EXCLUSIVE: WIN Darkness Rising!


Dec 22, 2003
In conjunction with DLgamer.com

Freddyshouse has got 5 copies of Darkness Rising to give away!

What you can do to get your hands on these:

What I'd like is for anyone with the time and inclination to write a short report - no more than 5-6 paragraphs - of an ingame event they've taken part in. Ideally it would be an RvR event such as a relic raid, a series of exceptionally good fights with a guild group, a keep take etc although an interesting PvE experience could also be considered.

Try not to use too much DAoC jargon, the aim is to make it sound good for any random person reading it, not just daocers and so they'll have no idea why MoCing a PBAE bomb in the middle of a TWF is so good. Try to use general descriptions that someone who has never played the game could understand - 'froze them to the spot' rather than 'rooted' or 'mezzed' for example.

Above all, the story should be something that is identifiably DAoC and shows the sort of community, background and ingame experience that is unique to the game.

The competition will close on friday the 27th of january at 9pm.
A Dl gamer member of staff will judge the entries and on monday sometime the five people who wrote the best, most exciting and descriptive entries will be rewarded with their CDkeys*.

Entrys should be submitted in this thread, with the start of the post reading "<Username> Competition entry" and the text of your entry enclosed in
boxes [/ quote]

Go for it!


*due to technicalities you will be unable to download the game from DL gamer unless you have naturally preordered it as well. The prizes are CDkeys and Freddyshouse takes no responsibility nor will be subject to no liability regarding any issues resulting from this competition. The acctualy closing date may still be liable to change.

By entering the competition you relinquish all rights you have over the text and grant Freddyshouse an exclusive licence to reproduce and grant the use of, any, all, or part of your submission.


Dec 22, 2003
Chilly said:
Do I have to sign over my soul, too? :(
No, the licence bit just means we can let goa/DLgamer or anybody else reproduce them without having then to go back and try to find and contact the writer again.


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
Does it have to be a GOA event that has taken place etc tilda?
*never mind i actually read the post, ok time to get writing :D

ALSO - can it be put into like a story format kind of?


Dec 22, 2003
Himse said:
Does it have to be a GOA event that has taken place etc tilda?
No, any in game event is fine. Thus the Relic raid, or 8v8 fights example.
I'm fine with a story format as long as its readable and gives a good description of what happened.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Tilda said:
No, any in game event is fine. Thus the Relic raid, or 8v8 fights example.

What about coming to a forum to whie about adding?. Or does that count as a one way ticket to bananaville? :p


Dec 22, 2003
Vladamir said:
What about coming to a forum to whie about adding?. Or does that count as a one way ticket to bananaville? :p
Entries like that will not be considered.
The idea is that you're discribing daoc as some epic game to someone who dosn't know all the abreviations or language.

This a previous (and excellent) example by Whoodoo which was printed in PC Gamer.

Whoodoo said:
Beyond the safety of the realm gates are hostile lands, where only the bravest of warriors venture, having honed their skills to perfection in order to protect their realm. Here three factions collide on the vast battlefields of New Frontiers.

The ultimate achievement for any realm is the successful capture of an enemy Relic, the symbol of power and strength held deep within the heavily fortified keeps of the protector’s realm. Often these raids are planned, down to the finest detail in true military precision. But this particular day, we fought by our wits and cunning alone.

Things began to take shape early in the morning as we Midgardian’s captured one of King Arthur’s keeps, allowing us safe passage into his back yard. At first a motley crew of a dozen or so tried to gain the attention of their foe, but few took up our challenge. Gradually we delved deeper into the frontier, capturing one tower, then another, and then their main strongholds. A few brave souls came to defend, but their numbers could not compete. More of our brethren gathered, and excitement grew as we took more strategic points across their lands.

Lead by the bravest of all leaders, Ardamel, we swayed too and fro across the plains of Pennine Mountains, keeping our enemy guessing as to our next move. Our other nemesis then awoke, picking at the bones of the distraught frontiers, Hibernia had stirred and was looking for the easy pickings in our wake, and they too took advantage of a sleeping enemy.

But as we approached the last and most fortified stronghold high inside Snowdonia Mountains, Arthur’s armies showed their teeth and bit back; pushing us into retreat, but it was too late for them. Our plan was in place, their realm divided equally and both of their inner defences were exposed. They had little more option than to choose which front to defend. At Caer Hurbury, they made their last stand.

It seemed as if all of Midgard had found passage, the young and old, from the mightiest of Troll to the most devious Kobold carried what they could. Piece by piece the crafters and warriors assembled great siege machines, and aimed them towards the walls and doors of their castle.

