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- Dec 22, 2003
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In conjunction with DLgamer.com
Freddyshouse has got 5 copies of Darkness Rising to give away!
What you can do to get your hands on these:
What I'd like is for anyone with the time and inclination to write a short report - no more than 5-6 paragraphs - of an ingame event they've taken part in. Ideally it would be an RvR event such as a relic raid, a series of exceptionally good fights with a guild group, a keep take etc although an interesting PvE experience could also be considered.
Try not to use too much DAoC jargon, the aim is to make it sound good for any random person reading it, not just daocers and so they'll have no idea why MoCing a PBAE bomb in the middle of a TWF is so good. Try to use general descriptions that someone who has never played the game could understand - 'froze them to the spot' rather than 'rooted' or 'mezzed' for example.
Above all, the story should be something that is identifiably DAoC and shows the sort of community, background and ingame experience that is unique to the game.
The competition will close on friday the 27th of january at 9pm.
A Dl gamer member of staff will judge the entries and on monday sometime the five people who wrote the best, most exciting and descriptive entries will be rewarded with their CDkeys*.
Entrys should be submitted in this thread, with the start of the post reading "<Username> Competition entry" and the text of your entry enclosed in
Freddyshouse has got 5 copies of Darkness Rising to give away!
What you can do to get your hands on these:
What I'd like is for anyone with the time and inclination to write a short report - no more than 5-6 paragraphs - of an ingame event they've taken part in. Ideally it would be an RvR event such as a relic raid, a series of exceptionally good fights with a guild group, a keep take etc although an interesting PvE experience could also be considered.
Try not to use too much DAoC jargon, the aim is to make it sound good for any random person reading it, not just daocers and so they'll have no idea why MoCing a PBAE bomb in the middle of a TWF is so good. Try to use general descriptions that someone who has never played the game could understand - 'froze them to the spot' rather than 'rooted' or 'mezzed' for example.
Above all, the story should be something that is identifiably DAoC and shows the sort of community, background and ingame experience that is unique to the game.
The competition will close on friday the 27th of january at 9pm.
A Dl gamer member of staff will judge the entries and on monday sometime the five people who wrote the best, most exciting and descriptive entries will be rewarded with their CDkeys*.
Entrys should be submitted in this thread, with the start of the post reading "<Username> Competition entry" and the text of your entry enclosed in
boxes [/ quote]
Go for it!
*due to technicalities you will be unable to download the game from DL gamer unless you have naturally preordered it as well. The prizes are CDkeys and Freddyshouse takes no responsibility nor will be subject to no liability regarding any issues resulting from this competition. The acctualy closing date may still be liable to change.
By entering the competition you relinquish all rights you have over the text and grant Freddyshouse an exclusive licence to reproduce and grant the use of, any, all, or part of your submission.