1.81B TOA-Tastic


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 12, 2004
1.81 and beyond

We have spent the last month and more gathering information from our players about what you want to see us working on next. We have polled for this information (from both US and European sources) as well as taken feedback and gathered your thoughts from various board threads. From this feedback we have determined the two areas in which you are most interested in us pursuing improvements. These top two areas are Class Enhancements and RvR Enhancements. Based on this, we are going to move forward with the following focuses for improving the game during the 1.81 version:

Heavy Tank Enhancements: We are looking at a variety of improvements to make heavy tanks more fun and interesting to play. Our goal is to reinvigorate tanks to enable them to perform better in their role of taking damage, safeguarding their realmmates and leading the charge into battle.

RvR Enhancements: We are implementing several new systems that will help to focus the players on larger RvR contributions to the realm, instead of small scale PvP. We already have a large number of rewards for PvP but your feedback has indicated that you want to see more rewards for other RvR activities. Activities such as siege engine destruction, and repairing walls and doors, are being looked at for Realm Point rewards (as well as many other activities).

The process for class enhancements will definitely take several patch cycles, and serious testing and revision. We have some very interesting things planned for upcoming versions and think that you will be excited about all of them. We will keep looking at all classes as we move forward to better enhance their gameplay value and fun. We are currently gathering more feedback and will be taking more polls in the near future. This feedback will help to guide us for future versions in the upcoming year.

Everything from our polls is important to us, and we appreciate your assistance in helping us to determine the priorities. We will of course continue to make other improvements and bug fixes to the entire game as we move forward. Thanks again!


Loyal Freddie
May 8, 2004
basically says they are looking at awarding rp's for fixing walls, wrecking siege equipment and other tasks.
Looking at making tanks more fun to play by giving them more things to allow defending realm mates, charging into battle and taking more damage.

like the det change hasnt given them a (well deserved) edge now.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
If you haven't played TOA lately, you might want to gear up for a few rounds in December, because there are a lot of changes "B":


Dark Age of Camelot
Test Version 1.81b Release Notes
Realm vs Realm and Class focus
November 17, 2005



- Powerdrain spells (such as Vampiir bolts) have been reverted back to their previous functionality, no longer dropping any run speed spells the caster may have active.

- Class-specific illusions for Bards, Bonedancers and Animists are now restored when other illusions expire, if they are still active.

- Abilities with the same name should no longer swap hotkeys when zoning.

- List casters with champion abilities should no longer have their hotkeys changed when gaining a champion level.


- Line of sight issues have been improved for all bridges in New Frontiers. This fix also addresses many of the 'cast through walls' issues that Bainshees have on bridges.

- Low level monsters (between levels 0-10) are now easier to kill by low level characters.

- (Albion) Fixed an issue where the Lieutenants in charge of the Royal Expeditions would still give you the missions to choose from even if you had already completed all of them for that level (46).


- Battlegrounds now have realm point zone in caps to go along with their current level caps. A player that is above the realm point cap for a certain battleground will not be able to visit that battleground and will need to gain more experience to visit the next level appropriate battleground. In the particular case of Leirvik, there is an additional cap of ML3.

New BG RR Zone in Caps:

Realm Rank 1 Level 2 & Level 19- Killaloe
Realm Rank 1 Level 4 & Level 24- Thidranki
Realm Rank 1 Level 9 & Level 29- Braemar
Realm Rank 2 Level 4 & Level 34- Wilton
Realm Rank 2 Level 9 & Level 39- Molvik
Realm Rank 3 Level 9 & Level 44 & ML 3 – Leirvik

- While inside the Battlegrounds, players can earn one Realm Rank higher than the cap to zone in. Furthermore, the amount of Realm points attainable within the Battlegrounds has been adjusted upward. A player will now be able to leave the Final Battleground at Realm Rank 4 instead of Realm Rank 3.


Realm Rank 1 Level 3 - Killaloe
Realm Rank 1 Level 5 - Thidranki
Realm Rank 2 Level 0 - Braemar
Realm Rank 2 Level 5 - Wilton
Realm Rank 3 Level 0 - Molvik
Realm Rank 4 Level 0 – Leirvik

Points to note about Experience level and Realm Ranks in the Battlegrounds:

- If Realm Rank is capped in the Battleground, a player will not be removed forcibly if they die and release or not get resurrected. They will be ported back to the portal keep of their realm within the Battleground.

- If Realm Rank is capped in the Battleground, and a player willingly ports out of the Battleground, you will not be able to return to the same Battleground.

- If a Player's Experience level exceeds the Battleground cap, they will be removed from the Battleground if they are not resurrected from death.

