1.88d archer love


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Before this patch a hunter if he wanted to go melee spec could spec beastcraft and spear/sword (as well as stealth). He could effectively ignore bow spec and not lose any melee potential. If he keeps his same spec when this patch hits he will lose the buffs from BC line. In order to get the buffs back he will have to lose some Spear/sword/BC spec.

The scout didn't have the self buffs anyway so he is getting something extra (if he chooses to spec this way) and the ranger has one less line to spec in to get the same stuff and so he will also be able to get extra things. As it stands hunters ARE losing out. I am not able to comment on if this nerf was nescessary.
Phew, thank god someone else saw it!


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 1, 2004
To start with, this isnt realy my feald but I throw my self in never the less.

I think one of the reasons for this rewamp is to make the archer classes more archer classes again.. If you dont wants to go archery, there is other stealther classes to pick from.... Or even other melee classes if you in the end dosent care about the stealth.

killswitch where talking about:

"Scout - Defensive Archer
Hunter - Pet Archer (in a one-with-nature-kinda-way)
Ranger - Offensive Archer"

Will not scouts benefit among the most from this?

I ask this from this pov: all will have same buffs and archery cabability (we will see in time what will be the fotm specing of thise) But the shield vs. dualweald is improved, making the scout negating some of the rangers melee cabaility and he can still engage and seek out this weakness in the ranger and go for a melee related fight I gues.

This was a explanation in my train of thoughts. Am I way out on the left feald here or have I found something relative close to a valid point?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 21, 2004
Actually I see this as an archery nerf, and not an improvement, this system kicks out consecutive crit-shots, slam+critshot, procs from bows, you can't shot bows from less than 200 units that's going to be a headache to fight assasins, and probably more hidden nerfs, the only they offer is different ways to deal similar damage.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Actually I see this as an archery nerf, and not an improvement, this system kicks out consecutive crit-shots, slam+critshot, procs from bows, you can't shot bows from less than 200 units that's going to be a headache to fight assasins, and probably more hidden nerfs, the only they offer is different ways to deal similar damage.

/agree :puke:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Actually I see this as an archery nerf, and not an improvement, this system kicks out consecutive crit-shots, slam+critshot, procs from bows, you can't shot bows from less than 200 units that's going to be a headache to fight assasins, and probably more hidden nerfs, the only they offer is different ways to deal similar damage.

Agreed it looks like a nerf at the mo. You can shoot from less than 200 units with a point blank shot, though that sounds hard to get off.



It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
it's a complete rework - it's being built from the ground up...

And it'll probably be wacky and out of balance for the whole of beta and a few patches after it goes live :) it being new stuff and all...

But as long as they balance archers around the other classes (which I'm sure they will do - would be a bit odd to put a whole patch worth of coding work into nerfing archers, they could do that an awful lot easier...)

I like that they're gutting the entire system in this case - show's they're not afraid to change things...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Actually I see this as an archery nerf, and not an improvement, this system kicks out consecutive crit-shots, slam+critshot, procs from bows, you can't shot bows from less than 200 units that's going to be a headache to fight assasins, and probably more hidden nerfs, the only they offer is different ways to deal similar damage.

A bit too early to be calling things a nerf. We are 1 patch in and not everything has been implemented or playtested.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Cadelin said:
Before this patch a hunter if he wanted to go melee spec could spec beastcraft and spear/sword (as well as stealth). He could effectively ignore bow spec and not lose any melee potential. If he keeps his same spec when this patch hits he will lose the buffs from BC line. In order to get the buffs back he will have to lose some Spear/sword/BC spec.

The scout didn't have the self buffs anyway so he is getting something extra (if he chooses to spec this way) and the ranger has one less line to spec in to get the same stuff and so he will also be able to get extra things. As it stands hunters ARE losing out. I am not able to comment on if this nerf was nescessary.

On classic servers your 100% correct, on TOA servers I think the hunter NERF crowd are getting slightly ahead of themselves.

The buffs from pathfinding are being moved into the bow line this is:
damage add
speed burst

Now assuming your using a buffbot we can essentially remove the top 3 from being important since you can just bot yourselves with these. Yeah they are shearable but it's hardly going to make a huge difference since you'd have to port back to get str/con back anyway right?
So by moving the buffs to bow your not getting damage add and your losing speed burst.

