1.70R - Font of Power gets nerfed in PVE only..


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 8, 2004
fop nerf would have done virtually nothing to animist dragon farming - 10 animists with 2 powerpots each is exactly the same as 8 animists in a fop for 90seconds.
I'm also doubtful whether the engage radius change will have any effect on this - it is possible to move into the lair and spam.

What the fop change does nerf is 20-hour animist PL at fin4, and the like.
fop will still be excellent in PvE reducing caster downtime (100% mana in 100seconds) - it just stops the near perma-spam.
It also won't change healing much - the main thing which makes toa encounters much easier.

Rulke said:
The offshoot of nerfing FoP in PvE will only be to make rolling alts post-1.70 pure hell, taking twice as long to level
oh please. how is it possible for someone to get spoilt so quickly?


Fledgling Freddie
May 15, 2004
What this will do ?

Pretty much itll go back to 4 enchanters/Eldies PLing at fin4, with crack 5 from an out of group mentalist, and sitting in a Fop during downtime. With power pots and crack 5, it was possible to pull nigh on continually anyway, fop just killed the need for crack5/power song.

Wont do shit to stop the older animists as we learned how to live with bloody awful power use pre-fop, and will simply go back to playing that way.

Fop is nice, but its not a game breaker for everyone (just an easy mode for a while).

Easiest way to "fix" animists, is make shrooms like other spell effects, if it pulses, it drains power. So the Main shroom (controllable) is power free to maintain, but every shroom you put up after that, drains power every pulse. The more powerful the shroom/higher level, the more power it uses per pulse, and the animist has to stay within say 2000 units of the shroom or it drops.

Doing that would pretty much negate being able to get fully out of combat range of tethered mobs, would make it less laggy (no way youre going to have 16 shrooms up). Would also make keep defence more "friendly" toward all sides, and make it "easier" to beat the animist. Course youd still get the flamers and whiners going on and on and on ad nauseum about how overpowered animists are (whilst spamming their own pets, utilising bugs, having silly things like a light tank out hitting any other tank in the game), whilst never actually having played one.

Do note the other fixes in the patch, animist -finally- getting things like piercing and bonuses working in Toa. Those are just -some- of the bugs the class is continually having to try to work around.

I was under the impression the Alb dragon had been dropped by 7 paladins at one point, and has been regularly done by 3-4fgs. When you consider shrooms add 1 to attacker numbers, 7 x16, well, 14fgs, youd think that number would be able to drop ol lizard breath, right?

Yeah Hibs is getting just SOOO Fotm and overpowered, thats why we hae 25% of the active population. Right, uh huh, thats why the top rp earners are all Hibs (hint, theyre not). Suuuuure, we're getting lots of new tricks and abilities, getting the other realms "best" RAs (nerfed into unrecognisibility), losing our own unique GP.

I wont even mention that AOE lulla that manages to break MOC (great a spec spell that breaks a 14rp ra, fabulous), great design that eh wot.

"Never argue with an idiot, theyll drag you down onto their level, then beat you with superior experience"


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Sarumancer said:
I was under the impression the Alb dragon had been dropped by 7 paladins at one point, and has been regularly done by 3-4fgs. When you consider shrooms add 1 to attacker numbers, 7 x16, well, 14fgs, youd think that number would be able to drop ol lizard breath, right?

Yeah Hibs is getting just SOOO Fotm and overpowered, thats why we hae 25% of the active population. Right, uh huh, thats why the top rp earners are all Hibs (hint, theyre not). Suuuuure, we're getting lots of new tricks and abilities, getting the other realms "best" RAs (nerfed into unrecognisibility), losing our own unique GP.

so you're saying that 1 animist should count as 16 people for anything in PvE? okaaay....

I thought it was generally the opinion that albs had better RAs - now that they're all nerfed somewhat and given to everyone who do you think loses out?

Big Ugly

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Danya said:
LOL at the mids "ooooh midgard is so gimped" brigade coming out as usual. :p
it's one way of dealing the the constant never ending and boringly selfrepeating whine about mid being overpowered, easymode, etc


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Sarumancer said:
What this will do ?

Pretty much itll go back to 4 enchanters/Eldies PLing at fin4, with crack 5 from an out of group mentalist, and sitting in a Fop during downtime. With power pots and crack 5, it was possible to pull nigh on continually anyway, fop just killed the need for crack5/power song.

