6 (or less) people in a tangler group



All Wedge's post boils down to is etiquette:-

- ask nicely
- reply politely
- accept response with grace

If the reasons turn out to be bull, and believe me as a scout I have been the victim of the lamest ever excuses when LFG, then remember the guys name for the next time he is LFG.

Best quote in this thread, oh I said it :)

Orm I think I may have been one of the guys who replied to you and turned you down, I certainly was n't group leader I was just taking the time to explain what we were doing. Personally I dont see why we have to have 8 in a group if things are working great with fewer.

I am concerned by the anti-Brethren tilt to a couple of posts on the basis of us occassionally enjoying small groups, which are by no means made up of exclusively Brethren members. We are n't unreasonable, just trying to have fun and xp at the same time.

No offence is ever intended, except from Pfy who clearly posted the funniest thing I have read in a long time earlier this thread. But hey, he specced a highlander thrust scout , so you can make your own judgements as to his sanity....


Well thank you for the piss on the others too... ;)

Although the group leader is the final 'decission' (since he has invite rights), you can bet your arse he wont invite people if the rest says he shouldnt... (And the other way around too)

Even I have been turned down by groups with a GUILDY as group leader... Simply because they didnt need a wizz(or armsman)... He cant helpt it either...

So I'm sorry that you got turned down... But to say it's 'pure' the Brethrens fault is BS too...

It's a game, lets just say I'll try to be a bit more group friendly...

(And Tranquil, I love Scouts/Infiltrators in my group :p number of times I died because a tank couldnt get agro :( )


Well, just try to understand my main point in all this... there is really nothing you can say to justify not letting a needing solo join a group of similar level if the group is "doing fine".
All this xp loss is pure BS, and using that for an excuse is pityfull.

If a small group is Powerlevling a low char I'll take it as a good excuse, or if the group really need a cleric or a crowd controller that's very understandable...

"doing fine" is NOT an acceptable excuse to use when people who have been running around tanglers for maybe hours not finding a group politely asks u for the small favour of accepting him into the group.

I will not change my mind on this issue, people acting this way goes straight into my "big pile of shit list".

And if you see me out there... remember, I'm NOT a main healer, my current 12 rejuv don't do much good... I'm a fighter damnit :)


Sorry you feel that way Orm, he says, whilst side stepping the "big pile of shit" deposited in front of him. I understand the frustration of LFG, having soloed most of the way from 39 to 41.

It is just fact that smaller groups tangling make heaps more xps than groups of 8, which is probably why they say they are "doing fine".

I don't expect we will ever agree, I just ask that this is n't extrapolated into a guild-grudge unnecessarily. I know I have n't.


Wizzys no good?????

Apperantly there must be to many 40+ ppl in Alb since I can´t get a good xping group at the tanglers with my Wizz (lvl 42), I´ve tried for several weeks now to get a good group so I can at least get to bloody 50 within this year...but no!!! It seems impossible for me to find a group..:(. So I´ve decided to take a break from DaoC or at least my wizz in the hope that I might, even though the chance seems slim to get a xping group, by the tanglers or trees I don´t really care any more.....:/

[Broken Swords]
Elvodus Firestorm
Firewizard lvl 42.1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Well, it's kind of funny, last time I saw 3 other fire-wizzies LFG, the first thing I did was message them all...

Whang bang, 10 mins later had an AE group...

On sunday, we couldnt find any CC, so instead of waisting time waiting for a group, we (me and another guildie) got several LFG people and started doing Priests of Arawn, those where too easy, so we went on to Greater Telamons and eventually ended doing Danaion Soldiers... (Very weird group formation, loads of infiltrators/scouts, etc)

Even a chain with 3 people (very close, but not too close, or you'll pull the entire house) at the pygmy house can be 'nice' xp (not good, but nice enough to spend some time, great for PL'ing other peeps)... (btw, 2 peeps cant start a chain, just so you know :p)

If 3 people at 40 are LFG, get them together to do a chain, chains suck with 8 people (at 40), but with 3 peeps at 40, 5-8M per pop... Doing them rather quick...

