Your camelot wishlist



Originally posted by carnak
- RvR collision detection
- Siege towers
- Battlegrounds for certain RR
- Battle arenas (like a battleground but it makes zerging impossible: once one realm has 1.5x more people than either of the other realms, no more people are allowed inside from that realm)

aye, nice, would really like to see that RR BG .. could actually be fun ;)

RR10 would be pretty empty though :p

but then again, how would it work?... I mean if U are lvl 50 RR1 .. should you be allowed to keel lvl 30's? :D


The most important things this game will ever need are as follows:

1. Butterflies. Flittering about the realm of hibernia so mids and albs have even more cute things to laugh about.

2. Portable potties. When a troll needs to go a troll needs to go and i'd rather have those battleground trolls making number 2 in confined spaces then stinking up the whole Middie telekeep.

3. Drinks, drugs and prostitutes. K-18 zones with picture altering drugs, direction messing drinks and norsewomen with little if any clothes on. Ofcourse PvP is normal.

4. Big fucking rock to block all the milegates, telekeeps and DF entrances. There's your fucking realmbalance.


Originally posted by Cush
That wouldent lag anything at all either :rolleyes:

Not on my 2.8 GHz with GF FX 5900 ultra and 1 GB Ram :p


How's about little porno movies during crafting ? Preferably not race-specific. I don't wanna imagine the Valkyns never mind see it.

omg - why did I think that. I take it all back. I'm sorry :(


Id like to be able to kill something above blue con with my warden. Anything even those butterflies mentioned above.


Fix thanes.... please.... it CAN'T be that hard... <cries>

and some sort of heavy rp penalty for fighting with more than 2fg to decrease zerging, or something like that :(



1) Anyone who has played for over a year should have their highest character boosted to level 50, if not already. We who have less time than level 50s should be rewarded too, especially since we pay the same amount of money...
2) It should be possible, with a large enough force, to invade other realms, either on a special new server or only for a certain amount of time.
3) Skalds to get Power regen - give caster groups some reason to take skalds in PvE.
4) Disable all buffbots, perhaps by adding such range as on pulsing buffs. To calm buffbot users down, each buffbot could be offered to swap his buffbot for a class of equal level.
5) Player owned horses, long promised, no news.
6) Naval warfare, possibly coming with ToA, but if not this should certainly be added in subsequent patches.
7) Ladders to be bought in sieges, and boiling oil for defenders - give tanks more of a job than twocking the gates aimlessly with assorted weapons - with ladders (or siege towers, as has already been suggested) tanks would be able to fight on the walls, attacking or defending, making keeptakes a lot more dynamic - let's be honest, keep raids have remained unchanged for a long, long time...
8) Frontier zones expanded, experience gained in frontiers doubled, this should lead to less endless zerging in emain. Perhaps a new neutral frontier zone could be added with a huge fortress to capture in the middle - full of merchants that set special quests, and with an enterance to a dungeon. To capture this fortress you'd need a huge force, and a siege could go on for hours.... with the above changes to sieges this could be very interesting.
9) Seasons, where one real week is a season, a month being a year - each reflecting the weather of the realm - i.e frozen lakes in winter in Midgard, sunshine, rain, hail and snow in summer in Albion.

If any of these things happen I'll be deeply suprised, but, for me at least, they would improve the game a lot.


I dunno how many times it needs to be said but collision detection is horrible because you can abuse it on your own realm mates.


Realm war goals with attached benefits that can be accomplished by smaller groups to break up the emain zerging.

Reduce the spellcrafting/alchemy system to make drops competetive.

Remove RAs to force players to use their own skill rather than the crutches provided by the game. Playerskill vs playerskill is a much more interesting competition.

Collision detection would be nice.

More dungeons in all zones, and the idea of much higher xp from mobs in frontier zones sounds very good, though I suspect it would only mean that the lvl 50 stealthers spread out to find lowbies to kill, just like they do in DF and thereby killing the hunting areas. It happened to Yggdra once so...


1) take away instant cast mezz aoe mezz stun aoe stun lifetap
2) sort the midgard and albion frontier to give less hills and mobs
3) remove all castable stuns, imo the only thing that should be able to stun is somone with a sheild or a small stun from some styles
4) remove snare from chanters pet
5) crafted armor / sc shouldn't be better than drops
6) give realm skill/abilty respecs when ever we want so we can enjoy different specs without having to roll another char to 50
7) give wizards a single target dd in earth spec
8) allow classic client to have random drops same as SI
9) dyeable bows / crossbows not sure if you can do this with weapon dye
10) lower the lvl of climb wall so assasins can have little more to do in thidranki other than standing around on a keep take
11) make jump use up staminia so poeple can't bob all around your screen all the time
12) give small amount of rp for taking keeps would give poeple more motivation to take keeps

i'll get back to ya if i think of more


Standing on top of the wall but behind the parapet (or whatever you call the stone blocks on a wall) should make it impossible to hit you. (like in real castle defenses)