Example for clarification: A level 24 player that is Realm Rank 1L4 Zones into Thidranki. That player then gets Realm Rank 1L5 while in the Battleground and dies soon after. The player is not resurrected, but releases back to the portal keep within the Battleground. Said player can log out of the game if they desire and come back to the same Battleground later. Upon coming back into the Battleground later on, the same player levels up to level 25. Later that day the level 25 player dies, and upon release of his spirit, he is ported back to the portal keep (Druim Ligen, Svasud Faste, or Castle Sauvage).



- Scouts, Rangers and Hunters are now awarded Safe Fall 1 when specializing in Stealth to level 10.

Spell-timer Normalization

- Many spell and ability timers no longer overlap from Class Spells, Master Abilities and Sub-classing spells.


Quest Notes - Albion

- Players stuck on step 4 of the Defensive Measures epic quest will now be able to respawn General Vaul by entering his area with the Ley Line map.

- Players stuck on step 3 of A New Threat epic quest will now be able to respawn General Promotus and Vortimer by entering the area again with the Recall Stone.

- The scroll used on step 4 of the Brutal Realization quest will now work properly.

- Players are now advised to seek out the Arawnite Envoy for the Trouble at the Abbey quest to receive their level 5 and 10 epics.

Quest Notes - Hibernia

- Players stuck on step 4 of the Nuisances quest will now be able to speak to Addrir to complete the quest.

- Players with Darkness Rising will now be able to complete the Speak with the Taskmaster quest.

- The scroll used on steps 3 and 4 of A Desperate Gambit quest scroll will now work properly.

- The correct reward is now given to Bards upon the completion of the Occupation of Lough Gur quest.

Quest Notes - Midgard

- Players stuck on step 9 of The Legend of Fenrir's Folly quest will now be able to obtain the appropriate quest components from the werewolf guards.

- The journal now advises players to seek out Crelam in Galplen for the Preemptive Strike quest.

- Players stuck on step 3 of the Storm Horse quest can now proceed by clicking on the keywords.


Quest Notes - Albion

- The Krondon Awaits quest will now award the appropriate experience to players who complete the quest.


General Notes

- New scholars have been added to the Havens. These scholars sell items needed for many Trials. Examples of items sold: eel stomachs, canopic jars, various keys, storm crystals, etc. The cost of these items increases based on the level of the corresponding Master Level.

- The Master Level requirements for entering the Halls of Ma'ati have been removed.

- The Master Level requirement for Deep Volcanus has been changed to Master Level One.

- The Master Level requirement for Aerus City has been changed to Master Level Three.

Item Notes

- The locked versions of all artifacts will no longer drop from encounters. Players will now only need to have encounter credit and the scrolls to receive the unlocked artifact.

- The location requirements for leveling artifacts have been removed. All artifacts now earn experience from all enemy player and/or monster kills anywhere and anytime.

- Many artifacts now level at a faster rate: Alvarus's Leggings, Arms of the Winds, Bracelet of Zo'arkat, Braggart's Bow, Bruiser, Cloudsong, Crocodile Tear Ring, Crocodile's Tooth, Cycloptic Shield, Dream Sphere, Eerie Darkness Stone, Eirene's Chestpiece, Enyalios Boots, Erinys Charm, Eternal Plant, Flamedancer's Boots, Flask, Foppish Sleeves, Goddess Necklace, Golden Scarab Vest, The Golden Spear, Guard of Valor, Harpy Feather Cloak, A Healers Embrace, Jacina's Sash, Kalare's Necklace, Maddening Scalars, Malice's Axe, Mariasha's Sharkskin Gloves, Nailah's Robe, Night's Shroud Bracelet, Belt of Oglidarsh, Phoebus Harp Necklace, Ring of Dances, Ring of Fire, The Scorpions Tail, Shield of Khaos, Snakecharmer's Weapon, Spear of Kings, Staff of the God, Stone of Atlantis, Traitor's Dagger, The Winged Helm and Wings Dive.

- Eirene's Hauberks' Arrogance spell will now correctly reduce 50% damage.

- The Healer's Embrace now has 5% Cold, 5% Heat and 5% Energy resists.

- The Ring of Dances now has increased Strength and Dexterity bonuses.

- Alvarus' Leggings now have 36 hit points and 4 Constitution Cap in addition to it's prior stats.

- The Band of Stars now has increased Dexterity and Constitution Caps as well as increased Hit Points cap.

- The Eerie Darkness stone now has all magic resists set to 5% and all melee resists set to 4%.

- The Belt of Oglidarsh now has increased Strength cap and melee resists increased to 4%.

