The State of RvR Discussions


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
First off, I want to make it clear that this most certainly is not intended as an attack on the current moderator team and what they do. They give up their own free time to improve the contents of these boards by following a set of rules and policies that have been agreed on, and people should be thankful for that.

However, in my opinion the policies themselves could do with some tweaking, specifically for this RvR section (on the whole I think they are quite sound, and apply well to the other DAoC forum sections).

Just look at the current state of the RvR section and you can clearly see something is a miss:

25 Threads on Page 1:

40% (10) are grats threads.
20% (5) are movie threads.

Leaving 40% actually related in someway to discussions on RvR, the whole point of this forum section. Of these 40%, around half are locked. Thats right, half of the actual RvR related discussions, were locked, leaving approximately 20% of the total RvR forum for open RvR discussions. Surely, its easy to spot something needs changing here.

So, the issues I want to cover in particular:


All too often I am enjoying a heated discussion, either between opposing guilds, or opposing realms, to notice that is has been locked because it has deteriorated in to some kind of flame war.

As we all know DAoC is a game based on the 3 opposing realms and there is obviously going to be guild and realm bickering. These politics form an essential aspect of the game, and I personally (so long as they stick to game issues) don't see why they should be discouraged. If anything it adds the in game experience. There is nothing more gratifying than slaughtering a group in game you have just had a passionate argument against, and nothing more embarrassing than being on the losing end of the same thing.

When the thread deteriorates into personal attacks its different. These obviously are of no benefit, and need to be dealt with in an appropriate manner. The current trend is to lock the thread, perhaps because its the easiest thing to do, but at the expense of a potentially enjoyable thread. If feasible I propose that the offending posts are just deleted (and repeat offenders warned). This way we get to keep interesting threads until they have run out of steam (i.e. nothing left to debate - boring).


Not only is the amount of bans now utterly ridiculous, but the reason for the bannings are getting more and more flaky. I'm also getting the feeling of "oh I disagree with you, so I'll find an excuse to use the ban stick". Perhaps this is unfair of me? But as an observer this is the impression I receive.

(Sorry Flim, but you created a perfect example to prove my point today, with Jjuara being my martyr).

A heated debate, where you obviously didn't agree with each other. The ban stick was brought out. The justification for this...? A 5 MONTH old post, for which he was banned for previously? I hope you can see the reason why I get the impression I do.

Add Whine

Well this is going to be a controversial subject I guess, but I don't feel that in the previous threads on the topic the underlying issues have been covered.

When people are added on / zerged, they (normally) lose the fight, and there is nothing they can do about it, this is true both in 8v8 and small scale RvR. The problem is that this is often frustrating and provides a disincentive for that player or group of players to return. On a server where the population is already 'troubled' this is by no means a good thing. People log, resulting in less enemies to kill, resulting in *both* sides becoming frustrated.

Add whine is just an extension of this frustration. I agree that there is no rule against it, and that players should not be forced to play in any particular way. I disagree however that these opinions should be censored. There is no rule about giving misleading prices on your CM, there is no rule about people misguiding others in terms of loot rolls. In both cases the frustration is allowed to be vented, and more importantly, subsequently discussed, and often the culprits "named and shamed". Why is "adding" the exception to the rule? It seems inconsistent, they are all legal in game actions unbound by the rules set by GoA, all resulting in an immense amount of frustration for the affected players.


PS: If you need to ban someone, please make it MKJ :(.


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 18, 2004
can I be the first to post?

this will just get flamed aswell ? If you were really serious about this I would PM it to a mod not make it public >.<

I will read it in the morning ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
I suspect this thread will prove a fine example for why the rules need to change. Remove the useless posts, leave the perfectly reasonable thread open.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
and about the ban by fin, is this some joke? most ridicolus ban ever!


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
great post! some very good points


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Debate is fine, arguing a point is fine. Blatant epeen stroking postfarming is just tedious and nothing more than self-aggrandisement. Where is the merit in:
"You suk"
"Haha you say that cos you got pwned"
"He suks"

Chatting about tactics, new directions, upcoming changes to the game, RvR events etc is what the forum should be for and not just a place for people to cut and paste tired replies to tired whines/flames/epeen stroking. Even if you don't read the worthless threads,the forum gets cheapened by all the crap that you need to wade through to get to the interesting posts.

I guess the ban by Flim is a mistake. Probably someone reported it and he didn't notice the date. I doubt Flim is the sort of person to search back that far to find something banworthy - it's not as if he's stupid enough to think no-one would notice.

