


Correct patch number this time :)

Nice patch :)

1.65D On Pendragon
from Sanya Thomas
2003-09-15 17:03:33

Lots of stuff here, gang. Read carefully, and test carefully!


Dark Age of Camelot

1.65d Version Release Notes

September 15, 2003


As noted on the Herald, this patch will bring change to the overall RvR experience in Camelot. Please note that we are not yet done with this patch.

Here are a few of the significant changes in 1.65D that we're ready for you to check out on Pendragon. We'd like to thank our testers in advance:

- We have changed the frontier keeps to provide variety in keep taking, as well as to shift the focus from a single door fight to a courtyard fight at many of the keeps.

- We have implemented a login check to prevent attackers or defenders from "camping" a frontier or relic keep with alternate characters.

- Based upon Team Lead and Player feedback, we have implemented many RvR-centric class and combat style changes.


- Fixed a bug that in some cases was causing increased resist rates for direct damage spells on epic (level 65+) monsters.

- We now, by default, display RvR combat deaths in the color of the realm scoring the kill.


(green text)Midchar was just killed by Hibchar!
(blue text)Albchar was just killed by Midchar!
(red text) HibChar was just killed by Albion Keep Lord!

- The realm ability Empty Mind was not functioning properly. It has been fixed, and the effects and costs have been lowered. Empty Mind now grants 5% resistance per level at a cost of 3, 6, and 10 for levels 1, 2, and 3, respectively. All players who had previously purchased this ability have had the ability removed and the cost refunded.

- All SI classes should now show up under the proper categories in the LFG windows.

- /gc autoremove account command is now active. This command allows you to autoremove all of a player's characters from your guild - including any alternates. Note that this command will fail in tota when attempted on a guild leader's account.

- All possessive class titles in Midgard have been fixed.

- All known spelling errors in spell text have been fixed.

- Styles that must be performed from Stealth now correctly state this when delved.

- Direct damage spells should now delve correctly.

- Gaining the points necessary for more than one realm level will now award you the correct number of realm skill points.

- Spell resists from realm abilities are now displayed and applied seperately to the character, which should reduce some of the extreme cases of very high

- Previously, resist debuffs counted double versus resist buffs. This has been changed to make them count normally against item, buff, and racial resists.

- The /hood command is now implemented. Players wearing hooded cloaks can switch between hood up and hood down with this command. Default for hooded cloaks is hood down. The /hood command will not currently save when quitting or zoning.

- The amount of aggro generated by any damage add spells (damage adds or damage shields) has been reduced.

- Fixed a bug where keys that were held down (such as Ground Target,Mouselook, etc) would not work in high framerate situations.

- Fixed a bug where a key bound to 'Shift-' could fire when pressing just shift under certain situations and keybindings.

- Added new slash commands, /rpfilteron and /rpfilteroff to enable and disable the RpFilter. This flag saves on zoning and logging.

- Added the 'Stormcalling' spec line to the Player Market Query interface.

- We have added a new channel to the system window, "Resists Changed" messages. Any time your resists change from equipping items or spells (including those cast by Animist turrets), the messages will be printed in this channel, which can now be toggled. You can toggle the colors and display of these prints by right-clicking on the system text window.


- We have introduced a new frontier keep layout at all frontier keeps except for Dum Crimthainn, Caer Erasleigh, and Nottmoor Faste, which will keep the old layout. This keep layout adds an interior door at the lord tower, and removes one of the doors at the gatehouse. Additionally, new doors have been added at each rampart into the lord tower. These new doors will only allow players from the realm that owns the keep to enter and exit the tower.

- We have replaced the Battlegrounds keeps with the new frontier keep layout.

- Outposts can now be claimed by a group leader for his guild with any full group of 8 players. Claiming will require confirmation of agreement by all group members.

- The experience bonus near frontier keeps now matches that of dungeons.

- When a frontier keep is claimed by your guild, with the guild and new frontier bonus, you will now get the highest experience bonus in the game when hunting around that keep.

