
Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
My happy place gets nerfed all the time! :(

Anyway, New RP system:

- Altered Player RP Value formula to: (Player level - 20)^2 + (Player's realm level * 5) + (Player's champ level * 20) + ((Player's master level^2) * 5). Remember when you're feverishly minmaxing that we raised the RR cap to 13 this patch. (In patch 1.81)

So, my RR9.0, ML10, CL5, Level 50 huntress is worth:

((50-20)^2) + 80*5 + 5*20 + (10^2)*5
900 + 400 + 100 + 500 = 1900 arpees

Since I run with 10% rp bonus from artifacts, I'd get 2090 for myself. :)


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Tesla Monkor said:
Tbh, 1.83 isn't nearly as cool as they made it sound before they started on it - it turned into a massive Alb love patch. (As predicted, and consequently denied by everyone.)
Absolutely. Tons of Alb love and nothing like enough love for things in Midgard that needed it way more than Wizards did (if you think Wizards needed more love than Valkyries then you're living in a dream-world and need to try playing a Valkyrie). 1.83 really has changed from a Class Balance Patch into Yet Another Albion Love Patch.
Healers got screwed - the only non-generic healer change was a slight decrease on the casttime of celerity (and the fact that this class-defining spell of the aug healer was handed to the paladins as well)
Class-defining? Realm-defining, more like. Albion gets given one of our realm-defining abilities, and their primary damage caster gets upgraded to a spec debuff caster. Where was anything like the same amount of love for Midgard?
So far, from the last two patches, Hibernia (massive Warden love) and Albion (massive Wizard love and getting our Celerity) have made out like bandits, whereas Midgard has gotten the short end of the stick yet again (pitiful crumbs given to the Valkyrie). Any level-headed examination of the facts about what was given to whom in the last couple of patches will show this.
Valkyries got some love, but the last changes screwed over the changes in the first part of the patch - which didn't work as advertised to begin with (The 'rip' effect broke the absorb debuff, as well as Odin's Wrath DD effect).

The reduction in armor vulnerabilities is a direct 5% damage nerf to all bow users (and melee characters in general) - thanks, where as wizards got a 15% damage increase among other things. Heh. We really needed more caster damage ingame.

Underwhelmed with 1.83. :(
You're right on the money with your assessment here, Tesla. At a time when all caster damage is ludicrously out of control, giving any caster even more damage is completely ridiculous. The last thing Wizards needed was any more damage, they just needed some more utility.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Tesla Monkor said:
My happy place gets nerfed all the time! :(

Anyway, New RP system:

- Altered Player RP Value formula to: (Player level - 20)^2 + (Player's realm level * 5) + (Player's champ level * 20) + ((Player's master level^2) * 5). Remember when you're feverishly minmaxing that we raised the RR cap to 13 this patch. (In patch 1.81)

So, my RR9.0, ML10, CL5, Level 50 huntress is worth:

((50-20)^2) + 80*5 + 5*20 + (10^2)*5
900 + 400 + 100 + 500 = 1900 arpees

Since I run with 10% rp bonus from artifacts, I'd get 2090 for myself. :)

its also worth remember that healers are getting 10 - 20% more rps, due to single heals and group heals. I think a RR11 was worth 599 points to me last night and I was in a FG.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Nice shear changes, atleast I hope these will not break any root/snare anymore as they do no more damage.
Also thank god Eternal plant got changed, cba camping that any longer.
Ah always nice to read Svartmetall's biased whine though which makes every new patch thread worth reading for comedy value.


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Andrilyn said:
Ah always nice to read Svartmetall's biased whine though which makes every new patch thread worth reading for comedy value.
I'm sure your realm think this patch is just fine...reading the patch notes themselves shows why. Pointing out that something is wrong is not a "whine", by the way.

Tafaya Anathas

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Dear mids do not fear, you will surely get your long awaited love in the next class expansion, at least for 1 year.


