yawn - did it again



Legion dead, thx to falcor tiarta etc etc etc
Drop distribution tomorow (friday).


Just out of question is it only guilds in your alliance that get invited or something, cos I want some of that legion goodness :p



i can agree with mr merry here

i think all participants should be able to have their share in the loot.

otherwise they should not allow other guildies in their group. Why do they take other ppl, maybe :::cause they would not have enough ppl there from the invited guilds , doubtfull but possible. Great fun. I was glad to finally have seen that big thingy but when i saw the list of drops, i know why i would be going back there. and appart from the huge laggfest got some nice piccys, loot lists included.

so to make my point.

other ppl were allowed to join so>>>>>>>>they can participate in the lotterie. NO MATHER WHAT.

if not, i think ppl should start to publish som flames towards the organizing guild or something, cause fair is fair, even when i would'nt score in the lotterie i would appreciate it when participants can gain some of these goodies and they SHOULD at LEAST be invited to come.

if u organize something for invited guilds , make sure thats the way it is done.

if trouble starts for the organizing persons, maybe thing should have been done better. no offence, i'm thinking of organizing something alike, no legion maybe ,; bit smaller, less lag, less ppl, less discussion about drops.



Hi and yawn ;)

well the picture for all the goodies is here.


u can check the stats here : http://www.servantsofthelake.org/loot_dflegion.html

the lotto will be done tomorrow, as we use to do.

and yes its inviteonly the Legion raid, if all was welcome and could participate noone would want to lead the raid, (who would want to lead 300 ppl ? ) and how about the lotto system ? it would be impossible to say what guilds that tagged along and how many ppl they contributed with, so from the start we made it invite only, and it consists of 12 guilds atm, only if you are in those 12 guilds u can be in the lotto for the drops, but ure welcome to tag alone for the xp.

well bedtime for me :sleeping:

Thanks again

Tiarta - lvl 50 Cleric
Teleri - lvl 50 Sorcerer
Gobo - lvl 39 Mercenary

Dragon Knights




pure egoistical oppinion.

i would say: who would NOT want to be in command of 300 ppl, that would rock, if the connection and engine would support it , all battles would be HUGE fun. loads of preparation etc... nice

and invite only, maybe u have ur invited guilds?? why did u accept other ppl in ??? why did u let it happen. myst have been it wasn't an invited only thingy mate..



Think b4 u act
know what is a fact
think b4 u do
then u won't end up in the LOOO

lol, funny one this time, hehe


Originally posted by ironheart
i think all participants should be able to have their share in the loot.

otherwise they should not allow other guildies in their group. Why do they take other ppl, maybe :::cause they would not have enough ppl there from the invited guilds

well Ironheart i would like to see u organize a Legion raid with the rules u set up, please make a lotto system also where all guilds in Albion are welcome, Dragon Knights and lots of other guilds will surely be there, but u try to control it and also afterwards when 100 different ppl yell for I T A M Z, some of them unguilded.

oh and u ask why we allow other guildies in group, well when they are in a group u cant see what guild they are from and u cant see it in the cg either, and yes we can do it alone (the 12 guilds) but we still allow ppl to tag along for the xp, and if u really want to organize ur own legion raid im sure u easy can get lots of guilds to participate, lots of guilds message me coz they want in on the Legion, but i cant coz we would simply be too many.

another reason other guildies tagged along today, could be a person (lets keep him unnamed - one from the invited guilds) spread the word in Lyonesse about Legion raid :/

Tiarta - lvl 50 Cleric
Teleri - lvl 50 Sorcerer
Gobo - lvl 39 Mercenary

Dragon Knights


Thanks for arranging it again Tiarta & co, unfortunately I couldn't make it this time.

Ironheart if you don't like how it is arranged, then why not do your own raid?

If you join another guild's guild group for a legion raid, then surely it's them that you need to speak to and not the raid organizers?

The lotto system is extremely fair, quickly done, and done with the least amount of stress. I think Tiarta deserves our thanks for this and not flames. It isn't like she gets anything out of it all except a headache and the same chance as the rest of us to get a drop.



\o/ was great. To bad i can't join with my alt for the xp yet :/

Was alot of poeple this time, more then usual - Still fun.

Originally posted by ironheart Ironheart

pure egoistical oppinion

12 invited guild, then its up to everyone else if they wanna join,
everyone knows the lottery system and that only the invited guild will get drops.
Cuz we know we can do it without other people. If you wanna change this, organize your own =)


i didnt even know there was a legion raid till i read this, no one in my /gc (merry men) or /as said anything about it :(. can we organise another one soon cos i wanna see the feker :) and make sure i get invited :)


7th time

bah , 1 Ld's 3 deads, boooo =)

missed the fun after legion, but so what, next time will be better

And invite only stuff, well how amny guilds we have?


Every guild is free to arrange 1, it aint hard, gather some guilds/peeps , run to legion, kill legion, share loot...

some of the part is hard, some r easy

Those 12 guilds will make it many times still, WHY?

because in those 12 guilds have peeps that will have legion drops, BTW! Legion drops 4 items that r good, the rest r just normal DF drops, nothing speciall, and most of them will start working at 1.53!

so Ironheart, i undrstand u little , but still u have to understand also those 12 guilds, 4 drops cna be shared betweem 12 guilds??

hmm, nopes, but we have system there.

BUT if there were like 35 guilds, lmao, look the change to get a drop from that drip, u need to kill it like 150 times and still most likely u dont have not even 1 legion drop!!

And most of us do it just for fun, but some peeps make it PAIN, by not listening the Leader, and thats why there is LOADS of unexpected DEADS, the trip has been done with 2 deads only, and i tell u, there wasnt 100 peeps, the less peeps, the better stuff r being controlled.

