

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Svartmetall said:
(if you think Wizards needed more love than Valkyries then you're living in a dream-world and need to try playing a Valkyrie)

have u tried playing a wiz in fg rvr then? :twak:

- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
Konah said:
have u tried playing a wiz in fg rvr then? :twak:

wizards qq about lack of utility but they nuke for 10000000000000000000000000 damage if u let them :(((

ye i canthandle my beer qq ?


Can't get enough of FH
Oct 20, 2004
Fuaip said:
they shear buffs = DONT need more love!:twak:
Man , you know i <3 you , but untill you do 20 swings at any tank with specable shield and realise you only hit 2 if your lucky then dont say Valks dont need love :D
im not saying my class is shit , I can fk up casters and support etc and is one of the most enjoyable classes i have played but if i go 1v1 against a tank with high speced shield or parry i will fail miserably 99% of the time :x
also dont complain about d/q shear , it jsut ends up in you hitting harder ;D


Agrigo said:
Man , you know i <3 you , but untill you do 20 swings at any tank with specable shield and realise you only hit 2 if your lucky then dont say Valks dont need love :D
im not saying my class is shit , I can fk up casters and support etc and is one of the most enjoyable classes i have played but if i go 1v1 against a tank with high speced shield or parry i will fail miserably 99% of the time :x
also dont complain about d/q shear , it jsut ends up in you hitting harder ;D
Have you tried to do 20 swings with any other two handed hybrid at any tank with specable shield?
2h tank with charge is funny enuff tbh, and afaik Valk has about same WS as Reaver?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
wohoo, we can finally change emblem then :D

silly Luona changed ours into a ... grey one with a harp on.. silly Luona :twak:

other than that.. I dno but.. I fear the albzerg that might arise.

37% celerity is retarded, 15% autodebuffspecc219DD on wiz instead of util is retarded, 2k end is good and alb need it.

I just wish they could nerf ml9pets in RVRzones some day, then I'll be happy.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Tuppe said:
hmm and CoS dont do dmg, thane or valk is dead quite fast if you try use and feel like alb/hib petspammer against high lvl epic mob.
problem whit CoS is, that spell dont do dmg, even that 2dmg helps alott when theres 30 pet, 10dmg from valk/thane -> you kill epic mob 2h when alb/hibs allready heading to 4th.

mids asked something what make us do all these ml etc stuff faster and whit less peeps, we arent yet same speed what alb/hibs can do, and we still need more peeps.
thou lately changes for toa addon have bring us littlemore on par against other 2 realms, yet we still lack some uberhard arties what alb/hib have commonly used from day 5 toa.

most epic monsters unless you have an awful lot of petspam the pets won't hit the monster.

This means the theurgist or animist is doing a sum total of 0 damage.

A thane or valkyrie will be doing _some_ damage (especially if they have any +to-hit styles). Technically a theurg or animist could go staff the monster but then they're not regaining power to do more petspam.

If theurg or animist pets are doing damage that means you've got enough attackers to break the to-hit code, same number of thanes/valkyries to do that and even your thanes will be nuking for decent damage on it ;)

Only difference (from a pve point of view obviously) when killing epic monstesr is that the animist/theurgist will have more lag.

Incidentally, if you're worried about the thane getting aggro and dying they can use call of a thousand storms and nuke away - even if their spells are resisted they're adding 16 attackers onto the to-hit, all it takes is them being in combat with the monster (same way earth pets don't need to hit to give a bonus)

I don't see why people are so negative about call of a thousand storms - it's not going to win any keep battles (unlike shrooms ;)) but for fixing/breaking epic PvE it's just as good as the other two realms' tricks.

Plus they nerfed the bollocks out of everything in ToA, if you can't get an arti in midgard now you need to stop soloing ;) prior to call of a thousand storms you had a point with things like Erinys charm, but even in albion you needed a good 2fg raid with petspam for that, so it wasn't like everyone and their pet goldfish had one anyway.


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
it wasn't like everyone and their pet goldfish had one anyway.
My goldfish got Alvarus' Leggings. Poor little thing was gutted when I pointed out that the water-breathing ability wouldn't be much use to him.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Svartmetall said:
My goldfish got Alvarus' Leggings. Poor little thing was gutted when I pointed out that the water-breathing ability wouldn't be much use to him.

boom boom! :)

such a cool artifact, shame it loses the sharkform on surfacing


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
boom boom! :)

such a cool artifact, shame it loses the sharkform on surfacing
Yeah...well, it turned out OK in the end. I got him Malice, now he beats up the piranhas for their lunch money.


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 18, 2004
Mid love ?

Only thing thats nice in there is the phase shift thing


Dec 22, 2003
Haggus said:
Mid love ?

Only thing thats nice in there is the phase shift thing

Thats not phase shift..its a warlock adding from the bridge and insta killing you.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Tesla Monkor said:
Tbh, 1.83 isn't nearly as cool as they made it sound before they started on it - it turned into a massive Alb love patch. (As predicted, and consequently denied by everyone.)

Whoopee my "only good for pve" ice wizard lost its highest single target spec nuke & snare spell in return for aoe root and low level NS - i can barely contain my excitement

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