

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
Patch notes are now up :)


- Changed the tool tips on the character bar to include the key that opens each panel. (Character, Inventory, Specializations, etc.)

- Added tool tips to the style and spell windows.

- Added mousewheel support for the style and spell windows.

- Tool tips for inventory items will now display better information. Useful information (such as condition and durability) will now show up in the tool tip if it's relevant.

- /autoloot toggle added. This will toggle whether or not you wish to automatically loot items, per the following guidelines:

When loot drops, if solo, and /autoloot is active, you should pick up gold and items automatically.

When loot drops, if grouped, and the group leader has /autoloot active, gold and items will be picked up automatically. Gold and item division should be handled normally from that point depending on the group settings.

When loot drops, if in a battlegroup with a designated treasurer, and that treasurer has /autoloot active, items that are high enough level to go to the treasurer will be looted automatically and distributed to the battlegroup treasurer.

If autoloot fails because no one in your group has open inventory slots, the item should remain on the ground.

Players who drop coin as the result of an RvR death cannot be /autolooted. This is so they have a chance to retrieve their own coin if their side holds their ground.


General Class Notes

- (Pendragon Only) All abilities noted in prior patches will now be available to pre-existing characters.

Realm Rank Extension

As Dark Age of Camelot progresses, many of our players have fought their way to the tops of the realm rank charts. To allow these players the opportunity to achieve new goals in the New Frontiers, we have extended the realm rank system to Realm Rank 13.

- Characters will receive one realm skill point for each realm level, which means that the total possible realm skill points will increase from 110 to 120.

- Specialization bonuses will continue through Rank 13, with a total of +12 at Rank 13.

- Characters with 23,308,097 or more realm points will need to earn at least 1 realm point before they will become their appropriate new realm rank and level.

Realm Rank 13

Albion Rank Title - Baron/Baroness
Midgard Rank Title - Vicomte/Vicomtessa
Hibernia Rank Title - Ciann/Cath

Level 13L0 - 59,622,972 Realm Points


- Snapshot has been replaced with "Soldier's Citadel". This ability grants a 50% bonus to parry and block rates to the armsman for 30 seconds, but -10% block/parry rate for 15 seconds after. Re-use timer of 15 minutes.

- Snapshot has been moved to 25 crossbow spec for Armsman.


- Tactics has been replaced with "Combat Awareness". The Hero will gain 360 degree 50% evade for 30 seconds during which time the Hero's attack power is reduced by 50%. During this time, the Hero will also be snared by 50%. This ability's re-use timer is set to 15 minutes.

- Tactics has been moved to 45 shield spec for Heroes.

Armsman, Hero and Warrior

- Fury's magic resists will properly wear off after the spell expires.

- Taunting Shout will no longer interrupt casters.

Cleric, Druid and Healer

- Enhanced cures have been added to the primary healing line of the Cleric, Druid and Healer classes. These cures are in addition to Cure Poison and Cure Disease. These cures will be available to currently created characters with the appropriate specialization.

14 Regrowth/Mending/Rejuvenation:
Pulsing Cure Poison - Single Target. Cures once, then pulses for another cure 3 seconds later.

18 Regrowth/Mending/Rejuvenation:
Pulsing Cure Disease - Single Target. Cures once, then pulses for another cure 3 seconds later.

28 Regrowth/Mending/Rejuvenation:
Pulsing Cure Poison II - Single Target. Cures once, then pulses for another cure 3 and 6 seconds later

36 Regrowth/Mending/Rejuvenation:
Pulsing Cure Disease II - Single Target. Cures once, then pulses for another cure 3 and 6 seconds later

40 Regrowth/Mending/Rejuvenation:
Cure Nearsight - Single Target Cure Nearsight.

46 Regrowth/Mending/Rejuvenation:
Group Cure Disease - Group Cure disease

49 Regrowth/Mending/Rejuvenation:
Cure All - Single target Cure all (Nearsight, Disease, Poison)

50 Regrowth/Mending/Rejuvenation:
Group Cure All - Group cure all (Nearsight, Disease, Poison)

Infiltrator, Nightshade and Shadowblade

- The Strength/Con poisons have been replaced with Weaponskill/Con poisons. There has been no change made to the level required to use these poisons. Currently owned STR/CON poisons will not be altered, however Strength/Con poisons have been replaced with the Weaponskill/Con poison in tradeskill menus and in all merchant inventories. The amount of Weaponskill and Con debuffs are as follows:

Poisons 22: 12% Weaponskill & 45 Con
Poisons 29: 16% Weaponskill & 61 Con
Poisons 37: 20% Weaponskill & 81 Con
Poisons 47: 25% Weaponskill & 108 Con


- Rune of Utter Agility (Runemaster RR5 RA) now grants 360 degree enhanced evade.


