1.61 stat cap changes



The real change here is not about how far over 300 you can go, it's how it makes it easier to reach 300 in more stats.

So if today you have a character who has rather unlikely capped stats at....

320 STR
280 CON
310 DEX
290 QUI

You can now more easily rearrange your SC suit to....

300 STR
300 CON
300 DEX
300 QUI

And in most cases get a better cost/benefit out of your suit.

It's not that trolls with 500 STR can get something significant out of 500 STR, it's that they now have a way to get their DEX up by bringing STR down, which they couldn't do before due to item caps on DEX.

The part where diminishing returns continues over 300 looks like a sop to people who have obsessed over one stat.

Oh, and to Necromancers who only need 2 stats.


Originally posted by old.Ramas
The real change here is not about how far over 300 you can go, it's how it makes it easier to reach 300 in more stats.

So if today you have a character who has rather unlikely capped stats at....

320 STR
280 CON
310 DEX
290 QUI

You can now more easily rearrange your SC suit to....

300 STR
300 CON
300 DEX
300 QUI

The part where diminishing returns continues over 300 looks like a sop to people who have obsessed over one stat.

No. The diminishing returns are NOT from going over 300. They are from adding over 75 from items.

Taking the above example of rearranging stats, what you actually acheived is

300 STR
281 CON (maybe still 280 from truncating)
300 DEX
291 QUI (maybe still 290 from truncating)

i.e. you cannot rearrange that simply. In order to gain the +20 CON to get to 300 you would have to add +500 more from items (meaning you need to be R10L10 and sacrifice 500 of something else - not going to happen)

(still, my bet is on the 300 caps coming off anyway)


Originally posted by Jiggs
its not really about items...

its about buffs :)

(realm level)/2 a big difference? Get your buffer kitted out fully with 50 enhance and mastery of the arcane 5 and you can get 51 more Dex (if you are above R7L2), 37 more Con (if you are above R5L8), etc. Maybe that is a big difference. Maybe they'll tweak some numbers later in the patch.


the problem is the buffs maxing out their own spell caps

but its still a massive advantage (like an extra base buff on a stat)


Actually - if you look at it the way Pin has (reading Matt's note again - I think he's right) it would seem it's not about buffs *or* items of any sort.

(I had previously read it as the 300 cap becoming everybody's 'optimal' value, instead he's just using a really bad example of where current +items and +buffs get you)

It's actually just a waste of time. 1 extra point for every +25 you load up with is utterly pointless. Having to put +125 of items on just to use the first +5 gained from realm level, means that in practice, there is no issue at all about anyone past the first level of RR cap bonuses ever reaching their absolute cap. Because nobody is going to sacrifice +125 stat points worth of SC slots just to get +5 stat.

As for buffs, the best spec buffs can theoretically do 75pts x 125% x 115% = 107 pts. But 32 of those 107 points are overcapping. So the buff only actually grants a massive 1 pt gain.

You can get another 1 pt gain from base buffs (50 -> 51).

WOOT +2 CON, to go with my 3 extra minor heals. Now I'm uber.

(Of course this assumes the buff system works as for the items system).

In practice I can't imagine it will go live as I describe here - as this would be a complete waste of bandwidth when we download it.


The main thing to add here is that the 25:1 ratio is not clear. The note doesn't say that you get 1 point boost for 25 points spent. It says you get 'a stat bonus'.

My interpretation of this is that 'a stat bonus' will be some sliding scale factor applied to your 25 points spent - and the actual numbers of this are not yet determined - so it won't be quite as worthless as stated above, but will still be an expensive trade to make. Have to wait until much later in the patch to find out what the actual hard numbers will be.

(Also, Matt didn't mention diminished returns from over-capping buffs, but I would expect them to be there - but not at a 25:1 ratio).


the overcapping thing is for 'items' not buffs

If bonus stats from items go over (character level)*1.5, every 25 stat points provide a stat bonus.

like i said its about buffs and more particularily having a level 50 RR5 (for example) buffbot will give you an advantage


Originally posted by Jiggs
the overcapping thing is for 'items' not buffs

If bonus stats from items go over (character level)*1.5, every 25 stat points provide a stat bonus.

like i said its about buffs and more particularily having a level 50 RR5 (for example) buffbot will give you an advantage

Statement: I had cornflakes for breakfast.

Question: Does that mean I didn't have lunch?

Answer: No. Just because I didn't tell you about something, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Matt says there are diminishing returns for items over the current caps, he didn't say one way or the other if there were diminishing returns on buffs over the current caps.


Taking a look over the VN boards - it would appear that the 25:1 diminishing returns applies to all the caps, including buffs.

Though they are still pretty confused. And could well be wrong.

Unfortunately the pendragoners are also confused about what is a bug and what is working as intended.

All very amusing.


well whatever you want pin but i'm just going by what i actually got on pend..


Originally posted by Jiggs
well whatever you want pin but i'm just going by what i actually got on pend..

You're going off a buggy beta (I would say pre-alpha) patch?

Anyway, buff your Dex as high as you can and see how much your weaponskill changes over being buffed to +125. Same for hitpoints from con buffs over +125.

edit: oh, you've got a Runi, not Friar on Pend... Well, do whatever similar test then.


And he only says it because he is almost rr10 himself

Well at rr10 not much to play for anymore, so i hope that moron fuck off this game.


Re: ...

Originally posted by jox
Everything that makes the powerful more powerful and the weak weaker is great...I am a big fan of capitalism...in this case at least.

Only unfair thing is that people like you have earned yr RR by a bot :p.


i need a 'realmlvls-gives extra-stats for dummies'!!!!!!11

Pin please write one. :D:D

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