zerkers are gimped



Why were you using AB Storm :p

Also theres no need to back IB up it will always chain off sq if sq lands.



Yeah nice dmg, tho it was only 10 ppl on me at that time ;>


Originally posted by Arnor2

74+11+26+84+16+25 = 226 damage on someone with bof in 2 seconds! I don't do that kind of damage on a tank without bof in 8 seconds. You're so gimped!


Originally posted by Ensceptifica
74+11+26+84+16+25 = 226 damage on someone with bof in 2 seconds! I don't do that kind of damage on a tank without bof in 8 seconds. You're so gimped!

i do that damage with 1 instantdd with my bard ^_^


Originally posted by AbPoon
Why were you using AB Storm :p

Also theres no need to back IB up it will always chain off sq if sq lands.

that was me being a noob and backing it up with wrong style instead of df :D

as for icy I just back everything up out of habit hehe :)

Carlos Bananos

Originally posted by Ensceptifica
74+11+26+84+16+25 = 226 damage on someone with bof in 2 seconds! I don't do that kind of damage on a tank without bof in 8 seconds. You're so gimped!

an zerkers dont have pbt/resist buffs, wanna make some more irrelevant comparisons?


Yeah nice dmg, tho it was only 10 ppl on me at that time ;>

19%slash>you :p

74+11+26+84+16+25 = 226 damage on someone with bof in 2 seconds! I don't do that kind of damage on a tank without bof in 8 seconds. You're so gimped!

that was with the best buffs attainable in the realm of midgard, rr6 and all MP equip, and last time I checked I cant give: heals, resistbuffs, baselines, 6sec pbt, speed, dmg-add and prolly some more i forgot.


still, thats 226 dmg in 2 seconds. i do 150 with annihil when frontloading every 5.5 seconds on BoF (RR7, best hib buffs).


Originally posted by Novamir
still, thats 226 dmg in 2 seconds. i do 150 with annihil when frontloading every 5.5 seconds on BoF (RR7, best hib buffs).

But I aint hitting em with 9sec stun now am I?


you want a 9sec stun AND 200 dmg on bof every 2 sec?!? :eek6:


Originally posted by Novamir
you want a 9sec stun AND 200 dmg on bof every 2 sec?!? :eek6:

did I say that?

but why settle for half of what LW is good for?

Ill take 9sec rear-stun and 2 dmg-types please.

And you are NOT hitting @ 5.5 speed with best haste from druid

Herbal Remedy

soruzi hit me for 700 then 1k dmg with 27% slash resist thats why zerkers are getting nerfed :puke:


Originally posted by Arnor2
did I say that?

but why settle for half of what LW is good for?

Ill take 9sec rear-stun and 2 dmg-types please.

And you are NOT hitting @ 5.5 speed with best haste from druid


i wont bother arguing until i have some logs of hitting on bof otherwise it's kind of pointless =) but i'm telling you, you do really good damage on it compared to me.


Originally posted by Carlos Bananos
an zerkers dont have pbt/resist buffs, wanna make some more irrelevant comparisons?

I do about the same damage unbuffed in 3.7s. And note, this damage mentioned is where the whine come from?

And that was a bad hit? Bah...


why no comment on this

1050 on maramar in 4 seconds. and this is a bad hit !??!

on pally plate armor ... if you had been hitting on a minser or cleric it would have been around 1200..

minser of HB


Originally posted by Novamir

i wont bother arguing until i have some logs of hitting on bof otherwise it's kind of pointless =) but i'm telling you, you do really good damage on it compared to me.

yeah, ofc I cant deny that, BUT thats also all I do. And the dmg I do isnt "OMGROFLOLNERFONEHITMONSTER" like powermunchkin-zerks is it?

and filip, since chain is resistant to slash (last I checked) I do more dmg on plate then on chain.

Just look at when I hit the mincers, not INSANE dmg was it?

edit: and a little detail that noone cared to bother with: on my 1000+ on 2secs on Maramar, you do notice I was in frenzy and got VERY good crits? You know, come here and nuke/melee/stun me to death PLEASE-mode? With VERY lucky crits. When I frenzied on Fame earlier that night, I hit her with back-based styles till I was OOE with fricking end5, I had ONE crit over 50% on her. But ofc, whiners and retards only notice the 99%crits and scream nerf :rolleyes:


dear skilled_zerker_01,

alb chain is neutral to slash.

thank you.


