Your not helping Hatchet



U moan bout your fellow hibbies all the time and they moan bout u, and then u all wonder why we dont get organised, How are we supposed to fight the Albs and Mids if u children are to busy sulking at each other, What example are u setting for all the low lvs, and before u retaliate im no leader and i admit that... Can you


Harry Hatchet isn't the only GM with this problem. Most of the larger guilds need a swift kick up the backside to cooperate more with each other. Right now there's too many fragile alliances in Hibernia and guilds who are outside any alliance at all.

About time we helped each other out more, put aside the childish bickering and go on with defending our realm and putting albs and middies to the sword/club/baseball bat.

Imagine what you can do on your own, then imagine the possibilities if you had a few more allies with you :cool:

I dont see Albion or Midgard having half the problems with guild infighting as Hibernia and it makes me sick :puke:


Lol @ the silly hibbies fighting each other!
I bet hibs still lost haha:clap:


ignore woody, he's not worth bothering about ;)


Originally posted by Woodmansee
Lol @ the silly hibbies fighting each other!
I bet hibs still lost haha:clap:

OMG! Look whos talking :m00:


Actually this has been the first time i had a go at CF in ages, i had felt things were on the mend lately....

I didnt make them ally with midgard ffs. They did that themselves, and they knew well ahead of time how we would feel about it. Elbs been shittalking me for weeks, ample ammunition for a flame at CF, yet i didnt, not until this alliance.

Tal, i am a leader. I also have an ego, i can be arrogant, i bear a grudge longer than most and i can be a real fucker if you cross me. I also support my freinds 101%, belive in teamwork over solo ownage, am not cowed by odds or adverse circumstance, never ally, speak my mind, and am well used to doing my laundry in public.

When someone steps up to lead, they take a responsibility, both percieved and actual. It's like putting your head above the battlements and saying shoot me. When it goes right, its your glory, when it fucks up its your fault, and you better be ready for any skeletons you have in the closet to be dragged out for all to see.

Whoever organised this alliance fucked up, and im not suprised that there is no one taking the responsibility for it because those who did it are not leaders, jsut wannabes.


I like your sig Hatchet

and the fact that you dare to express your opinions, but then again I´m an alb :clap:


Hatchet if you were a proper leader you'd have the vision to try mending the wounds in Hibernia and stop creating them.

I'm not asking you to stop expressing your opinions, I'm asking you to HELP Hibbies, no other LEADER has done that yet as far as I can see ;)


aye hatchet help them unite and take the middies relics ;)


seems like I have to change my sig to

"who says I´m funny?" :p


I can't speak for Hibernia, but Midgard isn't exactly harmonious at the moment either. Not to worry, though. We shall prevail. I have forseen it...

...oh, and if it's the same Hatchet Harry who used to head up the Delucian Mafia, you'd do well to listen to him. I'm not what you'd call a fan of his work, but I'm very much aware of it. Besides all that, no quarter is the only way to play.

Don't try and reason with a Troll zerker.

[Edit: typo]


Imagine what you can do on your own, then imagine the possibilities if you had a few more allies with you

But kami you just left hibernias biggest alliance to join a small one, so your post dont make sense.

And hibernia will never be 1 big alliance because theres too many guilds with big ego's that want to be "the top dog" so to speak.


Originally posted by Twiztid

But kami you just left hibernias biggest alliance to join a small one, so your post dont make sense.

Pull your head outta your own arse m8, constantly that small alliance puts mote in the field than you and infact only fucks up when it goes on joint ops with you !


id certainly have to say that the CBH alliance is just as strong an alliance as the CF alliance, and they work exceedingly well as a team :)


plus I'm not the guild leader and joined the clan AFTER they'd left the CF alliance ;) I probably would never have left, but then again I dont know the reasons for it.

Regardless of how many alliances there are we should be working together and not separately doing deals with other realms. On that one point I totally agree with Harry Hatchet, if we got together and went out on the rampage as one we'd scare the living shit out of both albs and middies. :D


vendetta what the hell u on about? where did i say the alliance was crap? LOL!!

i think its you who who needs to pull his head out his arse with comments like that


Originally posted by Twiztid
vendetta what the hell u on about? where did i say the alliance was crap? LOL!!

Hmm did I mention crap no just small, the word you used to describe probably the largest alliance in hibernia (number of players wise), when you do manage to get ya head outta ya arse your reading might improve.

Your leaders accept it as a valuable ally I suggest you should not question why a guild might want to be in it !

Actually do you have any idea which and how many guilds are in it or do you just presume that it is small cos you are not in it ?


Hmm did I mention crap no just small, the word you used to describe probably the largest alliance in hibernia (number of players wise), when you do manage to get ya head outta ya arse your reading might improve.

Ummm you need to go back to school little kid, this thread is about guilds not players, so i meant small as in guild wise which at the time MW joined it was small guild wise (so i was told by a cbh member) while the CF one was and still is big guild wise.

In no way did i say the CF one have the most players and powerul players, nor did i say yours has not. I was speaking about "at the time" not the present, but your raaargh raaargh hot head attitude turned it into what you wanted to read it like.

Kami said something along the lines of why dont all hibernia allie and work together, my point was basically that balnor tried to do that but MW left it which kinds made kami's post not make sense you see, then on top of that you "basically" say that CF always screw up when doing raids so you will do them yourself which is not realm teamwork in my eyes as kami was saying we should do.