- It is now possible to begin repairing a destroyed tower at 0% rather than 25% condition.


- King Lug, enamored by the warmth of his citizens upon his return, has begun renovations of Mag Mell. The layout in Mag Mell has been changed to include the addition of new buildings. The town’s surroundings now accommodate a more welcoming approach. NPCs in Mag Mell have been moved to new locations and horse routes have been adjusted.

Please note, for this version the new layout will only be visible in the Darkness Rising client. Using the other clients, the buildings and NPC's may appear to be oddly placed or missing textures. The new layout will be used for all clients in the next 1.81 patch to Pendragon.

Over the coming months, Mularn and Cotswold will undergo the same renovations.


Darkness Falls

- Lilith the Demon Queen has stirred from her slumber and will sometimes answer the call of her children when provoked.

- Named demons in Darkness Falls and the Chapter 3 Dungeons such as the Dukes, Earls, Inquisitors and Chthonic Knights are now worth varying amounts of Master Level Experience.

Quests - Albion

- The reuse timer on the Charged Summoning Orb for the Dark Discovery (Albion) quest has been shortened.

- The Staff of Life quest now correctly awards experience upon completion.

- The Boar Stew quest is no longer repeatable.

Quests - Hibernia

- Players stuck on step 8 of The West Wind quest will now be able to advance their quest.

- Rhian now has a visual quest indicator.


- Added in a system of porters for the Shrouded Isles' zones.

- The following locations have a porter inside the town, and allow teleportation between any of the porters:

ALB: Caer Gothwaite, Wearyall Village, Fort Gwyntell, and Caer Diogel.
MID: Aegirhamn, Bjarken, Hagall, and Knarr.
HIB: Grove of Domnann, Droighaid, Aalid Feie, and Necht.

The following locations have porters inside the town and allow one way teleportation from that town to the main SI city (Caer Gothwaite, Aegirhamn, or Grove of Domnann):

ALB: Clifton, Little Haven (barbarian town), and the Lammia outpost on Inishail Island.
MID: Iarnwood's iarn dwarf encampment, Moderngrav's iarn dwarf encampment, and Dellingstad.
HIB: Atlan Garran (Outlander Town), Krrzck, and the Mantid Town on Allta Fearann.

*Note: The one-way teleporters are in faction based towns. You will need to have good standing with the town to use these teleporters.

- Added a porter system that will help raids return to the mainland after slaying the dragon. Upon news of the dragon's death, a porter will appear at the dragon's mound to offer players passage to the capital city or the border keep. The porter will remain for roughly 30 minutes, or until the dragon returns to the land of the living, whichever comes first.

Quests - Albion

- Players stuck on the Ogre's Might quest can now /use the Citadel Map to advance the quest.



- The Mau of Bastet quest now offers correct directions advising the player to /interact with the Enchanted Papyrus.

- The Skyros Order, level 30-39 and The Skyros Order, level 40-50 quests have been updated to allow players to gain faction more easily. Players with very low faction standing can restore themselves to neutrality on their next completion of these quests, and the amount of faction awarded by these quests has been increased.

- The Naxos Society, level 30-39 and The Naxos Society, level 40-50 quests have been updated to allow players to gain faction more easily. Players with very low faction standing can restore themselves to neutrality on their next completion of these quests, and the amount of faction awarded by these quests has been increased.

- The Melos Alliance, level 30-39 and The Melos Alliance, level 40-50 quests have been updated to allow players to gain faction more easily. Players with very low faction standing can restore themselves to neutrality on their next completion of these quests, and the amount of faction awarded by these quests has been increased.

