GoA not allowing people to roll alts on diffarent realms on the cluster

Should GoA take away the one realm restriction on cluster servers?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 283 74.3%
  • No.

    Votes: 98 25.7%

  • Total voters
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Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Requiel said:
You assume too much Azathrim.
Firstly you assume that because I haven't replied (because I was away for a few days) that I am not going to pass on the request.
Secondly you assume that Goa (generally, rather than me specifically) is unaware of this limitation and the fact that many of our customers would like to see it removed.

I've said it before in different threads but I'll say it again. I always pass on concerns from the community to the people at Goa who deal with the appropriate area. That's part of my job and I don't need to be asked specifically to do it. I've summed up the most pertinant replies to ths feedback in an earlier post already.

You've been away nearly a week, welcome back. :)

You now provide half the answer to the question. Any assumption (or more correctly worded: guess) is based on you (as in GoA's) willingness to actually reply to a simple question. A question you still haven't answered.

I asked if you (as in GoA) would pass the information on to Mythic.

You reply that you (as in you personally) passed it on to other people at GoA.

Well, thank you for that information. Why is it so hard for you people?
It's really easy:

1) Requiel notice people are asking for this on FH.
2) Requiel writes a quick note/summary on it and goes to the responsible parties.
3) Requiel asks the responsible parties for a quick reply to the community and if there will be taken further actions (ie, forward to Mythic or something else).
4) Requiel forwards the reply to the community.


Instead you:

1) and 2) the same
3) Requiel starts second guessing and assuming instead of giving clear answers.
4) Requiel gets miffed. ;)


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Azathrim said:
You've been away nearly a week, welcome back. :)

You now provide half the answer to the question. Any assumption (or more correctly worded: guess) is based on you (as in GoA's) willingness to actually reply to a simple question. A question you still haven't answered.

I asked if you (as in GoA) would pass the information on to Mythic.

You reply that you (as in you personally) passed it on to other people at GoA.

Well, thank you for that information. Why is it so hard for you people?
It's really easy:

1) Requiel notice people are asking for this on FH.
2) Requiel writes a quick note/summary on it and goes to the responsible parties.
3) Requiel asks the responsible parties for a quick reply to the community and if there will be taken further actions (ie, forward to Mythic or something else).
4) Requiel forwards the reply to the community.


Instead you:

1) and 2) the same
3) Requiel starts second guessing and assuming instead of giving clear answers.
4) Requiel gets miffed. ;)

Actually it's more like:
1: The limitation is obvious before clustering even takes place and we talk to Mythic about it. We explain this limitation multiple times to the community in official news.
2: People ask us about it on RightNow. We explain that it's a technical limitation that is out of our hands. We also explain this again in official news.
3: A FH thread is started asking why Goa won't let peole roll on two different realms of the cluster. Several people correctly point out that it's a Mythic limitation, not a Goa policy.
4: Not happy with this certain individuals wonder why no official viewpoint is offered (however see points 1 and 2 above). I reply explaining why I hadn't felt it useful to reply as all the salient points had been covered.
5: My explanations are dismissed as second guessing and assuming rather than informed comment.
6: I have to once again explain things to people who can't see a clear answer when they are given one.


Dec 22, 2003
Azathrim said:
You've been away nearly a week, welcome back. :)

You now provide half the answer to the question. Any assumption (or more correctly worded: guess) is based on you (as in GoA's) willingness to actually reply to a simple question. A question you still haven't answered.

I asked if you (as in GoA) would pass the information on to Mythic.

You reply that you (as in you personally) passed it on to other people at GoA.

Well, thank you for that information. Why is it so hard for you people?
It's really easy:

1) Requiel notice people are asking for this on FH.
2) Requiel writes a quick note/summary on it and goes to the responsible parties.
3) Requiel asks the responsible parties for a quick reply to the community and if there will be taken further actions (ie, forward to Mythic or something else).
4) Requiel forwards the reply to the community.


Instead you:

1) and 2) the same
3) Requiel starts second guessing and assuming instead of giving clear answers.
4) Requiel gets miffed. ;)

Quit while your behind tbh :| You just seem to enjoy bitching instead of actully being concered about the issue.


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 9, 2004
Why Azathrim keeps on posting - is beyond me tbh :/


Loyal Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
should let us play all 3 realms on 1 account ... atleast on EU release :) since we only have 1 English cluster.. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Why Requiel (or more explicitly GoA) refuses to simply forward the request to Mythic is beyond me.

How hard can it be?

Im not asking GoA to change anything. I full well understand they cannot do that as was explained at clustering.

But apparently GoA also refuses to relay this request to Mythic.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Azathrim said:
Why Requiel (or more explicitly GoA) refuses to simply forward the request to Mythic is beyond me.