Originally posted by old.logun
1) take away instant cast mezz aoe mezz stun aoe stun lifetap
2) sort the midgard and albion frontier to give less hills and mobs
3) remove all castable stuns, imo the only thing that should be able to stun is somone with a sheild or a small stun from some styles
4) remove snare from chanters pet
5) crafted armor / sc shouldn't be better than drops
6) give realm skill/abilty respecs when ever we want so we can enjoy different specs without having to roll another char to 50
7) give wizards a single target dd in earth spec
8) allow classic client to have random drops same as SI
9) dyeable bows / crossbows not sure if you can do this with weapon dye
10) lower the lvl of climb wall so assasins can have little more to do in thidranki other than standing around on a keep take
11) make jump use up staminia so poeple can't bob all around your screen all the time
12) give small amount of rp for taking keeps would give poeple more motivation to take keeps

i'll get back to ya if i think of more

1. this aint accepteble without giving healers QC and bolt ranged Mezz. (wont argue with aoe stun if the casting of stun would be evend out (eg. more mid classes would need to be albe to stun).
2. no, we dont want more golf courses mobs and hills are alot more interesting that a golf course.
3. Dont agree, if not another for of defense was built in for thos who stun today (as effective)
4. isent it, or it will be in a later pet It will only do dd and debuff afaik.
5.Agree (at least not the relly highlvl drops)
6. Agree
7. Dont know anything about that, but if they need give (let the teamleader deal with it :))
8. I understand that Mythic wants the old client to be rolled off, I dont blaim em.
9. Dunno :)
10. Deffo no ! One of the main reasons ppl play in Thid are that the class balance is somewhat shifted.
11. OK :)
12. reward system for rvr could get an overhaul I agree.

what would I like to see ?
1. Collision detection
2. Collision detection
3. Collision detection
4. Collision detection
5. Collision detection


I think more RvR areas would be great... also more PVE areas
Also balance the game :p


The ability to become King of a zone and have all the NPCs bow to you. Should also bring in 10 plat a day. Jesters follow you round. Mobs gladly drop their loot which they were inexplicably carrying without an argument. Realm guards will run around with you. POWER !!!!1 MWUHAHAHAHA

Well it would be some reason to take a keep of some sort anyway.


Originally posted by ghoul
on the topic: 3spec points per level for mincer, and shield spec imHO!!!

LMAO! gifv 5spec points to NS, no better make it 7! :great:



Originally posted by Cyradix
Not on my 2.8 GHz with GF FX 5900 ultra and 1 GB Ram :p
hmm,well,it will prob not slow down cause of ure comp,but cause of ure connection..the "lagg" is only produced by ure internet this zone will be very detailed it will require alot of information to be sent to ure client..this will lead to Lagg..even if u have like a 10+mb/s connect. it will Lagg as other people will be in the zone and then it will lead to Server Lagg,i.e the server that sends out the information doesnt have enough bandwidth to serve all people who want to connect to this zone..and cause there will be loads of albs and mids in teh zone prob there WILL be lagg...

well,there is actually only 1 thing that hasnt been said that id like to have in's similar to what one guy said:
1.When a realm population reaches a certain amount of people noone should be able to join that realm any longer,i.e Excalibur(these arent the real numbers,just for the example):
Albion 45%
Midgard 35%
Hibernia 20%

well,as i had thought that there should be some max % that onea realm can have of the population (this doesnt include diff chars..this is accounts).so if Alb reaches bout 40/45% of the server pop. then alb should have an population lockdown until the other realms gain more people and alb is back to bout 33-35..optimal this should lead to all 3 realms have bout 33-34% each of the population..
this might not be very nice to those people who come l8 and want to join alb(albs have bout 42% atm,see below:)
Albion Hibernia Midgard Total
Characters 15,150 (42%) 9,038 (25%) 11,544 (32%) 35,732
Active Characters 6,928 (43%) 3,833 (24%) 5,204 (33%) 15,965
Level 50's 2,359 (39%) 1,553 (26%) 2,067 (35%) 5,979
Realm Points 794,026,381 (35%)656,682,242 (29%)808,275,621 (36%) 2,258,984,244
Last week RP 27,594,317 (34%) 24,177,020 (30%) 28,385,869 (35%) 80,157,206

Realm Ranks
Rank Albion Hibernia Midgard Total
RR10 6 3 2 11
RR9 4 10 7 21
RR8 21 27 24 72
RR7 44 43 55 142
RR6 101 83 120 304
RR5 238 184 231 653
RR4 437 303 431 1,171
RR3 806 463 715 1,984
RR2 1,133 655 975 2,763
RR1 4,926 2,570 3,916 11,412
RR0 7,434 4,697 5,068 17,199

well,check teh fact for urself..


Originally posted by dracus
LMAO! gifv 5spec points to NS, no better make it 7! :great:


no really, that would make you overpowered.


make epic dungeon armor stats un spellcraftable counted in the utility value.

nerf savage swing speed shout

give ability to play as Santa Claus.

nerf whiners

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