- Players who attempt to log in near a frontier keep or relic keep that is "under attack" or owned by an enemy realm will now be moved to a "safe point". "Under attack" is defined as when the doors are actively taking damage or are completely broken open. The safe point for attackers is the portal keep of the enemy frontier they are in. The safe point for defenders is the border keep with the portal pad of the frontier they are defending.

- Note that players who go linkdead near a frontier keep will, in a future patch, have a 10 minute "window" during which they can log back in without being moved to the safe point.



- The power costs on all higher level Thane spells have been adjusted down.

- The values on Thor's Vigor have been increased to be consistent with other spec buffs.

- The radius of the Thunder Shout line has been increased to 300 and the damage adjusted upwards.

- The radius of the Call Mjollnir line has been increased to 350 and the damage adjusted upwards.

- Added the Mystic Crystal Lore ability to the list of Realm abilities Thanes can purchase.


- Increased the range of the Chant of the Brawl line to 1500.

- Decreased the reuse timer on the Warcry and Battle Shout lines to 15 seconds.

- Added a new shout in the Warcry and Battle Shout lines. War Howl is a new level 43 shout and Battle Roar is a new level 50 shout.

- Skald base hit points have been raised.


- Added a new shout in the Dischordant Note and Lesser Cacophany lines. Discordant Howl is a new level 43 shout and Deafening Cacophany is a new level 50 shout.


- A bug in Savage's chances to triple or quad has been fixed. Savages should now triple more frequently than before, and quad less frequently than before. Note that Savage Damage Per Second remains the same.


- Increased range of Confusing Gust line to 1500. This is a bug fix.

Sorcerer/Cabalist changes

- Added a L50 baseline lifedrain in the Body Destruction list (Essence Devourer).

Cabalist/Enchanter/Runemaster changes

- The Diminish Immunities line in the Cabalist Vivification list, the Vex of Cold line in the Runemaster Runes of Destruction list, and the Amplify Heat
line in the Enchanter Empowering line have been reduced from 15 to 8 seconds. These three lines debuff damage types the caster herself can cast, which makes the leeway provided by the increased "teamwork" duration the other resist debuff lines have unnecessary.

Cabalist/Enchanter/Spiritmaster changes

- The focus damage shield spell lines found in the Cabalist, Spiritmaster and Enchanter spell lists have been adjusted so that using them against monsters or players higher level than the =caster= has reduced effect. These spells have been used in exploitive ways that make certain encounters much easier than originally intended. Players will now have to use more conventional tactics to get past high-level encounter areas.

Warden Changes

- Increased range on Nature's Revenge chant to 1500.

Cleric Changes

- The range on Stunning Flash line was raised to 1500.


Albion Polearm

- Disabler has been changed to medium to-hit and now chains off of Defender's Cross.

- Poleaxe has been changed to chain off of Defender's Rage and now has a high to-hit bonus.

- Defender's Revenge has been changed to medium fatigue and chain off of Phalanx. Additionally, the damage has been lowered.

Albion 2handed

- Doubler has been changed to a rear positional, medium damage snare style.

- Sun and Moon has been changed to a high damage 7s stun style that chains off of doubler.

- Bone Breaker has been changed to a bleed that chains off of Bone Splitter.

Albion Crush

- Concussion has been changed to a parry opener.

- Bone Crusher has been changed to chain off Concussion.

- Bludgeon has been changed to an anytime style.

Hibernia Blades

- Return blade has been changed to a parry opener.

Hibernia Piercing

- Viper now chains off of Tarantula.

- Cobra now chains off of Copperhead.

- Sidewinder's growth rate has been adjusted to the proper level.

Hibernia Scythe

- Thorny Shield now chains off of Sawgrass.

Midgard Left Axe

- Berzerker Aurora Borealis now has an increased growth rate and higher damage proc.

Midgard Axe

- Raider is now an evade style.

- Thrym's Strength had the short stun component removed.

Midgard Hammer

- Mjolnir's Fury now chains off of Lambast.

- Demolish now chains off of Frost Hammer.

Midgard Sword

- Ice Storm now has an evade opener.

