XML - Tell Mythic how you feel


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
Kadayn said:
Hey Mythic,
We people playing on European servers are sick and tired of GoA, as I am typing this the game is having constant 5 second lag spikes every 1-2 minutes or so. We have been getting this for like a week now and few weeks ago we had it, 70% of the game's life in Europe has been lag, problems and bad support.

The XML has been down for 4-5 months, About 2 months ago Prydwen died for two weeks as you know we had a huge item loss, GoA apparently are still restoring but from where I am sitting it doesn’t look like it. We lost all RoGs and they have flooded the economy with thousands of plats so people they didn't lose anything can't buy shit all.

Why are they continuing to host this game? It’s not fair on us, it might as well be French DAoC then Euro DAoC, the English just get laughed at, GoA don't advertise in the UK so you can imagine how poor the population is. I get a lot better Latency connecting to US DAoC then I do Europe DAoC and I am in the UK and no it’s not my ISP.


Mythic doesn't read these forums.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Tilda said:
GM's are avaliable often when in game, and E&E can often get a GM to help if its a really ugent issue.

tbh that is a blatent lie, i never seen a GM online past 23.00 GMT if i ever see one

i play Camlann and i hardly ever see a GM and i play a lot. FIrst problem you can only check if a GM is online by /who Xalin etc, because the level 100 trick doesn't work.

The E&E irc channel is never been able to get a GM online the 4-5 times i tried, specially if some crap encounter was bugged again

The XML has been broken of an unreasonable time now and i am more and more thinking it is due to incompetency then anything else.

And give barrel quest to Camlann imo


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
As much as I can't stand GOA's service In general

Give Tilda a break, he was just putting out another viewpoint on the situation :|

Oh, on topic: I've appealed to mythic lots of times and they've said it will be investigated into.


Tilda said:
<shrug> its being worked on.

Read this:

Requiel on prydwen.net said:
The last few patches have all radically changed the way that the main character and guild databases work. DR will add more new things to track as well. There isn't an ETA that I know of for a working XML, when there is it'll be in the news.

So it's not being worked on ... the put it somewhere on "the list"


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
There was/is more important stuff to fix than the stupid xml files..


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 11, 2004
In your feedback let mythic know you would prefer them to ulitmately provide the game/run the service.

Let them know that the service we get from GOA (however unresponsible mythic are for it from a legal point of view) reflects badly on Mythic in terms of association and partnership choice and that it devalues their brandname to their European customers to have Mythic products delivered/served in this manner.


Dec 22, 2003
Mastade said:
There was/is more important stuff to fix than the stupid xml files..

Yeah, makes you cringe that there is so many problems and so few fixes.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Time to accept some responsibility now GOA, pingplotters don't lie.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Tilda said:
OT isn't part of goa, and thus, its stupid in the extreme to blame goa for the faults of another company. Thats like suing ford, or toyota because the roads are bad between your house and the showroom.
Having played both servers, i'd say EU was better.
I agree about the EU site, could be better.
GM's are avaliable often when in game, and E&E can often get a GM to help if its a really ugent issue.
You don't have it like the states because its not practical to. goa pay the US money to run daoc. So the US version can reduce its costs, while goa incur extra costs as they have to pay for everything the US does, and pay mythic money.
<shrug> its being worked on.
Well, if you had been on mythic servers you'd have had all your items wiped. Id say the fact that the goa gm's have been willing to put in all the overtime to restore items is pretty impressive service tbh. There are a lot of tickets to get through, and with a gm team kept small by having to pay mythic subsidies, among other things, its obviously going to take a while. Its not like they've said, ahh we cba to do it anymore.
Thats mythics problem not goa's.

Really wish people would get a clue about the facts before whining.

wow you really are GOA's lapdog :/

oh and b4 you ban me for modbaiting for the 4th time im not :p im just making a point :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
CstasY said:
Time to accept some responsibility now GOA, pingplotters don't lie.
You mean all the pingplotters posted in the other thread which show problems in London or Amsterdam?
How are Goa supposed to take responsibility for gear run by a different company in a different country?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
chretien said:
You mean all the pingplotters posted in the other thread which show problems in London or Amsterdam?
How are Goa supposed to take responsibility for gear run by a different company in a different country?

Yes it was the wrong thread, and my plots show no problems what so ever in London, they show the loss just before Excalibur's IP.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2005
Tilda said:
Really wish people would get a clue about the facts before whining.

Indeed, maybe you should read your own whine from the point of view of disappointed customers with valid complaints, rather than a sychophantic idiot trying to justify substandard service.

That which you state as fact is actually rumour & supposition, and therefore no better than any other FH whine on these boards.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
Everytime someone have compained to Mythic about Goa that I've heard of, they've just replied with "I'm sorry but this is Goa's problem, and there's nothing we can do about it".


Dec 22, 2003
Dr_Evil said:
Everytime someone have compained to Mythic about Goa that I've heard of, they've just replied with "I'm sorry but this is Goa's problem, and there's nothing we can do about it".

It's all about volume.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 2, 2004
Tilda said:
OT isn't part of goa, and thus, its stupid in the extreme to blame goa for the faults of another company. Thats like suing ford, or toyota because the roads are bad between your house and the showroom.