I want to point out, if you cant find a group, start one and do alternative mobs, instead of tanglers... Their really not the only place for XP... You just have to adjust your group a bit... (in size and/or member types)


Originally posted by old.Galerrard
No offence is ever intended, except from Pfy who clearly posted the funniest thing I have read in a long time earlier this thread. But hey, he specced a highlander thrust scout , so you can make your own judgements as to his sanity....

I try my best.

Anyhow, just to turn the scales on your argument Orm surely it's also 'selfish' to expect a group to hamper there own XP (not get as much as they would like to be making/could be making) because you/someone can't find another group.

Hey, fuck it. I'll log on tonight join a group of 6 doing trees and sit there afk, I'm sure they wont mind as I've been looking for a group for ages and surely they can't be THAT selfish to not let me leech/hamper their XP for no real benefit to them.

Perhaps if you can't get a group you should ask your guild for help? Surely they'll be only too obliging, or are they selfish too because they won't let you join a group/create one?

N.B All offensive remarks are intended for the specified recipient. This in no way reflects upon the recipients guild, friends family, pets etc (just to clarify things).

Pfy - The Diplomat


Originally posted by old.kedal

because ice wizards just doesnt exist.

hehe, well there is a reason to that. THEY SUCK!!!!

This game is about RvR and then you can't as a icewizard run into a group and start pbaoe b/c they do not have any good armor..... Icewizards are great to _defend_ a keep, bad at taking, bad at soloing, bad at soloing hibs/mids,bad at everything but exept keepdefending.

NOte that i am NOT a icewizard, i am a firewizard


Jesus orm, get a grip! People should die because they don't group you? You need your head checking!

Like I said before, where do you draw the line. If mythic had said 20 people max in a group would you be sta here saying "ALL GROUPS MUST HAVE 20 PEOPLE OR YOU DESERVE DEATH!!!"? You really need to calm down and remember it's just a game. Just because you would enjoy it more if you had a group doesn't mean that several other people should lessen their fun purely for your benefit. That is what is really selfish here, not small groups.


Originally posted by Dannyn
Jesus orm, get a grip! People should die because they don't group you? You need your head checking!

Like I said before, where do you draw the line. If mythic had said 20 people max in a group would you be sta here saying "ALL GROUPS MUST HAVE 20 PEOPLE OR YOU DESERVE DEATH!!!"? You really need to calm down and remember it's just a game. Just because you would enjoy it more if you had a group doesn't mean that several other people should lessen their fun purely for your benefit. That is what is really selfish here, not small groups.



Originally posted by Dannyn
. If mythic had said 20 people max in a group

but that is not the case so stop using it as an argument. if 20 people groups were allowed the whole game-world/exp system would not be the same.


game-world, not just world. because i know some smartass would point it out.


Originally posted by old.kedal

but that is not the case so stop using it as an argument. if 20 people groups were allowed the whole game-world/exp system would not be the same.


game-world, not just world. because i know some smartass would point it out.

No, but the principle of 'x number in a group' is the same.

Groups don't always need to be full as shown before. If you and Orm- (for example) were killing orange mobs in a group of 2 and someone asked to join you because he couldn't find a group I doubt very much you'd welcome them with open arms, and the same principle applies to a group of 6 comfortably killing orange/red/purple mobs.


Originally posted by Pfy

No, but the principle of 'x number in a group' is the same.

no, because you have concepts like BAF and bonuses that work differently depending on how big your group is.

