yet another RP attempt.



The last couple of weeks I've been thinking that my MMORPG life needs a new layer of flare and flavour:)\). So I was thinking about getting together with a few jolly fellows and set up a roleplaying guild. My thoughts so far are that it should be pretty "hardcore", meaning in character in all channels. I also think it should be more than just a forum for rolelpayers to share their stories. The guild should have an ingame reason for excisting..what I don't really know yet, it's just an idea so far. Anyways..if there are any people out there that are interested in getting this started, drop me a PM or a reply and we'll see where it leads.



great idea. when i was in albion i was breifly in a funny guild called "The Choir" they were/are a hardcore RP guild. was fun. Might want to look around the albion board as i know thier GM does/did post there.


The Kindred is a roleplaying guild, but not as "hardcore" as you want it to be I think. Try to message some of them anyway :)


I've seen a few roleplay guilds doing there thing and talking away doing emotes etc, and it sure isnt my kinda thing. But poeple that are into that kinda thing seem to enjoy The Kindred guild as VF said ^^


Yea, I know about the Kindred. But part of the thing is that I want to start the whole thing from scratch, so that the people that are interested in joining the guild also can be a part of forming it's guidlines and ingame story. And could never hurt with two RP guilds on excal. Anyways, just wanted to check if anyone was interested in the idea. The worst thing that could happen is that it dies and rots in this forum and I go back to hacking and slashing all day long ;)

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