Sansau said:hmmm arnt the mummy textur in ML5 white??
Greatred said:Cloak/shield emblems can be fairly white too. Certainly whiter than the plain "gray" of a plain cloak.
cougar said:<offtopic>
what sword is this?
Revz said:All of the items in DAoC are textured with their own colours (silvery plate, brown leather, green cloth and so on). Now when you dye an item you basically switch a light on that tints the texture a different colour. Dye it red and you turn a red light on, dye it lime green and you turn a lime green light on. The reason why you can't dye something white is because when you turn a white light onto something the natural colour comes through. So instead of going white the item simply displays its natural colour.
In fact when you remove the dye from an item it just reverts back to being lit with a white light (so the natural colour shows through). Hence if you have something that is textured white to begin with (like white bandages in the screenshot above) and you remove the dye on it (taking the item back to a white light) you get a white item. This is the only way to do it.
If you can't understand it that way then please suggest the colour of light I should shine on my brown hair to make it look white When you can't answer that you should realise why it isn't possible to dye items white apart from removing the dye from an item which is already textured white.
No, you have black hair.Battusai said:so shine all colors minus brown on your hair and yay you have white hair ^^.
Yossarian said:White Dyes are possile
Anyone thats seen me out in RvR can see the silksteel sleeves of silent oblivion (ML6 mob drop ) Are clearly WHITE with a rather funky leather shoulder pad effect /em pose.
Either that or im suffering from colour blindness.
Battusai said:so shine all colors minus brown on your hair and yay you have white hair ^^.
*Red light + green light !*Danya said:No, you have black hair.
A brown object reflects *brown light*. If you shine a light with no brown in it at it reflects nothing and looks black. White objects reflect all colours so they look the colour of the light being shone at them. Conversely black objects reflect no light so they look black in any light.
Sarnat said:This might come in Catacombs =)
And that does not mean white dye as it's not possible. Period.
Thanatlos said:White dye requires a redesign of every texture to use a base of white instead of light gray (which was chosen because you have more room to operate detail wise, you can make parts on armour a little bit more bright and a bit darker (highlights shadows), with white you would lose the highlights).
Anyway, it would never happen anyway because basically Dye Removers are the white dye of this game, they show the textures as they are.
Anyway, the problem lies with the base colour chosen for textures (cloaks have very close to white base colours due to them having very few details/bump/highlights) to best suit their way of colouring the armours.