For over three hours, arrows cut through the air, fireballs scorched the land and trebuchets launched fiery missiles high into the sky upon both sides, casualties were many, but we persevered and pushed them ever further back, resting only to gather our strength for the next onslaught. One final push from everyone and the walls of this grand keep fell hard, sending a mass of Vikings screaming towards their goal, enemy bodies littering the battlefield fuelled our desire for victory, and finally, our leader raised the Scabbard of Excalibur above his head in triumph.

Tired and weary, we began the march home, carrying this symbol to its resting place in Mjolliner Faste, where all of Odin’s children would gain strength from its mighty power.

- English - said:
How many entries may we produce

As many as you can do well, however, it is unlikley, even if your entries are of a superb quality that you'll get more than one CDkey.


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
how is this for a start? or is it completely in the wrong aspect? :)

As the sun slowly passed below the horizon, a band of adventures known as the Purple Warriors, set off from the remote town of Hagall. Nerves grew amongst the Kobolds as the Trolls clashed shields with war moral, and the dwarves sat with arms held high, praying to the gods of mighty Midgard. Words flocked around Aegirhamn and Jordhiem like wildfire as the Viking Jarls returned to their homes in the dark forest of Myrkwood. The cities were alive with music and laughter, but deep down they all feared the worst, many spoken of past adventurers that had failed to breech the depths of the cold, relentless dungeon known as Tuscarian Glacier. As they set out from Hagall, the trolls readied their axes, and kept a close hand on them as they passed Delling Crater, and the Griffon Outposts. Darkness grew on them like a fog setting upon a distant land. Svartmetall calmed his warriors with dismay as they came to the entrance of the formidable dungeon, “and without further or do” he proclaimed, “may the mighty beasts that away tremble in the deep!” Shouts and War Cries echoed across the lands as Sword and Staff alive were thrust into the air.

The cold encased their armour as the brave adventurers tip-toed down the passage way towards the mystery of so many years of death and glory. Whispers cascaded down the labyrinths of halls. Bones of past adventurers lay piled up as the warriors fought through monsters, who paraded the slippery cause ways on patrol. Spells and sword flew everywhere, it was chaos, warrior and spiritmaster alike could not stand up to the relentless onslaught of the ice masters. Draypor, Svartmetall and Ljuvasara blocked and parried the attacks against the casters as the formidable creatures swung swords against them with brute force. Loppis and Napoleon took in Eir’s power and healed their band of heros with tremendous vigour.

They reached a small opening, and as the clambered through a bright light hit their eyes with sparkle and wonder, they had reached the great room of the dragon which had died oh so many years ago.

oh and this is bout 10 mins work most likely, needs alot of work =(


Dec 22, 2003
Thats pretty good, along the right lines, could perhaps use some more action though? Like, what happens when they enter the great room of the dragon?


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 12, 2005
man that text about the RR was good!! I wanna write one but i almost only Solo or PvE :p
(wo wanna read about a Thane pharming scrolls or getting zerged :p )


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
Tilda said:
Thats pretty good, along the right lines, could perhaps use some more action though? Like, what happens when they enter the great room of the dragon?

aye :p im working on that bit now, thats only sorta half of it =D


Part of the furniture
Aug 14, 2004
I guess then you can only state positive things youve encountered but cannot comment on anything bad (if you want any chance of winning at least)...such balance :(


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 25, 2005
Outlander said:
I guess then you can only state positive things youve encountered but cannot comment on anything bad (if you want any chance of winning at least)...such balance :(

Since it·ll be judged by some French : offensive language, retreats, babes and French fries might be a good bet :p


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
As the sun slowly passed below the horizon, a band of adventures known as the Purple Warriors, set off from the remote town of Hagall. Nerves grew amongst the Kobolds as the Trolls clashed shields with war moral, and the dwarves sat with arms held high, praying to the gods of mighty Midgard. Words flocked around Aegirhamn and Jordhiem like wildfire as the Viking Jarls returned to their homes in the dark forest of Myrkwood. The cities were alive with music and laughter, but deep down they all feared the worst, many spoken of past adventurers that had failed to breech the depths of the cold, relentless dungeon known as Tuscarian Glacier. As they set out from Hagall, the trolls readied their axes, and kept a close hand on them as they passed Delling Crater, and the Griffon Outposts. Darkness grew on them like a fog setting upon a distant land. Svartmetall calmed his warriors with dismay as they came to the entrance of the formidable dungeon, “and without further or do” he proclaimed, “may the mighty beasts that away tremble in the deep!” Shouts and War Cries echoed across the lands as Sword and Staff alive were thrust into the air.