I hate to argue with a lovely moderator such as yourself </flatter> - but this point isn't valid. The situation we have at the moment is much closer to having a car which has faulty tyres. The car's manufacterer didn't make the tyres - yet we can still blame the manufacturer (and sue as was the case a few years ago in USA where the bridgestone tyres were exploding on the 4x4s).

At the end of the day, we are buying a service from GoA and for whatever reason, its less than acceptable at the moment because of the lag. As was pointed out by a guild member of mine this week, many of us don't even have the option to stop paying and playing at the moment until the problem is resolved, as we've paid for 3-6 months in advance. I think its fairly logical to assume that the faulty network node must be fairly close to the GoA shop, else everyone wouldn't be hitting the lag at the same time from all over Europe.

I appreciate its difficult on a network which uses the internet as a transport backbone to maintain a highly reliable solution (especially on the relatively small amount of money we pay each month), however other MMO manufactureres seem to cope. Eve-online located its servers in London (which happens to be a particularly core point on the internet being one of the bigger gateways from Europe to America) because they realised they wouldn't be able to support a reliable network to their home country of Iceland. Perhaps its about time GoA started to consider a simliar outsourcing?

As for the XML, this is becomming a joke. I can only conlude that GoA lack the resource to allow someone to look at this, I would have thought even summer students out from software courses would have the skills to parse a bit of XML from a database to the outside world. I hope they havn't underestimated the importance that players put on seeing how their characters compare to everyone elses (I'd certainly like to see where mine are in the league tables right now)


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Lack of XML makes making groups in cluster SHITE.

I dont know half the people in cs these days, would be nice to see some stats of all these excal'ites - makes it difficult for the makers of PuGs, I used to do it aint bothered since cluster...its just random names with "excal" after them.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Zede said:
Lack of XML makes making groups in cluster SHITE.

I dont know half the people in cs these days, would be nice to see some stats of all these excal'ites - makes it difficult for the makers of PuGs, I used to do it aint bothered since cluster...its just random names with "excal" after them.

ever tryed not being elitest ?


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 29, 2004
Tilda said:
OT isn't part of goa, and thus, its stupid in the extreme to blame goa for the faults of another company.

That is not true at all.

A couple of years ago I had terrible ping times and packet loss to US servers. Most of the traffic got stuck on KPN's Amsterdam router. I called my ISP a couple of times, and after some arguing whos responsible here I got their technician (not CSR) on the phone. He explained to me, that guys at KPN didn't give a shit about our small ISP so we had low priority on that router. A month later my ISP changed his provider. So I guess if it can be done in our small country in the middle of nowhere, it's even easier to do it when you're located in Paris. If GOA has multiple choices and cosider occasional network latency issues are a good deal for the price they are paying, than they are to blame.

Mastade said:
There was/is more important stuff to fix than the stupid xml files..

Things shouldn't be prioritised like that. For instance, if Shadowblades would be bugged and be unable to attack anything at all, you can't just say fuck that, its only like 3% of players getting fucked up, there's more important stuff to fix. Some people will say fuck Darkness Rising, XML is more important, etc - fact is if there is certain interest in XML being fixed, it should be done.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
filled in the feedback.. and bump :)

And Gamah is usually up for defending GOA... gave me a slap down on a thread on pryd only last week (and I used to defend GOA as an ex E&E... but no longer...) I think even the most patient people have basically had enough.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
im like the least patient person and I love a good opportunity to whine at something...

I aint biased even though im an E&E the service I get from GOA is top class.

Basically the server is up like 99.9% of times when i get home from work...

I think in last year there have been 2-3 major latencies issues that have taken some time to get sorted. Sure not perfect.

There was a serious data base issue on prwyd. Some server crashed... etc...

but the uptime on the servers is fine. in fact its good.


Tbh I am like 1000 times more hacked off at mythic for what they have done to this great game.. the way its going, the new fucked up classes (vamps locks) they put in.... the gap between stealthers and our visual conterparts and the scaling of that gap up through the realm ranks. all sort of other class balancing issues which are just so blatently fooked up someone new to the game could spot the imbalance like after playing the game for a couple of days, but mythic seem fooking utterly unaware of it.

call me old fashioned but as like a rr10 (nearly) archer. If I see like a RR9-10 visual this should be the fight I look forward to that can test me. But basically you do not fuck with any visual class who is rr10. Thats just wrong man. By putting like 3-4 year investment in my toon to get rr10 Im limited to basically killing newbs in roggear (or low tier equipement) or other stealthers


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
censi said:
call me old fashioned but as like a rr10 (nearly) archer. If I see like a RR9-10 visual this should be the fight I look forward to that can test me. But basically you do not fuck with any visual class who is rr10. Thats just wrong man. By putting like 3-4 year investment in my toon to get rr10 Im limited to basically killing newbs in roggear (or low tier equipement) or other stealthers

and me u git ;) stop it! :twak:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003

After tonigth this thread definently needs a bump, keep sending in those complaints to mythic, maybe they can help get goa off their ass.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
I like mythics XML its very HTMLish right? :p I dont know the terms. but its not a lot of flashy effects and FLASH FLASH FLASH buggy shit. I dont need a lot of funky graphics that needs to load up and stuff. Herald looks like it was made 1998 but it working as a clock

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