- The Mau of Sekhmet and The Mau of Bastet quests have been updated to allow players to gain faction more easily. Players with very low faction standing can restore themselves to neutrality on their next completion of the quests, and the amount of faction awarded by these quests has been increased.

Oceanus Encounters

- Modified the Artifact encounter "Spear of Kings" so that the spear that must be removed from the temple to complete the encounter is dropped more frequently.

- Onuris will once again spawn for Master Level 2.9 (Pendragon only bug).

- The merchant scholars at the Havens now sell a special key to help open the doors involved in ML 2.2.

Stygia Encounters

- Moved mobs associated with the 'mythical' third spawn of Chisisi for 'Band of Stars'. This makes it easier to identify the location for the spawn and eases the mechanism for spawning there.

- Increased the spawn rate associated with the Dream Sphere encounter.

Volcanus Encounters

- Fixed a rare bug in which one of Katorii's pets would sometimes spawn and be invulnerable until she was killed.

- The faction requirements required to complete each stage of ML 7.2 have been greatly reduced.

Item Notes

- The need to turn in locked versions of each artifact was removed. The Scholars, Loremasters, Loremistresses, and Sages were restructured to no longer accept the locked version of each artifact. Players are now only required to have encounter credit and the combined scrolls to receive the appropriate activated artifact.
Midgard: Loremistress Vendela, Loremistress Tyraa, and Loremaster Torolf
Hibernia: Sage Kaenva, Sage Darragh,Sage Miodac,Sage Girom, Sage Mareva, Sage Narvla, Sage Kalin, Sage Kelleigh, Sage Daevin, Sage Aideena, and Sage Tiernan
Albion: Scholar Girec, Scholar Nisreena, Scholar Brivela, and Scholar Torradan


Instanced Adventuring

- The Grand Summoner Blackmane can now be found in the Haunted Halls.

Dungeon Notes

- Modified the Terracite Cthiyrkkftooift encounter so that all drops associated with the encounter come from killing the Terracite Cthiyrkkftooift. This resolves an issue with the spawned Spore Cloud that is part of the encounter.

Quests - Albion

- The Map of the Frontlines is now usable in shade form.


Quest Notes

- The Circle of Five lieutenants and final boss mobs for the Chapter 3: Inferno Champion quests will now grant Master Level Experience.

- A number of petitioners have come to the Throne Room in hopes that an audience with their ruler will help address their concerns. While waiting for their petition to be heard, they may ask level 50 players to help them solve their problems or prepare for their audiences. Players may speak with the following NPCs to start these quests:
Midgard: Cady, Sevaldric, Fidalla, Guard Heinrik, and Zoawyn
Albion: Sir Christopher Cooke, Lady Amelia Cooke, Ambassador Sharifah, Dale Gibbs, and Goodman Benjamin
Hibernia: Bhaltair, Messenger Aigneis, Gleogh, Delegate Tuddyn, and Sendel

- The Aged Clubs quest now mentions the correct NPC names.

- The Too Much for the Realm Guards quest will now provide players with the correct directions in steps 1-5.

- Rebellion: Introduction to the Cause will now provide players with Captain Raesinds correct location.

- The Once Burned, Twice Shy quest will now be removed from players' journals and completed if the food and potion is used prior to returning to Basill.

Encounter Notes

- The demon lords in the Demonic Prison are now worth MLXP. Examples: Eternal Hate, Eternal Darkness and Geryon.

Item Notes

- A dialogue fix was made to the Academy’s Weaponmaster’s dialogue in King Constantine’s throne room. The NPC was erroneously eliciting incorrect keywords for Theurgists learning about which enchantments could be imbued into their Champion Weapon. The Academy’s Weaponmaster now correctly asks Theurgists whether they would like Powers of the Arcane or King’s Blessing imbued into their staff.

- The Belt of Good Fortune and Rucksack of Eternal Greed now grant a 3% bonus to coin gained.


- The Demon Queen's presence can also be felt on the Isle of Agramon.