I also remember when you were allied with my old guild and a big raid was organised. You pulled cbh out of it at the last second, i asked why and you said "CF are trying to lead it so screw them they can do it themselves" which describes your attitude and lack of realm teamwork. Someone trying to lead is a good thing dont you see that? You dont HAVE to be the top dog ya know, nobody has to.

P.S. - I do not speak on behalf of CF, this is a personal opinion


Originally posted by Twiztid
Ummm you need to go back to school little kid

Thanks kido as I guess I am actually one of the oldest players in Hibernia :)

Originally posted by Twiztid
I also remember when you were allied with my old guild and a big raid was organised. You pulled cbh out of it at the last second, i asked why and you said "CF are trying to lead it so screw them they can do it themselves"

I accuse you now openly in front of all Hibernia of being a lying selfish two faced little bastard, with extremely selective memory cells.

I did not pull CBH from a raid, I did threaten to and it had nothing to do with CF leading it. I cannot remember who was organising it (it was a CF member) but CBH had 3 full groups and the guy was trying to split us down into other groups, with the FULL backing of my guild and confirmed procedures with my GM I removed our 3 groups from within Ligen to the guard area, stating we would not take part if we could not fight in our guild groups. After a short delay we were asked to rejoin the raid and maintain our own groups we did so and went on the raid.
As a guild our position was to fight as a guild but follow raid leaders orders this is what I made the stance for and this is what we achieved that raid.

It is important a guild has it's own identity, which I would not expect someone like you to understand, where you not an officer in TIC our first Ally, were you not an absolute CF hating little wierdo who did not come even on some retakes within our own realm because CF were there. Did you not abandon your own guild to join the guild you openly slagged in both chats with myself and my guild master and in ally chat. I guess then you were just a jealous bitter little guy and you aint changed much does it still hurt we moved on from being allied to your previous guild.

Honestly I pissed myself when it was pointed out to me who you were and all became clear :)


I remember the very first keep raid Hib had, me leading (would've taken the keep too, damn bug!)

Hilarious comment from Vendetta, when I tried to set up the groups. "CBH members wont follow any other leader than CBH" or some such, which made quite a few people angry and after a while Vend settled cause a few people msg'd CBH leader :>


That is not quite true Eleasias, my GM was not on-line, too many members at that raid would not stand with me (was early days and nothing had been posted on our boards of our position) so I resigned my guild and let things go.

On hearing about the events my guild master confirmed I was following correct procedures and those that did not listen were wrong. I rejoined my guild.

BTW who on earth do did you think you were trying to split down another guild that infact had more members there than your own on that raid that is totally disrespectfull of any guild ?

By sticking together as a guild CBH has built it's own identity, grown in size and strength and attracted good guilds to it's alliance, if people like you had got their way it would have no identity of it's own but maybe you would prefer that.

It is only logical that guilds fight in their own units and are not dismantled on the whims of someone who knows neither the guild or it's members. Remember CBH are in the guild because the wish to be not because they wish to bow to anyone.

PS I am no longer a guild officer but when I was I followed agreed stances at all times and I am pretty sure keeping our own identity and loyalty to our guildmates and allies first are still our guiding principles. If you want toadies find a Alb guild to snuggle down with you want strong allies give respect to the views and strengths of other hib guilds and alliances.


actually vend u must be on about a different raid because your gm was online at the time u pulled out and it was him i was speaking to.

as for me being a CF hater....rofl what an arse you are, i wanted to join the CF alliance but your gm said "i know enough of CF to say that i would never allie with them". (sorry griz didnt wanna mention your name but had no option).


Originally posted by Twiztid
actually vend u must be on about a different raid because your gm was online at the time u pulled out and it was him i was speaking to.

as for me being a CF hater....rofl what an arse you are, i wanted to join the CF alliance but your gm said "i know enough of CF to say that i would never allie with them". (sorry griz didnt wanna mention your name but had no option).

Actually Eleasias is on about a different raid.

I still call you Twizted a LIAR come on then, tell us more you wanted to join CF alliance I restate you and your guild never ever even wanted to fight alongside them !

I pulled out of a raid without my GM's permission ?
or with ?
Our forces actually went away ?
do you think I ever had the sort of power to override my GM who has run the guild for 3 years plus ?

I remember one raid when Griz and myself only 2 people never went, Asmodan took our forces but there has been no raid EVER where CBH has refused to fight pushed a point yes refused to fight NO !


ummm ok message balnor and ask him how many times we discussed it :) also message nolerdraic, nero, kruger, any old tic officers. oh and vulcan too while your on.

whos the liar?

end of topic


side note

Firstly TIC have nothing against CF, nothing at all. I have teamed with many CF guys, so have other TIC members, so leave us out of it.

Second, we were in discussions with Balnor about joining the CF alliance.


My brothers bigger than yours ? LMFAO

You are still the LIAR Twizted !

Nol apologies to you and current TIC this is historic and applies to when the above jerk was important in TIC and we were in their alliance. I make no such suggestions about TIC's current position.

In my experience a coward and a liar will accuse others of it to deflect the gaze from themselves :)

My stance has always been the same I am my guild first and total but will fight with anyone for the sake of Hibernia.

You Twizted change with the wind and I accept it would be far to embarrassing for you to admit your previous views considering your present positition :)


i have all the evidence i need from various ppl, you only have your own bullsh*t



Well I know you are a liar, you know you are a liar any of my guild that remember you in ally chat know you are a liar, that's enough for me :)

BTW Harry sorry I hyjacked a thread started to flame you, but you don't have a monopoly on being disliked ya know :)

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