Haven't sojourner rangers gotten enough SoM's?


Dec 26, 2003
cry me a river, one of the only artis which can be done better with a stealther


Loyal Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
I took it this morning

1) stalkers don't get rvr groups, we get alot less rps/hour than group chars
2) it's harder for us to get items
3) if we can get som ( as we do ) we can get money for it ... meaning we can get better gear , and actually compete in a group wheres YOUR sorry arse can get away with budget SC and crap toa gear.

I feel for you really

make a ranger and get ml6 - you can do it too ... i'm sure you have some sorta stalker alt... EVERYONE does :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 24, 2004
aphios said:
if you could take it you would, i know i would :p
and plead innocence on a public forum not long afterwards too I bet


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 25, 2003
Slytale said:
I took it this morning

1) stalkers don't get rvr groups, we get alot less rps/hour than group chars
2) it's harder for us to get items
3) if we can get som ( as we do ) we can get money for it ... meaning we can get better gear , and actually compete in a group wheres YOUR sorry arse can get away with budget SC and crap toa gear.

I feel for you really

make a ranger and get ml6 - you can do it too ... i'm sure you have some sorta stalker alt... EVERYONE does :)

Read my sig.. ranger is my main.

I just think it's lame to ruin an encounter that some people only can acces through what people might chose to call the way developers intended (what they intended I do not know, but I'm sure you get what I mean).
I don't play to ruin this game for others. I don't play this game for profit. I play to try and have fun, but when others ruin it for people who don't have a sojourner who can steal the cloak I just get a little frustrated.

But honestly you think stealthers are so poor that you have to ruin the encounter for others to feel better? Gimme a break

Remembered bards can do as well after I posted.. but I have a feeling that mostly rangers do it.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
Nausilus^^ said:
Why do you have to keep taking the artifact?

Cause they are greedy pricks, and it's being driven by people with freshly finns pl'ed rangers with pre-emptive hard-ons for NF.

Seen one member of post mortem /broad selling it for 15p recently in DL.
A few weeks back he bought about 2 or 3 dozen scarab wings from me, and I knocked the price down by about 100g to around 300g cause he said had no money.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
They are not Ruining the encoutner, they are not Stealing it. they are doing the encounter. Now if for examlpe this morning Slytale wouldnt have done the encounter to earn some cash, someone else that either needed the cloak OR someone just do it for sale, there is also loads of Mentalists that is doing SoM for example. You are mad becouse you cant get the cloak, but dont blame soj as it is just one of many ways to complete the encounter.
How many other Artifacts get farmed everyday from people already done the encounter and have several artis in vault or merchant.
I can tell you, almost all!! But people feel like it is more ok to whine on soj doing SoM becouse it is so easy and doesnt take long time, But you know what Animists can kill and do it almost as fast and easy.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
thanx all:p

well.....i just thanking all rangers who kept away when i got mine...was thinking after all that camping that if some ranger stole it and i ever found out i would have got after him in rl:p
And thanx all who helped me get it:)
And thanx again to freewood who gave it to me:)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Aiteal said:
Cause they are greedy pricks, and it's being driven by people with freshly finns pl'ed rangers with pre-emptive hard-ons for NF.

Seen one member of post mortem /broad selling it for 15p recently in DL.
A few weeks back he bought about 2 or 3 dozen scarab wings from me, and I knocked the price down by about 100g to around 300g cause he said had no money.

Post Mortem does barely have any fresh PLed chars, Lavelle have one new ranger becouse he deleted his rr5 to get better starting stats.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 25, 2003
Aloca said:
They are not Ruining the encoutner, they are not Stealing it. they are doing the encounter. Now if for examlpe this morning Slytale wouldnt have done the encounter to earn some cash, someone else that either needed the cloak OR someone just do it for sale, there is also loads of Mentalists that is doing SoM for example. You are mad becouse you cant get the cloak, but dont blame soj as it is just one of many ways to complete the encounter.
How many other Artifacts get farmed everyday from people already done the encounter and have several artis in vault or merchant.
I can tell you, almost all!! But people feel like it is more ok to whine on soj doing SoM becouse it is so easy and doesnt take long time, But you know what Animists can kill and do it almost as fast and easy.

It's not the fact that it gets farmed. It's the fact that it gets bugged up for a while after they take the cloak, and while they keep chaining the encounter no others have a chance at getting credit for it. I could farm cash and buy the cloak in housing, but I'd still need credit you see? One can't activate an artifact without credit.. rule no. 2 of activating artifacts. I don't blame them because it's easy, but because they DO ruin it for many others in that way. But I understand that greedy people must only concern about themselves.. soon someone will propably draw in the "survival of the fittest" as an argument.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
Aloca said:
Post Mortem does barely have any fresh PLed chars, Lavelle have one new ranger becouse he deleted his rr5 to get better starting stats.