The cold encased their armour as the brave adventurers tip-toed down the passage way towards the mystery of so many years of death and glory. Whispers cascaded down the labyrinths of halls. Bones of past adventurers lay piled up as the warriors fought through monsters, who paraded the slippery cause ways on patrol. Spells and sword flew everywhere, it was chaos, warrior and spiritmaster alike could not stand up to the relentless onslaught of the ice masters. Draypor, Svartmetall and Ljuvasara blocked and parried the attacks against the casters as the formidable creatures swung swords against them with brute force. Loppis and Napoleon took in Eir’s power and healed their band of heros with tremendous vigour.

They reached a small opening, and as the clambered through a bright light hit their eyes with sparkle and wonder, they had reached the great room of the dragon which had died oh so many years ago. Himster trembled with fear as suddenly, the ceiling began to crumble, and a great bird like creature named Hurika flew down from above the group of adventurers, and perched on an old stack of bones why lay in front of Loppis. She froze with fear, trying not to engage the creature in any way, as he peered over the stack, he caught a glimpse of a golden object, along with a small stack of pearly white eggs. She reached for the object, but as she did so, she caught Hurika’s leg in her glove buckle. Hurika rose up, high into the air as Svartmetall cried out to Bunji to charge! Hurika attacked with her sharp beak and knife like talons. The Dwarves and Kobold’s faces were covered with scratches and scuffs, as the trolls relentlessly pursued the beast relentlessly. Eventually after a long fight, Hurika grew weak as the mighty warriors stood tall, emblem held high in victory, exausted and power drained. “ONWARD” Ljuvasara exclaimed with glorious might, she stood out from the rest of her companions, and they all looked up to her. They moaned, but were happy to continue.

Forwards they went, encountering yet more monsters and strange creatures until finally they entered the throne room of King Tuscar and his bride. His council had been slain valiantly by the motley bunch of warriors, and now it was King Tuscar’s turn to feel the wrath of the realm of Midgard.

They charged, their blows helped along by Odin and Thor, by sadly without success, their moral was crushed under the mighty blows of the King and Queens icy hammers. They knew they were about to join the hero’s of Valhalla, those slain by Gjalpinulva and the legendary Glacier Giant. But suddenly, out of the darkness came a shinging light, it was a sight of hope for the brave warriors that fought on. The courage of the Purple Warriors grew, their banned flew high in the darkness, flames encased the King as he threw blows upon Svartmetall, but the troll stood tall and valiant in his guild colours. Eventually after a long fight, the king and queen fell. As the adventurers questioned the hooded individual , he simple replied with riddle and in spite of them telling him he would be welcome into the guild, he disappeared into the darkness, mumbling to himself, as roars of pain and suffering gathered from the depths, the adventurers scrambled and slipped out of the dungeon, as they left, they could feel a presence encasing them.

As they mounted their horses, and rode for Aegirhamn, there was much talk of the hooded warrior. As they entered the city, there were cries of relief, and cheers of happiness. But the hero’s stood still, without saying a word. As the citizens realised, a silence fell across the crowd, and Bunjii proclaimed, “what we have done, may be special, heroic and for the greater good of Midgard, but we were met by a strange warrior in the depths… we do not know if this person, or creature is friend or foe and wether he may be a danger to Midgard…” Gasps came from the crowd, as an old man hobbled up to the hero’s and whispered.. “They say one of Valhalla’s Hero’s lives there, and keeps the gate to Valhalla safe from the traitorous monsters, he goes by the name of Danord… nobody knows what he looks like, all we know is, he has been a help to Midgard and its gods…”

Citizens flooded back to their homes as Viking Jarls and Nordic Runemasters set about heading to Svasud Faste to keep guard of Midgards Frontier. The hero’s pondered as they sat around a large fire in the Great Hall of Jordhiem, and chatted amoungst themselves about their adventure.


Note: this isnt really comleted, its a kinda draft in effect, but i thought it was ok, until i run out of idea's towards the end =(


Dec 22, 2003
Just post the finished thing!

Amaldin, unless you're going to enter, further smart alec posts might well result in a holiday.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
I could write you a story but I am afraid it would be pretty disgusting, it's the only kind of fiction I can do :p


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
Overdriven's Contest Entery.

Overdriven's Contest Entery.

Overdriven said:
The eeriness of the greatly feared dungeon, Darkness Falls grew and grew with word that an evil force had been rising. Many realms had tried to conquer this evil but had failed. The monsters in epic dungeon grew and grew, until a shriek was heard across all the lands.


