"You're taking the game way too serious, m8"



I was asking a guard for a task, though I was level 23 (forgot it stopped at 20). Some other guy next to the guard (a player) told me to go kill a white elephant. I politely told him there are no elephants in Albion that I had seen. Then it went on and on. I commented his use of "u m8" by saying I didn't understand his language. Sounded like Hibernianish to me (dunno what they call that language. Gaelic, perhaps?) and then he began to grow angry with me. "yww]6 ure mum". Of course I didn't understand "ure", though I thought mum resembled mom. He said "welcome 2 my ignore list". I just /laugh and moved on the Salisbury Plains. Not like I have any intention to /send him...

Anyways, (ah... finally to the point) I was commnted that I take the game too serious because I speak proper english and being polite. Would anyone agree to this? It frightens me cause it seems like you HAVE to speak "l33t" in order to not be taken as a no-lifer.


Originally posted by elbeek
Perhaps he was typing with his elbows.


I agree with gladawn, the sheer number of 1337k1d5 are frightening (elitekids, for those of you that don´t speak 1337)

and me a proper sentenec anyday, I'd rather speak "proper" english with someone who is lousy at the language, than 1337 english with a native english speaker ;)


if you wanna talk sorry i mean want to to talk proper english in game thats you're choice isnt it :) but alot of people use shortened text because its far simpler to use and in a battle saves you time fighting, but as i have said in many threads recently there are many tits in albion atm, you happened to meet one probably a counter strike player with hits 1337 hax0r name i OwNeD YoU attitude

god why cant they all piss off on mid :)

(btw not a flame of all cs players i know many who are really nice and most of them are over 20 years old :p )



Hehe, I actually met someone who called his char Quad Damage. Now that says it all doesn't it? Say RA to them and they think hmm Red Armor. You can find them speeding through Camelot hills looking for the railgun :)


Actually, in the end I told him "Oh, go back to Counter-Strike where you belong", and he responded "Hey, I love CS don't dis it" :)

Later today I also told someone not to "m8" me and he went 6]dc u (thank Mythic for the filter!). I also said I why they use m8 instead of mate. It' snot that a long word. Then they told me to chill or they would boot me =\

Albion can be so frustrating :D

But oh well. People like those aren't worth talking to, so I just went quiet and let us continue fighting (with exception to the RP outbursts).

I'm still frightened that it looks like you have to talk that language or you're taking the game too serious. What even scares me MORE is that one guy didn't know what I meant with "Thank you". I told him Thx and he said "Oh"

Somebody comfort me :(


Sad sad story

Galadawn I joined your guild with an alt and had alot of fun while it lasted.

BUT I think we can all make mistakes in our typing so it becomes rather annoying to get corrected if you forget y and o in a "you". I loved the language, I loved the polite people I met there, but it takes forever to speak in a roleplay guild.

If it is the way we are meant to speak is still uncertain... it is a game for Gods sake, let us keep it that way!



I loved the polite people I met there, but it takes forever to speak in a roleplay guild.

Must agree there. Above that, try a guild that also likes to speak a bit more 'old english'. Even tho it is extremely fun in normal play and encounters, it is not very good in battles and such where you are sometimes forced to get a message or order round quickly.

But I do agree that a normal thank you or a 'many thanks kind Sir' should not be answered with 'whatever m8' :p


I know how you feel; I can't get a tanglers group because I use punctuation and capital letters in the right places.



I abbreviate my typing a lot, including using "m8" and "where R U?" and so on.
It's quicker to type it and convenient, especially when you're in the middle of combat etc...

If I WAS into the roleplaying aspect of the game, then I'd type it correctly.
But I'm not, so I take the more convenient option.


I guess the reason why they got upset was that you pointed out to them that they should not type like that. You know young people these days, never like to be told what to do and what not to do :).


um... 1337 k1dd135 can't type for shit.. hence the abbreviation. I look forward to the day the English Language consists of just grunts...


grmb I 4gr33,


13375p34k seriously sucks


Speaking with thee and thou is just something you shall avoid. Few knows the entire "old ways" language anyways.

It doesn't take me forever to write to members of my guild.
I also have time to write long lines in combat without wasting too much time, but that's proabbly because I'm a Paladin and I don't use styles. Nonetheless, how often do you type in combat anyways?

"Heal"? :)


It's also not just a game. It's a *roleplaying* game (hence the MMORPG), and I tend to play it the way it's supposed to be played :)

Also, our guild rules doesn't abide to RvR. If I get resurrected and get immidiatley healed I continue fighting. Thanking I can do later. If I hack the door I can /send the reviver a thanks.

Also, it sometimes seems like m8 is a bit overused. "Come here, m8. Wack this thing, m8 and I'll send my pet, m8".
I believe "mate" is commonly used in Britain, isn't it? I don't think I'd enocunter any m8's on US servers :)


I think mate is of australian origin to be honest ;)

not as a word but in common use


If people wish to use slang in the game to save time typing then I think that is their choice.

If you want to understand the slang then ask them what the slang means. If however you do not want to understand the slang then why antagonise them? I have never seen anyone doing the opposite and not liking the fact someone is not using slang :rolleyes:

If you ever use slang or colloquial phrases in real life then there is a hint of hipocrasy when showing disdain at the use of it in DAoC.

...and remember... it's a game people ;)


Originally posted by Galadawn
ISounded like Hibernianish to me (dunno what they call that language. Gaelic, perhaps?) and then he began to grow angry with me. "yww]6 ure mum". Of course I didn't understand "ure", though I thought mum resembled mom.

No it is Mum, Americans spell it wrong.

