6 (or less) people in a tangler group


Madonion Slicer

I am finding getting groups latley an absolute knightmare, my 35arms cant get a gobbo group and i get completey ignored, and my 32wiz cant get a group in barrows. I spend half my game time riding horse to different location only to find no one in the usual spots or groups who say they dont need you. How can a group not need another tank or fire wiz, tanks keep everyone alive in the group by taking all the aggro, and no one hits as hard as a fire wiz so mobs drop twice as fast and speed up the whole process.

So i am back to playing my alts again and aim for the lower BG, might actualling enjoy the game instead of horse trips back and fourth.


All Wedge's post boils down to is etiquette:-

- ask nicely
- reply politely
- accept response with grace

If the reasons turn out to be bull, and believe me as a scout I have been the victim of the lamest ever excuses when LFG, then remember the guys name for the next time he is LFG.

To Kedal - these are my own views and not representations on behalf of The Brethren. I look forward to your childish bigoted rejection next time I'm LFG :(

To anyone else - See you at the next goblin slaughter party... :)


Originally posted by old.Galerrard
I look forward to your childish bigoted rejection next time I'm LFG :(

if i were thinking even slightly like wedge i would never even have grouped with a scout or infiltrator. i mean, i might get a few less % exp.


Originally posted by old.[BF]MaD
wedge , u might be talking differently if u werent IN the 6 people group and were on the outside wondering why...
Pff, I've been on both sides of it, you just have to understand that some people don't find it fun to kill goblins in an 8 for 4 hours and see the xp bar barely move. I can understand why they do it and it's not done with any personal malice as a rule so I accept it. Anyone who sees it as a personal attack needs to take a step back and think about both sides of it.
What I wonder is, if mythic increased group size to 12 or 16 or even higher, would you people still say we need full groups? Where do you draw the line? Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should!


Originally posted by old.kedal
i know maths, but with more people in group you get some sort of bonus, i havent cared to check exactly what it is - the point is you dont lose 33% exp.

You gain 33%.. you lose 25% ;) it's maths.

and yes, the people you turn down will remember. just to prove a point i should tell everyone in "the brethren" to piss off when im leading a group.

That's right... it's there in the CoC: thou shalt allow in people to your group until it is full unless given special dispensation by the Church of Albion. Grow up.

Removed the bit about group bonus - noticed someone else already posted.


Originally posted by old.kedal

if i were thinking even slightly like wedge i would never even have grouped with a scout or infiltrator. i mean, i might get a few less % exp.

Actually both scouts and infiltrators do a sick amount of damage when played well (and if played well they won't get themselves killed in the process).


Originally posted by Fingoniel

You gain 33%.. you lose 25% ;) it's maths.

try killing a yellow mob, note what exp you get. kill another yellow with a group of 8 - you wont get the original exp/8.

not GROUP BONUS. you get some bonus for more members in your group.


Originally posted by Fingoniel

Actually both scouts and infiltrators do a sick amount of damage when played well (and if played well they won't get themselves killed in the process).

from a group perspective armsman/pala is better. but if you already have 1-2 tanks, cleric & theurg. why not let the others that ask join, EVEN if it means you might gain a few % less exp per hour.


Well, its probably because I'm a wizzie, but give me a scout or infiltrator anytime instead of a armsman or pala...

Only an Infiltrator or Scout(if he shoots instead of melee's) can get agro from me (or kill whats on me)... It really depends on the type of group, if you're in a wizzie group and everything should be dead on arrival, and it isnt, then you want it dead asap, since it'll be on a wizzie....

And I've been on the otherside of this for months m8, I've been playing this game since the beta... I've stopped leveling my Armsman partially because I got tired of LFG... Since solo'ing with an armsman isnt an option, I gave up... (The RvR experience wasnt worth the hassel to get into a group)

The difference is, I accepted this, might have complained in guild chat... But not ever did I 'attack' the group for their decission...

And I agree with Dannyn, where do you draw the line? If your with 4, well, you can do a group of 5... If your 5 then, why not add no. 6... Etc, etc... In the end, you'll be a group of 8... Doing something the group of 4 could already have done...

Who knows if the group already started with 4 and we already added 2... The thread wasnt about this, the thread was about the crap a group gets because of a reply to a LFG message...