Add whine is just more of the stuff from the first point. Everyone gets added on, some people care, some people don't. If they don't care they won't magically change their minds after reading a FH post. Nearly every one of the threads just deteriorates into messy flaming and pointless forum wankery. Whine on /as if you must, you know in advance what every single response to the thread will be so why bother polluting the forum with pointless crap?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
yepyep! i got banned for some kinda similar reason some month ago, belive it was when i said "new FH CoC is fubar". Basicly, that's what your saying Ethild soo enjoy your holiday! :(

Mods should loosen up, lock the fucking grats threads insta, leave the flaming threads alive and bumped and get this forum going again. ty v much


A thread making perfectly good points in a well constructed arguement on subjects the mods disagree with?

IBTL :eek:


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 18, 2004
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Aoln again.



Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Im using my second account as we speak to read the Moderators/Administrators private boards.

Before noon tomorrow The Mighty Jupitus shall rise again, as a Phoenix, to say alot of words, but which come down to: If you dont like it, fuck off. My way or the high-way!

But who cares in the end !

All the best :cheers:
Jan 19, 2006


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 18, 2004
noooooooooooo jup don't do itttttttt.... put teh stick away omg oO


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
I wholeheartedly agree with you, and when I said the same thing but in a completely different manner I got banned.

I too have my own opinions on adding and they are not the same as yours, most here know my feelings of 8v8 go play CS 1 v 1 go play Soul Calibur, but the reason it's a banned topic is obvious. Where I work they have a number of banned topics too, one of which is the Unix v Windows debate, the protagonists for each side can write forever on the subject and there is no answer to the argument and it’s all been discussed before. Elitism v Role Player is just the same. I have seen low rr hunters log in frustration as they are killed by an R11 Infiltrator in a “fair” 1v1 fight while 3 of his own realm mates watch… how do you think the hunter felt?

Posting movies of DAOC Excalibur RvR is completely DAOC Excalibur RvR related by the way :)

The problem is that the vast majority of people left who post on this forum don't really give a hoot about your or my opinions and are quite happy to troll every thread whilst the moderators sit back (having all Alb moderators doesn’t help either). So many will just write the +1 troll line and then someone picks up on these +1 liners and the thread gets derailed.

Take this excellent thread you started (which is off topic btw :) ) as an example, how many replies over 1 paragraph will you get?

IMHO It’s not all doom gloom with the banstick coming out more often and the rep farming the RvR forum has slightly improved, I just hope the mods can get it back to how it was on BW!


Nov 28, 2004
Haggus said:
you posted something then deleted it ?
It was ment for the arms movie hehe wrong thread good job i did delete it did look bad on this post rolf you see the reply on there /hug


Feb 11, 2006
nice well thought out post with good points which i have to completely agree with

and i have to say the modding on these forums has to be about as consistant as a league one referees desisions

for those of you with no experience in that deparment ill leave that upto you to figure out... shouldnt be too hard, but look at the amount of add whine from xryo... then add whine from anyone else.... absolute joke the only player ive seen that plays albion get banned is that cuddlebunny moron.

FH is a circus


hi ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
I agree on many of ur points there. The mods are going crazy on the ban button. And they are locking too many threads. Well as game change also forum change, FH isent even near as good as BW was , like NF aint even near how good as OF is. We just need to accept the 2nd best thing. I guess i get banned for this too


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2005
The fact that half the replies in this thread are assuming the mods are gonna lock this/ban people... and the other half are postfarms... says enough about these forums.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 26, 2004
give forum hosted by goa and based ON GAME ACC whit nick first char made
and ban on forum= ban on game


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 15, 2004
give forum hosted by goa and based ON GAME ACC whit nick first char made
and ban on forum= ban on game

Lol harsh, not even Blizzard do that with WoW, although their forums are nice because people can't post so easily as an annonymous coward (well there is the lvl 1 alt, which sorta defeats that).

Thing about this this foum, we don't own it, we're guests here - it's their rules and they can ban who ever they please, posting here is not a right after all.

Of late more threads have been locked than I'd like, however this would be a nasty place without active moderation, it would degenerate into character assasinations, slander and possibly even irl threats (and more than likely, which always seems to amuse certain people).


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
while i agree that the mod have become a bit to fond of the ban stick:twak: of late i can understand why but... I think they shud apply the rules to the classic rvr section as well as it seems they are still allowed to whine without gettin a ban :eek7:


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 26, 2004
aye :(
give forum like on eve ( but still can flame whit a trial acc )


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Wow, I couldnt agree more with the first post. I remeber the BW or earlier FH days when you came to RvR Discussions and had over half an hours of decent new posts/threads for reading.

Now its grats threads after grats threads, and any decent post gets locked because one muppet cant control himself.

About the whole Add whine. Well I *think* the reason this is a rule, is because most of the mod's are personally against this "unwritten rvr rule". After all they don't have anything in the FH CoC about any other type of "forcing your game style on others" as we can see with the more recent "time of day whine threads, about Relic raids / keep takes" these were left untouched until they became flame threads. Fact is, even the add whine threads that just decend into a total flame war are FAR more interesting to read than "grats" "gratzz" ect

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