6 (or less) people in a tangler group



They do exist, really...

And if the group then says: we're fine...

They really are... Nothing personal, it's just better XP that way... I've been in a 6 people tangler group for 2 hours, and so far we had 4 or 5 people that came along that got upset about us not inviting them...

Ranging from "Guess what answer you get when you are lfg" to, "why arent you nice to me"... Granted, our sorc got a bit upset after the 2nd person that got upset about us not inviting...

But still, why do people get upset when a group is fine and doesnt want another member?

Oohwell, just a bit of stress I wanted to get out ;)
(its kind of weird, this is the first time I had this happen so often)


I quite agree,

I myself hate large groups and like to hang around in groups of 3 or 4 close friends. As such we spend alot of time killing at a leisurely place and even more time just chatting. And quite often we get people coming along whining about us not letting them in etc.
What they don't understand is because we have a small group we go for safer lower con mobs which give decent but not great exp. If we add another person the exp drops to just ok, then to poor and its no longer worth it then they start nagging us to move to tough mobs we wanted to avoid in first place, and have the cheek to moan about 'down time' that we enjoy spending chatting and having laugh during.

My point is if a small group don't let you in, its for a reason, don't take it personally just find another group or start your own. Groups are not obligated to invite you no matter what 'essential' class you might be, some people are just relaxing and having fun, leave them to it.

Hit ^_^

i did tanglers in a group of me(lvl43infil) and a lvl49 sorc.
Great exp and easy :D


I was the Sorc that got annoyed (according to Wedge, I deny everything). Thing was more some people claimed that we were rude by not letting him into the team. First of all, Tanglers give crap xp to a full group of lvl 42's or higher.. so you want to make the groups as small as possible. At 42 you can do it nice and fast with about 5, 6 people.

So you are relaxing, pulling, getting nice xp, lvl 43 is coming closer.. and then this guy jumps in front of you during a pull, with about 10 goblins coming at you. "Can I join?" "No, we are ok, thx" "Can I please join?" "No mate, we are doing fine like this" "Come on, stop being so selfish and let me join!" "No" All the time you are busy killing some gobs, and he keeps standing in the middle of the group...
Then gets upset cause I said no...
Ah well... still beats going into emain with my lowbie scout and getting killed 5 steps out of the telekeep by some lvl 50 assasin.. That assasin was allmost as sad as the guy bugging me...
Regards, Glottis


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
.. and then this guy jumps in front of you during a pull, with about 10 goblins coming at you. "Can I join?" "No, we are ok, thx" "Can I please join?" "No mate, we are doing fine like this" "Come on, stop being so selfish and let me join!" "No" All the time you are busy killing some gobs, and he keeps standing in the middle of the group...

ROFL... OMG thats soooo true... and yet, soooo sad =)

Seems like mostly scouts and infils getting pissed tho ?!?!!

BUT damn, how many times haven't some n00b (read: UBER n00b) run through duct with 10+ gobs at his tail, barely comming up to u asking : "can i joiiinnn... arghhhh"...

he he


Well, one reason it seems to be more rogue classes getting upset about not getting into groups, might be because they have been running around for some time asking etc. and always get the answer, sorry mate, we're doing fine, spot is for a ld'ed guy, spot is taken, waiting for <insert class here>, or simply you're ignored. This is just some reasons why some might be upset, not necessarily the correct reason. Have some understanding for that. I do. Of course, if someone's rude, spank them.


then get a FG and go kill twees.
you get happy, the people doing tanglers get happy cause they get more goblins.


The only thing that annoys me is when u ask about a group and they sit there and dont say anything , just completely blank you. Id rather someone say no thanks rather than that.


Problem is Kedal, a tangler group with 6 peeps, 4 peeps and later 2 peeps beat Twee's...

If you dont believe me, try one with a sorc thats 45+ and has specced a bit in body... (Or Ice theurgist)

And most classes that came by where tanks... Not even infiltrators/scouts...

It was the first time in DAOC though that this happend so often... It's like there was an 'unwritten' rule that you cant do tanglers in a group with less then 8 people... (a few months back tangler groups where rare, the rule was then that you had to do CHAINS in 8 people groups... At level 40, common...)


Seems to me there are just to damn many lvl 40+ people...I mean what is albion comming to when there are 3 sorcs sitting on tangler beach waiting for spots in grps! I waited a whole 10 min for a grp the other day! Can you belive it? Someone kept ME waiting, I'm, a sorc for gods sake...it's just insane!