Originally posted by old.kedal

try killing a yellow mob, note what exp you get. kill another yellow with a group of 8 - you wont get the original exp/8.

not GROUP BONUS. you get some bonus for more members in your group.

That's a test you can't perform. Yellow solo mob in a group of 8 kicks in the challenge code and you get sucky xp. :p


I had to do the same thing, at higher lvls ~44 or so, when your a bit low for primary mezzer at trees (the resists are horrible), you might want to do an tangler group for 4 - 5 ppl.

It's hard enuff to tell someone that you dont want more ppl in, coz the exp really turns crap when you grow in group size.

Tangers are the best exp in this game, even at L50, if you duo or solo them ;)


Originally posted by old.laughingboy
I am finding getting groups latley an absolute knightmare, my 35arms cant get a gobbo group and i get completey ignored, and my 32wiz cant get a group in barrows. I spend half my game time riding horse to different location only to find no one in the usual spots or groups who say they dont need you. How can a group not need another tank or fire wiz, tanks keep everyone alive in the group by taking all the aggro, and no one hits as hard as a fire wiz so mobs drop twice as fast and speed up the whole process.

So i am back to playing my alts again and aim for the lower BG, might actualling enjoy the game instead of horse trips back and fourth.

Well that was the case for my main wizard, i got kicked on for about 40 lvls(i mainly soloed my lvl but i got group sometime...), then i got groups at tanglers rather well. (took a long brake from daoc after that(lvl42),2-3months).then i when i was going for trees, got a group right away with some m8s and ppl a i didn't know, i almost got a lvl was lvl 44 with half a bubb or something left too 45. then next day i was online the whole day and did not get ONE group!. same shit next day. ppl say i was 2 low and minimum was 45........ well i was close so i though i could get that and be 45.b but nooooo..... well i lost the point somewhere.............. point is that there is ALOT of assholes and dockless ppl(that are men) in daoc-euro that doesn't care about anyone but the self, and as a wizard i feelt i got kicked in the groin all the time when i asked for group. you will not get anything easy in this game. get to know ppl that are online the same amount as you and lvl with them, do not care for the rest. i made misstake to take a break and loose those ppl......... damnit lost the point again

/artfh shfhjf do not care for anything i have written, i am sleepy

PS. solo!! as a wizard you can easy do orange mobs, find orange castermobs that is not so hunted and hunt them, it will give you good exp,

Madonion Slicer

Thx for the comments Artic, but like i have said many times it is not what you know or how good you are it is WHO you are bossom buddies with if you kiss alot of ass you make 50 with uber items no problems, if i could do it all again i would of probably joined one of the biggest guilds told all the high lvls how fantastic they are and that way would of made and easy road to the top.........oh wait a sec i have morals.

Nope i stick to soloing if thats the way it has to be, i know there are still a few good souls out there in the realm.


Like Pac said this isn't 'The Brethrens' opinion. Although, on that note, and for arguments sake I'd like to state record that kedal is a cock.

Thank you for your time.

PS. Add a disclaimer about personal opinions and all that rubbish here.


Originally posted by Pfy
and for arguments sake I'd like to state record that kedal is a cock.

damn, im really hurt. wish i could be as cool as you :[.

ps. thanks for confirming my thoughts about the brethren.


OMG, the brethren are so elite... me worship kekekekeke.
You are just a bunch of sorry people.... sorry about this but I had to let you know.... got rejected from 3 grps with brethren leaders at tanglers cpl days ago... none of the groups were full. OMG you might loose a little exp OMG OMG the end of the world...

Sorry to see people treating their realm mates this way, this is totally against all my beliefs in a good spirit within the realm where u help your fellow players level and have fun together.

There are just too many FUBAR peeps out there, so keep up the bad teamwork sorry fu*ks...


Originally posted by old.kedal

try killing a yellow mob, note what exp you get. kill another yellow with a group of 8 - you wont get the original exp/8.

not GROUP BONUS. you get some bonus for more members in your group.

Do this at level 5 - then you can tell it's not a lvl or two higher (since yellow is about 3 or 4 levels range)

Take a log..

then I'll believe you :)


Originally posted by old.kedal

from a group perspective armsman/pala is better. but if you already have 1-2 tanks, cleric & theurg. why not let the others that ask join, EVEN if it means you might gain a few % less exp per hour.