Part of the furniture
Jan 2, 2005
Tesla Monkor said:
Healers got screwed - the only non-generic healer change was a slight decrease on the casttime of celerity (and the fact that this class-defining spell of the aug healer was handed to the paladins as well)
Classes are not defined by one ability, but rather by the combination of spells. There are other classes as well who haven't got a class defining abilty: runemaster, eldritch, warden, mentalist, ...

Svartmetall said:
Class-defining? Realm-defining, more like.
Hibernia used to be the only realm with endurance regeneration, I bet you weren't complaining when Midgard got it as well. There's still a difference: Albion's got a different celerity than Midgard on a different class. It's not team red, blue and green.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Svartmetall said:
I'm sure your realm think this patch is just fine...reading the patch notes themselves shows why. Pointing out that something is wrong is not a "whine", by the way.

Nah just reread all your previous patch note posts and I mean all of them.
Warlocks got nerfed and you obviously didn't play any other realm and whined about that, SBs got love yet you whined about that not being enough again.
Cba to look through all your posts but basically everytime I see a patch note posted and I see your avatar I know theres massive whine inc with "Midgard is always being nerfed, always on the lowest end, always getting outpreformed, always Mythics "biatch".

Does indicate to me you only play Midgard and never played anyother realm or had any interrest into making the game balanced, try looking at it as a whole not just "omfg they gave pallies a Midgard spell now we need an Alb spell!!111" or "Omfg they nerfed Warlocks now we need Alb/Hib nerf also!!!11".
For instance Valkyries needed love and got much of that yet some people (you probably included) still say they need more eventhough this patch haven't even gone live and you can't even know how they will preform with the new changes, personally I think with the added Charge and much love to the Odin's line they will be quite on par with alot of other Hybrid classes maybe they need some more WS but that's all but hey if you think it's not balanced because it can't 1 shot stuff then I guess you should stick to a Warlock.

Tbh Hibernia is more "Screwed" by this patch than Midgard and especially Valewalkers as they needed and expected to get even 1/10 of the love the Valkyri has gotten.
A game like DAoC can never be perfectly balanced unless they give all 3 realms the exact same abilities and spells and then you got to ask yourself what do you prefer more to play in an (maybe just slightly) unbalanced game with alot of different classes and abilities throughout all realms or play in a perfectly balanced game where skill is the only thing that will give you victory but take away all things that set each realm apart, Mythic is clearly leaning towards the last one at the moment.
Is that good or bad? Well I guess you can speculate about that for hours but it all comes down to personal preference in the end.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
all this whining about wizard love is pretty sad tbh

its been years since wizard got any meaningful love and valks havne't even been in the game that long and they are getting something

Besides, on classic atleast, the wizard love is irrelevant you still won't see many in fg v fg


