Grapple = Absolute BS


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
VW + Grapple = i win

Grapple, nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke. effect wears off? WELL LETS JUST CHAIN AGAIN! nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke.

Maybe it is more classes that can do like this. i dont know, but it pisses me off.

Grapple must be the most FUCKING bullshit ability mythic ever came up with. all randoms noobs can use it, u cant purge and u cant attack. BUT u can cast spells... Where is the logic.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Cant chain-grapple after 1.68,but before that it's sure is annoying.


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
Zzang said:
VW + Grapple = i win

Grapple, nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke. effect wears off? WELL LETS JUST CHAIN AGAIN! nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke.

Maybe it is more classes that can do like this. i dont know, but it pisses me off.

Grapple must be the most FUCKING bullshit ability mythic ever came up with. all randoms noobs can use it, u cant purge and u cant attack. BUT u can cast spells... Where is the logic.

thane + grapple !


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 9, 2004
I feel so dirty when I grapple someone :(
It should have a 1 min recast timer or grant 1 min immunity IMO.

Today I found out that I can still block for a groupmate while grappled or casting grapple myself, I think it's ok as a defensive tool but it has too much potential for abuse and offensive use (chaincasting grapple on someone while the rest of your group or the zerg beats on him).


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
yap, kewl ability... would shoot the guy who "developed" it on sight.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Zzang said:
VW + Grapple = i win

Grapple, nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke. effect wears off? WELL LETS JUST CHAIN AGAIN! nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke.

Maybe it is more classes that can do like this. i dont know, but it pisses me off.

Grapple must be the most FUCKING bullshit ability mythic ever came up with. all randoms noobs can use it, u cant purge and u cant attack. BUT u can cast spells... Where is the logic.

Mythic never had the ability to use the Logic. That ability is only for the class Blizzard.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 18, 2004
When LA was still overpowered Mid had an advantage over any other's realms tank because of the stupid high growth rate of the styles. Those exact La styles you used to gain your RP's with.

now Mythic made another "ooops" and you come and whine like alot of other people whined about berserker damage... now here comes the question.

How small do you want the violin im playing for you to be?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Corell said:
When LA was still overpowered Mid had an advantage over any other's realms tank because of the stupid high growth rate of the styles. Those exact La styles you used to gain your RP's with.

now Mythic made another "ooops" and you come and whine like alot of other people whined about berserker damage... now here comes the question.

How small do you want the violin im playing for you to be?



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Corell said:
When LA was still overpowered Mid had an advantage over any other's realms tank because of the stupid high growth rate of the styles. Those exact La styles you used to gain your RP's with.

now Mythic made another "ooops" and you come and whine like alot of other people whined about berserker damage... now here comes the question.

How small do you want the violin im playing for you to be?
Congratulations on the Most Retarded Reply of the Month(tm) award.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
it will get N batted dont panic.

may take 6 months though.

its clearly a bit silly for a ml4 (??) ability.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Zzang said:
VW + Grapple = i win

Grapple, nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke. effect wears off? WELL LETS JUST CHAIN AGAIN! nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke.

Maybe it is more classes that can do like this. i dont know, but it pisses me off.

Grapple must be the most FUCKING bullshit ability mythic ever came up with. all randoms noobs can use it, u cant purge and u cant attack. BUT u can cast spells... Where is the logic.
You'll be laughing so hard next patch when a VW grapples you, give him a break now imo.



Fuck the Tories!
Dec 27, 2003
funny mids whining over the over poweredness of something, pre fix LA, savages, healers are all fine but how dare someone use something that can kill them. get a grip


Apr 10, 2004
Zzang said:
VW + Grapple = i win

Grapple, nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke. effect wears off? WELL LETS JUST CHAIN AGAIN! nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke.

Maybe it is more classes that can do like this. i dont know, but it pisses me off.

Grapple must be the most FUCKING bullshit ability mythic ever came up with. all randoms noobs can use it, u cant purge and u cant attack. BUT u can cast spells... Where is the logic.

Just mark the valewalkers on your radar and you will be oke.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Raven said:
funny mids whining over the over poweredness of something, pre fix LA, savages, healers are all fine but how dare someone use something that can kill them. get a grip
Im amazed that people still bring up pre-nurf LA as a means to justify something being overpowered in the current versions of DAoC..

Did it really mortify you that much that you still have nightmares now o_O

Seriously get over it. LA was overpowered, people did flock to mid just to pwn with Zerkers/SB`s but its over and has been for a months.

Grapple is overpowered currently and it does get fixed, best thing you can do no is grapple them before they grapple you and get your friends to pwn them.

afaik Grapple cannot be chain cast in 1.68 and you cannot attack the person that is grappled.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
emma said:
Seriously get over it. LA was overpowered, people did flock to mid just to pwn with Zerkers/SB`s but its over and has been for a months.

*3/4 of the SB community havent "got over it" ;)

I could name 5 reg SB posters here who whine or make snide comments about fotm infils (who didnt pre-LA nerf, funny how the table turns :clap: )


*only pulling your leg


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
fixed in 1.68 , vws cant cast tap while grappling

stop waijn
2 weeks and its fixed...


