1.61 stat cap changes





We have a new system in place for stat, hit point, and power caps. Now, a player's realm rank level will affect the amount of stat bonuses a player can receive. Players who have no realm levels will see no change; players who have gained Realm levels and ranks will notice that their character is affected by buffs from items and spells more than before.

Starting with Realm Level one, the increased caps make dropped items with bonuses more useful by increasing the amount of bonus the item affects your character. As you go through the Battlegrounds and/or RvR, your caps will be greater than the bonus values on the items you find on monsters, making using dropped items worth much more consideration than before, when caps made it easy to max all primary stats, especially when using epic armor and buff spells.

Time to crack out the SC template threads once again.....


And amazingly, there's absolutely no detail whatsoever :rolleyes:


And amazingly this will weaken new players, new players who might replace those who leave. Good luck in fighting some old rr8+
with 3000 hp :)


Without seeing some direct numbers and a more coherant explanation this information will be pretty useless to everyone.

I'm assuming a dropped item that has +10 strength will have an effect of +12 strength at Realm Rank 2

But a spellcrafted item with +10 strength will be +10 strength regardless of Realm rank.

Of course this could be completly wrong.


no i think it means your cap is higher

i.e. at level 50 its base and then: 75items+50basebuff+75specbuff

so if you get an extra say 5 to the cap at RR5 where does it add on? on the item bonus or on the buff bonus?

i'm guessing that your item cap raises but this statement: 'players who have gained Realm levels and ranks will notice that their character is affected by buffs from items and spells more than before. ' kind off doesnt make sense to me??

have they raised the hard cap on spec buffs then?

so you can get an extra 2stat from your kit and an extra 2 from your buffs?

i guess i'll have to log into Pend and try some stuff out :D


Still its the wrong way to go. Players with good equip and many
ra's allready have enourmous advantage, there is no reason to
expand that. It should still be posibel to make a new char, lv it to 50, and have a chance in rvr.


hrm yeah, it is actually talking about dropped stuff there :eek:

but that is crap, i'm not going to wear 95% equipment because it gives an extra 2 dex

kinad's opinion is right BUT heh lets wait for more information

maybe its a way for new players with just dropped weapons to compete...

who know we have to wait and see :p


My expectation is that for each of the individual caps, each additional RR counts as 1 additional level.

i.e. Now we have:

Max stat increase from items = Level*1.5
Max stat increase from base buffs = Level*1
Max stat increase from spec buffs = Level*1.5
Max HP increase from items = Level*4
Max power increase from items = Level/2 + 1

and with this patch we would have:

Max stat increase from items = (Level + RR)*1.5
Max stat increase from base buffs = (Level + RR)*1
Max stat increase from spec buffs = (Level + RR)*1.5
Max HP increase from items = (Level + RR)*4
Max power increase from items = (Level + RR)/2 + 1

Which in the grand scheme of things would mean a RR10 player could get fully capped and buffed and have:

31 extra on each stat (for ones which have base and spec buffs),
36 extra HP,
5 extra power (woot!)

How much difference would this make? Well, Pin's buffed dex is currently 347, str is 275. Unless the cap on effectiveness on weaponskill changes aswell, then increases to each of these makes absolutely NO difference whatsoever. So, at RR8 I'm left with 17 extra QUI, 24 extra encumbrance (!) and ~120 extra HP (from con, +HP and Toughness2).

Of course, this is just my interpretation of what the change might be, and I may be way out.


erm so every RR i need new armor? to be capped?

and how can you fit in more stats and resists hp whatvr, when you still only get max 4 x 32 imbue???


yeah but pin they are saying you will get this only from dropped items

its just so damn vague


and how can you fit in more stats and resists hp whatvr, when you still only get max 4 x 32 imbue???

That rather depends on your class.

Necros have *plenty* of space for extra +INT and +DEX on their templates!


yeah but pin they are saying you will get this only from dropped items

I read it as 'this is of most use to people who use dropped items'. rather than 'only affects'.

Which makes sense, because if you hit caps less often (and are actually able to choose between higher STR and higher CON) then drops with there semi random distribution of stats are more liley to deliver there full utility more often.


Originally posted by Jiggs
yeah but pin they are saying you will get this only from dropped items


mr mob can i pls have a bracer with 22str 8crush 3 heat 5matter pls

random drops? wtf :x


Originally posted by Jiggs
yeah but pin they are saying you will get this only from dropped items

I read that whole section as 'marketing speak'.. i.e. try to put the thing into words that non-techies can understand, but only end up with a nonsensical pile of horse crap.

Of course, if you can log onto Pendragon and give us some more info, that would be nice ;)


okay i just came off of pendragon. it's a straight up stat cap increase based off of rr. i have no idea what my new cap is, but i was a few points over cap on str/con on my SCed suit.

Live stats (Capped):
152 Str
138 Con

Pendragon stats:
155 Str
143 Con

That's not the cap, though.



the patch atm is complete nonsense :D

af is all over the place, +con doesnt give extra hp etc etc

heh i'll check it out properly on thurs/fri

atm any opinion is just speculation on what is actually happening/ going to happen...

i love that thread:

Sanya: what do you think of the stat changes?

500million replies: well what ARE the stat changes? :D

Sanya: um ok i'll go ask a developer


It seems that stats from items aren't actually doing _anything_ in the version on Pend. I bet this will be fixed by this afternoon though.


