1.87 Cone nerf - hunter pet disese tweaked!!


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004

Dark Age of Camelot
Test Version 1.87 Release Notes
Tradeskill and class changes
December 7, 2006


- Each realm now has a unique bind animation. The animation being used currently is a placeholder which will be replaced later in the patch cycle.


- The storms effect graphics have been optimized and the center part of the storm raised to prevent small races from hiding inside and becoming difficult to target.



- Due to major issues with the way these spells function, the radius and angle of the Bainshee's Frontal Area Effect (FAE) spells has been reduced. The Bawler's Bruise (FAE DD), Disturbing Vibrations (FAE Root) and Whirring Spike (FAE Bolt) spell lines have had their angles reduced from 180 to 100 degrees, and the radius of all these spells reduced by 100 units. This will alleviate some issues with these spells hitting targets through walls and other solid objects.


- The top two tiers of Druid pets have had their chance to disease slightly decreased.


- The radius of the Celerity spells in the Healer's augmentation spell line, has been increased from 1000 to 1500 units.


- The Hunter’s Elder Protectors and Hunter’s Elder Avatars have had their chance to style and proc disease slightly decreased.

- Two new spells have been added to the Hunter's Beastcraft spell line at level 45. These are additions to the existing charm spell lines, and will allow charming of animals and insects up to 90% of the Hunter’s level.

- A new spell line has been added to the Hunter's Beastcraft spell line that will allow charming of reptiles. These spells follow the progression of the animal and charm spell lines.

Level 2 Influence Reptile
Level 8 Compel Reptile
Level 14 Charm Reptile
Level 21 Control Reptile
Level 34 Dominate Reptile
Level 45 Overpower Reptile


- The level cap on each of the Necromancer's pets has been removed. All of the summon spells should now summon a pet at 88% of the casters level, so that the Necromancer may use any pet they wish at any level like other pet casters. The one exception is the level 1 version of the summon, as it will summon a 100% pet with a cap of level 2. This is being left in place so that the Necromancer is viable until level 4 when they receive the second summoning spell.

- Abominations have had their inherent built in penalties to hit points and defense removed.

- Greater Necroservants have had their inherent built in penalties to hit points and defense removed.

- Necromancers will now be able to choose which weapon type and proc type their Abomination wields.

How this works - upon summoning the pet, the owner will see a prompt to target and talk to their pet by saying a particular key word - Arawn. This will bring up a menu that displays the various weapon/proc choices via key words.

The choices are: fiery sword, icy sword, poisonous sword, flaming mace, frozen mace and venomous mace. There are two base weapons: two-handed sword and two-handed mace. The three other choices are a fire proc, cold proc and poison (body damage) proc and the weapons have appropriate glow effects representing their damage proc. Primary weapon damage is slash and crush.

Abominations will also instant cast the top base line Strength and Dexterity buffs when commanded via keyword by the Necromancer.

These words and menu selections will only function if the pet owner, and only the pet owner, has their pet targeted.

- All Necromancer pet summons have had their cast time reduced by half.

- All Necromancer pet cast buffs are able to be cast while moving.

- Endurance and Invigoration potions will now be useable in shadeform.


- The values of the damage add in the shaman's augmentation spell line have been increased.

Level 1 Minor Force of the Deep Bonus: Damage: 1.6 DPS
Level 4 Lesser Force of the Deep Bonus: Damage: 2.5 DPS
Level 8 Force of the Deep Bonus: Damage: 3.1 DPS
Level 11 Major Force of the Deep Bonus: Damage: 3.9 DPS
Level 15 Greater Force of the Deep Bonus: Damage: 5.0 DPS
Level 20 Superior Force of the Deep Bonus: Damage: 6.3 DPS
Level 27 Mighty Force of the Deep Bonus: Damage: 7.9 DPS
Level 34 Supreme Force of the Deep Bonus: Damage: 9.1 DPS
Level 44 Ultimate Force of the Deep Bonus: Damage: 10.0 DPS


- Skalds have been given a new line of spells in their Battlesongs spell line. This is a power regeneration song that matches the level progression and values of the similar spells in the Bard and Minstrel music spell lines.

Level 10 Song of Power
Level 21 Song of Energy
Level 30 Song of Clarity
Level 39 Song of the Mind
Level 50 Song of Empowering

- Epiphany, the Skald unique Realm Rank 5 ability, should now be castable in combat.


- The recast timer on the Vampiir's fumble debuff line of spells (Call of the Raven) has been increased from 15 to 30 sec.

