Your camelot wishlist


skerit XP

Disclaimer: I did a search before this, so ... don't get all mad on me if this exist already

I'm just wondering what you would like to see added to camelot. After looking at darkfall (the new 'uo') daoc should get some additions, and a dynamic weather system doesn't sound too ridiculous to me.. Would be fun if a wizard or sorcerer can control it then or so.

More territory stuff would also be cool, but I better not sya anything about this since I don't know in what lengths foundations will bring this.


Seige Towers,

Realm/Guild Standards,

Master Levels, (ToA)

Changing the SC system so you can't cap everything with 99% stuff,

Add the RoG item generator to the Classic area's of DAoC,

Remove IP,


decreased exp time for people with level 50ies


RA's which gives: Cleric/Druid/Shaman more conc


a new bg system so once u cap u can still go to bg but dont get any more rps, after all bg0 cap is low, i wanna spend ages in there without worrying about capping, also a bg for 35-40.

maybe a way to link groups so 2fgs can exp together?


- RvR collision detection
- Siege towers
- Battlegrounds for certain RR
- Battle arenas (like a battleground but it makes zerging impossible: once one realm has 1.5x more people than either of the other realms, no more people are allowed inside from that realm)


hav only 1 realm, everyone got infinite hps, same abilites, same everything and you can only hit each other for 1(-1) then people will stfu whining about how someone has something better than them.


1. My main wish list for DAOC is for all cash, items, and crafting to be account based so that they are not stuck to one char.

You should be able to make cash or craftable items with one
and log another then spend or use by retreiving from your account based vault.

Waiting around because you need another char to be able to do stuff in DAOC is the most annoying in game activity.

2. 3rd English Server, no comments needed here.

3. Solo RvR areas, cross realm Dueling competition's.

4. Cross realm events, where we get to explore other realms in PvE and do quests.

5. No Zoning in game, make it seamless.

6. Finish Hib, dont develop hib as a last thought anymore.

7. Allow any race to become any class. cross realm if possible.
This will make even rvr less predicatable when finiding out who the healers and casters are.

8. Give all casters STAFF spec and up their points per lvl so they can melee also.

9. Remove AoE mezz, just have single mezz.

10. Cross alliance and guild messaging.

11. Upgradable wall doors and make the walls ownable by guilds, like keeps. Walls after all are each realms first defence.

12. Patrolable NPC gaurds around PK's to stop PK camping.

13. Remove Camelot from Albion and stick in a central RVR zone where it should of been from day 1, after all the games about the 3 realms fighting over the rule of it. And make it the place where relams keep other relams relics. leaving relic keeps to house your realm specific relics. When camelot is taken then the relics inside are given back to the realms they belong too.

theres my 2 pennys worth. If i think of more ill post em.


1. boost thanes
2. nerf savages (taunt shout, resist buffs and cheap ra's)
3. lower rvr resist a bit in general, would make playing caster more fun
4. err.. fix the class balance in general
5. more rvr zones
6. ban elitists
6. take away sc, ra's etc.. too late but i can always hope :p


Originally posted by Zordo
1. boost thanes
2. nerf savages (taunt shout, resist buffs and cheap ra's)
3. lower rvr resist a bit in general, would make playing caster more fun
4. err.. fix the class balance in general
5. more rvr zones
6. ban elitists
6. take away sc, ra's etc.. too late but i can always hope :p

7. remove PBAoE and CC.


Collision check , would force peopel to use tactic's and not /stick whack , or /assist 4 the win

skerit XP

1. To use items you get of a drop. I found a bunch of bracelets I can't even wear, or a lantarn I can't hold. It would be fun to actually hold a lantarn in your hand and such :)

2. At least make leather available to everyone, you just need to put it on, you know. (I can understand those iron things .. but leather?)

3. Another server definately (english) There are more EU players then american (at least, last time I checked) but we still got less servers ...

4. Make some over-powered classes a bit less over-powered. :)

5. An actual guild vault, but maybe this will show up in foundations ...

I got all these questions about 'foundations' I wonder how that will turn out ...


We can be happy that the players dont get to make the game...


Armsman love. I know it's a bit farfetched, but we're allowed to dream, right? :(


A new RvR zone with a massive ancient city. (broken walls etc)
Streets and squares to roam, broken towers for snipers to hide. Spooky sound effects.....


Originally posted by Cyradix
A new RvR zone with a massive ancient city. (broken walls etc)
Streets and squares to roam, broken towers for snipers to hide. Spooky sound effects.....

That wouldent lag anything at all either :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Cyradix
A new RvR zone with a massive ancient city. (broken walls etc)
Streets and squares to roam, broken towers for snipers to hide. Spooky sound effects.....
Go play CS or MoHAA :p

1) Collision detection.
2) Nerf all resists to 50% max.
3) Nerf SCing, make drops better than any SC gear, therefore increase PvE participation.
4) Thane Love, an i mean for real this time, not the shat excuses we have had so far eh!
5) Reduce some of the more potent RA's.
6) Change Emain - or the other frontiers, make Emain less zergy.
7) Give food drops for health regen.
8) Bigger Vault and Guild Vaults.
9) Epic quests for levels 24, 29 and 35 - for BGers!
10) Raise BG caps, or like someone else mentioned, be allowed to stay without gaining more RPs.
11) Make crafting more affordable and easier, and more fun if that possible. Perhaps making some items a little more useful or fun (like dolls, lanterns etc).

Thats it for now.


I want all these threads to be removed, cause nothing good ever comes out of them, even tho it has nothing to do with daoc, i'm still gonna post it!

on the topic: 3spec points per level for mincer, and shield spec imHO!!!

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