1.51D on Herald!



- The Cleric Smite line was re-tuned to bring this specific class/skill combination into line with other healers. The primary change was a reduction to the direct damage spells (single target and AE), which were doing the equivalent damage to a nuker direct damage spells. This was inappropriate due to offensive and defensive melee capabilities of the Cleric. The Heavenly Strike line (AE DD) now has had its radius increased to 350 at all levels, however.

:clap: :clap: :clap:


-Midgard: Varulvhamn: The King of the Werewolves has returned to Varulvhamn seeking fresh sacrifices for the Altar of Lyceaon. Werewolf kin of Midgard have begun shouting praises at his return as well as the essences of nature that once flowed through their blood. Uncovering a once-hidden maze of passages , the werewolves within their dark lair have now made room for its increased population of lycanthropes. Tread lightly lest you wish to be the king's next sacrifice.

Sweet.... should be alternative fun to spindel


Not sure but aren't these changes for Pendragon and Morder only... even the spell stuff since it said "WORLD NOTES - Pendragon and Mordred:" in large... then all the rest in smaller text?


pity they are on 10 minute timers tzee ;)

yay to see that clerics are getting some nerfing at long bloody last :)


Hehe, my favourite parts were:

- Added some new spells to the Healer Augmentation spec track. These new spells are intended to make the Healer more effective in combat, without adding explicitly offensive magic. This is intended to provide an alternate track for a Healer to spec in to give a different play style.

Short duration group haste buff, stacks with concentration based haste
18 Celerity
26 Enhanced Celerity
32 Amplified Celerity
44 Pure Celerity

Self only Str/Con buff
8 Asgard's Lesser Strength
19 Asgard's Strength
28 Asgard's Lesser Potence
34 Asgard's Potence
42 Asgard's Lesser Might
49 Asgard's Might

Self only damage shield
13 Asgard's Lesser Defense
21 Asgard's Defense
29 Asgard's Protection
43 Asgard's Deflection
48 Asgard's Greater Deflection

and the Heal spell changes, might remake my healer but not sure if its worth it, we probably wont get 1.51 for ages and dont think I could do all that lvling again :)


- Added insta-cast mes to Bard Music spec; these are all on the same 10 minute tiemr. This was done to alleviate Hibernia's lack of instant-cast crowd control.

29 Hypnotic Harmony

AE Insta-mes
37 Deluding Harmony
47 Entrancing Harmony.

Yeah, they should of done this a while ago and for Druids aswell,
And paladin and Warden aggro line, maby it could turn ot to be a =Save the healer surpream= class from now on then =)

well its cool, tho Hibb should have more loven


why does a healer need self buff spec line??

it's not like they are soloing or anything....


I think the insta root and changes to the midgard healer spec line alone are worthy of a round of applause for mythic

Its good to see both the naturalist/seer classes of Mid and Hib get some toys that they have been lacking.

Its also nice to see some good stuff for Paladins - hopefully this will make it more 'fun' to play these classes and we will see more balanced distribution of classes within realms as a result ;)



So Healers, Shamans, Druids and Bards all get new spells... Friars get nothing and Clerics get nerfed. I might just have to start whining here, but I'll wait to hear player experiences.

*shrug* another class with AE instamez... and they say they want to tone down effects of mez in RvR...

The Paladin aggro chant seems sort of.. useless? Certainly not what this class needs to get it on feet, another 100% PvE chant. Player experiences will have to tell but it's a well known fact there exists a healing chant for matters of drawing aggro and yes it actually does have some positive effect rather than "do damage that accrues on the hate list of their target, but do no actual damage". Unless this thing is awesomly powerful at drawing aggro, it seems utterly naff.


Just for different play styles, not every healer wants to be a rezz/mezz bitch :)


When r they gonan give Melee classes summink

Every patch a million tweaks to casters and nout for tanks, its a pisstake IMO, (tho I do play a thane :D so u can understand I am pissed off)


one word Mjolnhir

Thanes are bloody scary as it is

maybe we should ask mythic to tweak their aoe attack down some? ;)

be careful wot u ask for =)

I would like to see high levels get much better resistence to mezzes - I do think that all melee classes need a little help when it comes to rvr - hardly a day goes by without a " I got mezzed and nuked to hell damnit!" post.

I would like to point out that ROOT IS NOT A MEZZ - u can cast, shoot and indeed move (albeit very very slowly) whilst rooted. I would also like to point out that shamens get some nice new toys too ;)

Having not played a paladin - I will have to bow to experience on that one ;)



Paladins only shine in PvE and they increase their effectiveness in .... tada PvE. Real stupid.
Give us a battle yell to pull with. One that actualy does damage. Sigh... My Paladin will stay in the freezer this way.

And the sorcerer gets even more stuff in his matter line. And cabalists do not. We deserve the same spells in our matter line.