The three realms; Albion, Midgard and Hibernia all knew what they had to do, but they also knew what they had to face once again. The sound of war horns grew and grew as each realm gathered their most fearsome warriors, healers and magical casters. The realm leaders knew that they had to defeat the creature to bring peace to their lands once again, but with their long-lasting history of fighting they couldn't deny the fact that lives would be lost in the great battle.

It begun, each realm marched their forces to the great Darkness Falls in hope that not only would they defeat the epic creature but that none of their troops would be killed by their opposing enemies. Each realm entered their dungeon in hope of killing the creature, fighting their way down past the might Knights of Krothonia, the Drinkers of Konovaria and the evil demonesses, the Cambions, but what each realm didn't realize was; the Legion wasn't the real enemy in the Dungeon - The Legion was just a front for the true evil being, Director Kobil; who was the true ruler of Darkness Falls.

Each realm fought and fought until one 'trigger happy' warrior spotted a member of opposing realm. With the lack of experience of this Warrior he instantly drew out his sword and shield and froze to the ground, one of the opposing realm's magical casters seeing him and casting a magical 'Mesmerisation' which caused not only the Warrior, but several people from Midgard to be stuck in the same place - not being able to move.

"CHARRRRRGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEE" the leaders of both realms yelled, which instantly made each mighty warrior of each realm ignore the Legion Minions and attack each other.

The fight was gruesome; several lives were lost on each side. The magical casters casting mesmerisations, the healers healing their realm mates, and the casters doing the most damage. The battle was long and tiresome, but the forces of Midgard managed to prevail and defeat the two opposing realm, Albion and Hibernia.

They knew this wasn't the end of the battle as the Legion still had to be defeated, which they knew was going to be the biggest battle of their life’s; especially as most of the people who had defeated the Legion the first time had died a tragic death while trying to defeat the King and Queen of Tuscan Glacier.

They rested and rested 'till the strongest of warriors were ready to take on the mighty Legion. After defeating the last of the Legion Minions they entered the Legion's lair. Seeing upon them, the legendary creature Legion.

"So, the mighty realm of Migard has returned once again to try and defeat me. You will all fail; you have no chance of defeating me! I WISH YOU GOOD LUCK IN DEATH!"

Upon saying that, the mighty creature swung his humongous claw and knocked the front line defenses of Midgard to their death, causing the Midgard offense to charge into the warrior.

Warriors guarded each other, protected each other and interrupted some of their realm mates’ attacks, hoping to defeat the magical creature.
What they didn't realize was that the Mighty Legion had learned some new tricks while it was away. The realm of Midgard had taken down half of the Legions life in a maniac fight, when it suddenly swung its claw one more time and grabbed half of the offense, throwing them into the air and draining their life, instantly healing its self.

The realm of Midgard saw this and knew the battle was over, the Legion repeating this attack 'till the mighty realm of Midgard laid dead, in front of him.

"Good luck in Death, Midgard. I said you wouldn't be able to kill me" The Legion laughed, and then vanish. Director Kobil instantly appearing, then instantly vanishing.