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 4, 2004
that thing minstrel get is quite funny, not sure of the name but they can drag you to a GT... so they get their nice stun, and this ability, thats like 15s where u can't do shit vs them.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Fedaykin said:
even u have to die sometimes Zzang :<

That is true. altho i dont like the fact that i can do shit to avoid it.
In this way. grapple works in favor of numbers. say i solo. 2 ppl attack. 1 chain grapple. and that's the end of that story. And it sucks.

I still think its more fun to play zerk now then before. and i agree healer asd was overpowered. so are savages. But still you could fight back, in some way.
i think the new toa bonuses are great, cuz i can no longer just rush to a caster and kill him. with 10% cast and damagebonus ill die faster then i can say Hrrrroaoaaaaa.

What i dont like is that grapple works too good and is to easy to use. It is good that they nerf it. :kissit: Until they do ill prolly have to buy a new keyboard and desk :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
[RR]Cyclodia said:
Just mark the valewalkers on your radar and you will be oke.

Who needs a radar when all in ventrilo shouts "CYCLODIA [insert random direction] KEEEEEL!!" whenever u dare to pop out of stealth. and for the thing in breifine. I could bet u forgot to put up SL or u just have sucky eq with no +stealth :kissit:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Corell said:
When LA was still overpowered Mid had an advantage over any other's realms tank because of the stupid high growth rate of the styles. Those exact La styles you used to gain your RP's with.

now Mythic made another "ooops" and you come and whine like alot of other people whined about berserker damage... now here comes the question.

How small do you want the violin im playing for you to be?

if it werent for your avatar id prolly write something to tell u how stupid that reply was, but im too busy looking at it :m00:


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Zzang said:
I still think its more fun to play zerk now then before. and i agree healer asd was overpowered. so are savages. But still you could fight back, in some way.

[Group] INC Mids NW
[Group] Insta-stunned hold on I ...
[Group] MeZzzzed
Zzang goes into a Berserker Frenzy
Zzang attacks you with his Axe! You are hit for 983!
Zzang attacks you with his Axe! You are hit for 273!
You prepare to Quickcast your next spell!
You prepare to cast Greater Fingers of Ice (whatever its called)
Zzang attacks you with his Axe! You are hit for 1335!
You have died fighting for your realm.
You loose no experience or constitution.
Type /release to return to your bindstone.

Being chain-grappled sucks. But cmon if you think about it, so was LA-damage. And LA-damage was bugged ALOT longer then Grapple will be, not to mention people arent even 100% RvR-active yet.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Fedaykin said:
even u have to die sometimes Zzang :<

was a nice conversation between you 3(scout infi mincer whateva) + bb(who somehow logged in earlier) vs me (super overpowered savage) in dodens eh? :wub:

suprised I didnt have my FAO :(

PS. Soz for being unbuffed, would make your suffering shorter :wij:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Zzang said:
That is true. altho i dont like the fact that i can do shit to avoid it.
In this way. grapple works in favor of numbers. say i solo. 2 ppl attack. 1 chain grapple. and that's the end of that story. And it sucks.

I still think its more fun to play zerk now then before. and i agree healer asd was overpowered. so are savages. But still you could fight back, in some way.
i think the new toa bonuses are great, cuz i can no longer just rush to a caster and kill him. with 10% cast and damagebonus ill die faster then i can say Hrrrroaoaaaaa.

What i dont like is that grapple works too good and is to easy to use. It is good that they nerf it. :kissit: Until they do ill prolly have to buy a new keyboard and desk :(

i would have to agree with you there Zzang, grapple makes it much harder to take down 2 enemies and it will have a larger impact upon battles than bodyguard in my opinion

its a brilliant tool for caster groups

grapple the MA caster's target and its gg


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 7, 2004
Puppet said:
[Group] INC Mids NW
[Group] Insta-stunned hold on I ...
[Group] MeZzzzed
Zzang goes into a Berserker Frenzy
Zzang attacks you with his Axe! You are hit for 983!
Zzang attacks you with his Axe! You are hit for 273!
You prepare to Quickcast your next spell!
You prepare to cast Greater Fingers of Ice (whatever its called)
Zzang attacks you with his Axe! You are hit for 1335!
You have died fighting for your realm.
You loose no experience or constitution.
Type /release to return to your bindstone.

Being chain-grappled sucks. But cmon if you think about it, so was LA-damage. And LA-damage was bugged ALOT longer then Grapple will be, not to mention people arent even 100% RvR-active yet.

You forgot about savas there... Still Zzang have gained more rps after nerf. Don't think its the albs he whines on. Its the gapple and all realms have it just that it sux because it destroys the solo rvr because you can't do anything about it if you get grappled and stop with old fotm whines plz... if not we can allways bring up that hibs had end and pbae..... and albs had stealther with speed, mezz stun (oh they still have) and and and..........

Like it would matter pre nerf or now. Zzang probably still split you in the ½ in 2hits. So better stay out of Zzangs melee range or better go in melee range so you can get split in ½ so you can stop bring up old shit like that.

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