Pudzy said:Nah man, we DID when we had str relics, and thats crit shots ONLY, my caps 1025, which i managed to hit alot with relics now its all 700's (crit), my normal fire is like 512 without resists, hitting for 300's atm, 90>120 with rapid fire, 5.5spd bow.
Slams not great all the time, needs a low to-hit bonus i think, say I come accross Snornig, Ok my blockings great, 387 dex 67 shield, say hes got a blue con pet, AP/IP up, by the time I land slam on him and his pet... you kinda see the story, with my end bar and the time I have to get away.
Scouts are immune to hunters bow due to their shield but have a hard time in melle V the same hunter, If that hunter gets the jump on the scout he will more than likely win. For the scout to win he has to get the hunter at range (as hunter has no way of avoiding the arrows with much success) or to slam the hunter before he pops the pet.
All in all in a hunter V scout fight the hunter usally wins, but most fights are not like that, they are duos or other classes. A scout with guard on inf is way better than a hunter and a sb duo. Scouts offer more utility in RvR with shield and PvE.
Lastly scouts appear to be better V their primary predator than hunters, according to mythic a hunter should have a 50/50 chance V a equal RR inf in a fight where no PA or critshot is used. In my experience even V a rr 1 inf i can burn IP and purge and still loose badly. No chance to escape due to snare and massive rate of evade means i will always get stunned.
When i played my shadowblade i often got slammed by scouts and it would be fight over if my purge was down. They seemed to have higher chance to win than I currently do with my hunter V infs.
Btw I do use red healer and shammy buffs and usally carry end pots, so cant comment on unbuffed hunters and scouts