Groups don't always need to be full as shown before. If you and Orm- (for example) were killing orange mobs in a group of 2 and someone asked to join you because he couldn't find a group I doubt very much you'd welcome them with open arms, and the same principle applies to a group of 6 comfortably killing orange/red/purple mobs.

i probably would invite them, i know how annoying it is not finding a group. its not hard finding higher mobs to kill.


ok, this is my final post... conclusion...


interpet those words however you like, keke



Originally posted by Pfy
Groups don't always need to be full as shown before. If you and Orm- (for example) were killing orange mobs in a group of 2 and someone asked to join you because he couldn't find a group I doubt very much you'd welcome them with open arms, and the same principle applies to a group of 6 comfortably killing orange/red/purple mobs.
Kedal and orm wouldn't be in a group of 2, orm would have executed himself and kedal for not being in a group of 8 by then. :)


Originally posted by Dannyn

Kedal and orm wouldn't be in a group of 2, orm would have executed himself and kedal for not being in a group of 8 by then. :)

LOL :)

now the end... maybe


My god, some guys here are so full of shite...
The crap a groupleader needs to put up with due to the bugged search display.. it sucks. Even when full, it lists people as looking.

So, they get asked the whole time, do you need a member, blabla... then you have the people running by asking for a spot...blabla... Even if you take the time to say "No thx mate, we are ok" they get upset...

orm and kedal, I hope I'm never grouped with you :) You are so full of crap, it must be pouring out of each hole... (my own personal opinion). If I want to do tanglers alone, I can do so.. if I want to do it with 8, I can decide to do so...
And what about those people saying we should have them in the team.. not a bit selfish to make the xp of 7 others drop just for them?

Please, finish kindergarten... and get some manners...
Regards, Glottis


Ok, let this be the final answer to Kedal and Orm (I hope :rolleyes: :

and yes, the people you turn down will remember. just to prove a point i should tell everyone in "the brethren" to piss off when im leading a group.

I was turned down (as a rejuv cleric) loads by groups who weren't full for no apparent reason just "cause we're good now". However I understood that and I didn't write down their names to get some grief pay-back later on.
I suppose you don't have anything better to do though, do you ?

the brethren... *shrug*

If you have any troubles with any members of our guild, feel free to pm me or any others of the higher ranked members.
Taking it to the forums is NOT the way though ... I could 've made quite a lot of forum threads too then (and also about guilds "with good rep") !

OMG, the brethren are so elite... me worship kekekekeke.
You are just a bunch of sorry people.... sorry about this but I had to let you know.... got rejected from 3 grps with brethren leaders at tanglers cpl days ago... none of the groups were full. OMG you might loose a little exp OMG OMG the end of the world...

OMG they rejected me. Now I'm going to the forums to tell what a bunch of twats and elitist pricks they are. Gonna exaggerate it a bit too to make myself believable too. OMG I had to search for a group a bit. OMG OMG the end of the world.
You commit the same vice you accuse the others off. Bit of a flawed logic you have innit ?

Being selfish and not allowing NEEDING players to join your group when the tanglers allready are overcamped and the other groups are full is just pure BS... It's bad f*cking manners, and the sentance should be death.

Maybe chill down a bit and then type stuff :m00: :m00:

As a last notice,

I have been playing DAoC since oktober 2001 and it's the first time I stumbled over a flame thread like this.
Camping mobs in smaller groups is PERFECTLY normal and acceptable and moreover happens a lot. It's not because Mythic made 8 the group-size limit every sodding xp group needs to have 8 ppl in it. Commen sense dictates that if you can do it with less, you do it with less. You xp to get xp, right ? And if you can't find a group, make your own one. And if the mobs are overcamped go look for other camp spots. Albion is bigger then only tanglers you know.

It might be annoying and an issue in overcamped mobs like tanglers but the way a few ppl in this thread replied and went really personal in their "accusations" has pretty much baffled me (gotta say "some" Brethren members have to watch their flames too :p). If you can't keep your discussions civil you're not wanted here ...