Thumbs up for the long-missing instas for hib (even with a timer, it still helps)
Thumbs up for the smite nerf (come on, noone can seriously say smite clerics were NOT too powerful)

To all the classes that did not receive anything yet - this is not the last letter to come in 1.51 and certainly not the last spells added. In fact, I would even have preferred NOT to get a spell added in this patch:

When it comes to my own class, which already had the least number of useful robed caster spells in the game, woohoo we just got ANOTHER totally useless attack speed debuff in our light spec line, hey its only the THIRD similar spell...we now got three attack speed debuffs and one nuke.
Add to that that the only usefull spell in mana spec is the pbae (run speed belongs into a baseline) and the only useful spell in enchantment spec is damage add (which other casters again get in their baseline) that leaves enchanters with a whole two useful spells in their three speclines. Sorry for bitching, its the first time I do this but I am highly annoyed with that stupid spell addition :(


Lvl 50 Enchanter (either stun/pbae or stun/nuke is all my three spell lines are good for)
Lvl 22 Friar (I enjoy playing this class more right now)
Lvl 15 Cabby (shelved till class is fixed..expect to see him sometime 2004 I guess)


Little bit late for me now but at least upcoming pallys will have a way to pull dificult to reach mobs, however call me pessimistic but i think ill be playing on my pentium 12 by the time its comes out here.


copple good news, but after nerfing laxe, i still read no news for bers?
- Added taunt spell line to Paladin Chant spec and Warden Nurture spec. This spell is intended to alleviate the fact that Paladins and Wardens had no ranged technique to pull with. These spells do damage that accrues on the hate list of their target, but do no actual damage. They are on 8 second timers, and cost no power.
borrowed from herald.

hhmm, bers dont have any range attacks, still after this patch.
but are midgardian so probably dont need this?
lucky when can use still agro "pull" :rolleyes:


They were sorting out spells this time...

maybe they're going back to styles next (bloody well hope so .... as a Dual Wielder ;))

I'm overwhelmed by the boost they've given to Calefaction... lots of cool and wacky effects :) nothing hugely overpowering.. though stun is pretty powerful.. (not a long duration thank god.. )

Smite clerics no longer do the same damage as wizzies... guess that's fair, sorry smiters :( but you can heal a bit as well :)

wizard with instant heal and chain they used to be called... now they're instant heal and chain with cabalist zaps or something ;)

Might start a smite cleric if 1.51 makes them rarer

The heal changes are ace :) :clap: :clap: :clap:
Yay heal changes! Might get some more tactics in RvR other than 'mezz/blast the hell out of them before they mezz/blast the hell out of us'


The spell adjustments are in the Mordred section, so PvP only I think???


Nah it went 'World Section (mordred and Pendragon)'
after the mordred only... bit confusing I agree - thought that at first :)


To Zeikerd :

All sorcs go mind, that's why they got added a spec line in matter, to make that path more interesting.

Much of the new spells are placed in underused/underpowered spec lines, so they don't really make the class more powerfull, but they balance it more out so other spec lines are more viable

Which is a good thing imho ...


As I understand it Mythic make tweaks to classes if it has become a cookie cutter class (i.e there is only 1 sensible way to spec). Healer is a classic example, a augmentation specced Healer was indeed rare (as the line totally sucked) so they offered some cool stuff in there. Ditto with Sorcs who as Prof pointed out, were nuts if they specced Matter. Smite Clerics were clearly overpowered and I'm sure this line will now be less attractive and Albion will see more rejuv clerics.

Classes like pallys and cabalists still seem a bit gimped in RvR, and they got little or no attention. The pally taunt seems a bit pointless imho (would be a cool zerker skill) and the warden can pull with a bow, surely. Still, all in all, a nice patch :)


I dont think Mythic know Cabalists and Spiritmasters still exsist :/


The Cleric Smite line was re-tuned to bring this specific class/skill combination into line with other healers.

- Added insta-cast root to Druid Nature spec; This was done to alleviate Hibernia's lack of instant-cast crowd control.

- Added insta-cast mes to Bard Music spec; This was done to alleviate Hibernia's lack of instant-cast crowd control.

Nice going. I dont think i have a single balance-issue complaint now..



Originally posted by Aeiedil
pity they are on 10 minute timers tzee ;)

yay to see that clerics are getting some nerfing at long bloody last :)

Well it isn't that Clerics need nerfing, they are nicely balanced really. To me the other support classes needed bring up to the Clerics level of balance.

Just easier to drop the Cleric down to somewhere near the others, I suppose.


Originally posted by Whut

Well it isn't that Clerics need nerfing, they are nicely balanced really. To me the other support classes needed bring up to the Clerics level of balance.

Just easier to drop the Cleric down to somewhere near the others, I suppose.

lol, yeah lets make every other healing class uber like a Smite specced Cleric. Good plan. An army of healers wearing chain, self buffing, ressing, healing, nuking like casters would rock RvR. In fact, why not just deleted all the other classes while we're at it as they are all defunct.

If Clerics weren't due a smack from the nerf bat, I'm a banana.

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