1.4 is out ladies



hehe i've seen bouncing tanks since 1.3 :D
i had one bouncing about in a hangar, that was funny. i dont think it can happen now, they took out ground vehicle repairing in hangars

The Kingpin

I love the way people can no longer abuse the games psyhics,
for example;
They can no longer grenade or expack jump.
You can no longer use you're parashoot for every minor fall, only long falls give you the chance to pull it out.

Also ym best, when you hit infantry with a tank shell or plane bomb, they go flying in the air :D


Personally I think it's a huge improvement over previous releases.

Any word on what the servers are / will be running in (pure etc)?


The parachute thing is shit: now the chances of surviving anything other than a wild freefall from 10,000 feet is between about 0 and -0.

Also don't have the chance to do low-level bail-outs and keep yourself alive whilst being straffed by flyboys. Perhaps they should just remove planes altogether....


Now, what else sucks about 1.4 ............... oh yes, no expack jumping? Whats all that about. Veichals flipping easier, stupid Jap gun model... the list goes on.


I would lean in the direction of pure servers, specially since I suspect everyone as having changed the player skins so I show up brilliant yellow or something (have to find some excuse for dying as much as I do because I wont accept me being shit as the reason)


Remove planes altogether.........I aint saying a word :)


Entertainingly, some friends bought me a stick of rock called "Humbug".

Some people know me too well....


apparently the pure server option (content check) in 1.4 has one major fault, and that is it currently blocks anyone who has a mod such as DC or EOD from playing on the server even if the server has the same mods...

Can anyone confirm this is the case?.

The Kingpin

A parashoot should only work from a Plane anyway,
It all ready a pain in the ass that 9/10 people will bail off from a plane when you shoot them, thua most of the time, not getting the kill.

Also, parashoots are really hard to get off if you're 50m above the ground, never mind 10.

And to people who say, move planes out the game, most of the planes own the server, you get people with 70/1 kill and death ratio, only time when planes get their just deserts is when people assist each other on AA guns and MG turrents.


Guess I'll have to play tonight to see what it is like, no recent game seems to put me in a headlock like AQ2 did :)


Utter crap turn out....patch seems good, esp the flak.

The Kingpin

*shakes fists*

I was trying to be a "l33t" pilot, but you kept shooting me out of the sky..

The Kingpin

So did i, i only managed to bomb you once.

With my super matrix "go around" corners bomb!


embattle shoot?, damn and I missed it, usually he just jumps into a plane and crashes into you.


Argh, my bad - I missed it :(

I got caught up with other stuff - damn.


Originally posted by adams901
embattle shoot?, damn and I missed it, usually he just jumps into a plane and crashes into you.

I do have to admit that this was my original plan, however the low numbers made it hard to find any one.

I did however manage to crash straight into the back of Scooba during take off on Battleaxe, his fault since he jumped out of his plane and I couldn't get the anchors to stop me quick enough..typical :)


if adams had been playing, Embattle wouldn't of gotten a plane coz adams camps them, wot a llama:p


That smilie is crap, I prefer:



Originally posted by adams901
apparently the pure server option (content check) in 1.4 has one major fault, and that is it currently blocks anyone who has a mod such as DC or EOD from playing on the server even if the server has the same mods...

Can anyone confirm this is the case?.

Its all about generating CRC's for them apparently. I can't get it working in anything other than something less pure than an essex girl. Cdr knows more (about essex girls, hur hur)... Ah, here it is, me once again taking all the credit. See below for the Dice opinion on it. Sounds fairly easy, I'm going to give it a whirl on my server at some stage and see. (cheers rob, merciless stealing ahoy)


Battlefield 1942 version 1.4: CRC content check


DICE has rewritten the CRC checking system to let server administrators decide
if they want to allow client side modifications on their servers. The system
is based on the game.serverContentCheck server setting and a number of
contentCrc32.con files.

The serverContentCheck variable can now take on three values:

0 - All clients are allowed.
1 - Only clients with default installations are allowed.
2 - Only clients with installations matching any of the server-defined CRCs
are allowed.

The conentCrc32.con files are parsed by the server to load a set of CRCs that
will be considered as valid. As clients connect they will be checked against
these values. The CRC files reside in the directory of each mod.

Generating CRC data for mods

If you decide to allow a certain client side mod, or if you need to generate
CRC checksums for a client/server mod follow these steps:

1) Use a client installation of the mod you are working on.

2) Run the following command from the bf1942 install directory:

bf1942.exe +generateMapListForCrcContent 1

This will instruct the game to write out a batch file called

3) The batch file contains commands to generate CRCs for all maps of all mods
which probably isn't what you want. Therefore, edit the batch file with a text
editor to include only the maps you need.

4) Run the batch file from the bf1942 install directory:


The game will start and stop once for every map in the batch file. As
levels are loaded, their calculated CRC checksums will be written to the
contentCrc32.con file of the current mod. If you need to run this serveral
times please note that values are appended, not replaced. Therefore it can
be useful to keep a backup copy of the original contentCrc32.con file to be
restored before generation.

5) Copy the resulting contentCrc32.con files to the server.


I think you can safely ignore the pile of shit above: It doesn't appear to work for mods.

Unless I'm missing the part where you sacrafice several small children then incant around a pile of mud in the shape of Jesus on the Cross - it doesn't fucking generate them for anything other than the default /bf1942 directory...

Back to the drawing board.

EDIT: Back to the drawing board for Dice at least, it appears to be a very known problem. Can't CRC check mods until the mappers do some goddamned work.

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