Wont do shit to stop the older animists as we learned how to live with bloody awful power use pre-fop, and will simply go back to playing that way.

Fop is nice, but its not a game breaker for everyone (just an easy mode for a while).

Easiest way to "fix" animists, is make shrooms like other spell effects, if it pulses, it drains power. So the Main shroom (controllable) is power free to maintain, but every shroom you put up after that, drains power every pulse. The more powerful the shroom/higher level, the more power it uses per pulse, and the animist has to stay within say 2000 units of the shroom or it drops.

Doing that would pretty much negate being able to get fully out of combat range of tethered mobs, would make it less laggy (no way youre going to have 16 shrooms up). Would also make keep defence more "friendly" toward all sides, and make it "easier" to beat the animist. Course youd still get the flamers and whiners going on and on and on ad nauseum about how overpowered animists are (whilst spamming their own pets, utilising bugs, having silly things like a light tank out hitting any other tank in the game), whilst never actually having played one.

Do note the other fixes in the patch, animist -finally- getting things like piercing and bonuses working in Toa. Those are just -some- of the bugs the class is continually having to try to work around.

I was under the impression the Alb dragon had been dropped by 7 paladins at one point, and has been regularly done by 3-4fgs. When you consider shrooms add 1 to attacker numbers, 7 x16, well, 14fgs, youd think that number would be able to drop ol lizard breath, right?

Yeah Hibs is getting just SOOO Fotm and overpowered, thats why we hae 25% of the active population. Right, uh huh, thats why the top rp earners are all Hibs (hint, theyre not). Suuuuure, we're getting lots of new tricks and abilities, getting the other realms "best" RAs (nerfed into unrecognisibility), losing our own unique GP.

I wont even mention that AOE lulla that manages to break MOC (great a spec spell that breaks a 14rp ra, fabulous), great design that eh wot.

"Never argue with an idiot, theyll drag you down onto their level, then beat you with superior experience"

Simpler solution, don't allow each pet/controlled/summoned creature to add to the hit code. All summoned creatures+the caster = once on the hit code. Would mean that 8 animists could do bugger all to epic level mobs withough the normal sized group to help........


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
If you removed the to hit code from pets, some epic mobs would need toning down.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 8, 2004
Yussef said:
If you removed the to hit code from pets, some epic mobs would need toning down.
<waits for comments about midgard>


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
Pin said:
<waits for comments about midgard>

here you go:

Yussef said:
If you removed the to hit code from pets, some epic mobs would need toning down.

Are you saying that Midgard lacks a pet-spam class ?

Can't be you're admitting that Mids got a harder time with epic mobs than Albs (Theurg) and Hibs (Animist)?


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 8, 2004
Rulke said:
Dunno, how long you had your necro?
and how long have mids had lair, etc?
PBAE > necro PL in all except the required resources.

and FOP PBAE > all (bar animists) atm - hence my Rej. Cleric being ML8 (Warlord) on ~6days /played.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 8, 2004
Cylian said:
Are you saying that Midgard lacks a pet-spam class ?

Can't be you're admitting that Mids got a harder time with epic mobs than Albs (Theurg) and Hibs (Animist)?
Sorry. I don't see see your point? Where would I ever have said that Alb and Hib don't have it easier with epic level mobs than Mid? That's just errr.... blatantly obvious?

And of course, Mid have it easier than Alb and Hib in other areas too, so who cares?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
Pin said:
Sorry. I don't see see your point? Where would I ever have said that Alb and Hib don't have it easier with epic level mobs than Mid? That's just errr.... blatantly obvious?

And of course, Mid have it easier than Alb and Hib in other areas too, so who cares?

was more about your 'waiting for comments about midgard' ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 9, 2004
Pin said:
Sorry. I don't see see your point? Where would I ever have said that Alb and Hib don't have it easier with epic level mobs than Mid? That's just errr.... blatantly obvious?

And of course, Mid have it easier than Alb and Hib in other areas too, so who cares?

BD got 4 perma pets can't they spam with them?


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 31, 2003
pets... lets see.. midgard? Spirit Masters? Bone dancers?

and i think i heard that the Theurg pets counts as spells, not pets..