- The Heart of Agramon is now usable by Necromancers in shade form.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 16, 2004
I don't like the level 40 rejuv line spell, Cure Nearsight. Hopefully they change ML perfecter ability for us too. Stupid TOAless server whiners getting their cure nearsight messing up my Master Abilities! :D


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 30, 2004
and tbh? who cares bout 1.81 when we dont even got 1.79 yet :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Um new armsman rr5 ability...50% block + parry bonus for 30 seconds every 15 minutes (followed by -10% for 15 seconds after). Waste of time. It will only be any use if the assist train turns on you (seeing as any defensive armsman will have bg anyway) - and then we get a 50% penalty against dual wielders anyway on blocking, so all this does is even it out for 30 secs every 15 mins :mad:

Snapshot moved to 25 spec on xbow - this after they've made it semi useful, and taunting shout wont interrupt. It was looking so much more promising after 1.81c and now they've brought in this crap.

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
More changes, not listed yet (Lots of things to earn RPs for in RVR):


Dark Age of Camelot
Test Version 1.81d Release Notes
Realm vs Realm and Class focus
December 1, 2005



- Realm points will now be awarded for successfully repairing a door or outpost piece. You will receive roughly 10% of the amount you repaired in realm points.

- Realm points will now be awarded for healing players who are involved in RvR combat. You will receive roughly 5% of the amount of hp you restored in realm points.

- Guards alone will no longer be able to make the healed player considered "in RvR combat". They must be injured, and must have a record of an RvR Player or Pet opponent attacking them recently.

- Players will now be informed in all of the new realm point cases how many realm points they have earned.

- Players will no longer receive repair realm points in the battlegrounds.

- A player's realm level is now worth an equal part to their overall realm point value to their level. Previously their level was worth (Their level - 20)^2, or 1 - 900, and their realm level was worth an additional 1 - 100. Now their realm level is worth 10 points per realm level (thats realm level, or 1 - 110 rather than realm rank rank 1 - 11), so with the other change we're putting in, increasing the max realm rank to 12, players could now be worth up to roughly 2100 realm points, not accounting for bonuses.

- Dead players will now continue to retain and receive their realm point credit on targets until they release. This will work for solo players as well as grouped players in terms of continuing to contribute their share to the kill if a target is being attacked by another non grouped player as well.

- All damage to primary pets (Not turrets, theurgist pets, or BD pets besides the commander) now gives realm point credit on the pet's owner as well. If a pet with 1600 hp is controlled by a player with roughly 1600 hp, and two solo players kill each of them, they will get roughly even shares of the credit.

- Breaking an object (Not just destroying it) will also be worth realm points now. Previously walls and doors were not worth realm points for this reason.

- Re-breaking an object which was previously broken, and only repaired up to roughly 25% should result in a reduction in the overall realm point value of the object. (To roughly 1/4 what it would have been worth at full health.)

- /autoloot toggle added. This will toggle whether or not you wish to automatically loot items, per the following guidelines:

When loot drops, if solo, and /autoloot is active, you should pick up gold and items automatically.

When loot drops, if grouped, and the group leader has /autoloot active, gold and items will be picked up automatically. Gold and item division should be handled normally from that point depending on the group settings.

When loot drops, if in a battlegroup with a designated treasurer, and that treasurer has /autoloot active, items that are high enough level to go to the treasurer will be looted automatically and distributed to the battlegroup treasurer.

If autoloot fails because no one in your group has open inventory slots, the item should remain on the ground.

Players who drop coin as the result of an RvR death cannot be /autolooted. This is so they have a chance to retrieve their own coin if their side holds their ground.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
You fart and you earn Rps.

So if I had a hunter and put him on top of a tower with a healer under neath, then i get 5% of the damage healed back in rps ....

Welll that sorts out RR10 then.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Imo, Mythis has really started to roll out some ace patches lately :) Such a huge difference in mentality between them and Blizzard who really dont seem to have a clue as regards what people want (they just keep rolling out more and more raidgrind pve instances instead of working on their pvp system etc).


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
mhmhm.... str/con poison will be ws/con poison....

that should make SB and balde specced ppl more happy


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Tesla Monkor said:
- Realm points will now be awarded for healing players who are involved in RvR combat. You will receive roughly 5% of the amount of hp you restored in realm points.