- Sif's Revenge now chains off of Ice Storm

- Draw Out now has a high to-hit bonus


Hibernia Monsters

- Some of the armorsmith trainers in Hibernia were not training properly. The following NPC's have been fixed: Dunstan, Monaghan, Gonvan, Navar, Ormor and Glodry.

Item Notes

- The pointed steeple hat patterns are now stackable.

- The crown patterns are now stackable.

- The circlet patterns are now stackable.

- The pointed wreath patterns are now stackable.

- The Cloak of Physical Buffering (Midgard), Cape of the Devout (Albion), and Cloak of Elemental Buffering (Midgard) can now be emblemized.

- Low level monsters have received an increase in their chance to drop armor, weapons, and jewelry. This should help players maintain their expected level of equipment as they level up.

- The duplicate items that Tulo and Lulo were selling in Darkness Falls have been removed. (Pendragon Only)

- The following items are no longer salvageable: a flask of water, a thin metal flask, treant wood, ancient treant wood, hearth wood, and wizened wood. (Pendragon Only)

- The Wulfen Luminary Hauberk that appears to be leg armor has been renamed to the Wulfen Luminary Leggings.

- Jambiyas will no longer report as daggers in combat messages.

- The Small Runic Defender will now grant a stealth bonus instead of an Instrument bonus.

- The common monsters in Doden's Gruva, Marfach Caverns, Hall of the Corrupt, and the Summoner's Hall will now drop class-specific unique objects, similar to the other frontier areas.

- The Staff of Split Marrow is now restricted to use only by spiritmasters, runemasters, and bonedancers. In addition, the recharge cost has been lowered to a more reasonable amount.

- The phantom proc from the Cliff Dweller Sword has been removed.

- The Hardened Wormhide Wrap, Worked Wormhide Wrap, Tanned Wormhide Wrap, Hardened Wormhide Cloak, Worked Wormhide Cloak, and Tanned Wormhide Cloak have been reduced in power so that they may be successfully worn


- There are new ridable routes to the new faction based mounts. These new routes will all require you to have the proper faction to use the mounts (the same faction as the destination points), to ensure players do not accidentally take a trip into a hostile area. The new merchants can be found in the following areas:

Albion: Vilmalin can be found right outside Caer Diogel and will sell players a ride to Clifton.
Midgard: Korlis can be found just outside Hagall and will sell players a ride to the Iarn dwarf outpost in Faraheim.
Hibernia: Zrrazk can be found just outside of Necht and will sell players a ride to the Krrzck outpost in World's End.

Quests- General

- We have added quests to the new SI zones for players level 36 and 49. The level 36 quests must be completed before starting the level 49 quests. They begin with the following NPC's: Hibernia - Xaxnxi, Midgard - Shiake, Albion - Veena.

Midgard Monsters

- Some areas of Modernagrav have been slightly modified in response to testing feedback on the new area (Pendragon only change).

- Monsters should now stay further away from the outside entrance of Trollheim.

Hibernia Monsters

- Some areas of Allta Fearann have been slightly modified in response to testing feedback on the new area.

- A new, hardier species of shriller has been spotted outside of Fomor.


- Some monsters in Fomor have been relocated to make navigating past the entrance of the dungeon slightly easier.

Item Notes

- The Ogre's Magical Belt (Albion) now has a more appropriate icon.

- The Dragon Crystals (Blue, Red, Black, Green, and Purple) have been given color appropriate icons.

- The Darkened Vine Dirk will now repair for the proper amount.

- Xcrzrk will now drop his remains.

- The Death's Protector Shield will now grant Enhancement instead of Enchantment skill.

- Marfoirwort's Rapier will now grant piercing instead of thrusting skill.

- Future drops of the ageless time frozen cloth should salvage properly. Unfortunately, this will not apply to any instances of this item already existing at the time of the patch.

- The Corrupt Primal of Fire should now drop the appropriate amount of items per kill.

- Twirl will no longer drop unique large weapons with blade skill.

- Grym's Great Robes are now salvageable.


- You can now purchase and place a Dye Supply Master in your house to obtain all of your dyes.