Originally posted by old.Prof
However I understood that and I didn't write down their names to get some grief pay-back later on.
I suppose you don't have anything better to do though, do you ?

i was not turned down by a brethren group, i just thought i would point out that i find it very selfish. i havent been at tanglers in ages.

Taking it to the forums is NOT the way though ... I could 've made quite a lot of forum threads too then (and also about guilds "with good rep") !

you might want to look up who started this thread.

OMG they rejected me. Now I'm going to the forums to tell what a bunch of twats and elitist pricks they are. Gonna exaggerate it a bit too to make myself believable too.

i did not take it too the forums, i was not turned down, im just pointing out that its selfish. especially when you consider how crowded lyo is.

OMG I had to search for a group a bit. OMG OMG the end of the world.

now who said something about exagerating stuff?

You commit the same vice you accuse the others off. Bit of a flawed logic you have innit ?


Albion is bigger then only tanglers you know.

tell that to the 1-7 other persons you need to group with.

(gotta say "some" Brethren members have to watch their flames too :p). If you can't keep your discussions civil you're not wanted here ...

i tried keeping it civil, however people like pfy make me wish there was pvp already.


sorry guyz

sorry to say this but have friends in the brethren and well ill put it this way, generally there nice people have a laugh etc although on this issue.........

scenario: your sat at tanglers waiting for a grp 6 ppl turn up farm away xp your sat 2 hours go by your still sat theve gained 1 maybe 2 lvls youve sat on your ass. imho 6 person grp and 8 person grp really isnt going to really change anyones xp hugely if i was making a grp to hunt tangs id want to fill it due to i have been sat there waiting before and no its not fun. 2 people are not going to ruin anyones xp especially over time. yes the grp may be fine and yes you might not die but i mean ,your not gunna lose alot of xp over it and your going to make the realm stronger as a whole... hell who knows you might make a new friend.
And abel just couse youve been sat and turned away i personally would think that would make you sympathize with ppl and invite them maybe im wrong :)


Ive read all with some dismay and have just the one comment...

In Real Life there are all kinds of people, both selfish and unselfish, its what makes us all human. Although DAOC is a game, its also a virtual world in which we can play our Avatars, large, small, some pretty damm ugly and some cool :) But behind these Avatars is a real person, with real feelings, whatever they are.

So this virtual does reflect the real world in some ways. We sometimes gotta take the rough with the smooth, have our say and then cool down. Its only human after all.

Its good to let of steam sometimes, goodness knows how many times I have said I hated Mythic because of crafting bugs and errors, even blamed GOA too !, but I chill out pretty soon after, and just carry on. Why make it more dificult than it already is by getting too petty ?

XP is good however large or small. God I gained a crafting point tonight, where others are getting 100 in a session. It was only the one point because I spent most of the evening making steel and alloy weapons for low level players. Hear me complain ? Nope! Neither did I refuse either.

The same applies to Kessica, She has been at lvl 47 for ages, I dont moan cause there is no group, I try and make up by killing blues (even they can kill me!), and think along the lines of "Well Im a litle bit closer to lvl 48, and the gold will come in handy for Kiarra". I am grateful, cause I didnt go backwards or remain stagnant, and when I gain, you gain...

I try to help everybody, where I can, but never expect any help in return. It would be nice, but I never expect it.

So just remember this:

You can please some of the people all of the time.
All of the people some of the time,
and sometimes none of the people none of the time,
but never, ALL of the people ALL of the time.

Lets hope we can terminate this thread and chat about something much better... Like : 98% qual 16.5 dps weaps now avialable :D <ducking>

Please... Chill out guys !

<beginning to sound like a mother.... ducking again :)>


Originally posted by old.Galerrard

No offence is ever intended, except from Pfy who clearly posted the funniest thing I have read in a long time earlier this thread. But hey, he specced a highlander thrust scout , so you can make your own judgements as to his sanity....