How hard can it be?

Im not asking GoA to change anything. I full well understand they cannot do that as was explained at clustering.

But apparently GoA also refuses to relay this request to Mythic.
Why people (or more explicitly Azathrim) refuses to simply read the answers he's been given is beyond me.

How hard can it be?

I'm not asking him to stop being a nob, I full well understand that would be totally out of character for him.

But apparently he refuses to read the goddam posts.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Bugger off chretien, have you even understood it?

Let me hear you out... what is it that I ask Requiel / GoA to do?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Which part of
Requiel said:
1: The limitation is obvious before clustering even takes place and we talk to Mythic about it.
is it that makes you think Goa haven't already raised this with Mythic?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Yes, the limitation was known pre- and post clustering.

Tell me where GoA informs us that they post-clustering have informed Mythic their costumers would like to see this limitation removed.

(which incidently is what I ask GoA to do, what Requiel avoids answering and you brown noses (Gamah, Ixoth and Chretien) fails/refuses to understand).

Hell, even a simple answer like:

"No, we don't think allowing multiple realm choises on the cluster is a good idea and thus we won't forward the request to Mythic!"

... would suffice as an answer. Even that GoA fails to do. Instead Requiel attempts to swap it away with assumptions and speculations. How hard is it?


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Azathrim said:
Yes, the limitation was known pre- and post clustering.

Tell me where GoA informs us that they post-clustering have informed Mythic their costumers would like to see this limitation removed.

(which incidently is what I ask GoA to do, what Requiel avoids answering and you brown noses (Gamah, Ixoth and Chretien) fails/refuses to understand).

Hell, even a simple answer like:

"No, we don't think allowing multiple realm choises on the cluster is a good idea and thus we won't forward the request to Mythic!"

... would suffice as an answer. Even that GoA fails to do. Instead Requiel attempts to swap it away with assumptions and speculations. How hard is it?

I've already said that I don't do assumptions and speculation. If you want to treat informed comment as guesses, then it doesn't really matter what I say, you aren't going to be satisfied with any answer I give you.

I also haven't avoided your question. You ask why I won't forward this to Mythic and I've told you that Mythic are already aware of this. Again, a simple answer that you are unsatisfied with. I will not simply repeat myself because you refuse to understand.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
In post #99 I comments it's a shame none of the GM's commented on this.

In post #102 Requiel replies it's out of GoA's hands and directs us, the costumers, to Mythic and it's feedback form (something I hope you all did).

In post #104 Requiel comments that the information on the realm accessibility was available before clustering and have been announced from several sources before clustering was voted in.

In post #107 I for the first time asks the question: "Are you willing to tell Mythic that through GoA's channels?"

In post #108 Requiel replies with some thoughts on the Mythic priority and planning processs, and that GoA have little "sway" with Mythics.

In post #109 I come with an example of where code changes where done specificly for the European community.

In post #110 Requiel informs the previous example from post #109 was to be considered a bug. Then he starts an assesment of the realm accessibility. An assesment filled with words like "likely" and "imagine". Words usually associated with assumption.

In post #111 I reply by pointing out it appears like the previous assesment is indeed assumption and not an "informed comment". Then I proceed by repeating the question of whetever GoA are willing to forward the request to Mythic through their channels.

In post #117 and post #118 I bump the thread, not knowing Requiel had a few days away. In the second I assume that since nearly a week passed, and nothing so far had indicated GoA had forwarded the request to Mythic, then GoA indeed wouldn't do that.

In post #119 Requiel replies that he is back from a few days off. Then proceeds to mention it indeed only is an assumption whetever GoA doesn't do anything on the subject (but notice, he doesn't say he will do anything on the subject). Then proceeds to explain that he does inform the relevant parties at GoA - which never have been challenged or questioned. Thank you for the information though... I guess.

In post #121 I ask the question again, pointing out it still haven't been answered. Then proceed by giving a suggestion on how this could have been handled instead - followed by a quick summary of the way it was handled.

In post #121 Requiel demonstrates his lack of understanding of the question asked in post #107 and attempts to make a summary of the thread.

In post #126 I wonder why GoA have been unable to deliver an answer to the question of whetever GoA will tell Mythic that the GoA costumers would like to be able to create characters on several realms on the same cluster. (yes, it really is that simple).

In post #127 chretien attempts to be funny, yet displays a complete lack of understanding on the issue.

In post #128 I ask if chretien understood the problem.

In post #129 chretien points out what we all knew, namely that the limit was known before clustering and that GoA at the time discussed it with Mythic.

And now finally we reached post #131. Here we have the meat of it all.

