Religion Yet Another Religion Thread


Dec 26, 2003
It's not genetic. It's social conditioning...

I'm not sure - we evolved great pattern recognition - so good that we even see patterns where there are none.

I think religion is a byproduct of misfiring pattern recognition seeking to connect un-connected events - you know - belief in some godly plan - 'things happen for a reason' etc.

Like blokes with lucky pulling boxer shorts...


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I'm not sure - we evolved great pattern recognition - so good that we even see patterns where there are none.

I think religion is a byproduct of misfiring pattern recognition seeking to connect un-connected events - you know - belief in some godly plan - 'things happen for a reason' etc.

Like blokes with lucky pulling boxer shorts...

Most superstitions are bad pattern recognition events, and most organised religions come from charismatic individuals taking advantage of those events to develop control mechanisms.


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
most organised religions come from charismatic individuals taking advantage of those events to develop control mechanisms.

Sweeping Statement of the Year Award 2011
Most Unverifiable Comment of 2011 Award

Does believing in evolution require the logic centre of the brain to be removed or simply damaged?


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Sweeping Statement of the Year Award 2011
Most Unverifiable Comment of 2011 Award

Does believing in evolution require the logic centre of the brain to be removed or simply damaged?

Thank you. On both counts. Especially the second one as that means I beat all religions this year, which takes some doing! :)

And I don't "believe" in evolution, I regard it as the best and most verifiable available explanation.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I was going to stay out of this...but...

Are people suggesting that if they weren't spoon fed religion from a young, impressionable age then they would still believe in a god???

It's a made up system that is taught to young people, who generally believe what people in a position of trust tell them. Just like Father Christmas and the tooth fairy. That's not to say those people who do teach it to their children don't genuinely believe what they are saying, ofc they do. They are just brainwashed from birth so can't help it.

Anyway, you can't use logic or science against religion because faith does not require proof. I think this is a major problem for non-religious people when confronted by the madness that is religion. We don't understand faith...neither should we. Scientists don't have faith in their chosen field, they have knowledge or a hunger to gain further knowledge.

Like I have always said, prove to me that god exists and I will quite happily believe in him. Just saying "but he does! or "it is written" is meaningless.

If you could prove that gravity does not exist then scientists would check the data and agree.

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