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Pin said:
and how long have mids had lair, etc?

have you been to lair recently? its pretty empty on prydwen at least :p

modernagrav for the win :eek:

(not because its better xp but because its easier to get to, did a PL grp at lair and it rocked but dragon isnt the friendliest neighbour in the world :( )


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Amuse said:
pets... lets see.. midgard? Spirit Masters? Bone dancers?

and i think i heard that the Theurg pets counts as spells, not pets..

just like savage ability's are ability's not spells ;)

we could argue these points all day :p


Fledgling Freddie
May 15, 2004
Legemorder, last I checked, I played on Pryd, take a look at Prydwen charts instead.

All the other pet classes, with the exception of Theurgs have CONTROLLABLE pets, in taht they can click *passive* and get out of combat.

Animists, once they drop a shroom and it acquires a target, whether it can hit that target or not, are locked into combat mode. Meaning power regen is basically nil and MCL is unavailable. Enchanters, Druids, Bonedancers, Necros, Mentalist (charm), Mincers (Charm), Cabbys, etc etc etc can all go "passive" and sit down to kick crack/pom into life and use the new fop.

Do remember, 50% of aggro from each and every shroom goes to the animist, so in Pve its -very- easy to get mobs latching onto the animist and twatting them. The dragon case was a matter of figuring out a combination of tactics, what that movie doesnt show is the 3 hours of chain dying that happened before hand.

ANyhoo, we all know that Hib is the bastard stepchild realm, unfinished, underpopulated, blah blah, would be nice to see them go back and you know, fix the existing game before dicking with new stuff.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 8, 2004
- It is no longer possible to use pets to attack targets with an engage radius when the caster is outside of the engage radius. This includes dragons, keep lords, and tower captains
Actually, this change probably makes it easier for animists to farm the dragon as the max number of turrets can then be set inside the lair without aggroing the dragon - when ready they all step inside the lair and the dragon falls over...
The FoP nerf (PvE combat) probably won't apply in that case either, as just casting shrooms isn't PvE combat...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Yussef said:
If you removed the to hit code from pets, some epic mobs would need toning down.

WHY ??? what classes in mid gains alot from to hit code from pets atm..non ??


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Pin said:
Sorry. I don't see see your point? Where would I ever have said that Alb and Hib don't have it easier with epic level mobs than Mid? That's just errr.... blatantly obvious?

And of course, Mid have it easier than Alb and Hib in other areas too, so who cares?

Peopel in Mid cares .... having to bring x10 time as many peopel on ML raids and shit , its getting old imho.........


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Tesla Monkor said:
In an attempt to make PvE more of a pain in the ass, Mythic has seen themselves fit to do:

- Font of Power will no longer affect targets which have been engaged in PvE combat within the last 10 seconds. The Font was having an unbalancing effect on PvE combat. After much discussion and debate, we decided to leave the Font itself alone and make it work without restriction in RVR, and add a small restriction for PVE (rather than reduce its effectiveness or otherwise reduce its usefulness in RvR with an across-the-board change).

Well. Better level your alts before 1.70 arrives because it won't be nearly as easy afterwards in Moderna.

OMFG i dont care what some people say about FoP nerf in pve aint a big deal... Its 99% because you dont can/will use it or cba to get it that you state such meenings...
It would be ubber much more useful with a good testing before making such a braking good enchantment to the else boring sitting on your ass more then fun kinda crap.. And then nerf it wenn people have used xxhours on getting it... Sure its useful in rvr but even MORE in rve atm.. So yes plz nerf this game as much as you can so WoW can brake the customer cifer Record x200 that it seems like it will atm :puke: :puke: :puke:

Damm this crap makes me SICK..


Dec 25, 2003
Lejemorder said:
so u dont think it are fair mythic nerf FoP in PvE? im pretty sure it never had been intended that the dragon should be farmed by 7 persons.
what i got told from way b4 si and toa, u needed atleast 200 to have a chance to kill the dragon if not more.

Oh it's you again... well you see, the thing is, FoP wasn't nerfed in PvE. It was effectively removed. My point was Mythic use a sledgehammer to "fix" things mmkay? Back in your box, now :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Whats this???? ML's will not affect RvR??
but in reality they do jackshit in PvE and unbalance RvR


Jan 8, 2004
Morchaoron said:
Whats this???? ML's will not affect RvR??
but in reality they do jackshit in PvE and unbalance RvR

So true.

Most ml's you get as Sojourner dosnt even work in PvE.. wonder how that dosnt effect rvr?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Well. Better level your alts before 1.70 arrives because it won't be nearly as easy afterwards in Moderna.

Red pox + mcl...

As it was before FoP, we did fine then...

Such crying...

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