Woot! my alt is in good company :)


Originally posted by -Wedge-

(And Tranquil, I love Scouts/Infiltrators in my group :p number of times I died because a tank couldnt get agro :( )

Probably spamming the detaunt...;)
(or more likely spent all their endurance on that nifty amethyst slash style that makes all the numbers go big!)

That or they weren't either Karam or a kickass merc with EB who r0x0rs j00 teLAMEon!

Hrm I'll never make a good troll....


Re: Wizzys no good?????

Originally posted by Elvodus
Apperantly there must be to many 40+ ppl in Alb since I can´t get a good xping group at the tanglers with my Wizz (lvl 42), I´ve tried for several weeks now to get a good group so I can at least get to bloody 50 within this year...but no!!! It seems impossible for me to find a group..:(. So I´ve decided to take a break from DaoC or at least my wizz in the hope that I might, even though the chance seems slim to get a xping group, by the tanglers or trees I don´t really care any more.....:/

[Broken Swords]
Elvodus Firestorm
Firewizard lvl 42.1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Play alts! They're great...
Back to the good old days when xp rolled in without having to stare at ugly pygmys for hours on end..

Oh and if anyone ever fancies killing anything interesting (i.e. not pygmys ... or whatever else everyone chains repeatedly) just yell :) (if I ever log Fingoniel on that is ;))


Originally posted by old.Arctic

hehe, well there is a reason to that. THEY SUCK!!!!

This game is about RvR and then you can't as a icewizard run into a group and start pbaoe b/c they do not have any good armor..... Icewizards are great to _defend_ a keep, bad at taking, bad at soloing, bad at soloing hibs/mids,bad at everything but exept keepdefending.

NOte that i am NOT a icewizard, i am a firewizard

Fire wizzies suck too. Earth roxors j00! :) (fear my damage shield of level 1-5 twinking! Need to get my wiz to level 50 so I can try and set records for fastest levelling 1-5 :))


Originally posted by old.Kiarra

Lets hope we can terminate this thread and chat about something much better... Like : 98% qual 16.5 dps weaps now avialable :D <ducking>

Good topic.

So how much are they then? :)
How much will my twin Jambiyas that are far far too good for me yet cost me?

And since I may just return to the evil green line at some point ... how much _have_ you spent on crafting so far Kiarra? :)


OMG they rejected me. Now I'm going to the forums to tell what a bunch of twats and elitist pricks they are. Gonna exaggerate it a bit too to make myself believable too.


i did not take it too the forums, i was not turned down, im just pointing out that its selfish. especially when you consider how crowded lyo is.

OMG I had to search for a group a bit. OMG OMG the end of the world.


now who said something about exagerating stuff?

Kedal, those comments weren't aimed at you, but at Orm (maybe I should 've put the authors next to the quotes) and I was ridiculising his posts a bit ...


Originally posted by old.Prof
(gotta say "some" Brethren members have to watch their flames too :p)

Yeah, that Wedge is a right trouble maker! Should take a leaf out of my book.

Anyhow. Fingoniel, it's always nice to welcome another Scout to the rank of the gimped ;D


Re: sorry guyz

Originally posted by Vireb
scenario: your sat at tanglers waiting for a grp 6 ppl turn up farm away xp your sat 2 hours go by your still sat theve gained 1 maybe 2 lvls youve sat on your ass. imho 6 person grp and 8 person grp really isnt going to really change anyones xp hugely if i was making a grp to hunt tangs id want to fill it due to i have been sat there waiting before and no its not fun. 2 people are not going to ruin anyones xp especially over time. yes the grp may be fine and yes you might not die but i mean ,your not gunna lose alot of xp over it and your going to make the realm stronger as a whole... hell who knows you might make a new friend.
Scenario: You're sat at tanglers in a 3, having been there for 2 hours and made 3 bubbles. Someone comes up and asks for group, he's blue con, do you:
a) take him in the group even though you'll lose 33% of your xp and he'll get capped.
b) say "sorry we're fine".

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