As a melee hunter I can't see losing speed burst being a HUGE issue. You can probably spec a few points in bow and get a low level one which will be more than enough, especially with the pet destealthing change.

This means all that's really happening is your not getting a damage add which you didn't have before. Use a charge if your that desperate for it!

Scouts gain access to some buffs, assuming they spec bow.. most melee scouts don't bother and I can't see them doing so just for a speed burst and damage add spell.
Rangers get more points to spend so will end up speccing bow instead of pathfinding whereas they used to spec next to zero bow. With the nerf to their dual wield abilities they were pretty much bottom of the food chain so that slight boost probably helps them out a bit.

From a bow hunters point of view it's also a good change. Now you can either spec for the pet, or go high melee without losing the buffs.

On a classic server it's a huge nerf yes (or more pots to gulp every few mins). On a TOA server I think it's acually not a game breaking change. Maybe a slight nerf but not nearly as bad as people here appear to be making out.

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
It's early, true. But Mythic's direction is clear, and if you've played an archer for 5 years, you know better than to trust on Mythic's benevolance. Better to scream now than when it's gone live and you have to wait years for it to get fixed - on that note, do send in your replies to Mythic. Who knows, maybe it helps.

Some of the ideas are cool, but many have a very high WTF Were They Smoking?-content. I'm extremely leery of the whole situation. :)


Part of the furniture
Sep 11, 2005
Its wierd at the moment, archery is nothing like archery. I think the only reason they have imlplemented this was because of the whine about no archer love, they have wizzed some code thru & now everything is crap.

I played about for an hour or two & then gave up, its stupid right now.

Am just looking forward to the tweaking when you should be able to start seeing what they are really trying to achieve.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2006

Dark Age of Camelot
Test Version 1.88d Release Notes
Archery and Stealth Changes
March 8, 2007



- Monsters, pets and Non-Player Characters (NPCs) will now halt their pursuit when a character stealths.

Only took em what.. 6 yrs ?


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2006
Hunters will be fooked over, giving away our toys to the other 2 classes sucks, we also will have to drop either melee weapon or bow to keep our pets, negating the new archery toys or the other way round, while scouts get to keep their slam and high bow.

The only happy faces I see so far are albs and hibs, what glee for them as someone said "hunters will become free RPs!!" - so true.

Mythic shit on us, and heck, EA are making a bad job worse.

Maybe, but dont worry ull all be rr13 by then anyway due to your super fairness pets that u currently have :)


Loyal Freddie
Jan 22, 2005
DOWNLOAD THE USA trial version

goto pendragon.. make a lvl1 ... u an be lvl50 and rr10 within 10 mins now lol

and then u can buy ML's Artis scrolls etc and test it yourself.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 22, 2004
The problem here you are not seeing is the toys that will do the best damage will occur higher than 45 bow, liek Ragnarok, or the 50 mauler style, you have to spec fully in that skill to gain the best advantage, sacrificing any other toys in the other lines.

i dont see why people will HAVE to spec fully in bow if they dont wanna use it...even on classic 40 spec in bow grabs you the Str and d/q buffs that will cap if you get buff bonus gear, 77 AF, second best speed shout, and 7.3 dps dmg add.
and if you dont wanna use bow....then dont! rangers/hunters have been moaning for years about how they're buff stuff is useless on ToA at least. use spec AF charges, and grab the 5 dps dmg add from champ line. then spec like 16 bow for a half decent speed shout or sommit.

it's not all doom n gloom, but please, try and wait out the patch cycle to see what other stuff they are gonna implement.


Part of the furniture
Aug 13, 2004
If they remove the old critshot it will suck imho.. as far as I've seen in the test logs, the new one does only 700-800 dmg..


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
i dont see why people will HAVE to spec fully in bow if they dont wanna use it...even on classic 40 spec in bow grabs you the Str and d/q buffs that will cap if you get buff bonus gear, 77 AF, second best speed shout, and 7.3 dps dmg add.
and if you dont wanna use bow....then dont! rangers/hunters have been moaning for years about how they're buff stuff is useless on ToA at least. use spec AF charges, and grab the 5 dps dmg add from champ line. then spec like 16 bow for a half decent speed shout or sommit.

it's not all doom n gloom, but please, try and wait out the patch cycle to see what other stuff they are gonna implement.
You dont get the point here my friend, my issue is with the things that make each of the three classes stand out, is now being stripped away. On a TOA server there is no "make do" spec, its kill or be killed.