And also at the start it took over 2 days to arrange 1 trip, now it takes to start 1, hmm, was it now 3 hours?

and before we even get rdy to go, it took 2 hours.....because of some keeps, but thats the different story.

and Legion is free kill, so arrange 1 and try hows it goes, i wish u all GL to kill it, its fun =)


Reason loners that join raid cannot get drop:

1 loner joins
DK joins with 12 ppl

UBER gloves drop.
Why should the loner have same chance of gettin gloves as the guild that brought 12 ppl of a combined force of 50?

The rules for distribution were made to ensure the interest of everyone on the raid. If u dont like, dont attend or make your own.


well i thought that we invited the other peeps for the xp?
i invited 2 guys into my dp grp _only_ for the xp


aye most of it's pish :)

but would be nice to have a 1/14million chance of winning a diamond seal or something :)

So how do you get into your 'twelve soopa groops' team then?


Well Legionhunts are just fun for me...

Yesterday i didn't go along cause it is/was a lvl +45 hunt...and since i wanted to level my little infil that last bub to 42 i wanted to join along, but DVE sticks to the rules made BEFORE a hunt/raid, so i didnt join in with my infil...and played my little BG alts while Legion went down.

Been along in about all Legionraid so far with my cleric, and it is just for the fun of killing the guy i did it (and the xp you get he wasn't lvl 50 yet)...
Drops are a nice extra if you get one that is usefull to your char/class/guild...nothing more

but not 1 guild who have been in on most hunts get legiondrops everytime....there is a lotto for the "invited" guilds...and it should stay this way...

it makes the lotto easier, takes less time, all get the same chance for a drop,...

If you are in a guild that wasn't invited...talk to your GM about this...talk to the organisers of the hunts (same 2-4 people that organise these raids anyway..we all know them by now i think), to get in the next one...

Its impossible to give everyone a drop...it will always be like this ...so to raise the chance to get a drop..organise a guildgroup..ask an invite for next raid..so we don't get these "complaints" threads anymore (or organise one yourself...made with your rules etc...and see if people agree with those and join in)

Btw grats to the "organisers"...dunno how they manage to keep so calm during these events, when you see all the headless chickens run around... :p


It all looks fair enough to me.

Just out of curiosity though (or for future referance if our alliance can get a raid organised :) ) how do you run the Loot distribution. You've done a few of these raids so your system has to be pretty decent (or ironed out at the very least). Id be interested to utilise it should we get sorted out for a raid.

Well done though, its nice to see cooperation in full swing in the realm.. Keep killing the freak, thats what i say :)


Why am I not surprised Legion died again? :p

For Ironheart - Legion could be killed with much less than the 12 guilds, but it was agreed upon to have 12 guilds invited. Bet you'd like it even less if it was 4 or 8 guilds...

Kill Beliathal for a change, the bugger's been avoiding death and it's possible he gets boosted in 1.54D (dropping those dried worm husks, no idea what that means tho), so the more he dies, the more über-loot from something different than Legion ;)


i would say: who would NOT want to be in command of 300 ppl, that would rock, if the connection and engine would support it , all battles would be HUGE fun. loads of preparation etc... nice
ok albion's next relic raid will be lead by *drumroll* ironheart!

/me watches and waits



aye wildfire

and he will be assisted by *drumrofl* wildfire

lets put our heads together maty, its about time we started thinking about doing a couple??? not?


ironheart, arrange ur own if u dont like how some are doing it now.

nothing in the world prevents u from arranging ur own hunts, and inviting whoever u want to - but nothing in the world gives u the right to critisize the way it´s done now either. whatever way it´s done is up to the person/persons who arrange it, choice of who goes, how it´s done, lotto of items, etc


And *drumroll* no.

The last raid was organised 100% by me, thanks. Thanks went to kcinimodus for driving us to dagda, as my machine is, well, crap, and can't take the strain.

You organise it, you deal with it, you face the problems. If you can do that and succeed, people might listen to you. If, however, as I suspect is the truth, you just want to belittle others' efforts... spam away.




Originally posted by gwal
ironheart, arrange ur own if u dont like how some are doing it now.

nothing in the world prevents u from arranging ur own hunts, and inviting whoever u want to - but nothing in the world gives u the right to critisize the way it´s done now either. whatever way it´s done is up to the person/persons who arrange it, choice of who goes, how it´s done, lotto of items, etc

ask some ppl around that have joined me on MY kind of hunts, not these big once, but like a LB hunt or DM hunt or something


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
And *drumroll* no.

The last raid was organised 100% by me, thanks. Thanks went to kcinimodus for driving us to dagda, as my machine is, well, crap, and can't take the strain.

You organise it, you deal with it, you face the problems. If you can do that and succeed, people might listen to you. If, however, as I suspect is the truth, you just want to belittle others' efforts... spam away.



ok can u get me a list of GM from guilds, to lazy to go searching over the net, i would arange it ingame , cause one tread in here and the efford would be a faillier


lol get lost, i had to hunt around and gather all my contact details from scratch, why should i spare you the trouble?


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
lol get lost, i had to hunt around and gather all my contact details from scratch, why should i spare you the trouble?

no prob mate, i understand, i'll cu in there, maybe i will try it, we'll c


Originally posted by ironheart

ask some ppl around that have joined me on MY kind of hunts, not these big once, but like a LB hunt or DM hunt or something

1-2 fg is enough for both to be very successful, doesn't apply to Legion raids...


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
lol get lost, i had to hunt around and gather all my contact details from scratch, why should i spare you the trouble?

thought the realm was supposed to work as one combined unit, with guilds mutually helping each other for the glory of Albion.....guess not when people take this attitude

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