Yogurtina dings RR10


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2004
hmm gratzz only for the rr ding but cant say gratzz for nothing else :(
I have encounter u with ur pl-er (Lxn) some times and most of them u poped me in the middle of zerg/fg .... so as i said gratz cause a rr10 ding is always something big.. but except that ur playstyle is poor :puke:


Loyal Freddie
Oct 13, 2004
infernalwrath said:
r u serious ? xd

"ye i r seriouz xddddd"

Yes, why do you think otherwise? Try playing a minstrel and you'll soon discover that the oh so overpowered 9s stun (at best) doesn't exactly pave a clear road towards RR10.


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Phalanx said:
"ye i r seriouz xddddd"

Yes, why do you think otherwise? Try playing a minstrel and you'll soon discover that the oh so overpowered 9s stun (at best) doesn't exactly pave a clear road towards RR10.

I think you'll find that a mincer+infil duo is one of the most lethal stealther combos there is ^^, and the mincer can get a whole load of stuff to make them uber tough, and if the fight isn't going well, well, they just SoS out of there.....

I feel sorry for hunters. Not for minstrels :>

Oli - Illu


Loyal Freddie
Oct 13, 2004
illu said:
I think you'll find that a mincer+infil duo is one of the most lethal stealther combos there is ^^, and the mincer can get a whole load of stuff to make them uber tough, and if the fight isn't going well, well, they just SoS out of there.....

I feel sorry for hunters. Not for minstrels :>

Oli - Illu

Likewise the shadowblade and nightshade, or well any other class in the game for that matter, also get a load of stuff to compete. Mind you that the ranger and hunter incidentally get the same load of stuff as minstrels do, assuming you're talking about ML-lines.

My minstrel is decently equipped and most fights against other stealthers are usually a loss, many times even after wasting timed abilities, hunters being the exception where it usually seems to be a tie.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2004
Phalanx said:
Mind you that the ranger and hunter incidentally get the same load of stuff as minstrels do, assuming you're talking about ML-lines.

My minstrel is decently equipped and most fights against other stealthers are usually a loss, many times even after wasting timed abilities, hunters being the exception where it usually seems to be a tie.

FFS wake up m8... u have dds (hitting for 150+ atleast) ,chain ( and +spec af ) shield ( means that there is a chance u can block ) insta stun , ablative song !!! the ability to wield MALICE that even u purge the proc U DONT HAVE IMMUNITY from it FFS and ofc the warlord path ( WG 4tw ) .... hmmm me with my 2hand weapon , my pet!! that hits around 50-90max, my studded armor .....doh and yes i forgot my uber backstyle stun... sure i can compete u... i know that as a hunter i am at the bottom of the food chain (refering to stealth fights) but plz dont tell me bs that as a hunter is easy to win u or even that its 50% -50%.....

P.s : and ofc u can be Sojuner and Warlord ... we can be Sojuner and Battlemaster... so think twice before u post something....


Loyal Freddie
Oct 13, 2004
Guindor said:
FFS wake up m8

Thank you for those warm words, what makes you think I'm clueless and posting in my sleep? I played Huxley to RR6 with quite some effort so I definately got an idea of what I'm talking about and how it is to fight other stealthers.

The DD's are a nice damage add, and yeah they give about 300-350 damage every 10 seconds total on average target, but then again 300-350 damage per 10 seconds is easily outweighed by other stealthers and I would say it's about what your blue con hunter pet would bite me for - yes I have chain armor, but the pet still bites for close to 100 when it hits me, and i rarely dodge it as my already low defence rates will be cut to 50%.

Don't try to weigh in the minstrel ablative, that's 70 hitpoints every 6 seconds if you gimp yourself with 50 instr spec, it was good 4 years ago when everyone was running unbuffed with random bits of equipment, in an average stealther fight today with everyone wearing SoM and what not, a few pulses of that ablative won't make much difference.