Actually if you have two defensive tanks already - an infiltrator or a scout will let you kill faster = more xp. A merc might be a better choice though - lots of damage, but can take an aggro off of a caster/healer in an emergency (scouts/infils can do that but they won't last long)


Originally posted by Fingoniel

Actually if you have two defensive tanks already - an infiltrator or a scout will let you kill faster = more xp. A merc might be a better choice though - lots of damage, but can take an aggro off of a caster/healer in an emergency (scouts/infils can do that but they won't last long)

im talking about "general group ideas" and in 99% of the cases they want tanks for damage etc, personally i dont care.


LOL @ Pfy...

He does hardly ever play though... But these are personal oppinions... I wont judge De Gothia for any feelings I might have against you Kedal...

Heck, I dont even have hatefull (or whatever) feelings against you m8... You express your personal oppinions, as do some others in this thread... (although you started calling me names :rolleyes: )

And if you think that because I am (one of the) GM (s) of The Brethren that everything I say counts for the rest of the guild, then LOL @ Kedal and LOL @ orm... Thats not how The Brethren work... (Still wonder sometimes why we even try to give people ranks)

The thread started about one thing, and that was when a group says their OK (towards ANY class), then why should you go bitching towards the members of that group?

They have to draw the line with members somewhere, this could be 2, this could be 4 and this can be 6...

You then called me an Elitist because I wanted to be in a group of 6... oohwell... I'm probably just selfish... Who knows...


Originally posted by old.kedal

im talking about "general group ideas" and in 99% of the cases they want tanks for damage etc, personally i dont care.

Aye, but the problem with "general group ideas" is that 99% of them are wrong ;)


Why do 'Albions' never try PBAOE groups?

I was in a group last, 2 wizards, 2 infiltrators, 1 Pbt theurgist, 1 Minstrel, 1 healer and a scout...

Now loads of people would find that a none-perfect group... Well the average level of the group was 40, and we took out Greater telamons and Danaoin Soldiers in under 15s (usually 10s, enough for 2 DD's)...

It was actually one of the better groups I've been in... People are too close minded about groups and hunting spots...


Well I'm pissed off because I got rejected to join 3 groups at tanglers in 5 mins... none of them full... and all of them with brethren leaders... You could say that's enough for me to start drawing my own conclusions about the mentality of the brethren guild... These are ofcourse my oppinions and not the oppinions of De Gothia... can't even say it's Kedal's oppinions... even if we seem to share a lot of thoughts :)

Being selfish and not allowing NEEDING players to join your group when the tanglers allready are overcamped and the other groups are full is just pure BS... It's bad f*cking manners, and the sentance should be death.


There is NO way the group leader decides if the group needs another member... Dont know when that (if ever) happened, but it never happend in a group where I was 'leader'... The group decides m8... (unless its a guild-only group)

You might have seen a Brethren answer your request, since we're at least replying to your question... But do not confuse that answer (which is from the group) with personal feelings/preference...

I dont see you shoot 'down' the other 5 members(or 6, or 4, or 3, whatever) of that group...


Well, in the end it is the group leaders decision, he is the ONE and ONLY who have the power to invite a person or not to invite one... and the goups were not brethren only groups, they were mixed though.

As we're on it I'll follow your request wedge, I hereby TAKE A HUGE PISS on the others too that night.... and everyone acting that way from now to eternity.

Be friendly, be nice, don't be selfish, have a good time, invite needing people if the group ain't full if spots are overcamped... I know I'm trying to follow these thoughts to make alb a more pleasant realm... try it... you just might like it... all of u out there


Uhm, why is a scout/inf bad to have in group? Because it takes more skillfull tanks that know how to taunt and draw aggro from classes with weaker defensive capabilities.
This boils down to this: The majority of the tanks in albion suck and have so little will to change their playstyle it's right out sad. This is the influenced to the other classes so they actually believe the rogue classes suck to have in groups. The jokes about tanks IQ should in most cases be taken seriously.

Also if someone is clearly powerlevelling someone I would understand why not to bring more ppl into the group, if this would lower the xp. If someone is just having a normal group I see NO reason to not have 8 ppl in group. More people means less downtime, and that's the same xp. Except you get one more high lvl in rvr to save your butt. Think about that.

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