Yet another Nerf for casters and archers and Healers!



If this goes in i'm respecing my ranger to 27 bow.


WTF!! does this mean archers can never target one of those leafy Hibs :)


That is my theurgist officially retired then :(


not that.... bad..

you cant hit them, they cant hit you, you both get to stare blanky at each waiting to see who walks over and staffs you in the face first.

still sux and better be wrong.


Surely Trees should block Bolts Arrows etc...instead of whinign try and position yourselves better :rolleyes:
i cant believe you are whingng about not being ablt to shoot through solid objects anymore this isnt CS with wall hacks you know...


Suppose it would make people rely on more than F8, can't really see this as being much of a nerf. Like Swords said, just try to position yourself better.


Originally posted by asorek

Trees/Leaves now block los and you cant cast/shoot through them...oh dear...guess my scout is fooked then, check out the screenies very bad!!!


OMG how dare they nerf los.

You'd think they actually thought los actually stood for LINE OF SIGHT.... As in... what you have a clear view through to... Is that simple enough.......

No more standing behind trees shooting at people..

Cry more..... ;)


Re: Re: Yet another Nerf for casters and archers and Healers!

Originally posted by old.yaruar
OMG how dare they nerf los.

You'd think they actually thought los actually stood for LINE OF SIGHT.... As in... what you have a clear view through to... Is that simple enough.......

No more standing behind trees shooting at people..

Cry more..... ;)

did u actually look at the screenshot n00b?
obviously not....theres one clear shot where a few leaves are in the do u say to that? nothing because your a dumb fuck that replies to posts when u have no idea...

TWAT :great:



Mythic implement a fix that was meant to be introduced years ago

And not to mention some realism

There was nothing more stupid than a archer class using target enemy whilst standing near enough in a tree and then shooting you and it taking ages to actually work out where they were in relation to you HAHAAH

Did make me laugh alot.....ah nostalgia

Oh and asorek don't be so abusive

Oh and shock horror its being TESTED you know that word TESTED so they may implement changes

Few leaves BWHAHAAHAH :m00:


im sure the LOS will have same issuse for healers trying to heal ,,,,,, if so BANG there go fighting/ambushing enemy in a set of trees . cops u wont have los for healing :) and it will be bullshit if they let healerrs cast spells no need los where archers/casters cant :)


Don't get me wrong I think its bullshit but it does kinda make sense to implement LOS for scenery

Helps when trying to avoid things like mez and makes the game more tactical than RUN IN THERE TARGET ENEMY STUN MEZ ETC ETC even when ur in the thick of a forest


Re: Re: Re: Yet another Nerf for casters and archers and Healers!

Originally posted by asorek
did u actually look at the screenshot n00b?
obviously not....theres one clear shot where a few leaves are in the do u say to that? nothing because your a dumb fuck that replies to posts when u have no idea...

TWAT :great:

The code required for totally accurate LoS is probably far too complex to actually impliment to that kind of level what with all the vector calculations which are actually needed.

There will be some situations where an apparantly clear shot will be there because the los will be sorted by blocks rather than points in between, but in principle archers and casters should not be able to target and fire at things they can't see or when there is something in the way. That's the real physical world for you.

Just nice to see archers crying because they can't hide behind trees any more and kill opponents when hidden:D


Re: Re: Re: Re: Yet another Nerf for casters and archers and Healers!

Originally posted by old.yaruar
That's the real physical world for you.

Just nice to see archers crying because they can't hide behind trees any more and kill opponents when hidden:D

and ofc in the real physical world people can dodge arrows and see attacks coming from behind them? :)


One thing at a time Gray one thing at a time :)


Originally posted by swords
Surely Trees should block Bolts Arrows etc...instead of whinign try and position yourselves better :rolleyes:
i cant believe you are whingng about not being ablt to shoot through solid objects anymore this isnt CS with wall hacks you know...

eat shit and die plzthx. try playing a caster now, then please come up with a valid reason why they need to be performing even poorer


Re: Re: Yet another Nerf for casters and archers and Healers!

Originally posted by old.yaruar
OMG how dare they nerf los.

You'd think they actually thought los actually stood for LINE OF SIGHT.... As in... what you have a clear view through to... Is that simple enough.......

No more standing behind trees shooting at people..