And as far as the shield goes... well that's a small base chance to block. To give you an idea of how effective it is I can compare with my scout who has 42+16 shield, 395 dex and about 1.7s effective swing speed in melee stance, and she will block about 1/5 strikes from say your average shadowblade or ranger, now look back on the typical highlander minstrel with only a base chance to block, slower swing speed and far lower dex. It ain't all green pastures.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2004
Yes u r saying somethings right i agree but again i didnt hear u discussing about the ml paths and the ability to wield malice m8.. so for one more time i remind that to be at the bottom of the food chain its not easy and even an minstrel its always hard to win... ofc all this r imo ... but i am pretty sure thats the way its is atm...


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Phalanx said:
and i rarely dodge it as my already low defence rates will be cut to 50%.

The Hunters Pet cuts Block rate by 10% and has no affect on Evade rate.
Minstrel DD rarely is resisted but Wolf generally misses and does around 60 damage not 100.
The hunter is the only stealther that cannot wield the Iwin artifact Malice.
You get free hits with Mez and Stun and can generally SoS out.
Wolf often activates defensive procs such as SoM, DD's don't do this, some fights the Wolf will actually do negative damage.

I had an awesom fight, Gustav (9L3) and me (7L3) jumped Eeben (6L5 Warlord) and we lost, neither Gustav and I did anything wrong, I even pulled off FZ. With my 2h thrust spear I was hitting for 100 ish (I normally hit for 300+) the minstrel with his 1h was hitting me for 300.

You will never see a hunter taking down two higher ranked mele classes ever. (Scouts don't count :) )


Loyal Freddie
Oct 13, 2004
Xajorkith said:
With my 2h thrust spear I was hitting for 100 ish (I normally hit for 300+) the minstrel with his 1h was hitting me for 300.

My minstrel has 42+16 slash, 370 str, Pain 3, 9% style bonus and 4% dmg bonus, and I rarely hit for 300 :) that and what you said about your own damage obviously tells the battler charge was in place, also he probably used that abs ability in warlord line.

Minstrel DD DOES get resisted, as does the mezz and stun at times 'cause they are lower level spells and typical minstrel only has 190 casting stat. The stun yields less than 7s on average target, hardly the winning ticket, and the mezz gives you 1 shot of 2 DDs for a whopping 300-350 damage - IF your target is prancing around visible and you get to take the initial attack, which is rarely the case in stealth play as the minstrel hasn't got MoS.

I've never heard that the hunter pet has a fixed 10% reduction of defence rates, as opposed to everything else that counts as an additional attacker and reducing defenses by an additional 50% or less depending on what shield size the target has and how many other attackers are on him, plenty of info on this on the Herald among other places.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
oh lol you're corleth, i never actually saw. is it fun running around with mos4-5 at brynja with a fg stuck to your ass? :D

and grats yogu, done your fair share of zerging/adding but also had nice fights vs you and lxn. :) soo.. grats, and thx for the hugs :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Big gratz to you Yoggie.
And an even bigger laugh at all Middie/Hibbie gits who are jealous...
Gear even being hilarious and talking about unfair fights, blablabla...
Regards, Glottis


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Phalanx said:
I've never heard that the hunter pet has a fixed 10% reduction of defence rates, as opposed to everything else that counts as an additional attacker and reducing defenses by an additional 50% or less depending on what shield size the target has and how many other attackers are on him, plenty of info on this on the Herald among other places.

What you say would be correct if for the purpose of evade pets counted as additional attackers however they don't.

Results of extesnive testing showed the hunters pet only dropped the block rate by 10% and not 50%.

An interesting thread for ya:

The reason you never heard of it is probably becuase you're not a hunter :)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
oh lol you're corleth, i never actually saw. is it fun running around with mos4-5 at brynja with a fg stuck to your ass? :D

and grats yogu, done your fair share of zerging/adding but also had nice fights vs you and lxn. :) soo.. grats, and thx for the hugs :)

VF my dear friend you do exaggerate MoS was nerfed so whilst running around it caps at MoS 3 and it was only a half (guild) group stuck to my ass :).
As for fun, not really as I could empathise with you as I solo 99% of the time, but spanking the alb stealth zergs on Brynja, yes that was fun.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 31, 2003
illu said:
And that makes steamrolling people ok? Right..........

trying to wind me up 24/7 :> You're like a Wittor junior :>

Oli - Illu

aww poor you :(

anyway grats!

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