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Andrilyn said:
Nah just reread all your previous patch note posts and I mean all of them.
Cba to look through all your posts
Well, did you or didn't you?
...but basically everytime I see a patch note posted and I see your avatar I know theres massive whine inc with "Midgard is always being nerfed, always on the lowest end, always getting outpreformed, always Mythics "biatch".
It's usually true. If you can't see that Albion has made out hugely better than anyone else from this last patch then there's no reasoning with you.
Does indicate to me you only play Midgard and never played anyother realm
Wrong. Gotta love people who assume with no basis in fact.
...or had any interrest into making the game balanced
Wrong again. Keep it coming.
...try looking at it as a whole not just "omfg they gave pallies a Midgard spell
They didn't just give Paladins a Midgard spell, they gave Paladins one of Midgard's realm-unique abilities, one that was cited in the past as a reason not to give Midgard petspam - which Midgard badly needs, and Albion has.
"Omfg they nerfed Warlocks...
Among others...
...now we need Alb/Hib nerf also!!!11".
Seeing some even-handedness in the way nerfs are doled out would be nice. I say again: if (for example) Sorcs were a Midgard class, they would already have been nerfed. Hard.
For instance Valkyries needed love and got much of that yet some people (you probably included) still say they need more eventhough this patch haven't even gone live
Read the Herald - this patch is going live next week as it is. And Valkyries do need more love. More Hps per point of Con (Con is their primary rising stat yet they get a low return on it, making it a worthless primary rising stat), and especially something doing about their utterly pathetic weaponskill. And Mythic even managed to slip a nerf in, by taking away the 50-point bleed that was a lot of people's motivation for speccing spear (50-point bleed being uber against Epic mobs) and replacing it with a worthless FAE DD that nobody wanted or asked for.
...much love to the Odin's line...
That wasn't 'much love' at all. The unable-to-cast-while-moving thing was practically a bug fix.
...they will be quite on par with alot of other Hybrid classes maybe they need some more WS but that's all but hey if you think it's not balanced because it can't 1 shot stuff then I guess you should stick to a Warlock.
I don't play a Warlock. I don't play anything that can one-shot anything else.
Tbh Hibernia is more "Screwed" by this patch...
Hibernia isn't remotely 'screwed', Hibs are by far the most fearsome opponents in RvR in open field or siege.
...especially Valewalkers as they needed and expected to get even 1/10 of the love the Valkyri has gotten.
They've had considerably more than 1/10th of the love Valkyries got, but I do agree they could have used some more.
A game like DAoC can never be perfectly balanced unless they give all 3 realms the exact same abilities and spells and then you got to ask yourself what do you prefer more to play in an (maybe just slightly) unbalanced game with alot of different classes and abilities throughout all realms or play in a perfectly balanced game where skill is the only thing that will give you victory but take away all things that set each realm apart, Mythic is clearly leaning towards the last one at the moment.
Is that good or bad? Well I guess you can speculate about that for hours but it all comes down to personal preference in the end.
I would vastly prefer the realms to be different and distinctive, I've said many times that Red Team/Blue Team/Green Team would be a terrible way to go.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
svart - they've not nerfed dark spiritmasters into the ground ;) once they do that I'd expect to see Sorcerers removed from the face of the planet (given they are very similar, not identical but similar)

Wizards were gimps, post-1.83 they're a decent caster - they're no longer the crap cousin of RC runemasters/Void eldritches (neither of which are exactly the most favoured class/spec in the game, and both of which were better to have in a group than a wizard pre-1.83)

Less damage than other casters (more on paper, less in practice) and no utility in exchange for what? a better bolt! hurrah!

I am surprised there wasn't more changes to Aug healers, probably due to healers being really quite a fantastic class (even if you spec aug you've got baseline pac which is a superb baseline in itself), but even so some "fun" things in Aug would be good (heal procs on their mace of doom! rah!)

Would be nice if the smite changes weren't quite so... erm... what's the term.. it rhymes with smite rather handily ;)

(ok ok, I'm being harsh - the dd/heal thing is kinda funny ;) the level 45 DD isn't worth speccing for imo, though being a nutter I'm going to try it until I get pissed off not having spreadheal and spec back to 44s)


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Svartmetall said:
It's usually true. If you can't see that Albion has made out hugely better than anyone else from this last patch then there's no reasoning with you.

Of course Albion has had more love this patch than Hibernia and Midgard I didn't say they didn't.

Wrong. Gotta love people who assume with no basis in fact.

Wrong again. Keep it coming.

Only thing I can conclude from your posts if you say for instance that Warlocks didn't need a nerf.

They didn't just give Paladins a Midgard spell, they gave Paladins one of Midgard's realm-unique abilities, one that was cited in the past as a reason not to give Midgard petspam - which Midgard badly needs, and Albion has.

Among others...

And they gave Midgard pet spam a patch before that in the form of a group buff, did you whine about that also that Midgard shouldn't get this spell?
Oh no you didn't as you just said it wasn't as good as Theurg/Animist pet spam but forgot to mention that pet spam was also an Albion/Hibernia realm-unique abilities which Midgard has now access to even if it's in a lesser form.

Seeing some even-handedness in the way nerfs are doled out would be nice. I say again: if (for example) Sorcs were a Midgard class, they would already have been nerfed. Hard.