I haven't written a Fan Fiction in 2 years. Not sure if this is good: P


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Stupeh's Entry


Stupeh's contest entry said:
Once upon a time there lived in a certain village a little country girl, the prettiest creature who was ever seen. Her mother was excessively fond of her; and her yellow con templar doted on her still more. This good woman had a little red riding hood made for her. It suited the girl so extremely well that everybody called her Saitoh.
One day her mother, having made some cakes, said to her, "Go, my dear, and see how your yellow con templar is doing, for I hear she has been very ill. Take her a cake, and this little pot of butter."
Saitoh set out immediately to go to her yellow con templar, who lived in another village.
As she was going through the portal, she met with a mudman, who had a very great mind to eat her up, but he dared not, because of some large frogs working nearby in the forest. He asked her where she was going. The poor child, who did not know that it was dangerous to stay and talk to a mudman, said to him, "I am going to see my yellow con templar and carry her a cake and a little pot of power from my mother."
"Does she live far off?" said the mudman
"Oh I say," answered Saitoh; "it is beyond that milegate you see there, at the first house in the village."
"Well," said the mudman, "and I'll go and see her too. I'll go this way and go you that, and we shall see who will be there first."
The mudman ran as fast as he could, taking the shortest path, and the little girl took a roundabout way, entertaining herself by gathering nuts, running after butterflies, and gathering bouquets of little flowers. It was not long before the mudman arrived at the yellow con templar’s house. He knocked at the door: tap, tap.
"Who's there?"
"Your charmer, Saitoh," replied the mudman, counterfeiting her voice; "who has brought you a cake and a little pot of power sent to you by mother."
The good yellow con templar, who was in bed, because she was somewhat ill, cried out, "Pull the bobbin, and the latch will go up."
The mudman pulled the bobbin, and the door opened, and then he immediately fell upon the good yellow con templar and ate her up in a moment, for it been more than three days since he had eaten. He then shut the door and got into the yellow con templar’s bed, expecting Saitoh, who came some time afterwards and knocked at the door: tap, tap.
"Who's there?"
Saitoh, hearing the big voice of the mudman, was at first afraid; but believing her yellow con templar had a cold and was hoarse, answered, "It is your charmer Saitoh, who has brought you a cake and a little pot of power mother sends you."
The mudman cried out to her, softening his voice as much as he could, "Pull the bobbin, and the latch will go up."
Saitoh pulled the bobbin, and the door opened.
The mudman, seeing her come in, said to her, hiding himself under the bedclothes, "Put the cake and the little pot of power upon the stool, and come get into bed with me."
Saitoh took off her clothes and got into bed. She was greatly amazed to see how her yellow con templar looked in her nightclothes, and said to her, "Yellow con templar, what big arms you have!"
"All the better to hug you with, my dear."
"Yellow con templar, what big legs you have!"
"All the better to run with, my charmer."
"Yellow con templar, what big ears you have!"
"All the better to hear with, my charmer."
"Yellow con templar, what big eyes you have!"
"All the better to see with, my charmer."
"Yellow con templar, what big teeth you have got!"
"All the better to eat you up with."
And, saying these words, this wicked mudman fell upon Saitoh, and ate her all up. So, she purge+mocced and wtfpwned the mudman back to the bind point.

The End.


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
May be a bit long, but what the f**k, I like it. Got inspired, you know how it is.

Svartmetall's Competition Entry

Sigurd shook his head to clear the blood from his eyes and propped himself up on his elbows so he could look around him. As far as he could see, the snow was littered with bodies and stained red with blood. Corpses of Trolls, Men, Frostalfar, Half-Ogres, Kobolds and Inconnu lay all around him, some still steaming in the autumn chill. Nothing moved in the pale evening light, not even the crows who clustered silently together on the bare trees that overlooked the battlefield as if awed by the scale of the slaughter. Groaning with the pain from the wound in his leg, he managed to struggle to his feet and stood swaying, dizzy for several moments. He bent – making himself dizzy again – and tore strips of fabric off the tunic of an Albion man who had fallen right next to where he had lain, and bandaged his leg as best he could. How long had he been unconscious in the snow? Judging by the lengthening shadows, a good few hours. Surely not everyone could be dead? Where had he dropped his sword? It was nowhere to be seen now. His chainmail was damaged in several places, especially on his chest. Nothing moved on the battlefield in any direction, save a few tattered rags of banners drooping from their poles, thrust into the ground to mark the spot of the last stand of bands of warriors around the snowfield, stirring in the faintest of dying breezes. He started to shiver.

”Charge!” the Jarl screams, drawing his sword and running towards the swirling centre of the battle. The Albion attack has caught the forces around Nottmoor almost unprepared, formations being assembled hurriedly out of whoever is at hand, no semblance of usual battle-order being maintained in the frantic need to get someone – anyone – out to defend. Sigurd had dropped his plate of bread and sausage at the sound of a Wizard’s bolt detonating on a nearby tree and grabbed his shield before rushing to find the guard commander. Now he finds himself in the middle of a hurriedly-assembled phalanx of Norsemen, the Jarl of the keep leading from the front, arrows slicing the air around him as he runs to the defense of the keep. A few paces to his left, a giant Troll roars in pain and fury as a crossbow bolt appeared in his shoulder; ripping the bolt out with one huge hand, the Troll draws a jagged two-handed cleaver that’s almost as big as Sigurd himself from a sling across his back and sprints at the Armsman who fired the bolt.
Ahead of him, the defenders’ charge meets the incoming Albion fighters with a great clash of steel and bodies that can be felt through the ground as clearly as it can be heard. Sigurd glances to his left again to see the Troll who was wounded a moment ago shudder with uncontrollable rage and shapeshift into a massive black bear as Modi’s fierce blessing courses through him, his axe cleaving the Highlander in front of him in two with a single horrific blow. Blood sprays over the newly-transformed Berserker’s fur as he roars with battle-lust and lunges for another target over the still-twitching body of the Highlander, the man of Albion’s own blood dripping over him from the fur as the Berserker steps over him. Another Albion fighter dodges the charging Berserker and runs at Sigurd, swinging a wickedly-curved blade at him as he screams an incomprehensible battlecry…he draws his sword and raises his shield to block the blow…

