"You're taking the game way too serious, m8"



Hrm people need to realise that /g inc!
is very very different from

/send someoneyouwantcashfrom could you spare me a gold, mate?

/send someoneyouwantcashfrom gimme gold plz m8!
/send someoneyouwantcashfrom but i sed plz!

I'm not a big fan of m8 -
infact it takes me longer to type m8 than mate as I have to type a number..... but that's just me ;)
not like m8 is that much shorter than mate anyway....

'plz' bugs me too :) not that hard to spell 'please' is it?

Also what's easier to read (random bit of text taken from the BW faq if yer interested):

u cn srch fr posts based n username word in post r just in subject by date and nly in particular forums. 2 access the srch feature click on the "search" link at top of most pages. u can srch ne frm u have permission to search - u will nt be allowed 2 search thru private forums unless the administrator has given u the necessary security rights 2 do so.
You can search for posts based on username, word(s) in the post or just in the subject, by date, and only in particular forums. To access the search feature, click on the "search" link at the top of most pages. You can search any forum that you have permission to search - you will not be allowed to search through private forums unless the administrator has given you the necessary security rights to do so.

now before you go 'I'm not typing that out when I've got monsters inc' - read what I said above...

there is a world of difference between
/g add
/g inc

and talking to someone ;)
the above are codes that everyone knows, and everyone expects. When you're talking to some other human being, rather than killing monsters, these don't apply.

Also, there's no need to use m8 or 'u' on these forums either how often have you hit the 10000 character limit? ;)


IMO(In My Opinion) shortened down words are a must. You really dont have to go to school for like a month to learn, omg lol ffs etc. It's an easy way to chat. I usualy write things correct when I have the time and abit more "1337" when I'm in combat etc. But really, it isnt the words theres something wrong whit but the person behind it. If someone call's you "m8" then and you just say "what?" It's like your asking for it. Really you actually do know what the words know or you got to be a bit slow? But let's not throw words at eachother. In this "time" people can talk as they want(swearing is not needed tho) as long as it doesnt hurt others. Now the word 1337 and u etc. doesnt really hurt does it? Everyone's got to give alittle ;). Let's rather give these 1337 h4xx0rk1dz0rz a brake instead. Oh lol and rofl is an easy was to point out the way your laughing. Like lol is the normal "he..he... he... and the Rofl is the not so normal "Hehehehe". If the person throws a "LOOOOOOOOOOOHOOHOHOHL" or a "ROOOOFLMAAAAO!!!!!"
Into the chat, it's got to mean the person really laughs(the "hahahahahahahahahaha" way). So let's take it easy people and, dont kill the chap before he turns the bomb of and stuff. Good luck.


i use m8 and lol and all that because its easier and as long as ppl (people) know wot (what) im saying i dont see how it makes any diff (difference)
also if some1 (someone) says something funny and u (you) dont reply with lol or something they will either think there being ignored or no one found it funny. if i use shorthand to some1 and they say they would prefer i talked normally i have no problem with it, i just think its easier (probly gonna get flamed for being lazy now)
l33t chat is just annoying and i dont reply to ppl using it, not because im ignoring them, i just cant be arsed to sit there for 5 mins trying to figure out wot it says (me being lazy again)

edit:sorry just realised ive pretty much posted exactly the same thing as the above post :)


lets just get one thing straight here, all those old abbrevations like brb, atm, brt, LOL, ROFL and LMAO is NOT 1337chat, 1337chat is m8 and l8r and so on, the defenition on 1337chat is the use of numbers OR irregular use of CaPItAlS (capitals), I´m in a guild (still alb/pryd) where we don't allow 1337chat, but abbrevations is ok, personally I would like to add PLZ to the 1337chat category as that one word REALLY annoys me :)


Languages evolve. The English language bears little resemblance to how it was spoken and written hundreds of years ago. It evolves because those that use it adapt and refine it. The bottomline is terms like 'lol' 'thx' have evolved because they are easier/quicker to type NB. the widespread use of computers will no doubt evolve the English language further. Terms like 'lol' are unambiguous are more or less globally understood. 90% of people, regardless of what language they speak will understand its meaning.

The people who say 'I won't respect people who can't type proper sentances' should lighten up a bit. Regardless of whether you roleplay or whether you demand that people speak in verbose, grammatically correct English, you must appreciate not everyone shares your ideals. The 1337 CS kiddies have basically learnt the majority of their communication skills in an environment very different from those people who are >30. Computers were rare when I was <20. Now almost every home has one, and people spend many, many hours using them. IRC, games with chat etc, have meant that the way people communicate has changed. You don't want to type like you are in an A level Eng.Lit. exam in daoc. You want to convey your meaning without ambiguity in the shortest amount of time.

The problem is although this game is technically an MMORPG, its not really. The games mechanics and design are very un-roleplay friendly. Its basically CS with swords and character advancement. The CS kiddies play because they can '0wnz0r'. Roleplayers play because within guilds, they can roleplay. CS kiddies get reward for powergaming though, yet roleplayers get no reward. So I guess the CS kiddies are like "wtf do those doods rp ffs, lamers, lets go powerlvl in keltoi RAR!" whereas the RPers just talk flowery language at each other while the kiddies ding, repeatedly.

Of course, all the RPers need is an RP server, but that isn't going to happen.


Oh get over it

a) Things like '1 741|< 1337 5<r1p7 |<i|]y 74lk' bugger the hell out of me aswell, they have no use, they take longer to type and to read

b) things like m8, where 2, i got samething 4 u, i can live with and sametimes use, they are faster to type and easy to read. (and i am a unix sys admin so yes i amalazzy arse, its a job requirement)

c) then the stuff like lol, IMHO, AFAIK, AFK, ppl, peeps ...
are 'words' that evolved over a long period from the BBS days to usenet and irc. once you know them they are easy to understand and save alot of typing

I think that A is plain lame
B and C I tend to look upon as a natural evolution of english in to "online English"

p.s. whats up with all the people that hate plz and thnx, i dont see whats so bad about it realy


"can I have a weapon plz" is in no way sincere.

"Please, kind sir, could you spare me a weapon?" is much better. I would probably throw ALL my weapons at someone asking like that. Then I would probably even look after that guy, hide and see him use it and be proud :)

Most people that I've met that speak plz, m8 and the rest of the leet language are immature. Myself was immature when I used it, and I've grown from it. Now I just can't stand it. People jumping in circles, saying h4h4h4 and thinking they're funny... ooph... :)

But I STILL rest my case on that you shouldn't be taken for having no life just because you DON'T speak with abbrevations.

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