(note sarcasm)


lol think I saw you waiting there actually, our group had been looking for a sorc for ages but gave up and got a wizzy instead just a few minutes before.

Personally I just wander down, have a look around and try the odd lvl ** tank lfg yell, if theres no response I go kill guards/telamon or something else.

After all the groups no what they need, they can see anyone yelling or standing around, if they want you they'll ask you.


Originally posted by -Wedge-
Problem is Kedal, a tangler group with 6 peeps, 4 peeps and later 2 peeps beat Twee's...

If you dont believe me, try one with a sorc thats 45+ and has specced a bit in body... (Or Ice theurgist)

And most classes that came by where tanks... Not even infiltrators/scouts...

It was the first time in DAOC though that this happend so often... It's like there was an 'unwritten' rule that you cant do tanglers in a group with less then 8 people... (a few months back tangler groups where rare, the rule was then that you had to do CHAINS in 8 people groups... At level 40, common...)

tanglers with 6 people is not better than trees. as you said "tanglers with 8 is crap exp", do the math - 6 people is not much better. if you are gonna play elitists, expect it to come back to you when one of the people you turned down is leading another exp group.


Not to brag (well, yeah ;) )....

Fully specced Ice theurgs do tanglers alone (I know I do), but usually we r 2 ppl...

btw i didn't mean that scouts/infils ALWAYS gets upset/pissed, just that it seems like they dont rly accepts a 'we r fine atm' when we r only two ppl there..

.. and i do know how hard it is to get a grp being a scout/infil (i have one myself), but thats the game... hard to lvl, but best in rvr, face it, its a fact, and its prolly how GOA intended it to be... I never go solo in rvr, but scouts/infils does that, so...

in some post in the rvr section i noticed the avg realm points for the different classes and believe me, theurgs rank low, and scouts/infils were a lot higher (only Outlaw seems to rule rvr ??!?)


i know sorcs and theurgs solo/duo tanglers alot, but sitting 6 ppl in a group and thinking its alot better exp than 8 and telling everyone to fk off is, well, stupid.


My 2 penneth

You might find Kessica Wou and Nim, just the three of us doing tanglers at the aqueduct. We work well together and find it quite successful as far as xp and gold is concerned, although as far as xp goes, Wou no longer needs any :D :clap:

Mwahhhhh I want to get to level 50 !

Sometimes we go AFK and get a coffee whilst waiting for a pop. In which case you wont get a response.

If there are any level 45+ Sorcs that need a grp, let me join you with Kessica and Nim, and lets see how it goes :)


just get a full matter cabbie - they can easily solo tanglers


Kedal, the difference between 6 and 8 people in a group is 33% extra XP (from 6 to 8M per kill)... Personally I think thats a nice addition, if you can do tanglers nice and quick... (Another calculation, 2 people less in your group, 10-15 goblins per pull, means an increase of 20-30M per pull more)

Why on earth should we invite people then? Thats not elitists m8... (if it its, then WH00T I'm an Elitist!) :clap:

And 6 peeps dont beat twee's, but 2 do... If you pull fast enough, even 4 can come very close... (ok, you still have to wait for respawn)

But heck this doesnt matter, what does matter is that peeps get freaked out cause you do not invite them...


Originally posted by old.Ozwin
The only thing that annoys me is when u ask about a group and they sit there and dont say anything , just completely blank you. Id rather someone say no thanks rather than that.
Aye that really annoys me too, fair enough if they're righting but some people blank you when they are sitting resting. :rolleyes:

As for small groups, did tanglers in a 3 today (me, sorc, wiz), it's faster than trees. :p Oh and yes I could have just joined a tree group, as 2 or 3 were asking me while grouped, but why when you're getting ok xp in a tangler group? A fair few people came past and asked for group but they were fine when we said, "sorry we're keeping the group small", also a lot were level 42- which would get horribly capped by the 49 sorc. :p


Originally posted by -Wedge-
Kedal, the difference between 6 and 8 people in a group is 33% extra XP (from 6 to 8M per kill)... Personally I think thats a nice addition, if you can do tanglers nice and quick... (Another calculation, 2 people less in your group, 10-15 goblins per pull, means an increase of 20-30M per pull more)

Why on earth should we invite people then? Thats not elitists m8... (if it its, then WH00T I'm an Elitist!) :clap:

And 6 peeps dont beat twee's, but 2 do... If you pull fast enough, even 4 can come very close... (ok, you still have to wait for respawn)

But heck this doesnt matter, what does matter is that peeps get freaked out cause you do not invite them...

its not 33%, you get bonus to exp for more people in group.

sure - i dont mind it. but dont go crying to mommy when it comes back to you.


