Your not helping Hatchet



*slaps all*

I give up I''m going to quit MW and go live with that firby bitch north of Ardee what she called "crone" ?

pop by and I'll make you some mudcakes sometime :p


Originally posted by Eleasias
I remember the very first keep raid Hib had, me leading (would've taken the keep too, damn bug!)

Hilarious comment from Vendetta, when I tried to set up the groups. "CBH members wont follow any other leader than CBH" or some such, which made quite a few people angry and after a while Vend settled cause a few people msg'd CBH leader :>

Actually Eleasais i organised the very first hib keep raid, in beta, as my char wandering healer, after i spent over an hour convincing the other GMs that we should at least <TRY> to take on some gaurds.

So an under levelled hibbie gang headed into Albion, ganked a few gaurds (which suprised 95% of them) had such a massive morale boost that went on to hapily bounce oursleves off some keep doors without rams, and then /released back to hib having done somthing most never thought we would see as beta hibbies.

(Pix of that raid are still on the background of the DDi site btw)

Think you were an alb back then mate.

Trashing Vend becuase he is being supportive of me on the baords here is lame - if you had such big issues with him for old events they would have been spread over the baords long ago - yet they were not, so why bring them up now?

Voxnox, Aye thats me *grins*


I was referring to after release, and probably someone made a keep raid even before beta in the US so you werent the first one either? ^^ Trashing? Big issues? I've got nothing against Vend or his guild or alliance, but telling people what to do when they dont do it themself is lame :> (dunno if im talking bout you or vend here)


Originally posted by Eleasias
but telling people what to do when they dont do it themself is lame :> (dunno if im talking bout you or vend here)

??????? lost me there



Sorry but couldnt help laughing at you guys trashing each other on forums for all to see.
Guys we all hibs and we all had are different way of doing things.
Ele, Ven, Twiz, HH your all okay guys, and like each of you as fellow gamers. Why cant you put the past behind? Its all last weeks chip paper.
Im not CF anymore just like so are many of the other founders leaving or left. Im not the sort of person that boots people from guild, it not in my nature. For that reason (well a little of that reason) so much bad feeling as come against the guild from many people. HH has had probs with its members, Ele left and started is own, Vendeta has bad memories from raids.
I hope you guys can stop all this crap on here and settle it in a chat goup in game. better still make a group and go xp together for awhile get to know each other coz i bet you really know shit about each other yet you will come here having a go.

Hib is a bit of a laught to ALbs and Mids when they come and read us fighting each other.

Its 5:30 am im rambling for no reason. bet my post dosnt even make sense but i dont mind :)


If we are gonna be compared to countries in history id say we are more like ancient greece, All the major cities always fought each other for dominance, so they were hardly ever united. But when attacked they reppelled one of the worlds largest armies. And when 1 man rose to power and united greece...... well i need say no more


Celts are quarrelsome

Well celts are quarrelsoem and never liked the idea of one king anyway :p

Still Hatchet and Vendetta are telling us bit too much what to do for my own taste. Besides accusations of forming an alliance up with Midgard which really makes me laugh as:

- if CF had formed a mid alliance I wasn't aware and many people in CF weren't

- I don't use irc or icq and I don't have any IRL friends playing midgard... And I don't care having too much implication in DaoC besides playing it and enjoying it.

So loads of trash have been yelled by many people here, only thing I have to say, is if you guys are so clever and got so much a clue about what to do (which obviously we haven't) why you don't take the lead and get us all on a successful relic raid? I offer to post public apologies and praise to you if you do :p

Until then, sorry I can't take you very seriously. And you're the ones getting in serious, and harsh mouthed in the first place, so far I'm still playing for fun.



Re: Celts are quarrelsome

Originally posted by Cuthervaen
Well celts are quarrelsoem and never liked the idea of one king anyway :p

I am a Celt so that explains my problem

Originally posted by Cuthervaen
so far I'm still playing for fun.

Like hell you are. last sunday for someone I have never spoken to in game before this, been introduced to, heard anything about, you were a rude patronising bastard, who flamed me and my ex guild despite being told 3 times who to contact and that I could not mobilise the guild myself.

You were the raid organiser you frigging idiot do you honestly think anyone believes your sham alliance denials, but hell you gotta look squeeky clean aint ya :)


moron simple as that

Well considering the way you talk to people u indeed are in for fun.

I think u need to get real, talking like this in real life would get you beaten in no time.

Guess that's what you get your kicks from, insulting people from behind anonymity, as you obviously enjoy forums more than playing.

Go to some pub, if u got the age, get into your usual trash talking ways, get a good beating and come back u might be calmer.

Now believe I started the mid/hib alliance if u think it actually starting to amuse me. Btw we took Behnn today and had fun fights with the mids, so please spread the word I started a albion alliance too.

And please now that you left your guild and you're pissed with everyone here go reroll some other realm we can talk about alliance share views in a more constructive way when I put that hammer across your sad face.


Cuthie baby :)

On one post you question am I some old geezer, on another you question if I am old enough to drink.

Bah where do you get your quotes from 'The Scandinavian Book of Wit' ?

Why do people like you make rl comparisons, aint ya got one, it's a game, it's the web it aint real at all, it's merely a hobby.

Ever thought I may do things other than play DAoC on my PC, yup they can do more, oh and magically I get e-mail reminders when you post your blurb. Time I spend doing whatever I wish on my PC in my home, it is my choice and right to choose nothing at all to do with you.

I have been around a bit and first impressions count your were rude, ignorant and pompous when you contacted me in game, I sure as hell aint changed my opinion of you :)

I do not tell you to go play somewhere else, as I do not care what you do, you aint that important maybe i'm getting to ya kido :)


keep looking for it troll

Don't advert your eyes from your email then if it can make ur day.

Why pay for DaoC where Outlook gives you such a kick, save the fee and just troll around forums, you're more known for your post than for anything you did in game.

This one is just to keep u busy, though I won't bother much more cause I doubt it can change the oppinion we got of each other, and I doubt either of us can.

At least I'm happy to see you're back to more correct language, seems u can be educated after all.


A final point Cuth, I have been aiming all my posts at in game quarrels, you have resorted to rl comparisons. Something only a fool would do as to believe you can know anything of a person from in-game, board post's etc is not bright.

I have attacked your in-game persona you attack me rl, think about it who has lowered the tone and shown their ignorance of the world.

I suggest this thread has degenerated beyond all usefullness and whilst I may not be innocent, you take the biscuit for sending it on it's way.


at least cuth is a nice guy in game. your an arsehole both in game and on the forums.


'Just when you think it's all over'

Twizted pops in to win the argument with his intellectual prowess LOL

watch out America he's on his way :)

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