- The drop rates for all scrolls have been increased and the rate is the same for scroll one, two, and three for each artifact.

- The artifact scroll system has been modified to be a combination of the original and current drop systems:

- The Melos, Naxos, and Skyros now have a chance to drop any Oceanus scroll. They will also have additional chances to drop the scrolls currently assigned to them. Speak to the Researcher in the Oceanus Haven for details.

- The Mau and Setians will now also have chances to drop Stygia scrolls specifically assigned to each mob. This is in addition to the chance to drop any scroll from Stygia. Speak to the Apprentice in the Stygia Haven for details.

- The Siam-he and Taur will now also have chances to drop Volcanus scrolls specifically assigned to each mob. This is in addition to the chance to drop any scroll from Volcanus.

- The Cyclops and Centaurs will now also have chances to drop Aerus scrolls specifically assigned to each mob. This is in addition to the chance to drop any scroll from Aerus.

- Necromancers who are eligible will be able to say the appropriate keyword to Artifact Scholar Jarron to receive the artifact trade-in quests offered by him.

- Apprentices were set up inside each realm's Haven of Aerus to provide scroll location information.

Albion: Apprentice Lirenyth
Midgard: Apprentice Jeraold
Hibernia: Apprentice Miriagan

- Apprentices were set up inside the Haven of Volcanus to provide scroll location information.

Albion: Apprentice Kavale
Midgard: Apprentice Njeden
Hibernia: Apprentice Meoryn

- The Scholars, Loremasters, Loremistresses, and Sages are being restructured to remove the turn-in for the locked version of each artifact. Each locked artifact turn-in NPC for all three realms will be revamped to accommodate this change. So far, the following NPCs were restructured with this change: Loremistress Margit in Midgard and Sage Linyive in Hibernia.

Encounter Notes - General

- Artifact encounters that spawned less than twice a day have had their spawn frequency increased.

- Many high-level monsters in Atlantis will no longer require more than two groups of players to actually begin taking damage.

- Many monsters in Atlantis are no longer 100 percent immune to certain damage types. Examples of such monsters: The Phoenix, several bronze statue monsters and many fire immune monsters. Note that some monsters retain their immunities based on dynamics of certain encounters.

- All common and Lieutenant monsters have had their levels reduced and will not exceed level 65. Main "boss" like monsters have not had their levels changed.

- Many common monster spawns that were creating additional difficulty in certain Trials and artifact encounters have been reduced in number and spawn less frequently.

- Several encounters have been made less difficult by adjusting spawn numbers, monster levels, object hit points, etc. These encounters are listed below, specifically by region. Please note that many encounters that aren't listed specifically are likely still less difficult due to the new item stores, the resist changes, the level changes and the spawn changes made across Atlantis.

Oceanus Encounter Notes

- The Kraken and Leviathan encounters have had several adjustments made in order to decrease their difficulty.

- The following encounters have had their difficulty reduced: Master Level Trials - 2.3, 2.7, 3.1, 3.5, 3.6, 3.8 and 3.10. Artifacts - Egg of Youth, Traldor's Oracle, Staff of the God, Phoebus' Harp and Bracelet of Zo'arkat.

Stygia Encounter Notes

- The following encounters have had their difficulty reduced: Master Level Trials - 4.2, 4.9, 5.9 and 5.10. Artifacts - Crocodile's Tooth and Golden Spear.

Volcanus Encounter Notes

- The following encounters have had their difficulty reduced: Master Level Trials - 6.6, 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, 6.10, 7.8, 7.9 and 7.10. Artifacts - Tartaros' Staff, Bruiser and Erinys' Charm.

Aerus Encounter Notes

- Encounter credit for Master Level Trial 8.5 can now be gained by either killing Kratos or by completing his quest.

- Behrooz will now only spawn in one of three possible locations and will roam much less than before.

- The following encounters have had their difficulty reduced: Master Level Trials - 8.2, 8.8, 9.8 and 9.10. Artifacts - Foppish Sleeves, Shield of Khaos, Flamedancers' Boots, Gift of Love, Enyalio's Boots and Jacina's Sash.

Quest Notes - General

- Players can now proceed on step 5 of the Broken Communications quest by saying the keyword listed inside the quest journal.

Dungeon Notes

- Mini-maps have been added for the following dungeons; Deep volcanus, Sobekite eternal, Cetus pit, Temple of twilight, Halls of ma’ati and City of Aerus

- The following dungeons have had Djinn stones added between the x.5 and x.6 steps: Sobekite Eternal, Temple of Twilight, Halls of Ma'ati (one for both faction sides) and Deep Volcanus. The next patch will change the Djinn stones in the Havens to allow players to port to the Djinn stones at those locations.