Shield changes

Warden: Increase from medium to large shield
Champ: Increase from medium to large shield
Thane: Increase from medium to large shield
Skald: Increase from small to medium shield

Pendragon Only: At this time, only newly created characters will receive these new shield sizes. Existing characters will be converted to receive them with the next patch cycle.


- Roleplay hat recipes are now available for armorcrafting and tailoring in all realms. Recipes range from level 31 to 51, including specialty recipes for hats with the predetermined fifth slot bonus. The available hats are listed below:


- Woodsman’s Cap, Jester Hat, Tarboosh - Available for all armor types.


- Fur-Trimmed Cap, Wolf-Head Helm – Available for all armor types.

- Winged-Helm – Available in Chain (Valkyrie only).


- Woodsman’s Cap, Leaf Hat, Antlered Helm – Available for all armor types.

- The Wreath, Crown, Circlet, Steeple Hat patterns have been removed from all hat recipes.

- All crafted weapons will now have a 5% bonus to their chance to hit. This bonus makes crafted weapons equal to Artifacts and Champion weapons in their ability to hit players or monsters.


Item Notes

- All items which previously had +power have been converted to have Power Pool %. Please note this does not affect Randomly Generated Objects (ROG) or crafted items.

- Muxog's Shield now displays correctly when placed on a house wall.

- The base quality of many items throughout Classic World zones has been increased.


- The base quality of many items throughout Shrouded Isles zones has been increased.



- The following Master Level abilities have been modified to be usable in PVE while retaining their current PVP utility:

-Cowering Bellow: The added PVE functionality behaves similarly to PVP, but the cower will break on normal monsters if that monster is attacked.

-Dissonance Trap: PVP and PVE monsters will now both be able to trigger and take damage from a Dissonance Trap.

-Battlewarder: A battlewarder can now aggro and attack PVE monsters as well as realm enemies.

-Energy Tempest: The energy tempest will now damage both PVP enemies and PVE monsters within the storm radius.

Item Notes

- The Enchanted Runed Defender and Magma Infused Buckler shields now display correctly when equipped.


- The out of combat run speed bonus players receive while in PVE zones has been removed from the Labyrinth.

- Pets will now keep up with their controllers in the Labyrinth.

- Players can no longer build siege weapons in the Labyrinth.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Wonder if anyone'll be left on EU by the time this hits :p


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 13, 2004
The nerf to vamp's fumble debuff is the best change ever!


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 7, 2004
Thank god celerity range increased:p Wont have to stick on my assist train to cast it xD


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
Jaxxal /dance

censi said:

- The level cap on each of the Necromancer's pets has been removed. All of the summon spells should now summon a pet at 88% of the casters level, so that the Necromancer may use any pet they wish at any level like other pet casters. The one exception is the level 1 version of the summon, as it will summon a 100% pet with a cap of level 2. This is being left in place so that the Necromancer is viable until level 4 when they receive the second summoning spell.

- Abominations have had their inherent built in penalties to hit points and defense removed.

- Greater Necroservants have had their inherent built in penalties to hit points and defense removed.

- Necromancers will now be able to choose which weapon type and proc type their Abomination wields.

How this works - upon summoning the pet, the owner will see a prompt to target and talk to their pet by saying a particular key word - Arawn. This will bring up a menu that displays the various weapon/proc choices via key words.

The choices are: fiery sword, icy sword, poisonous sword, flaming mace, frozen mace and venomous mace. There are two base weapons: two-handed sword and two-handed mace. The three other choices are a fire proc, cold proc and poison (body damage) proc and the weapons have appropriate glow effects representing their damage proc. Primary weapon damage is slash and crush.

Abominations will also instant cast the top base line Strength and Dexterity buffs when commanded via keyword by the Necromancer.

These words and menu selections will only function if the pet owner, and only the pet owner, has their pet targeted.

- All Necromancer pet summons have had their cast time reduced by half.

- All Necromancer pet cast buffs are able to be cast while moving.

- Endurance and Invigoration potions will now be useable in shadeform.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
Zoia said:
The nerf to vamp's fumble debuff is the best change ever!

The antler hats is the best change ever


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
censi said:

- Skalds have been given a new line of spells in their Battlesongs spell line. This is a power regeneration song that matches the level progression and values of the similar spells in the Bard and Minstrel music spell lines.

Level 10 Song of Power
Level 21 Song of Energy
Level 30 Song of Clarity
Level 39 Song of the Mind
Level 50 Song of Empowering

- Epiphany, the Skald unique Realm Rank 5 ability, should now be castable in combat.