Originally posted by -Dreama-
Seems to me there are just to damn many lvl 40+ people...I mean what is albion comming to when there are 3 sorcs sitting on tangler beach waiting for spots in grps! I waited a whole 10 min for a grp the other day! Can you belive it? Someone kept ME waiting, I'm, a sorc for gods sake...it's just insane!

(note sarcasm)

It is a total total pain in the ass now trying to get grps there for everyone now. One of the reason i been stuck on same level for a month. I get hacked off waiting for an hour for a group and go play an alt instead. Alot of the time is the space for groups. Having 3 grps doing the beach is just stupid. They should be looking at another area for this type of levlling or is it maybe we just havent found it yet. Either way i havent got the time or inclination to wait, then again all realms are having this problem.
When we get 1.51 should alleviate it a little with +20 kill tasks


Kedal, do the math:

6 People, each person gets 16,66% of the XP
8 People, each person gets 12,50% of the XP

The difference is 4,16%, thats not much you say... But 12,50% is 100% for that 1 person in the group, so if you take that as 100% then 16,66% would be 133.28% XP compared to the 12,50%, e.g. 33% more!

You might not like the math... But thats how it works m8...

I dont see how this could 'come back to me' though... Even tree groups are 'doing it'...


i know maths, but with more people in group you get some sort of bonus, i havent cared to check exactly what it is - the point is you dont lose 33% exp.

and yes, the people you turn down will remember. just to prove a point i should tell everyone in "the brethren" to piss off when im leading a group.


People really take this game too seriously, I ask for a group, if there isn't room, Ok, no harm done, so i'll go solo a bit, or get another group, no need to take this game too seriously, And when your angry, I suggest you'll go drink some coffe, and chill out, when playing angry you most likely lose more exp then gain...


Originally posted by old.kedal
just to prove a point i should tell everyone in "the brethren" to piss off when im leading a group.

rofl, just cuz they exp together and doing fine the way they are, so not needing anymore ppl in their group.....

lighten up mate

old.Im pac man!!

funny dreama cause the other day we asked you to a group and got no answer from you. maybe cause our alts were all 39-40 and you are/were 42.


Originally posted by Ninjastyle

rofl, just cuz they exp together and doing fine the way they are, so not needing anymore ppl in their group.....

..and they can keep doing that, just not in my group keke?

old.Im pac man!!

btw seeing that this somehow got into a "its a brethren think" i would like to point out 2 things.

1- the "we" in my previous post meant the party my lvl 40 alt was in and in no way was there any other brethren involved.

2- The view of some persons in guild is their own thus keeping other members of my guild outside parties cause of those views is hardly fair. Just cause they believe in that, does not mean that the rest feels that way. I for one think there is room for almost everyone in any parties and unless parties need a key class i have always invited everyone that came across. Of course the dude is like 35 and we were all +46 we are going to say no. from when i 1st entered mithra tomb until i stopped chaining trees, never have i said we are doing fine etc... so do not go in that direction plz.

The 2 other types of ppl i dont invite into parties are the ppl you ask for parties and keep silent . I think that a simple no is enough and doesnt cost much to say. I cant understand why they dont answer. So i try to remember their unpoliteness and when they come around asking for parties and i remember them, i say hey remember last nite when i asked for a party and you and your mates kept ignoring me ? Guess what now its your turn.

The other type of guy i dont invite is the one that leaves party to join another one without saying bye 1st. I can understand them leaving for better xp but not by leaving without saying anything. Those go straight to my ignore list and can rest assured that they wont join i any parties im leading .

old.Im pac man!!

btw GROUP bonus is given according to the number of mobs that attack you not the number of ppl in your party. cant believe you made it to 50 and didnt know that kedal.


rofl, yes i know what group bonus is. baf = group bonus.

and yes, if i lead a group i usually accept anyone who asks to join, as long as we have tanks cleric therug etc. - what is needed atm. EVEN IF IT MEANS I LOSE A FEW PRECIOUS PERCENT OF EXP.


wedge , u might be talking differently if u werent IN the 6 people group and were on the outside wondering why...

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