With some effort he limped across the body-strewn field to where he could see his Jarl’s banner laying in the snow, the dead lying all around it. Jarl Thorsson lay beneath the torn cloth of his own banner, face almost peaceful in death, armour covered in blood. Even in death he still gripped his sword, which was still thrust into the neck of the Half-Ogre who had killed him, whose own broken polearm lay in two pieces to either side of the pair. Sigurd arranged the fallen Norseman’s body as best he could, and began a traditional prayer for the fallen, realising how cold he was as his teeth chattered almost uncontrollably as he recited.
"Sorry, Harald,” he said as he carefully knelt down to the dead warrior’s body, “but I have more need of this than you, now. You’ve earned your place in Valhalla today.”
Standing up, dizziness once again threatening to overcome him, he wrapped Thorsson’s thick Fenrir-fur cloak around him as best he could and turned to face the west, where the sun lay close to the snowy horizon. He waited until the dizziness had faded somewhat and set off slowly to the edge of the battlefield, stepping over piles of corpses when there seemed to be no way around them.

…the blow numbs his shield-arm, but he stands his ground and swings his own sword past the Briton’s guard into the man’s sword-arm, feeling the blade bite through flesh and meet bone, before swinging the pommel of the sword back into the bridge of the man of Albion’s nose. Stunned, his weapon-arm hanging limply by his side, the Briton staggers back a pace as Sigurd brings his sword in a wide sweep around his head and hacks into his foe’s neck. As the man falls to the icy ground Sigurd feels a hand clap him on the shoulder and he turns to see Snorre, his friend and mentor grinning fiercely at him.
“Not bad for your first real combat, little one. We’ll make a warrior of you yet!” Snorre whoops and runs to meet the invaders’ charge. Realising that he has for the first time just taken another man’s life, Sigurd blinks in surprise for a moment then goes to follow Snorre as yet another arrow cuts the air just a few feet away from him. Turning almost involuntarily to follow the arrow’s flight, he sees a Runemaster a few dozen feet behind him chanting an invocation to Odin and starting to conjure great spears of fire that smash into the ranks of the enemy, to his left a great Troll Thane calling down Thor’s lightning to do likewise. Another bolt of fire from the enemy ranks flies past him as he watches and catches the Runemaster full in the chest, leaving him sprawled on the ground gasping with a smoking wound burnt into his torso. Cursing the invaders, Sigurd screams his hatred as he charges…

Was that movement ahead…? Squinting, the sun in his eyes, he realised one of the figures at the edge of the battlefield was moving slowly, though he could not make out who or even what it was at this distance. He had never dreamed that so much carnage could surround him; the bodies seemed endless, and somehow unreal on this same field that had so recently been so full of movement and chaos. A thin plume of smoke rose waveringly from the remains of a burnt-out portable ballista, impossible to tell now which side it had belonged to as the bodies around it were similarly burned. He shuddered to think what fearsome magic could have done this to the bodies of men. Behind him, a crow called mournfully across the snow. As he made his way forward the slowly-moving figure ahead became clearer. It was a Saracen.

…surrounded by screaming, yelling, roaring fighters on all sides…slash at an enemy, block his counter-attack, strike again, parry, riposte, steel ringing on steel, block, cut, parry, weapons locked as he stares into the eyes of the Highlander who is trying to kill him, their sweat mingling despite the snow that has started to fall, shoving, each trying to put their opponent off-balance, surprise in the man’s eyes as the Valkyn next to Sigurd half-punches, half-carves a hideous gash into the side of his head with a jagged hand-to-hand fighting claw, swinging with his sword down into the man’s body, turning to thank the Valkyn only to see an arrow slam into her eye and knock her to the floor, jerking spasmodically. He curses and looks around for Snorre, who is once again in front of him. Snorre has cut down a tall Avalonian mage of some sort and yells in triumph as he thrusts his broad-bladed sword into the downed enemy’s robed body. Running forward, Sigurd sees the air shimmer behind his friend as an assassin uncloaks and stabs deftly through the gaps in Snorre’s chainmail into his body, the vicious blow leaving the tall blond Norseman stunned and bleeding as the Infiltrator prepares to stab at him again. Roaring with fury Sigurd sprints at the enemy and smashes his shield into the olive-skinned man’s head, the iron dome in the centre of the shield connecting with the back of the Infiltrator’s skull and stunning him…he pulls the two-handed great-sword from its sheath on his back and slashes at the enemy assassin once, twice, the thin leather the man wears proving to be of little use against good Midgard steel…almost cut in two, the assassin lies blinking at the snowy heavens as his lifeblood reddens the snow about him. Sigurd runs to Snorre, who has fallen to the ground and is moaning in pain.
“I got the bastard,” he pants as he tries to help Snorre to his feet, “I got him for you!”
“Aye,” Snorre is pale and can hardly stand, “You got him good. I think I need…to sit down though.”
Sigurd puts his friend’s arm over his own shoulder and leads him back to where a healer is waiting towards the rear of the Midgard lines. Just as they are nearing the waiting Seer there is another shimmer in the air and an Inconnu appears, slicing at the unwitting Frostalf girl’s neck with his daggers…