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
lols more midgard love, healers defo needed the celerity boost! ~~

i ws hoping cone nerf meant valkyrie bullshit cones but no no, midgard is too hard ~~ fucking easygard


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Aiteal said:
The antler hats is the best change ever

Yeah, some nice stuff in there, but craftable roleplaying hats, that's uber.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Eleasias said:
lols more midgard love, healers defo needed the celerity boost! ~~

i ws hoping cone nerf meant valkyrie bullshit cones but no no, midgard is too hard ~~ fucking easygard

Someone is getting farmed too much by Polaris me thinks. :(


Can't get enough of FH
Oct 20, 2004
woot, gona remake my temp and ditch arti WH for new WH! they look le uber in dr skins! :)


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
Wardens with large shields? :eek7:

Everything else seems quite okay..


Edit: Plated Jester Hat? :p


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
Shaman damage add almost at RM level, very nice for Midgard as whole, but makes the skald damage add even more useless than before and the thane damage add suddenly is useless! (these need to be increased also)

Medium shield for skald, and large shield for thane - good for the thane, but I have a feeling this is just a hint for what to come next for skald: shield spec and more spec points.

Personally shield spec only means one thing for my skald: stun. Will be nice for soloing, but won't change much in group as the stunning will always be someone else's job. I don't say no thanks to a little more defence though.

Powersong and rr5 in combat sounds like Midgard will never go oop again. :)


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
Tilda said:
Necro changes are awesome :D
tbh, they can make the class playable in rvr thats great..but if they don't nerf the melee absorbtion they have currently I can see a great whine thread coming. The class can't be melee'd by any melee class right? What other class in the game has the ability to permanantly be almost immune to half of the games damage. Or can it be melee'd nowadays? I haven't bothered fighting necros for a long while now ;p


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
Thanes and Large Sheilds = <3

Gaulthic inc :)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
i cant freekn belive it! Skald AND Necro love in the same patch! something MUST be wrong :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
They need to nerf maulers and if we're honest did aug healers really need a boost?

Nice changes otherwise, however bainshee`s didn`t really need a nerf they needed to fix the exploits ^^


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
OMG Skald love! I might actually take mine higher than Thidranki now, not great but anything is good these days!

Most of the changes were pretty good I though, nice one Mythic :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Just a thought.. hope they don't remove the double XP bonus yet, it's be great!

Is there really any point in giving skalds access to medium shields when they can't spec shield though? 1 more attacker that you have a vague hope in hell of blocking?

Moaning Myrtle

Fledgling Freddie
Mar 22, 2006
Nate said:
tbh, they can make the class playable in rvr thats great..but if they don't nerf the melee absorbtion they have currently I can see a great whine thread coming. The class can't be melee'd by any melee class right? What other class in the game has the ability to permanantly be almost immune to half of the games damage. Or can it be melee'd nowadays? I haven't bothered fighting necros for a long while now ;p

Since my Necro, Moaning Myrtle hit RR5, I've found it extremely difficult to make any RPs at all. She's RR5L4 ATM and I've not played her for months. Why? Because assassins see 'Eagle Knight' and know they haven't got a hope in hell of beating me so they just don't bother attacking me.

In fact, the only people who do attack me are those whom have such incredible advantages over me that I couldn't possibly win. I'm talking generally about caster classes here who can exploit their huge range advantage and kite 4tehwin, FGs or stealth zergs.

As far as I am concerned, these changes do not go far enough. The biggest gripes I have are:

1. They still have not fixed pathing, or allowed the Necro to take a buffed pet to Mid or Hib on a boat.

2. The Abom is me, therefore should be Lvl 50 as well. This is my biggest issue. Having a blue con pet simply means that it dies faster, really not on given how many ways the Abom can be prevented from doing anything useful at all.

3. The Necro has no Dex at all upon creation. My Dex may transfer to it, but it is not enough (even with 101 Dex in template) given that we have the slowest casting speed spells in the game. Base Dex should transfer to the Abom. On a similar note, the Casting Speed ToA bonus does not affect Abom cast spells, which is clearly bollocks as well.

4. Our RR5 is utter shit. I'd rather have a 50% magic absorb of 30 secs duration on a 5 min timer.

So, in conclusion, some decent improvements, but not nearly enough and we've been made to wait far too long for them to arrive.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
sure give them a 50 pet but nerf their abs into the ground so that they are more like a level 50 normal class. They are godmode vs melee classes as it is.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Not happy with the hunter nerf, currently playing one in CV, the pet helps me to give an equal fight against other stealthers, sometimes i win, sometimes i lose, Bow damage isnt enough to kill a target, and melee damage is slow with both spear or sword. Currently i feel the hunter is wel rounded and far from overpowered, still lots of targets i cant kill.

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