Requiel said:
You ask why I won't forward this to Mythic and I've told you that Mythic are already aware of this.

No you didn't. See above.

But I understand that reply as if you already have made sure Mythic are aware that GoA's costumers would like to see the limitation on realm selection lifted.

Thank you for finally giving an answer!

Imagine if post #102 had looked like this instead:

"GoA are aware of the problems the limit on realm selection imposes on the players. We have forwarded your request to Mythic and it is now up to them to see if they can find dev time. We will be back in a friday news when we hear more on their decision. Feel free to use the Camelot Feedback Form to express your thought on the subject."

See, then we would have saved all that hazzle.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Should have taken Gamah's advice (can't believe I just typed that...). Everyone else seemed to have no problem understanding what was said but you couldn't stop flogging a dead horse.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
chretien said:
Should have taken Gamah's advice (can't believe I just typed that...). Everyone else seemed to have no problem understanding what was said but you couldn't stop flogging a dead horse.

God you're boring.

Fact is, Requil still hasn't answered the question. He's given hints at the answer, such as he forwarded it on too the people at GOA who (we assume) deal with sending it on too Mythic, but he for some reason can't say, "Yes, it's been forwarded to Mythic.". Which makes you wonder, why can't he give such a simple statement? Probably because it's untrue.


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Melachi said:
God you're boring.

Fact is, Requil still hasn't answered the question. He's given hints at the answer, such as he forwarded it on too the people at GOA who (we assume) deal with sending it on too Mythic, but he for some reason can't say, "Yes, it's been forwarded to Mythic.". Which makes you wonder, why can't he give such a simple statement? Probably because it's untrue.
But I have answered the question.
One more time from the top:

This limitation was discussed before the clustering went ahead as I've already said. It was an obvious point of contention and we have already discussed that with Mythic. I have brought this issue to the attention of senior people at Goa and got the answers which I've already shared with you and that have been dismissed as speculation. Mythic are already aware of this issue and the fact that some players would like to see the limitaton removed.

Again as I've said, it's a non-trivial matter to change and there are arguments against it (other than the obvious developer time and potential coding issues). As the developers of the game it is Mythic's call as to whether or not to make this change and if they believe it's good for the game and worthy of developer time then they'll do it as it's not solely an issue for European players. I don't speak for Mythic so it's not my place to make definitive statements on their behalf.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
well is there any chance of having a 3rd "new" server added to the cluster?

its not like everyone will insta-reroll there or anything, its still part of the cluster afterall. too much €€€€ i guess ;(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Whilst this was clearly stated before cluster (and the main reason I voted against it). It is an issue that does not effect all players equally as is suggested by Requiel above. In Europe even after cluster there is more than one choice of regular server for both French and German speaking players, while in the US there is more than one cluster as well.

Yes we do have the choice of Glastonbury but I paid for ToA and I want to play it.

So in effect it is only English speaking European customers who are limited to a single realm by this. It is unlikely, therefore, to be a priority for Mythic.

A (relatively) simple solution would be to allow Euro account access to US servers - which would also help their population issues. But I imagine that this is an issue that is too difficult financially to work out. Techincally it could be done with two installations of the game pointing at different update files.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Konah said:
well is there any chance of having a 3rd "new" server added to the cluster?

its not like everyone will insta-reroll there or anything, its still part of the cluster afterall. too much €€€€ i guess ;(

That would not help. If it was clustered you could only roll characters on it on your existing realm. Just as if you had a new account now you are limited to the same realm on Excal and Pryd.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 30, 2004
tbh, if answered yes, but after reading and thinking i say NO.

Why change, U choose a certain realm so play the realm, mythic made the game to go along with the realm u choose to be. I choose mid and will stay with mid, i have no desire to go about in hib or alb.
If u really want to play another realm that bad, delete your chars and move on to next realm.

And on requiels part, his answer is very clear.


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
does anyone know if this limitation exists on the US clusters?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
rampant said:
does anyone know if this limitation exists on the US clusters?

Ofcourse it does.

The limitation that are special to the EU servers is that we only have one English normal cluster. :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 19, 2004
Probably already been said, but cba to read rest of the thread, but here is my view:

I dont see why people who created characters over on pryd before clustering are given special privelage over people (who may have had their account as long or longer) who havnt had the desire to see what the other realm looks like until more recently.

Obviously there would have been an outcry if you were made to delete your other characters, but they (Mythic) should then have also allowed it for accounts who hadnt currently got any characters over there. I suppose they did in that active people knew it was coming but if you were holidaying from the game whilst clustering was coming along you wont have known to do this.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
old poll this, locking it to stop it bouncing up and down back to the top.
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