He made his slow, painful way across the corpse-laden ground, limping as best his wounded leg would allow to where the Saracen was crawling away from the battlefield. Intent on her struggle to move, the Saracen didn’t hear Sigurd approach until he prised a hammer from the grip of a fallen Troll a few feet away. At the grating sound of the weapon being drawn across the dead Troll’s chainmail, vivid in the eerie silence of the evening, the Saracen turned and her eyes widened to see a Norseman just a few feet away. Having been crawling on her belly, one of her legs clearly broken, she managed to roll over onto her back, small sounds of pain escaping as she did so, her face contorting. Sigurd advanced on her, face grim, and stood over her. She stopped moving and stared up into his pale grey eyes, propped up on her elbows, her finely enamelled armour a shade of light green to match her eyes. As he looked down at her, the face of the Saracen in front of him changed in his mind’s eye into the face of the pretty young Frostalf healer as she fell to the ground in front of Snorre and Sigurd’s horrified eyes. Something must have shown in his face as the Saracen woman raised her hands in a universal gesture of pleading, saying something in her own tongue. Sigurd raised the fallen Troll’s hammer over his head – though considered one-handed for a Troll, he needed both of his own to lift it – and as the woman’s voice raised high in panic he swung the hammer down with all the force he could muster. And all was quiet again as the sun sank lower still.

…Snorre’s sightless eyes gaze up at the clearing snow-clouds, blood pooling around his sides as he lies where the Mercenary has cut him down. Tears mix with blood and grime on Sigurd’s face as he chases down the fleeing Briton, gripping his great-sword in both hands, his shield having been shattered and discarded what seems like hours ago. The battle has degenerated – as all such affairs do – into many small skirmishes, bands of a few enemies on either side circling the field and killing the unwary or the unlucky. Bodies already litter the fields, broken or abandoned weapons and siege equipment everywhere, the forlorn cries of the wounded mixing with the fierce cries of those still fighting. The last time Sigurd could find Jarl Thorsson on the field, he seemed to think the Albion attack had been repulsed, but in all the chaos it is hard to be sure, so he goes on killing every Albion invader he can whenever he sees them. Mist now begins to drift across the field as the slaughter continues…

He limped through the snow, slowly, his bad leg reducing him to a snail’s pace. The sun cast a rosy glow on the snow around him, the trees on the hillside casting dark shadows behind them. He had been feeling cold, but that seemed to have passed now. His chest felt numb. He had let the Troll’s hammer fall by the dead Saracen woman’s body and now was armed only with his dagger, but that didn’t seem to matter much either any more. He hadn’t seen a living soul for what must have been an hour, so he guessed all the Albion invaders had either fled or been killed. Walking was harder and harder, though, his leg was going to need some serious attention when he got back to Nottmoor itself. The hill became slightly steeper, and even this made it very difficult for him to make it to the top…the urge to sit down and rest for a while was almost overpowering, but he knew from his childhood that sick or injured people who lay down in the snow tended never to get up again. Though the amount of willpower it took to make it to the brow of the small hill seemed entirely out of proportion to the task itself, he eventually staggered to the top and was able to look down across a wide, snow-filled valley, the deeper parts of which were already in shadow as evening advanced. Out of the corner of his eye he caught movement to his left…his hand moving almost unconsciously to his dagger, he peered into the dusk light and was able to make out the figure of a woman, walking towards him.
She was hidden in the half-light at first but as she drew closer he could see long red hair spilling out from the hood of a fur cloak and saw that on her cloak was the distinctive emblem of Odin’s Eye. He relaxed and took his hand off the hilt of his dagger.
“Ho!” she called to him, her voice clear in the cold air, “where are you going? Are you injured?”
“Yes…yes. I was in the fighting at Nottmoor…the Albion forces, I think we fought them off, but so many dead…” It was difficult to speak, he realised, he was so damn tired.
“I heard, yes. You fought valiantly! They’ll think twice before coming back to try the gates of Nottmoor again.”
“So many dead, though…I’ve never been in battle before...”
“The dead will have earned their place in Valhalla, I’ll wager, if the reports of the fighting I heard are anything to go by. You were outnumbered so badly yet still prevailed. You should be proud.”
Sigurd felt numb, not proud. He could see Snorre’s face as he lay in the red-stained snow, so vivid it hurt to think of it. “I’m trying to get back to Nottmoor Faste…I need to report…”
“I’ll help you on your journey. My name is…well, just call me Kara.” And so saying, the tall woman took his arm and draped it over her shoulder – much as he himself had done for Snorre in the battle – and led him off through the snow.

