Xmas gift to Albs/Hibs



Ah well - destroyed my DAOC CDs and removed the game off my hard drive. Why? Well played long enough. Infact i get more enjoyment winding peeps up on this now! Trouble is the game upsets my routine badly as i end up having a few drinks and staying up till the early hours of the morning. Next day i not that fit to do a lot of things - like my running. I do a lot of running and want to do some racing again.

Anyways was a good game and will hopefully improve a lot more yet.

My thoughts on the game though?

Well really the 3 realms aspect doesn't really work for me. Would like for everyone to have access to same armour skills etc to get rid of this imbalance. You will never know if you are better than another player really as things are.

Have a good Xmas and get some fresh air!!!

Honed - Peaceful - Franky - Useless - etc


Originally posted by Thug
Well really the 3 realms aspect doesn't really work for me. Would like for everyone to have access to same armour skills etc to get rid of this imbalance. You will never know if you are better than another player really as things are.

Why don't you try PvP then. ~~



Me not pwning (think that is wot you call it?) you anymore!

Only good Alb/Hib is a dead Alb/Hib - and i planted quite a lot of them in the ground for sure - hehe.

Me in a xmas mood! - well not really - gotta bit offa bad ed again after last night!


Thanks for coming... close the door on the way out pls! :eek:


Nice timing, you try to make yourself look big and moment that you get challenges you run away :p
Or was it because i now returned last night after my month out and you afriad :)

Well anyways. Bye, no loss and good luck pissing of some people in next game you choose to play.


Re: Gift?

Originally posted by Thug
Me not pwning (think that is wot you call it?) you anymore!

Only good Alb/Hib is a dead Alb/Hib - and i planted quite a lot of them in the ground for sure - hehe.

Me in a xmas mood! - well not really - gotta bit offa bad ed again after last night!
When did you actually "pwn" any of us? It seems you claim to have killed lots of leveling up noobs in Thidranki but never done real RvR yet still managed to have pwned us all :m00:


Re: Re: Gift?

Originally posted by Aoln
When did you actually "pwn" any of us? It seems you claim to have killed lots of leveling up noobs in Thidranki but never done real RvR yet still managed to have pwned us all :m00:
just admit that you got pwned Aoln ffs.
allways those excuses...



mebbe lvl outta BGs at least? :) BG can be fun and so on.. but its nothing compared to fullscaleRVR atm imho anyway.

RAAAH im soo coool in BGs.. come dual meh i pwn yo azz... ye!


Tbh i didnt think i was gona reply first but here it comes u say he runs around with lvl 24 buffbots buffs in thid so wot ever focking infil there is has buffs. So why not counter it ? thid isnt the place anymore where ppl go to enjoy theres ppl there now too who cant be without buffs as in real rvr doesnt matter if its u u or u but theres still someone and yes i know Thug has wtfpwned many albs in thid and u stll whine on him real RVR doesnrt diverse much from thid rvr same shit all places either u zerg or get zerged either u solo and get soloed by someone with buffs the RAs doesnt do much in a battle it might change it a lil bit but as long as the Ras aint up pits the same shit as in thid.
Elitists destroys this game slowly i rememebr a time when i culd get a grp in Emain with a lvl 40 healer in it etc and we still did well now theres only gank grps running around u either rol lsavages or healer to join em or u dont step into Emain as a normal player.

And considering thers now also DS out there there cant be much fun for a stealtehr either.


Biggest whiners

Odd how the ones that really hate me have all had alts killed by my own- oh well shame!! Funny thing is they all got infs too - hehe.

Lets face it if we all had infs i would have won hands down all the time. I got ways to fight that most of you lot have never even thought of (and never will think of lets face it). Playing an inf means you just don't have to think at the moment cos you so damn strong. But if were all the same you would always be in deep shit against me - so own upto it!

As for BG being like later on - i should think it is more or less identical - if you play as an sb that is.

Bye for now - losers

Certi etc


Re: Biggest whiners

Originally posted by Thug
Odd how the ones that really hate me have all had alts killed by my own- oh well shame!! Funny thing is they all got infs too - hehe.

Lets face it if we all had infs i would have won hands down all the time. I got ways to fight that most of you lot have never even thought of (and never will think of lets face it). Playing an inf means you just don't have to think at the moment cos you so damn strong. But if were all the same you would always be in deep shit against me - so own upto it!

As for BG being like later on - i should think it is more or less identical - if you play as an sb that is.

Bye for now - losers

Certi etc

somehow you give me the idea you have some problems with yourself ^^

we already have enough wannabe-pro noobs, "I got ways to fight-" please.. can this get any worse?..... xDDD

funny that all the so called 'skilled' people are always total noobs who dont even have a level 50 yet, and can think of ways to fight others are to dumb for ^^


imo you need to give me your phone number so me and my family can call you when we start caring


Re: Biggest whiners

Originally posted by Thug
As for BG being like later on - i should think it is more or less identical - if you play as an sb that is.

Bye for now - losers

Certi etc

LOL you're clueless! :clap: Thid is far more fun than full level 50 RvR :p

Don't let the door hit your arse on the way out, I don't want arse prints on my new door noob!

Still checking here? aww shame doesn't look like anyone is going to miss you, perhaps you should go back to wallhacking on Counterstrike :sleeping:


Wrong in ed?

Hehe - not really. Tad bored at the moment so writing a few entries. Maybe i should put a posting about how to wind peeps up - cos it sure makes me laugh a lot - hehe.

Had some great times posting - sober or drunk - here on Barrys. Never been banned though which is quite surprising. The times i really hated were when i had got steaming drunk - i mean so drunk i was in the game and just standing there talking (kinda) - unable to function - hehe; and getting up in the morning and thinking 'oh my god wot did i post? - did i post? etc. Then having to crawl to the computer and sheepishly take a look. A few times - as you lot were well aware - i had to quickly edit my entries cos they so embarassed me.

Ah well a bit of competition makes yu sharpen your play somewot. I ain't really the nasty person i make out to be - but i am good at goading people into making mistakes.

But if you post on Barrys then yu gotta be ready for the consequences - which in my case has meant a great many duels in Mid against our own players.

Anyways am sniping in MOH now - some amazing game that!

Honed etc


guess i was right, you really have problems with yourself ^^

but i am good at goading people into making mistakes.

Seems like your even better at drinking yourself into mistakes, take my advice and be careful with that irl ^^


Re: Biggest whiners

Originally posted by Thug
As for BG being like later on - i should think it is more or less identical - if you play as an sb that is.



Who the fuck are you?

At least lvl a 50 before you go shouting your mouth off about how great you are jesus get a clue.

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