- Pendragon only - Given that players can upgrade their houses at a discount on Pendragon and receive a full price deed back, we have adjusted the prices of the discounted house deeds to allow players to upgrade to any house level for "free" on Pendragon.

The new deed costs are - cottage 100 gp - house 900 gp - villa 9.1 plat - mansion 30.9 plat

Note that players will still be responsible for full rental costs.


could someone from the other realms comment on their style changes ?

personally I'd say the style changes for Mid are about useless, only good thing is the to-hit bonus on Draw Out.


Nice i will finally get a lvl 50 spell. Then they nerf my resist debuffs becasue they dont dare make changes to mana spec without fucking some other classes from other realms up at the same time. If there not happy with mana chanters why the hell cant they just move the stupid heat debuff rather than nerf classes all over the place that are already a dying breed.


Originally posted by old.Hellskor
could someone from the other realms comment on their style changes ?

personally I'd say the style changes for Mid are about useless, only good thing is the to-hit bonus on Draw Out.

I wouldn't say so. Hammer gains a 2nd style in the side chain (with a stun) which is nice. Also good is that the L50 style is no longer in the block chain because it was hard to execute anyways (low to hit on one of the previous styles). Now it is 2nd in parry chain. Hammer could have used 1 more fix, conquer having a to hit bonus (for PvE purposes mostly).

Sword and axe both now have an evade style, this is welcomed by any savage that specced either and SBs probably if the styles are good... And basically any class that can evade I guess.

Edit: and any zerk will welcome the extra damage on aurora.

Sword taunt now has a proper to hit bonus, a major PvE improvement for sword users.


HOOD COMMAND (*$%£*^&£^%&£%^^*£% HOOD COMMAND *(%*£&%£^%^£ FINALLY HOOD COMMAND!(£!*^$&"%^$"


Don't like this change to camping alts in keeps, will just make keep battles even less attractive than they are now.


Originally posted by uma_thurman
Cabalist/Enchanter/Spiritmaster changes

- The focus damage shield spell lines found in the Cabalist, Spiritmaster and Enchanter spell lists have been adjusted so that using them against monsters or players higher level than the =caster= has reduced effect. These spells have been used in exploitive ways that make certain encounters much easier than originally intended. Players will now have to use more conventional tactics to get past high-level encounter areas.

Mixed feelings on that one, on one hand it will hopfully stop people from raiding high lvl areas with small groups (e.g. Early morning Summ SM+Healer enterage farming Isso for Vests).

But on the other hand i was gonna lvl a Summ SM so my guild could do it.

Ain't life a bitch :rolleyes:


Finally :D the only ranged stun in albion (the cleric one) is brought upto what it should have always been, 1500 range. But we still need smite spec-line changing as it's totally useless.


Originally posted by Sarnat
I wouldn't say so. Hammer gains a 2nd style in the side chain (with a stun) which is nice. Also good is that the L50 style is no longer in the block chain because it was hard to execute anyways (low to hit on one of the previous styles). Now it is 2nd in parry chain. Hammer could have used 1 more fix, conquer having a to hit bonus (for PvE purposes mostly).

Sword and axe both now have an evade style, this is welcomed by any savage that specced either and SBs probably if the styles are good... And basically any class that can evade I guess.

Edit: and any zerk will welcome the extra damage on aurora.

Sword taunt now has a proper to hit bonus, a major PvE improvement for sword users.

Demolish Stun is like 2 or 3secs, more like a free immunity.

Evade chain in the sword line, nice for savages, but unless they change the damage on the styles they won't be any better than a Polar Rift, just lower end usage.

Aura Borealis and Draw Out changes are decent tho.


- The /hood command is now implemented. Players wearing hooded cloaks can switch between hood up and hood down with this command. Default for hooded cloaks is hood down. The /hood command will not currently save when quitting or zoning.

:bazbeer: :bazbeer:


- Bludgeon has been changed to an anytime style

Nice change for paladins who wish to go crush.


Originally posted by Turamber
Don't like this change to camping alts in keeps, will just make keep battles even less attractive than they are now.