Oh my god. Zerkers are whining about being nerfed and they haven't even been properly nerfed. Nerf your whine.


alb chain is neutral to slash.

that's 1 thing ...

read about it here


and secondly why do you think we all jump a zerker in rat ??

because the defence is weak ? no ... becuase if every1 dont hit him the rat will kill 1-3 group members in no time ...
we HAVE to zerg the hamster ... which leaves your healers//nukers what ever free ...

the number of times i have seen 1 poor guy getting killed by a zerker ,even though there is 3-4 pounding on the zerker, is countless

Minser of HB


Originally posted by Arnor2
since chain is resistant to slash (last I checked) I do more dmg on plate then on chain.

I´ll be happy to go home & see if I can find a log where I fight a Zerger with my mincer ^^

I know SB´s hit my mincer for 300 + 150 with offhand sometimes <- they are buffed yes.... but zergers in grps are prob that aswell....

or even maybe a log where a zerger hit my wiz for 800 + 400 offhand dmg ? that is a 1 hitted wiz ^^


Originally posted by -Freezingwiz-
I´ll be happy to go home & see if I can find a log where I fight a Zerger with my mincer ^^

I know SB´s hit my mincer for 300 + 150 with offhand sometimes <- they are buffed yes.... but zergers in grps are prob that aswell....

or even maybe a log where a zerger hit my wiz for 800 + 400 offhand dmg ? that is a 1 hitted wiz ^^

My sb never hits 300+150 on chain, more likely its 170+40 :(

Anyway, here is a pic of my zerk gettin quickdebuffed (or attackspeeddebuffed ??) then hitting some caster (note, not a lvl50)

http://www.geocities.com/davve76/debufffed.jpg :D

hits like theese almost never happens tho, its usually more like 400-550mainhand vs casters depending on style and luck :p


are some of these zerkers dropped on their heads in childbirth or something ??. Wtf is up with the whines...no damage, low damage, etc. You really need to understand the concept of narrowmindness, cause that is all you project to the rest of us here at the forums.
Yesterday in odins, i was getting whacked left and right, those things happen I was having an offday. But the way it was done...One zerker hits you for 758....next attack 1158. Ok i thought i got owned there.
during the next 1 to 2hours i landed 6 PAs on mids, im fully buffed 1400 attack skill SC suit mp weapons my highest PA was 460!! I PAed a SB for 372 (-209) not bad i must ad. No idea how he has those melee resists, but they were there.
Point is Zerkers do more dam than anyone in the game, they do it as fast as assasins they got the hp of a tank and get to buy cheap RAs....So please get some sense and put things in perspective and stfu since the nerf coming is totally in order.


Originally posted by ulke
hits like theese almost never happens tho

Amazing just how many screenshots there are of these hits that 'almost never happen' ;)


well i think the zerker nerfs are healty, but i also think there will be more classes that will be needed to be nerfed, but anyway there _ARE_ ways to deal with zerkers atm, just that most of you suck at it, some do it really good tho :p

and ive allready told some of you albs/hibbs how to do it several times.

on mlf we have to deal with savage/zerker zerg each day (as albs)

pbaoers, and casters wich get their targets debuffed do more damage than zerkers, but thats about it.

and before assasins start to whine about damage, you should whine about haveing tools in rvr, because the way it is atm, mythic has made you useless in grps atm... (not saying you suck etc, just that your classes are not grp based).

i think mythic should point out some "goals" wich they want to reach with all the classes because lots of the classes are kinda useless atm :(

and also, can't everyone stop bitching and blame everything on overpowered _x_ when they loose?¨

could make a 50 pages long list of "overpowred" things ppl call when they loose :p


Dunno why all people blame SZ's and Zerkers for beeing SOO overpowered. Most of their 'godly' hits are with crits. If you really think it is a so overpowered class role one on pryd and you will soon find out that it is not that easy to get those good hits.

3 days so far in RvR with my sb. well so far I've relaised that every hit I get in with my sb the infil gets 2-3 on me. And just to note if I don't got purge up I have NEVER won a fight versus a infil who got dragonfang in. And it is so much easier to get in than Comeback and Frost Gaze.

Especialy the end nerf I can't stand. Only times I got end is when I use potions. else I'm without endregen except the time it takes me to run to the mgs in emain.
Dunno how the fights whould have ended if the infil got PA in. Can't remember one of those except first time I meet Raisen. Yes he was solo. Ony time I've seen him solo too. Leave ur familiy home next time and come fight properly.

Just to the conclution most of my fights ends with ooe, or allmost anyway. Have to love that people are stupid enough to run away from me so I can get snowquall in:) Anytimestyles suck, never use df, I'll salute the positionbased styles forever.

Aule Valar

Originally posted by Arnor2
talked a bit with soruzi, you arent half as gimp as you want it to seem.

compared to you he is, i mocced on him yesterday while he was triple weilding on me, i stayed alive with v little healing for long enough for the moc to run out, a zerker would probably have dropped me within 4-6 seconds

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