Yes see here you go again with this "Midgard classes will all be nerfed because Mythic hates Midgard".
Once again if you think Warlocks didn't need a nerf I am sure you didn't fought any on your Hibernia or Albion alts as you preclaim to play.

Read the Herald - this patch is going live next week as it is. And Valkyries do need more love. More Hps per point of Con (Con is their primary rising stat yet they get a low return on it, making it a worthless primary rising stat), and especially something doing about their utterly pathetic weaponskill. And Mythic even managed to slip a nerf in, by taking away the 50-point bleed that was a lot of people's motivation for speccing spear (50-point bleed being uber against Epic mobs) and replacing it with a worthless FAE DD that nobody wanted or asked for.
Yes and they got a 30% ABS debuff style which according to Mythic isn't a bug that slipped in since it's been adressed many times already, Only problem I have on my Valk is the WS which makes hitting someone in RvR or high end PvE rather hard but more classes have this problem not just Valks.

Hibernia isn't remotely 'screwed', Hibs are by far the most fearsome opponents in RvR in open field or siege.

Of course Hib is very strong but we were talking about this patch not how the realms are in general in which case Hibernia got the least love.

I would vastly prefer the realms to be different and distinctive, I've said many times that Red Team/Blue Team/Green Team would be a terrible way to go.

Understandable, yet you do realise that if all three realms have different spells / abilities that the game will never be balanced right? It's impossible to do hench why Mythic is taking the easy road and giving all realms access to the same things and like I said in my previous post this isn't directly good or bad because it all depends on what people want from the game.


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Andrilyn said:
Only thing I can conclude from your posts if you say for instance that Warlocks didn't need a nerf.
"If"...? Find a post where I say Warlocks didn't need toning down a little.
And they gave Midgard pet spam a patch before that in the form of a group buff
If you actually think Call Of A Thousand Storms is pet spam, then I have the deeds to a bridge in London, yours for a reasonable price.
Oh no you didn't as you just said it wasn't as good as Theurg/Animist pet spam but forgot to mention that pet spam was also an Albion/Hibernia realm-unique abilities which Midgard has now access to even if it's in a lesser form.
It's hardly pet spam with no pets, is it? And it's hardly unique to have petspam if all but one realm has it; it's unique not to have it, and not in a good way.
Yes and they got a 30% ABS debuff style which according to Mythic isn't a bug that slipped in since it's been adressed many times already
The 30% value was a bug; it has now been replaced with a 3% delve power drain. Was too good to be true, of course.
Understandable, yet you do realise that if all three realms have different spells / abilities that the game will never be balanced right?
Have said this myself here on many occasions; what makes the game special and interesting is also what makes it unbalanced, it's inherent in the way DAOC is contructed.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Call of a thousand storms has the pve effects of petspam - which is what people complained about.

Just you can do it with one char who can do everything else they used to do while using it. (tank etc. an animist or theurgist will be burning all their power/casting time creating the extra attackers, a thane/valk just hits the button. Of course there's other advantages in that the animist/theurg pets can do damage if it's not too high level a monster or if there's enough animists/theurgs around to hit things)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Flimgoblin said:
Call of a thousand storms has the pve effects of petspam - which is what people complained about.

Just you can do it with one char who can do everything else they used to do while using it. (tank etc. an animist or theurgist will be burning all their power/casting time creating the extra attackers, a thane/valk just hits the button. Of course there's other advantages in that the animist/theurg pets can do damage if it's not too high level a monster or if there's enough animists/theurgs around to hit things)

hmm and CoS dont do dmg, thane or valk is dead quite fast if you try use and feel like alb/hib petspammer against high lvl epic mob.
problem whit CoS is, that spell dont do dmg, even that 2dmg helps alott when theres 30 pet, 10dmg from valk/thane -> you kill epic mob 2h when alb/hibs allready heading to 4th.

mids asked something what make us do all these ml etc stuff faster and whit less peeps, we arent yet same speed what alb/hibs can do, and we still need more peeps.
thou lately changes for toa addon have bring us littlemore on par against other 2 realms, yet we still lack some uberhard arties what alb/hib have commonly used from day 5 toa.

valkyrie is looking atm very disappointed, charge, "bug" fixes to odin, higher ress, all we got, compare now to example wizard, allready very strong and stabile class.
valk has been live short time but all these new classes have been usually very strong and popular, vampiir? bainshee? warlock? savage etc etc (thou warlock nerfed nearly useless) yet valkyrie is least played class in this game.
valk is average class, yet quite fun.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Tuppe said:
compare now to example wizard, allready very strong and stabile class.

are you actually stoned?