I disagree.

They have taken steps to make keep fights more attractive now. With the exception of the three keeps mentioned, you get through one door and can have a good fight in the courtyard. Doors have been moved. I really hope they sort out the keep archers LOS and make the gaps in the walls bigger.

Also, I love the thing to stop people logging into a keep. It's pretty crap to run from a keep that is camped to try and retake another keep, only to find that the first keep players have logged there alts in keep two.

Prevention of relic camping with alts is a good thing too. Nobody likes a well organised raid spoilt just because some ppl can instantly appear to defend.


- Spell resists from realm abilities are now displayed and applied seperately to the character, which should reduce some of the extreme cases of very high

BAoD nerf anyone ?


um... so to sum up..

1. Instead of being AoE/GTAoE'd at the lord room, we get the same at the lord door?

2. Chanters have finally been nerfed?

3. FUCKING HOOD! It's been at least 12 months since we've been asking for that :)

4. Thanes get some love

5. Theurgist gets some love!

6. Savages get front loaded damage a bit nerfed?

7. Cat's love dog's

8. My wife is beautiful

I must go back to bed! I'm sure this is all a dream....


Regarding Mid Sword/Axe Evades

Affects SB, Hunter, Savage, Skald, Warrior and probably some I have missed.

I'd say they we positive changes. Watch the 'want sword/axe evade stun' spam from the Blades :p


I got nerfed. It sucked. :(

Albion Polearm

- Disabler has been changed to medium to-hit and now chains off of Defender's Cross.

- Poleaxe has been changed to chain off of Defender's Rage and now has a high to-hit bonus.

- Defender's Revenge has been changed to medium fatigue and chain off of Phalanx. Additionally, the damage has been lowered.

Thanks Mythic. Lub you too :(



increased skald hitpoints.
new dd (prolly still not worth it).
raider now a evade-style(?) perhaps they got some stun-plans for this? :D (yeah dream on)


and don't forget recast is 15s now instead of 20 on dd's :D


Still no warden love... This suck major ass. "Increased range on dmg add". SPLENDID! im using that one when hitting green mobs, to kill them faster (aggro in frontiers etc)... Thats like once every 3rd month... The ONLY thing grps wants me for is the pbt. And i can use either pbt or dmg add, not both at once. How about fixing our damage output some? Give us a reason to actually put more than 5 specpoints in weapon? Or give us some other sort of cc than an expensive snare RA that has to be set out by GT?

We are getting less and less wanted by grps. With the penetrating arrows and rapid fire, not even our pbt is that much to brag about anymore. 1 spell is enough to keep me from healing. And my dmg output?... my melee skills would make a paladin piss his armor in laughter...


And giving albs a higher lifetap, but not on the forester classes? sure, its a baseline dd. All other dds ot raised to 50, but so should the VW and animist one? Seems to me they want every damn hib to play chanters and druids...

More mincer love? Havent we seen enough of this the last patches? Seriously, there are classes that needs to be looked at, much more than minstrels...

Thanes: nice to see some thane love for once. They need it. But still no evade 1? cant be THAT hard to fix?

Skalds: also a class that needed some look at. Nice with the dds and hp fix (thumbs up)


nice patch. only bad thing i found is that FDS change, which TOTALLY FUCKING SUCKS.


Don't realy want to sound negative but...

Weee Thanes now get to be even better Mezz breakers woohooo!!!
And can now do it allot more!!!

Yeah baby Thanes will rock...


Some nice thane loving indeed. :D

But if they give us an evade style they better give us evade 1 too!!


The changes to debuffs means there will be only one viable spec for runies now.

Nice way to nerf chanters; nerfing the other debuffing casters, which get fuck all else but the debuff, but chanters still spec pbae, and will still get the debuff. Weee....

Did it to increase teamwork instead... Please. 15 seconds was piss poor at best, but 8?!?! Any caster that has used /assist know how fucking slow it is. Oh well... best exp savage or BD then, runie is obviously too overpowered ~~

Thane will still be shit, so no point playing him again.
At least he can look awesome with hood up, hood down while crafting...

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