Glorien said:Maybe I'm wrong but didn't fg vs. fg combat get born out of the fact people got sick of "zerg warfare"?
I for one hate fighting in zergs for the reasons Belomar outlines, fg vs. fg, in my opinion atleast, is the better out the two and I would argue even the biggest of "zerglings" would prefer fg vs. fg if they tried it with a "decent group." The only reason to zerg is if you either cant get a good group together, or you cannot win.
P.S - I'm sure some people will dispute what I say but I believe it's true for the majority of players.
completly disagree, for me atleast I am a sucker for large scale keep battles and fights. I'm also a roleplayer at heart I guess and really get stuck into the big war sequences we sometimes get between oposing realms (zerging).
some people enjoy 8v8, some enjoy 1v1, some enjoy larger fights. respect that
If i organise a keepraid I will try and get everyone grouped together. solo people in zerges just won't win as obviosuly they have a lower chance of survival than those in groups. It can be very fun to tactically move your zerg and splitting it around the warmap taking towers and meeting together at rally points to storm a keep etc.
biggest of the zerglings would enjoy 8v8 you say?. I would say i have played in several decent groups whilst playing daoc and can't support that statement i am afraid. 8v8 can be fun but most of the time we are roaming for 1 hour looking for a certain group we want to fight or no don't add here they will whine, o look another fight don't add people!. INC! o wait they are fighting DONT ADD!..... boring? I thought so
One last point, people seem to forget sometimes that there is a small majority of players that have never heard of freddyhouse, adding, leeching, zerging and they come to the keepraids as their first char lvl 49 thane in epic armour dyed in bright red and blue. They come for the fun of working as a team to achieve something, if we are successful they get a feel for rvr and of course if you like, enjoy it more and add to the rps available for the roaming groups...
People who take the time to come on the larger zerg raids make the game a lot more fun for others. Many people like you said will never get proper groups because they have rubbish equipment low RR and an unknown guild. When a Bg opens for a keeptake all these people suddenly jump out of pve and come help as they know the chances of joining a rvr group are higher.
Lots will disagree with my point of view as they see me as a zerging/adding twat, but we can't please everyone can we
PS: I guess I'm referring to the organised zerg rather than the mindless one Belomar mentioned.