I wasn't grouping any post mortem members in the freshly pl'ed category, I was grouping them in the first category.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
my ranger is almost ml5, also got access to a ml10 ranger friends acc, and i still dont do it. dont call me a selvish **** just coz i have the same class with some selvish ***** plz, thx.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 22, 2004
imo do it once, get the cloak, satisfy ur needs ;) and dont tell anyone you did it :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
how do you do this? just take the cloak from the statue and gateway ?


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 11, 2004
Tbh im starting to get sick off ppl blaming Post Mortem for SoM stealing... It's not like we r the Sojourner population off Hibernia/Excalibur...nor are we the Stealthcommunity.

People think we are leet and mean and whatever, but we actually are the a group off old-school players you are probably not gonna find easy in any other guild.

Also alot off ppl seem to forget that we actually have members that help out the realm more then most would ever do.
Adari and Cens are E&E who help you when your precious mlraids are bugged.
Slytale; Squalion; (once again) Adari are one off the most frequent RaidLeaders in Hib.

About the SoM stealthing... if its not up, its not up. End off story.
And if you r really that annoyed with it give me a PM and ill port it out for ya on condition that you have an animist or 2 to clear out the sphinxes after the cloak is ported.
/whine off


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Aiteal said:
I wasn't grouping any post mortem members in the freshly pl'ed category, I was grouping them in the first category.
I turned you down when wanted to join or? :m00:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
Aloca said:
I turned you down when wanted to join or? :m00:

Yes, that's it, I wanted to leave a guild/alliance with alot of nice people, including RL friends, because as a ranger my sole purpose in playing this game is not enjoyment but being considered worthy to join PM.
You got an uber-super-ultra-legendary armourcrafter in your guild to make those oversized helms you need?


I just don't like greedy pricks.
On reflection it's probably the latter.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 22, 2004
Tbh im starting to get sick off ppl blaming Post Mortem for SoM stealing.

you did read slytale admitted to taking the cloak this morning? :p

but who cares, go go SHOW THEM ROLEPLAYERS ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Aiteal said:
Yes, that's it, I wanted to leave a guild/alliance with alot of nice people, including RL friends, because as a ranger my sole purpose in playing this game is not enjoyment but being considered worthy to join PM.
You got an uber-super-ultra-legendary armourcrafter in your guild to make those oversized helms you need?


I just don't like greedy pricks.
On reflection it's probably the latter.

So what does your greedy pricks stamp come from then?
It wasnt me that lowered the respec prices to the lowest price ever?


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Greedy pricks?

Post Mortem is probabably the best guild I've been in. It's a guild full of nice, friendly and funny people who help eachother and stick around and talk daily on TS as a group of COMRADES ~ whilst playing various games like daoc, cs and soldat. ^^ I've not has as much fun playing daoc before I got invited to PM and I certainly hope everyone will stick together whatever happens.

Now shut the fuck up.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Adari said:
.... people who help eachother ...
exactly, just eachother. who cares for whoever camps/rightfully kills the som sfinxes, some mostly-PM prick just sojo's it away and gives to some other PM or sells for 10p anyway.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Yes m8er. Even though we all have SOM, and most have had SOM for 4+ months, gained doing the encounter normally, we take it everyday and spread it around cos we like to have piles of 5 SOM's in our inventory.

That's how we help eachother.



Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
And another thing, the way you generalise stealthers in PM just makes me realise I'm wasting my time talking to some disgustingly moronic piece of shit.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Gesp said:
exactly, just eachother. who cares for whoever camps/rightfully kills the som sfinxes, some mostly-PM prick just sojo's it away and gives to some other PM or sells for 10p anyway.

Yes ofc we mostly help each others first but most do shit loads for the rest of our comunity also.
I been advisor since 1 week in daoc, maybe isnt anything for you but i answer atleast 3 peoples question every day how to spec their char, where that town is or any other similar things that you probably never ever would bother replying to.
And as you might know Adari,Squallion, and almost everyone in PM organiced atleast 1 ML raid and many organiced quite a few.

About this topic Censi and Adari for example have Given away loads of these cloaks to stealthers all around hib that cant get a grp to do it normal way.

Have you ever lottoed for a thing in a raid that you didnt need? have you ever killed a mob that doesnt drop anything you needed other than selling?

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