Wow nice thats a free 10-15k RPs each day! :clap:
Also like the Cleric/Druid/Healer spells we are getting though I think they are not that useful, a pulsing disease cure might be nice though but nobody in their right mind will spec 50 into the healing line so no group cure things ;)
Patch 1.81 becomes better and better it seems!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2005
Healing = RP is bollox.
Where the hell is the Damage = RP then? Or damage taken = RP?

Or Debuff = RP, or mez = RP, or or or or...

What a stupid addition.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
SkarIronfist said:
You fart and you earn Rps.

So if I had a hunter and put him on top of a tower with a healer under neath, then i get 5% of the damage healed back in rps ....

Welll that sorts out RR10 then.

well 2k hp would = 100 realm points?

yeah, rr10 in no time!


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Elitestoner said:
well 2k hp would = 100 realm points?

yeah, rr10 in no time!

To bad you didnt join our multi raid today. we took credit for all arties worth mention in daoc <.<


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Bracken said:
Um new armsman rr5 ability...50% block + parry bonus for 30 seconds every 15 minutes (followed by -10% for 15 seconds after). Waste of time. It will only be any use if the assist train turns on you (seeing as any defensive armsman will have bg anyway) - and then we get a 50% penalty against dual wielders anyway on blocking, so all this does is even it out for 30 secs every 15 mins :mad:

Snapshot moved to 25 spec on xbow - this after they've made it semi useful, and taunting shout wont interrupt. It was looking so much more promising after 1.81c and now they've brought in this crap.
its still better than the 10% (omg a whole 10%!!!) shit that we get at RR5, which is being replaced with a new useless RR5 ability.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 16, 2005
Cure NS - rox!

SB buff - good

Heal RP - seems a bit to good? Like Elftor said where's the Damage RP, or Mezz RP and so on..

And heroes get another worthless RR5 :) The 50% snare is really crap, without that it would be ok imo..


Loyal Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
not like ever get rr13 but still
Realm Rank 13

Albion Rank Title - Baron/Baroness
Midgard Rank Title - Vicomte/Vicomtessa
Hibernia Rank Title - Ciann/Cath


Specially the alb one is so suck :)

And mid reminds me of Victim :>

RP because u heal sucks to.
Otherwise it was nice stuff


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
nice changes in general, but it will take like 3 months till it's released here I think...


Dec 22, 2003
Altered Player RP Value formula to: (Player level - 20)^2 + (Player's realm level * 5) + (Player's champ level * 20) + ((Player's master level^2) * 5). Remember when you're feverishly minmaxing that we raised the RR cap to 13 this patch.

Will this mean a general increase in rpts/kill?


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Yes as you can get 2100 rps for a solo kill then (If your target is rr13, ML10 and CL5).


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Chimaira said:
To bad you didnt join our multi raid today. we took credit for all arties worth mention in daoc <.<

dammit ! :(

pm me next time ! :D

just hit 37, 50 in no time ;p


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Elitestoner said:
dammit ! :(

pm me next time ! :D

just hit 37, 50 in no time ;p

we posted it on Devon VNboards along with guild boards.

I got a link with MIDS ml raid scheme to if you like it.
I doubt we will redo it in a soon future. I do need Tartaros/CS encounter still which you can get at a lower level to afaik then auto artifact in 1.81.

I got those credits on our raid
Bracer of Zo

Managed to squeeze in 60ish yankers on our open raid :p

now bring me 1.81 and I got all I need :clap:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Ozilia said:
Heal RP - seems a bit to good? Like Elftor said where's the Damage RP, or Mezz RP and so on..

They are in the patch too. Mezz counts as 5% damage, and stun as 10%. Damage has always counted towards RP awards, but now damaging primary pets counts as damage on their owner as well in regards to RP awards. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Andrilyn said:
Wow nice thats a free 10-15k RPs each day! :clap:

not sure 10-15k is that easy (assume you heal betwen 200k and 300k)
but an extra 5k if you heal for 100k, i belive i get more from ressing then i would get from healing


a rr11 will now be worth 1555 for a solo kill oO
that mean nearly 1k if you are a duo for killing a solo


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Elitestoner said:
well 2k hp would = 100 realm points?

yeah, rr10 in no time!

Should earn our healers around 2-3k rp(not counting spreadheals) then for every RvR evening

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