Cry more..... ;)

why doesnt everyone die in one hit when I swing 2 axes at their necks?
How can ppl survive being hit dead on by a catapult shot?

fuck you and your "sensible" suggestions.


Re: Re: Re: Yet another Nerf for casters and archers and Healers!

Originally posted by Arnor
why doesnt everyone die in one hit when I swing 2 axes at their necks?
How can ppl survive being hit dead on by a catapult shot?

fuck you and your "sensible" suggestions.

Thank you for your erudite reply arnor.

Why is it unreasonable to suggest that archers shouldn't be allowed to fire directly at targets they can't actually see through line of sight and also be able to fire from behind physical objects???

Oh, and fuck you too shorty ;-)


could get pretty annoying to rvr in odins or hw since healing classes already hide behind trees and do SH, then you gotta move all the way around until you got a clear view.....


Makes sense to me.

I always thought it was a bit wierd i could shoot through bushes & trees etc. But then again you dont have to point your arrow at your target either.

I fire arrows like i pee when i'm drunk.


i have no problems with shooting thru trees, i see the logic in that, but i got another screenshot where its literally a few leaves in the way..not a tree and it says Cant see your target, thats going too far.


Originally posted by asorek
i have no problems with shooting thru trees, i see the logic in that, but i got another screenshot where its literally a few leaves in the way..not a tree and it says Cant see your target, thats going too far.

It's just code which needs tweaking. although without writing different code for the trees size and shape separetely from the code for the actually graphics. it would be very tricky.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Yet another Nerf for casters and archers and Healers!

Originally posted by old.yaruar
Thank you for your erudite reply arnor.

Why is it unreasonable to suggest that archers shouldn't be allowed to fire directly at targets they can't actually see through line of sight and also be able to fire from behind physical objects???

Oh, and fuck you too shorty ;-)

you request that, and ill request that I oneshot everyone I hit with a LA style, that catapults be able to tear down the walls on keeps etc etc etc

its another nail in the casters coffin, if you dont see that, too bad for you. Keep playing your soon-to-be uber thane :rolleyes:


Why does this affect healers? Most of us only use spreadpool in RvR :p


Re: Re: Re: Re: Yet another Nerf for casters and archers and Healers!

Originally posted by old.yaruar
The code required for totally accurate LoS is probably far too complex to actually impliment to that kind of level what with all the vector calculations which are actually needed.

There will be some situations where an apparantly clear shot will be there because the los will be sorted by blocks rather than points in between, but in principle archers and casters should not be able to target and fire at things they can't see or when there is something in the way. That's the real physical world for you.
Accurate LOS checks aren't that complex, just expensive in terms of CPU time. That said DAOC has a really crap collision model at the moment, quake's was better.

Originally posted by old.yaruar
It's just code which needs tweaking. although without writing different code for the trees size and shape separetely from the code for the actually graphics. it would be very tricky
Not really, have a separate graphical and collision representation is quite simple - mythic already uses it for daoc.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Yet another Nerf for casters and archers and Healers!

Originally posted by Danya
Accurate LOS checks aren't that complex, just expensive in terms of CPU time. That said DAOC has a really crap collision model at the moment, quake's was better.

Not really, have a separate graphical and collision representation is quite simple - mythic already uses it for daoc.

Yeah but trees are one of the more complex objects if you look at them as more than just trunks and the cpu overhead would go up considerably as you said.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Yet another Nerf for casters and archers and Healers!

Originally posted by Arnor
you request that, and ill request that I oneshot everyone I hit with a LA style, that catapults be able to tear down the walls on keeps etc etc etc

its another nail in the casters coffin, if you dont see that, too bad for you. Keep playing your soon-to-be uber thane :rolleyes:

They need to do other work to make casters viable, but casting through objects which render them totally hidden from view isn't the way.

Or we could go back to the days of the fotm archers who used to 2 shot tanks when standing behind trees and walls.....

One suspects that shooting through any solid object, be it a tree, a wall or the ground was never "working as intended" otherwise they just act as a barrier from melee classes..


I can see them nerfing archers being able to shoot trought trees ... but if I become even more useless in RvR becuase people hide behind leafs this game is over for me.


Simple solution would be to make only trunks and the large branches obscure LOS. Allowing you to shoot (and be shot) from in the the leaves.

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