As for the language, It is a choice made by the individual how they spell a word to get there meaning across. By your post he should type every word how it is ment to be typed. Even in your post you aviod typing the whole word and instead pick a shorter quicker way of getting the same point accross. "dunno" "Do not know". "didn't" Did not". Every English speaking person will do this, An it get worse when you move from area to area. If i typed the way i spoke in rl (real life) 95% of this board would be more confused then they are now. :) (smiley. means am happy'ish)


slang is one thing, 1337sp34k another.

I won´t mind anyone in Merlin's Kin typing "lol" or making a smiley, I will mind however the use of numbers as replacement for letters, it is VERY ugly not that much easiere and it ruins the language, regarding your RL slang comparisment, how many of the daoc players actually say "m 8" instead of "mate", my guess would be 0 to 5 , and that goes for both US and UK.

oh and I seriously laugh at people saying "lol" instead of laughing, that is _so_ ugly


I know people don't say "m8" in RL but does that stop it being a form of slang, albeit visual? Does anyone say "lol" or use smileys in RL? It's still slang tho ;) :p


They can all do what they like.. I just won't have as much respect for someone who is a lazy typer and doesn't want to spend the time to construct a proper sentence to me


Still the most annoying thing you can hear from the game is "can U spare sum G PLZZZZZZZZZ??????? PLZ PLZ PLZ???" Isn't that the most irritating thing to see in the chatwindow or as a private message? :)


there is a GREAT deal of people that actually say LOL, believe me (no I´m not one of them, my former roomie was)


Originally posted by asarithia
Isn't that the most irritating thing to see in the chatwindow or as a private message? :)

no thats something like this


stranger] can you res us at entrance?
me] no
me] am busy
stranger] I´ll remember that when you come crawling to our resser
me] what? I am in a group in the antroom I can´t leave them to res you at the entrance
stranger] sure you can just run like hell
me] and exit to loose aggro?
stranger] yup
me] and then my group will loose their buffs...
stranger] well you can rebuff
stranger] can´t you

I have a very low tolerance table towards ignorants so I´d rather not display the rest of the conversation, but seriously, how can someone expect me to run through keltoi from antroom til entrance to res him, or his group for that matter, I am a 22 rejuv cleric, I wouldn´t even survive the run.

groupleader told him to leave me alone, response was "I´m not takling to you, you´re on my ignore list now"

30 secs after we had a bad pull and I was forced to make a run for the entrance only survived because my faithful paladin kept aggro so I could escape, resulting after he died in a msg from the "stranger" saying

"stranger" sends "that was funny to watch"


THAT is the worst kind of lines you can receive, I am seriously considering making my cleric /anon when I play, I don´t because I don´t mind ressing people if its not to inconvinient (sp?)

oh well, happy hunting "stranger" I´m not the kind to carry a grudge, are you?

[edit]was so pissed when writing it, I didn't even notice it was the wrong server ;) [/edit]


Lol doesn't even mean lol anymore. It means heh or duh.

"Oooh... I got a big sword!"

To me that looks like:

"Oooh... I got a big sword!"


Also, many of you miss the point I tried to make. It's not that people use it, it's that the people who DON'T use it are called nolifers.

Also, I used dunno ever since my 11th grade English teacher used it.


Does that mean we are all (I'm guilty of this as well) going to stop using gratz as a response to someone announcing they have just leveled up?

Me: DING :)
A N Other: Congratulations


I don't think so somehow.

The best thing about 1337 chat is that I dont know any of it and just put it down to them typing lots of swear words in :)

As for LOL, m8, cya, l8r, etc.. welcome to the era of mobile phones and text messaging, folks!

I read somewhere that some of these "words" (?) are being considered for inclusion in dictionaries soon which would make them legit. At least scrabble would be easier :)


Yep, L33t speak is truly ugly..
Contractions are fine, everyone uses them in real life, but the second I see numbers in the middle of words I cant help but groan. Its just ugly pure and simple.
Again, if you have a mobile phone and need to convey some texted info you are restricted by the technology, so using bastardised english is fine (for the sake of sanity).

But unless you are deep in conbat and urgently need to convey something, it takes little extra effort to type the words properly.

Each to their own of course, type what you like :), just wanted to agree with some of the posters...

Oh, and has anyone noticed that LOL has almost become a stalling device in conversation. If someone doesnt know how to respond they will invariably type LOL anyway, regardless of comedic content. Ive even seen people type LOL? before.. Fair enough, I do talk a load of nonsense a fair bit of the time but thats an odd thing to imagine. Mebbe its Bemusement with a hint of Hilarity..


Originally posted by Octanion
oh and I seriously laugh at people saying "lol" instead of laughing, that is _so_ ugly

lol! I do that a lot, I use OMG as well btw. guess I really don't have a life :clap:

seriously tho, I hate it as well. my default reply to "m8" is a quote from Iron Maiden nowadays "I'm not a number, I'm a free man"
I'm still waiting for someone to laugh at me in a diabolical matter


Originally posted by Soulcatcher

lol! I do that a lot, I use OMG as well btw. guess I really don't have a life :clap:

seriously tho, I hate it as well. my default reply to "m8" is a quote from Iron Maiden nowadays "I'm not a number, I'm a free man"
I'm still waiting for someone to laugh at me in a diabolical matter

<laughs in a diabolical matter>


lol DO mean Laughing out LOUD. Some people even type LOHOHOHOHOHOOOOL!!! Then I at least KNOW they're laughing out loud =P

Well, I wouldn't REALLY know...

Anyways, there aren't many that can type fast in combat, or that uses styles and need time to chain them. Guess I'll just show them respect when in combat.

So, my forgivenesses to you all short-writers :)


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