Like I said before, I am expecting to see 50 bow give something fight winning, like the recent changes to sword, hammer and axe as well as their respective counterparts. This means your ideal of "making do" with 40 bow, isnt going to be competative. The ragnarok proc for example hitting for 2-300 damage each swing, whereas the 34 style hits for a meree 80-90, guess whos going to have more fun?

Comparing now to then or classic to ToA is like comparing an Aston Martin DB5 with a DB9, only 300 more BHP, 60MPH faster and a 0-60 difference of 4 seconds, but that 4 seconds means a lot. My point is also about comparing that same DB9 with an Enzo, both go fast in different ways.

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
As it is right now on Pendragon:

- Range has been reduced for Scouts and Rangers to 2000 (hunters always had 2000)
- Range on all many 'special shots' is 1500 or 1850
- Minimum 200 range to shoot, we can no longer shoot at targets closer than that
- Added a 'point-blank-shot', but that takes 7 seconds to fire, can't shoot beyond 200
- One click one shot
- Can no longer 'hold' your shot to wait for the perfect time to shoot
- No more multiple crit shots possible due to From Stealth Only restriction
- Elevation bonus gone
- You pop out of stealth when starting to fire an arrow, instead of when releasing.

Currently nerfs, supposedly fixed later
- We can no longer choose slash/crush/thrust damage type
- crit shot seems to be caped at 850 (how are we meant to kill with that?)

- Longshot in bowline, but only at 2200 range for half damage.
- Volley is turned into a true GTAoE.
- Cold/Heat/DoT (matter, body) attacks, but all reduced range.


Feb 5, 2005
on pendagron there are archers soloing fucking keeps and towers ......... most people have a warden or BA BD or a mauler and are just ripping lords apart.... archer 3 shots all doors lol


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 31, 2006
on pendagron there are archers soloing fucking keeps and towers ......... most people have a warden or BA BD or a mauler and are just ripping lords apart.... archer 3 shots all doors lol

Thats because Mythic in there wisdom left the old archery system in place but ofc now its bug'd and hits for 65k damage.

Seems last temp patch took that away so no more 3 shotting keeps.

Also they had menetioned the delve value of the spells/shots has been reduced whilst testing, they will revisit the damage later (yeah right)

You dont even have to equip your bow, stealthing casters here we come



FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
i have a hunter on pend.. so many qbars atm ;/

and 3 shoting doors is fun.. combined with fools bow is sick,..


Jan 15, 2007
i dont get the hunterwhine, all 3 classes have 1 unique line to spec in, pet cd and shield.. what makes hunter the gimped one?


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 31, 2006
i dont get the hunterwhine, all 3 classes have 1 unique line to spec in, pet cd and shield.. what makes hunter the gimped one?

as it stands now a well played hunter and pet is very hard to beat, if this patch 'were' to go live hunters would have to spend pts just to get a pet.

and ranger get extra pts to spend on weapon/CD (nerfed to hell and back)

scouts keep shield (now overpowered) and get free buffs they never had before.

who's the winner spelt whiner here?



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
eble@work said:
as it stands now a well played hunter and pet is very hard to beat, if this patch 'were' to go live hunters would have to spend pts just to get a pet.

Which buffs in that line do you currently use that you are about to lose? How useful are they really for a melee hunter.

eble@work said:
and ranger get extra pts to spend on weapon/CD (nerfed to hell and back)

It's a boost to rangers yup. Since they just got nerfed rather heavily it might not unbalance stuff tho.

eble@work said:
scouts keep shield (now overpowered) and get free buffs they never had before.

What buffs exactly are they getting on a TOA server that's going to make them so much better.

I get the whine, but lets list the exact abilities that are changing.

How much pathfinding did melee rangers used to spec in the old days? I'm actually not sure, but if it wasn't high then there's no change here. At worst they are going to have slightly higher bow skills, seems like a fair trade since they just gutted the duel wield advantage.
Scouts get a free damage add. Most melee scouts spec very little bow anyway, so it's going to be a crap damage add and they would be better off using a charge if they wanted it.
Seems like no change to me!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
Twist and turn it anyway you want, for an archer in my gloomy eyes this is a shite archer luve thingy:(

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