Get a perfector friar.. they make the perfect heal field bots
Also if a glare goes wrong near a 10% mark, there's nothing to stop you from not hitting the dragon while you rez/buff up instead of getting PB'ed when your least wanting it.
The most dangerous part of the entire raid is the PB at 10%... not only is it the most annoying time to wipe when your so close, but stun/pb can be a raid ender. Try to either have stun immunity or purge up as you go past the 10% mark... again not hitting him (or only hitting him with the paladin) can work wonders.
And finally... when you need to get people up, using the egg of youth use 1 to accidentally cure your rezz sickness will get you abused by the rest of the group!
Never been on a hib/alb dragon raid, but been to tons of mid raids, and iirc the determination field did nothing for us on Gjalpinulva. So try to save your purges for the 10% pbae, as someone said: this could be a raid ender if you're unlucky to get a AE stun just prior to the 10% pbae (funny that the different dragons seem to require pretty similar tactics to kill btw).
*At 30% and below, the dragon will cast AE stun. He has a 5s or so cast time, during which he raises himself off the ground. Just before 30%, cast a det field in the circle.
kcinimod is right it doesnt effect it, if u delve the bonus from det field it specificaly states ' a reduction from mesmerisation spells'. and when he does stun, you can often spot it incomming, run out of range and then re-engage (not suggestin whole grp does this cos i dunno what will happen). I've never been glared when adopting this tactic, but most ppl ive had doin it in grp was me and another cleric, if more started to run out of his range he may start glaring .. /shrug.
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