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- #31
Well at least Scouts didnt get any more nerfing thats made my day!
Originally posted by Cadwallon
People who enjoy playing smiters do so because they are not interested in the utter boredom and mindlessness of paying a monthly subscription just to watch a mini-screen and health bars.
Originally posted by Cadwallon
The suggested way to respec is 14r/14e/50s as this will still maintain decent damage output, so Albion as a realm has been 'nerfed' not just the clerics as high-end groups will have even more reduced healing ability.
Originally posted by Cadwallon
Sure, you are able to leech rp's by being in the group but you get less than those who do the damage and often the cleric, as healer/rezzer, is out of range of the rp earning zone.
-The Cleric Smite line was re-tuned to bring this specific class/skill combination into line with other healers. The primary change was a reduction to the direct damage spells (single target and AE), which were doing the equivalent damage to a nuker direct damage spells. This was inappropriate due to offensive and defensive melee capabilities of the Cleric. The Heavenly Strike line (AE DD) now has had its radius increased to 350 at all levels, however.
Originally posted by chesnor
lol, yeah lets make every other healing class uber like a Smite specced Cleric. Good plan. An army of healers wearing chain, self buffing, ressing, healing, nuking like casters would rock RvR. In fact, why not just deleted all the other classes while we're at it as they are all defunct.
If Clerics weren't due a smack from the nerf bat, I'm a banana.
Originally posted by chesnor
Of course Albion will be nerfed if all clerics spec 14/14/50 because your healing will suck. Sheesh.
Originally posted by Tigerius
what I right now see is even more classes getting insta-CCs and being mezzed an even more regular part of combat. Not a way to improve RvR as it stands.
Originally posted by Whut
Read the rest of the patch notes . . .
Healing across ALL Realms and ALL classes has been improved.
Albion will not be nerfed by this.
Originally posted by Whut
It isn't going to be a 2 way street any more, it is going to be a 3 way street.
It wasn't right that 1 Realm lacked this ability. Why did you think that it was reasonable for Hibernia to be the only Realm without it? Aren't they gimped enough as it is for you?
Personally I would rather have seen all insta mezz and insta roots taken out of the game.
Frankly, an insta pbaoe root, isn't worth a candle anyway.
TiihihiaihaihahehehahaheaehaheaiiaiaOriginally posted by Gef
LOL, poor Clerics
.. hold on ..
.. I got a Cleric
.. balls ..
.. oh yeah he's rejuv anyway![]()
Originally posted by chesnor
My point was that the guy can't complain that Albion is gimped because his healing sucks, when he is only speccing rejuv to 14 and smite to 50.
Even after the tweaks to healing spells in 1.51, a cleric with 14 in rejuv is still going to be a poor healer.
Originally posted by chesnor
I played a Healer in Mid to 46, and am painfully aware of how screwed the mending(rejuv) line is. I specced to neding to 23 purely to get the first group insta heal. Any more in mending after that was basically wasted.
Points in mending do also reduce the variance on heals (much like speccing weapon) so there is a sweet spot to spec where the heals are good and power cost is reasonable. Any class that specs 50 into mending/rejuv right now is gimped
However Clerics speccing 14 into rejuv are ignoring that second insta, just for more uber smite. A tad selfish there imho, since insta group heal is mucho useful in RvR.
Originally posted by Andromalius
I can heal 49 tanks fine in PvE with the 26 spec heal. The big heals are more needd in RvR when a lvl 50 hits your pals for half their life. Except for that, healing for 600 is just a waste.