Anything that makes high-RR players even more advantaged gets MY thumbs down ;P


- Pressing Shift-LeftClick on your pet's name in the pet window will now create a hotbar icon that you can drag to your quickbar. Pressing this new hotkey will select your pet. (Note: The rest of the buttons/commands on the pet window could already be made into hotkeys by Shift-LeftClicking on them).

- The mousewheel will now scroll the chat buffers and the quickbar when your mouse cursor is hovering over them.

- If another player traded 10 items with you, the 10th item would incorrectly show up in your trade window on later trades. This has been fixed.

Good good :0


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Anything that makes high-RR players even more advantaged gets MY thumbs down ;P

And anything that gives a person more incentive to actually want to persevere with RvR?


I might be forced to change my SC-template. If cap on dex and quick raises I'm def willing to offer con and str on it.


Originally posted by kinadold
Still its the wrong way to go. Players with good equip and many
ra's allready have enourmous advantage, there is no reason to
expand that. It should still be posibel to make a new char, lv it to 50, and have a chance in rvr.

R U serious?

I suggest u return to you're communist country kindergarten_boy


Originally posted by old.Outlaw
R U serious?

I suggest u return to you're communist country kindergarten_boy

so harsh

u deserve to die i swear


bte QTE can j00 come out of the Albion Forum pls :mgwhore2:


R U serious?

I suggest u return to you're communist country kindergarten_boy

First of all i aint a communist :)

Second, it is nice to have new players enjoy rvr, instead of those
who leave, and i dont want them to have to big a disadvantage.
Leave like my old friend Cullyn, whom i think have kept u alive in many battles, when u made one of ur stupid mistakes.
You might think ur good and smart in rvr, but wont take me long
to make a few funny screnies of the mighty outlaws performance.
Not to mention that without 4 months break i would be atleast rr8. Not bad for a unbuffed and mostly solo scout in emain, in contrary to a theur who allways plays buffed in balanced groups.
Aint that right wannabe_leet_boy ?


er right

well back on topic :D

i tested it and its totally fubar atm :rolleyes:

spec and base con buffs gave me 152 extra con

but spec and base dex gave me 135 extra dex

(48aug shamen buffs)

i imagine its got alot of tweaking to do still

from the testing we did it seems about +7 per RR atm

certainly the +75 from items is long gone


Originally posted by old.Outlaw
R U serious?

I suggest u return to you're communist country kindergarten_boy

I have nothing against High RR giving advantage in general. But when most stealthers (all? except maybe a few exception) has earned this high RR's by a buffbot they should not be awarded further advantages.

Socialism is an act of humanity, join in with Bush if u'd like to make fun of it.


1) When does the cap raise? each realm level or each realm rank? Which Realm level/rank does it start?

Realm level, and starts with ream level 1.

2) Will dropped items now be better than spellcrafted ones? (Meaning, does this change somehow alter the intrinsic value of individual items?)

Quoting the designer: "Nope. No imbue values were changed on individual bonuses. The extra padding over the top [an item with over-your-cap bonuses] would take you apply to your character."

3) Is the new cap increase split between buffs and item bonuses or does it solely benefit one or the other?

Each cap increase is applied seperately to items (dropped and crafted), baseline buffs, and spec buffs.

4) A big concern is "the rich get richer" - Should people be concerned that RR10s will now be unstoppable due to their MIGHTY STRENGTH or whatever compared to a RR1?

Again quoting: "The additional points above the old caps aren't as effective as the
"undercapped" bonuses, but they still add in. Since imbue point values didn't change, the RR10 guy who makes a massive strength character to capitalize on his new caps will have sacrificed every single other bonus he
would have had before. As an example, sure the guy might do a ton of melee damage, but will die in two hits from a caster since he has no resistances.

[Sanya: In another question you said resistances weren't affected by this change. So... what do you mean by resistances?]

"To get MIGHTY STRENGTH you have to get a spellcrafter to imbue every piece of equipment you own to be all +strength. That means you will have +nothing to every other bonus. You won't be able to get MIGHTY
STRENGTH with dropped items, because they have a more even spread of bonuses."

5) Please clarify the Dropped item parts, does the Cap change when using dropped items only or SC items also count?

Quote: "There is no distinction between SC and dropped items. Also, a tuned spellcrafted suit of armor is still tuned. You could come up with other tuned suits that sacrifice a little of this or that for more of something or other, but the one you have will still work great."

My thinking is that many of you loaded up your armor with as much as it could handle - we're not changing SC to let you add MORE stuff to it. So, to my thinking, you're already wearing maxxed out spell crafted gear, and it will not lose any value. What am I missing?

7) Are resists affected by this too?


8) Will the maximum possible value (hard cap of 300?) will change too?

Still being poked with a stick. Ask me again later in the patch.

9) Ream ability question: What about realm skills that raise stats. Aug Str, Aug Con etx. Will the new stat caps have any changes on how those work?

They are considered "base" bonuses, and were never capped to begin with. As we tune this new system, there may be changes.

10) If an item gives you +10 STR at RR0, will the same item give you say +15 STR at RR10?

No, you will need more items to meet the new personal caps. The per-item caps have not changed.

11) What is the intent behind this change? For what reason did Mythic decide to go with it?

To increase the value of high level buffs and dropped items in the world which were not being used due to the caps.

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