…all that surrounds him now is bodies, friend and foe alike, their blood running together in the snow as if to mock their enmity in life. He is covered in blood, some his, some that of the invaders, chest heaving as he gasps with exhaustion, the blade of his great-sword covered with drying blood and gore. He trips over the twisted bluish corpse of an Inconnu, caught by some Warlock’s spell, burned and distorted, and falls to the ground, breath going out of him and everything going dark as he lands…

It was getting darker, but Kara’s eyes seemed to shine as they walked through the snow in the quiet dusk, the snow crunching underfoot. The pain from his wounds seemed to be gone, now, a sense of calm filling him despite the horrifying things he had seen that day. It seemed to be harder and harder to walk, though, as time went on, because even though his leg was not hurting as much as before it seemed to be harder and harder by the minute to co-ordinate his limbs.
He turned to the woman at his side. “Would you mind if I sat down for a minute? I’m so tired…”
“Of course not. You’ve earned it. Sit down here, I’ll keep an eye on you.”
Gratefully he sank to his knees. There was no pain now, but the weariness was overwhelming. He knew he should move soon, the cold would kill him if he fell asleep out in the open - especially wounded as he was - but a few minutes’ rest would help. Just a few minutes. At least his wounds didn’t hurt any more. He would rest a while. He’d earned it today. The woman stood by his side as he sat motionless in the snow, her hand on his shoulder.

He opened his eyes. He’d fallen asleep after all! He should have known better, but he’d been so tired. He didn’t feel so tired now, though.
“I’m sorry,” he said, getting to his feet, “didn’t mean to fall asleep on you.”
“It doesn’t matter,” she said quietly, “don’t worry.”
“It’s almost dark…we should be going.”
“Yes. Yes, Sigurd, we should.”
He thought for a moment…he’d never told her his name.
“How do you know who I am?” he asked her.
“We know who all true warriors are, Sigurd.”
“Who are you?”
She smiled at him, revealing herself as radiantly beautiful even in the fading light of dusk. “You know who I am.”
“Look behind you, back the way we came.”
Sigurd felt his mind clearing as his weariness left him, and knew the truth of her words.
“Come with me, warrior. It’s time to be with your friends again. For ever.”
She held out her hand to him, and even as he looked, somehow behind her he could see a great hall full of mighty warriors, some looking at him even now, grinning their approval and raising their flagons in salute. In her other hand she held a mighty spear, and as she cast her cloak aside he saw shining mail armour. At her feet he could see the figure of a man, curled up as if asleep.
He looked back across the snow where he and the woman had walked, and realised there was only one set of footprints.


Nomans Land

One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 28, 2004
Tilda said:
Entries like that will not be considered.
The idea is that you're discribing daoc as some epic game to someone who dosn't know all the abreviations or language.

Does that mean you can write about any situation, and they include the guy that yelled 'FOR ARTHUR!!!', and then the countless spam that came after with people yelling 'No, for me, i pwn this realm meights!'

Wish I could be arsed to write a story. Do: "punctuation" and! gramor ?matter,


Part of the furniture
Jan 3, 2005
its not hard to write it in word, run spell check and then paste it here...

I would do it, if only I didn't have Uni Exams on :p


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
Tilda said:
Above all, the story should be something that is identifiably DAoC and shows the sort of community, background and ingame experience that is unique to the game.

Bahumat Competition entry

Bahumat said:
It was a dark and stormy night, i logged into Dark Age of Camelot, i ported into the RVR zone looking for a fight! When entering the RVR zone i felt dizzy, i was jumping randomly and it was like i could stop time. After several minutes of this someone told me "yeah mate its lag as usual".

I killed several people and thought i should play another character, when i logged my character in he had no items, his weapons were loot bag...what was this foul magic!

realising he was unplayable i decided to check out my statistics, the XML page was not working.

I logged out to have dinner, later on when trying to log back in i received Error 308 and the client closed.

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