Loyal Freddie
Jan 22, 2005
hib > mid > alb when it comes to rvr 8v8 and pve..

imo thats the strength of the realms.

so OFC alb needs more love than hib/mid.

when was last time alb had a class that EVERYONE was complaining about how powerfull a certain class was. "waits for sorc whines" yet mid has been the most consistant by far of which classes have been called to nerf cos they were far far to strong . Sb & Zerk LA ,,, BD's , Wl's Savages Sm intercept pet , shammy INSTA pbae fart "no dmge but seriously powerfull in 8v8" & Insta CC on healers

hibs , Baseline Stun on most caster classes .. Vamps . bard insta CC . Druid grp purge .

normally ONLY thing i can think off from top of head about alb being op'd was infils "not so much nowadays" and sorcs.

mids seem to be whining pallys are getting celerity . but as said above they dint complain when shammy got endu regen ... with mids it seems if they aint gettin any love they whine and try to make it out that mid is not a power realm and act as tho they are the weakest when we all know "your deluded if think otherwise" Alb is the weakest realm in rvr as a 8v8.

also IMO alb has by far the most classes that DONT fit into a Optimal RVR grp

and non of the stuff ion patch notes make albion Op'd in rvr at all. just gives certain classes more ability to get a rvr grp.

wizzys have lacked in utility since daoc begun. so why whine when mythic give them something that boosts them a tad. to give them more utility.

all they used to have was root and nukes. thats it. whilst other bolting classes have had a lot more tools "compared to wiz"

so stop whinging IMO and play the game and enjoy it.


Jan 22, 2005
As above, Midgard have been the most consistent in producing OPed classes. They had the best tanks (pre-nerf Savages and LA) the best casters (pre-nerf warlocks and bonedancers) and probably still have the best support (I mean the amount of utility you can get with just healer/healer/shaman is massive and gives Midgard a big advantage when it comes to building groups). For these reasons Midgard deserved to be nerfed and even now they still have formidable casters (dark SMs, bonedancers). Mythic aren't against Midgard as you think Svart, they are just making necessary changes to try and balance the game, whether it was just pure coinsidence Midgard was given some of the most silly classes in the game, we don't know.


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
[HB]Jpeg said:
hib > mid > alb when it comes to rvr 8v8 and pve..

imo thats the strength of the realms.

so OFC alb needs more love than hib/mid.

when was last time alb had a class that EVERYONE was complaining about how powerfull a certain class was. "waits for sorc whines" yet mid has been the most consistant by far of which classes have been called to nerf cos they were far far to strong . Sb & Zerk LA ,,, BD's , Wl's Savages Sm intercept pet , shammy INSTA pbae fart "no dmge but seriously powerfull in 8v8" & Insta CC on healers

hibs , Baseline Stun on most caster classes .. Vamps . bard insta CC . Druid grp purge .

normally ONLY thing i can think off from top of head about alb being op'd was infils "not so much nowadays" and sorcs.

mids seem to be whining pallys are getting celerity . but as said above they dint complain when shammy got endu regen ... with mids it seems if they aint gettin any love they whine and try to make it out that mid is not a power realm and act as tho they are the weakest when we all know "your deluded if think otherwise" Alb is the weakest realm in rvr as a 8v8.

also IMO alb has by far the most classes that DONT fit into a Optimal RVR grp

and non of the stuff ion patch notes make albion Op'd in rvr at all. just gives certain classes more ability to get a rvr grp.

wizzys have lacked in utility since daoc begun. so why whine when mythic give them something that boosts them a tad. to give them more utility.

all they used to have was root and nukes. thats it. whilst other bolting classes have had a lot more tools "compared to wiz"

so stop whinging IMO and play the game and enjoy it.

