (think he was a roundtableknight as well before??? not sure...)

i ve never seen a sign of lancelot in this game, but...this other guy...so maybe our beloved "parrying as hell" epic mob in LB has something to do with it as well.

just a thought.

damn cowled, im really jealous you experienced a nice kind of event there.:clap:


How do you figure it's Golestand?

From what I can see it's a knight who has turned his back on his realm. I can't see how the dragon is a knight. Perhaps this knight without honor is yet to come. Or perhaps he is quite new and we must search him out. And if he was talking to such a low lvl person of this then perhaps the knight is in hiding ina lower lvl area?


Originally posted by --Eraser--
wooh, really very interessting...
or mordred, the foe of arthor (think he was a roundtableknight as well before??? not sure...)

mordred = son of morgona and arther (morgona used magic to pose as guinivere to become pregnant with mordred ) mordred also killed arther :) and percival returned excaliber to the lady of the lake. also lancelot does turn back on realm (he abandons the knights and goes AWOL) BUT returns in the final fight to help arthor defeat morgona


Might know of dishonerable knight

Well yes i am a noob but thought i would bring a note to the table, ive been doing the inf epic quest and got the thought, when i read this, that it might be sir Bors who is the dishonerable knight.
to those of you that havent had the pleasure of the shadow guild epics, sir Bors is working against the new king, trying to put albion on a more agressive standing instead of the current defensive one. Well working against the king sounds dishonerable, sir bors is a knight and well they kind of give the impression that he weilds a fair bit of power behind the scenes in albion.

Well my two cents.


He talks alot about Cornwall and the surrounding areas - im taking a little walk around to c if i can find this knight.

But remember: Maybe this knight is non-NPC?

Anyway - if u see him, and u are highlvl - don't go near, he is scared like hell. I was lvl 49 at that point, when he was green-con.


Re: Might know of dishonerable knight

Originally posted by grebneklaf
to those of you that havent had the pleasure of the shadow guild epics, sir Bors is working against the new king, trying to put albion on a more agressive standing instead of the current defensive one. Well working against the king sounds dishonerable, sir bors is a knight and well they kind of give the impression that he weilds a fair bit of power behind the scenes in albion.

He was talking to a scout = he might have done the shadow guild epics.

Where to find this guy?

I havn't done my epics :).. Ups


FYI : Scouts do the Lady of the Lake quests, not the shadow guild epics.....


Could it be the npc who wanders around the pennines/HW with his horse?


Hit ^_^

dont think its mordred or dragon is involved that whould only screw the story up after the event is finished.


Not a bad suggestion Calvin, Gwalmachai as is the mobs name is another name for Gawain, one of the foremost knights of the round table.

Then again he has been there since long before this event, having his own faction opposing ellylls and seeming to serve no real purpose roaming outside Sursbrooke.


Ok gather information :)

Tell name of NPC and /loc, etc.

I'll run around and talk to them, and listen to what they tell.


"a stranger" said: I only know him as: The knight without honour <-- maybe that's his name?


Knight without Honour

I think I saw a/the Knight without honour yesterday in camelot.

I was looking around to buy the tools necessary to build siege equipment, I didn't know where to find the relevant merchants so I was looking in all buildings.

Not sure of the exact building I was in, I'll check again tonight. It I was on the 2nd floor of a building, in a small room with an Albion Scout, and and another NPC called Sir <Something or Other> The scout said something like .. 'Look at that knight, he has no honour, he fled from the frontiers leaving his men to die, he has no honour'. The Knight/Guard in the corner of the room also said something too about the horrible things he had seen.

I'm sorry I can't remember more details, but I must have right-clicked on about 30 NPC's in camelot yesterday looking for different stuff. :)

He was definitely a Knight without Honour though. Who knows if it's the right one.

I'll investigate a little tonight.

Happy Hunting



Are you sure it was a Sir and not a Albion Bordguard? That's of the 2nd or 3rd floor of one of the guard barracks in Camelot, just RPG background about scary RvR really AFAIK.


hmm yea definatly a gamesmaster controling the character coz they do that sometimes, but this is really interesting and definatly trying to give us a hint,,well the good news is it seems the event is commin closer :):):clap:

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