ML1 ---- Fryday 8, April
Hour : 20: 00 CET, meet Volcanus Haven
Leader : Placador/Shanessa
Pre-Steps : 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.4 / 1.5
Pre-Claim : Nothing
ML2 ---- Saturday 9, April
Hour : 15: 00 CET, meet Stygia Haven
Leader : Placador/Shanessa
Pre-Steps: 2.5 / 2.8
Pre-Claim: Nothing
ML3 ---- Sunday 10, April
Hour: 15:00 CET, meet Aerus Haven
Leader : Caby/Shanessa
Pre-Steps : Mougarth, Egg, Sword and Neackle
Pre-Claim: Moirai Belt, if dropped
ML4 ----- Friday 15, April
Hour: 20:00 CET, meet Stygia Haven
Leader: Placador/Shanessa
Pre-Steps: 4.1 / 4.3 / 4.4
Pre-Claim : nothing
ML5 ---- Saturday 16, April
Hour: 15:00 CET, meet Stygia Haven
Leader: Placador/Shanessa
Pre-Steps: from 5.1 to 5.8
Pre-Claim: Ring of Silent Oblivion )
ML6 ---- Sunday 17, April
Hour: 15:00, meet Volcanus Haven
Leader: Caby/Shanessa
Pre-steps : 6.1 and 6.5
Pre-Claim: Hammer of Appollo
ML7 ---- Friday 22, April
Hour 20:00, meet Volcanus Haven
Leader: Placador/Shanessa
Pre-Steps: from 7.1 to 7.6
Pre-Claim: Nothing
Loot: Only this scrolls will be lotto'ed:
-Mad Tales
ML8 ---- Saturday 23, April
Hour: 15:00 CET, meet Aerus Haven
Leader: Placador/Shanessa
Pre-Steps: 8.4 / 8.7 / 8.9
Pre-Claim: Nothing
ML9 ---- Friday 29, April
Hour: 20:00 CET, meet Aerus Haven
Leader: Caby/Shanessa
Pre-Steps : no pre-steps
Pre-Claim: Golden runed Defender
ML10 ---- Maybe After ML9 or Saturday 30, April
Hour: 15:00 CET, meet at loc of portal
Leader: Caby/Shanessa
Pre-Steps : No pre-steps
Pre-Claim: nothing
---- RULES ----
*We meet at Havens
*/bg is in Placador/Caby or Shanessa
*/bg opens 1 hour before raid
*BALANCED groups will be formed, and spots filled where possible.
*Late arrivers will NOT be waited for.
*Stick your group leader.
*Group leaders ONLY stick to me( Placador/caby ). This enables faster
break-offs when required.
*OUR PMs will be turned OFF for the entire raid. The only way to
contact me
is via your voiced group member.
*All LD reports and associated problems go through your voiced member.
*Short AFKs at obvious times are ok, toilet stops/drinks etc.
*Any AFK preventing raid smoothness will result in a /bg remove.
*You will NOT be AFK during encounters.
*I will explain how the encounter is done.
*I will not require volunteers, I will pick you, like it or not.
*I do not need /s /y or /whisper messages telling me 'how to do'
*I will tell you what to do. I will not suggest.
*Steps will be repeated if I choose to do so.
*Any bugged encounters will be resolved as fast as possible via GMs.
*Any attempted sabotage of ML encounters will result in server log
and appropriate COC violation penalties.
*I decide what is lottoed.
*Everyone can roll for anything, I couldn't care less.
WE do not guarentee completion of all /bg steps for everyone on the
WE will update these rules as necessary.
( ty Eggy for the rules
Hour : 20: 00 CET, meet Volcanus Haven
Leader : Placador/Shanessa
Pre-Steps : 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.4 / 1.5
Pre-Claim : Nothing
ML2 ---- Saturday 9, April
Hour : 15: 00 CET, meet Stygia Haven
Leader : Placador/Shanessa
Pre-Steps: 2.5 / 2.8
Pre-Claim: Nothing
ML3 ---- Sunday 10, April
Hour: 15:00 CET, meet Aerus Haven
Leader : Caby/Shanessa
Pre-Steps : Mougarth, Egg, Sword and Neackle
Pre-Claim: Moirai Belt, if dropped
ML4 ----- Friday 15, April
Hour: 20:00 CET, meet Stygia Haven
Leader: Placador/Shanessa
Pre-Steps: 4.1 / 4.3 / 4.4
Pre-Claim : nothing
ML5 ---- Saturday 16, April
Hour: 15:00 CET, meet Stygia Haven
Leader: Placador/Shanessa
Pre-Steps: from 5.1 to 5.8
Pre-Claim: Ring of Silent Oblivion )
ML6 ---- Sunday 17, April
Hour: 15:00, meet Volcanus Haven
Leader: Caby/Shanessa
Pre-steps : 6.1 and 6.5
Pre-Claim: Hammer of Appollo
ML7 ---- Friday 22, April
Hour 20:00, meet Volcanus Haven
Leader: Placador/Shanessa
Pre-Steps: from 7.1 to 7.6
Pre-Claim: Nothing
Loot: Only this scrolls will be lotto'ed:
-Mad Tales
ML8 ---- Saturday 23, April
Hour: 15:00 CET, meet Aerus Haven
Leader: Placador/Shanessa
Pre-Steps: 8.4 / 8.7 / 8.9
Pre-Claim: Nothing
ML9 ---- Friday 29, April
Hour: 20:00 CET, meet Aerus Haven
Leader: Caby/Shanessa
Pre-Steps : no pre-steps
Pre-Claim: Golden runed Defender
ML10 ---- Maybe After ML9 or Saturday 30, April
Hour: 15:00 CET, meet at loc of portal
Leader: Caby/Shanessa
Pre-Steps : No pre-steps
Pre-Claim: nothing
---- RULES ----
*We meet at Havens
*/bg is in Placador/Caby or Shanessa
*/bg opens 1 hour before raid
*BALANCED groups will be formed, and spots filled where possible.
*Late arrivers will NOT be waited for.
*Stick your group leader.
*Group leaders ONLY stick to me( Placador/caby ). This enables faster
break-offs when required.
*OUR PMs will be turned OFF for the entire raid. The only way to
contact me
is via your voiced group member.
*All LD reports and associated problems go through your voiced member.
*Short AFKs at obvious times are ok, toilet stops/drinks etc.
*Any AFK preventing raid smoothness will result in a /bg remove.
*You will NOT be AFK during encounters.
*I will explain how the encounter is done.
*I will not require volunteers, I will pick you, like it or not.
*I do not need /s /y or /whisper messages telling me 'how to do'
*I will tell you what to do. I will not suggest.
*Steps will be repeated if I choose to do so.
*Any bugged encounters will be resolved as fast as possible via GMs.
*Any attempted sabotage of ML encounters will result in server log
and appropriate COC violation penalties.
*I decide what is lottoed.
*Everyone can roll for anything, I couldn't care less.
WE do not guarentee completion of all /bg steps for everyone on the
WE will update these rules as necessary.
( ty Eggy for the rules