Instanced Adventuring Notes

- Kill task dungeons from level 11-50 have had associated monsters reduced in level. This change slightly reduces the overall difficulty of those dungeons.

- (Hibernia) Fixed an issue with the Forgetten Vein Adventure Wing where Adem would not run off properly. This prevents the encounter from being farmed or exploited.

- (Midgard) Fixed an issue with one of the Midgard Kill Tasks that was causing additional mobs to spawn. Only mobs associated with the mission should spawn now.


General Notes

- Infernalists in Darkness Falls and the Chapter Three dungeons have new art.

Dungeon Notes

- The monsters in the Demonic Prison Dungeon will no longer scale as high in level.

Item Notes - General

- The design of the Enchanter Champion staff has been updated.

- The correct textures now display on the Minstrel and Bard Champion Harps.

Item Notes - Midgard

- Valkyrie Armor has been added to various Darkness Falls Merchants.

- Shaman level ten Studded Armor has been added to Aurulite Merchants.

- The Basalt Sword of Anarchy now gives a bonus to Sword instead of Slash.

Quest Notes - General

- Five level 50 mini-quests are in the process of being developed and added to the Throne Rooms inside each capital city. So far, Hibernia's five mini-quests are complete, more are being added for Midgard, and Albion's mini-quests are on the way.

Quest Notes - Albion

- Necromancers will now be able to use Master Narudos' List in shade form for the Conspiracy: Forging the Key quest.

- Rebellion: The Race to King's Crossing step 6 will now offer more specific directions for departing the courtyard.


- The difficulty of the Megalodon encounter has been reduced slightly.


- Fixed a spawn where a Rogue Siabra was missing.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Generally they've making TOA easier, just hope not too easy.

Good patch IMO :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Oh my god :eek6:

Hooray, they fixed ToA :)

Especially like these two:
- The locked versions of all artifacts will no longer drop from encounters. Players will now only need to have encounter credit and the scrolls to receive the unlocked artifact.

- The location requirements for leveling artifacts have been removed. All artifacts now earn experience from all enemy player and/or monster kills anywhere and anytime.

[edit]Think I should no longer delete all those eriny's/Jacina's 3/3 :D [/edit]


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Motowntheta said:
Item Notes

- The locked versions of all artifacts will no longer drop from encounters. Players will now only need to have encounter credit and the scrolls to receive the unlocked artifact.

hmm, no more GoV's on cm for 20plats

Motowntheta said:
- The location requirements for leveling artifacts have been removed. All artifacts now earn experience from all enemy player and/or monster kills anywhere and anytime.

PoC and areas around PoC will revert to OF dungeons status: dead


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 14, 2004
cant wait for the changes in arti's

looks as if mythic is continuing to take player feedback seriously.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
anioal said:
hmm, no more GoV's on cm for 20plats

PoC and areas around PoC will revert to OF dungeons status: dead

atleast no more whining about poc camping :p
and seem i just have to wait to get battler for my thane as i do already have credit and scolls :p
and my favorit is the chance ml5, ml7 and ml9 :) no more not been ml8 and can still join ml9 :)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
bottler said:
all i can say Classic server > toa serer and u know it

No way after these patch notes, got bored of classic fast and these notes add so much more to TOA..


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
/em returns to US servers.

Fucking hell I thought I was getting tricked reading this post. but this must be teh best PvE patch ever ever eeeever made for this game

thumbs up Mythic :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
I guess I'm a minority but I think that this is starting to make it way too easy - why not just have you submit the template you'd like to rightnow and have it made for you in 5 days.

The only positive thing is that people will no longer be able to camp artis in order to sell them.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Javai said:
I guess I'm a minority but I think that this is starting to make it way too easy - why not just have you submit the template you'd like to rightnow and have it made for you in 5 days.

The only positive thing is that people will no longer be able to camp artis in order to sell them.

well people dont play daoc for the pve (a very small majority does) and people have been complaining (and stil does) about TOA been to hard the last 2 years.
i think its good as it will give more people toa'ed and people will now have it easier with a reroll.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 13, 2004
" - The drop rates for all scrolls have been increased and the rate is the same for scroll one, two, and three for each artifact."
Better farm MT3 and sell for 30p while we still can!!

Very nice patch. :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 13, 2005
Almost tempted to go back to a regular server

Almost.. ;)

/praise mythic for making a serious effort in fixing annoyances in the game, late, but better late than never :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
I just think they shouldnt make epic mobs like kraken and levi easier. They must leave some challenges for the PvE ppl

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