Wizz may lack util, they still hit fucking hard tho.

i do agree on the fact its hard to get the perfect alb setup.


Svartmetall always makes it look like Midgard is the gimpest realm out there and albs are so uber coz they got spec AF and those TinCans running around :<


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
Call of a thousand storms has the pve effects of petspam - which is what people complained about.

Just you can do it with one char who can do everything else they used to do while using it. (tank etc. an animist or theurgist will be burning all their power/casting time creating the extra attackers, a thane/valk just hits the button. Of course there's other advantages in that the animist/theurg pets can do damage if it's not too high level a monster or if there's enough animists/theurgs around to hit things)

:touch: less thinking PvE anbd more RvR

Pet spam in hib and alb has way more advantages over CoTs in the battlefield. But id rather have CoTs than theurg pets or ani pets in PvE


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Dorimor1 said:
As above, Midgard have been the most consistent in producing OPed classes. They had the best tanks (pre-nerf Savages and LA) the best casters (pre-nerf warlocks and bonedancers) and probably still have the best support (I mean the amount of utility you can get with just healer/healer/shaman is massive and gives Midgard a big advantage when it comes to building groups). For these reasons Midgard deserved to be nerfed and even now they still have formidable casters (dark SMs, bonedancers). Mythic aren't against Midgard as you think Svart, they are just making necessary changes to try and balance the game, whether it was just pure coinsidence Midgard was given some of the most silly classes in the game, we don't know.

only thing I find overpowered in a typical mid rvrgrp is bonedancer really, think it turns the fight into midgrps favor if both grps play "as good"... for the other points:

-warlock is just a silly class for silly players, not a good caster
-mid has the worst lighttanks at the moment
-bard/druid/druid is hardly worse than healer/healer/shaman
-spiritmaster is OP vs melee, but vs caster its just average... just like bainshee is OP caster vs caster


Jan 22, 2005
raid said:
-mid has the worst lighttanks at the moment

When I was talking about lightanks I said that they 'had' the best lightanks, which is why they were nerfed and rightly so :)


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
i love all these people who think they are authorities on what valks do and dont need.. you ever played one ?... no, hang on.. you ever seen one ? usually no more than 5-10 on at any given time of whom only 4 or 5 are even 50..

get a clue :p
the OW *love* was a fix - how many other hybrids have to stand still to cast half their "instas" ?
Spear was fine as it was, but no, they had to ruin the 50pt bleed on the 50 style for no reason
no point going spear + shield.. large shield ?! whoop dee do, /care, etc (and yes some people go sword + board.. but they have unique spear styles , tbh id rather have those than be a sub par slam bot- 2 style chain that procs a pbaoe DD , the bleed as was, etc );)

few more HP, and possibly some more inherent weaponskill would b nice, rather than constantly fiddling with everything else


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Mabs said:
the OW *love* was a fix - how many other hybrids have to stand still to cast half their "instas" ?

A tic has to stop to cast all insta's kinda defeats the object on things like a 5second unbreakable snare which is breakable by time you get up to the enemy.

All hybrids got fucked up WS, but thats what you get for taking a hybrid and not a fighter class. If you give up your class defining utility to go and spec pure melee then you do so knowing you wont be as good as a fighter class. Tic weapon spec at 50flex fully buffed still sucks, but it funny listening to some people saying "No dont change other hybrids WS but just up mine to same as a fighter class (heard this alot about melee spec'd friars and valks for instance)

Oh, and least valks insta's now a true insta, tics been told they will never get that fix and to live with it... Also been told to live with the fact our focus is pointless. You do about 50%more damage by spamming the beam over 20seconds then you would by standing there waiting on focus and hoping people dont get out of 1500 range because the +toa range doesnt work on anything but the initial tick

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