Xbox 360 Elite


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Deebs I agree with you, I said in the other thread the 360's pad is excellent and I think aside from the d-pad it is the best console pad I've used in a long time, if not ever.

Aada, I already mentioned the 'choice' excuse that Xbox fans are giving and you still had to try and use it again, silly really.

Is it not choice to have a Core system, Premium system and an Elite system? Two of which with no HD-DVD built in and the Elite having HD-DVD built in.. Is that not choice? Is that not saying "you don't need HD-DVD, but if you want it all the Elite is there for you, all in one box".

That sounds like a pretty fucking good set of choices right there.

Budget system, Premium system and the Elite system with everything. That's the way it should go and I really struggle to think of why MS justified not doing that, unless they are losing faith in the HD-DVD format.

I've said it many times before and I'll say it again, if I was ever a fanboy it was for Sega, since they are out of the console running I don't really have any allegiance to any manufacturer. I find my opinions (especially this round) to be rather objective, I believe all three companies cocked up numerous things and don't want any of them to be runaway 'winners' in this 'war' as I believe that would be bad for gaming as a whole.

I also said in the other thread that if I was going to buy one of the three consoles right now that it would be the 360, there are reasons for that, some of which are down to the console and others are down to my own personal hardware limitations (no HDTV) and the variety of games on offer (pretty much down to the fact it has been out a lot longer than the PS3).

The Elite is a fuck up on Microsofts part, there are no two ways about it, you can try and say it's about choice but that just makes you look stupid. "MS don't want to force HD-DVD on anyone, they give a choice, even though they already have two 'choices' available already". Not to mention the fact that the 'Elite' name is not the best choice for a console which is clearly one piece short of living up to it's 'Elite' name.

Premium Black, Premium 2.0, Premium XP, Premium Ultimate.. not great names, but far more fitting for what it is than 'Elite'.

Personally I would go with 'Limited Edition' being a key part of it's name, since it is supposed to be a Limited Edition product, that fits more in line with what it is. A special version of the 360 in Black, a few notches above the Premium version on a limited run.

I will agree with Sega it was a very sad time to see the Dreamcast and Sega pretty much crumble to nothing.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
I own both a 360 and a PS3. The only difference is this:

I will not upgrade my existing 360 to a HDMI version nor would I buy a hard drive at the M$ price when I can add ANY size harddrive to the ps3 for an OEM cost.

Sony did the right thing and allowed 3rd party peripherals to be added without penalty.

The only reason I bought a 360 was Burnout, the moment that appears on the PS3 I will not bother with my 360. On the other hand, the 360 controller is the bollox. Love it. Hate the PS3 equivalent, feels like it is a paper mache version. Even if they couldnt add to the weight due to patent issues, at least they could have added a lead weight....

I have to admit i always loved the playstation controls for me they were always the easiest to use. But this just dose not weigh enough and its a shame they missed out dual shock for six axis i would rather have kept dual shock.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
All you who can use the 360 controller are blatantly mutants.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
All you who can use the 360 controller are blatantly mutants.

Depends what you are playing. It's great for Halo (whoop-de-doo says Bods) but crap for many other game-styles.

The dual-shock is uniformly crap for all games though. Playing through Killzone on a dual-shock with its 1 inch deadzone was one of the most frustrating experiences of my life.

ASCII fighting pad ftw !


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
No problems with Dual-Shock here, mind I am pretty used to it by now. Only problem I have will Killzone controls is the lack of sensitivity with sniping, but that's the same on any console. I tried playing PES6 on a 360 - if it'd been my controller it would have been through the TV after about 2 minutes of gameplay.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I quite like the DS2, but the analogue sticks aren't great for all types of game and the dpad is awful.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 2, 2004
I find the 360 controller awesome, but i have big hands. Think it would be the opposite for someone with smaller hands. Also works on my PC which is handy!

Anyway dont really see the point of an elite version but given it includes a blu-ray player it does seam rather cheap. Not really a reason to buy one unless your new to the 360 though.


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
I find the 360 controller awesome, but i have big hands. Think it would be the opposite for someone with smaller hands. Also works on my PC which is handy!

Anyway dont really see the point of an elite version but given it includes a blu-ray player it does seam rather cheap. Not really a reason to buy one unless your new to the 360 though.

That's the thing. It doesn't include a High Def DVD player of any sort.

It's a bit shit to be honest.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
That's the thing. It doesn't include a High Def DVD player of any sort.

It's a bit shit to be honest.

I think it's designed far more to accommodate Microsoft's Live Marketplace, though. MS have been rather half-arsed with regard to Hi-Def media, no doubt, but they've never had any intention of using it for games so as this generation of XBox remains a gaming machine first, it's a questionable expense.

In the US Marketplace is now the second largest (legal) download service behind iTunes and being based on the television gives it a hop over Apple in distributing video content.

Now whilst marketplace is of no interest to me — DRM'd media, locked onto a disposable machine does not appeal — it does seem to be catching on with a lot of people in the states. That's the kinda of this machine is made for, not the HD disc crowd.

Meh, I sound like some sort of apologist now, that's not really my point. Just that people screaming for HD drives need to accept that it's just not part of the strategy for the 360. I really wonder if the external HD drive was just a token nod for Microsoft's participation in the HD-DVD camp.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 2, 2004
That's the thing. It doesn't include a High Def DVD player of any sort.

Oic, misread, Did find it somewhat odd they'd put a blu-ray device in an ms machine ;p

Think most people will stick to the regular versions when buying new then.


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
I think it's designed far more to accommodate Microsoft's Live Marketplace, though. MS have been rather half-arsed with regard to Hi-Def media, no doubt, but they've never had any intention of using it for games so as this generation of XBox remains a gaming machine first, it's a questionable expense.

In the US Marketplace is now the second largest (legal) download service behind iTunes and being based on the television gives it a hop over Apple in distributing video content.

Now whilst marketplace is of no interest to me — DRM'd media, locked onto a disposable machine does not appeal — it does seem to be catching on with a lot of people in the states. That's the kinda of this machine is made for, not the HD disc crowd.

Meh, I sound like some sort of apologist now, that's not really my point. Just that people screaming for HD drives need to accept that it's just not part of the strategy for the 360. I really wonder if the external HD drive was just a token nod for Microsoft's participation in the HD-DVD camp.

I did realise that though (as I said in one of the many 360/ps3 threads going about), but like you, DRM'd media doesn't appeal to me on any level. And I don't own a TV with HDMI :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
More news on this, apparently it's only HDMI 1.2 (so no HD audio). This combined with the fact that it's not using the newer, quieter processor and lack of inbuilt wifi means I'll get a premium instead, probably fairly soon, so I can play mass effect and get the 360 version of guitar hero.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003

look at the new ring of death fix

"One a side note, we all had a good belly laugh here at the shop when we saw Microsoft's most creative measures to minimize the dreaded Xbox 360 3 flashing red lights "ring of death" error caused by poor BGA connections of the CPU and GPU. It seems that that the good ol' a dab will do ya methodology applies here. Take a look at the epoxy surrounding the CPU and GPU which is intended to prevent the BGA connection from popping as the board warps. This has to be one of the funniest things I have ever seen. Will it do the job, I have my doubts, but it will remain to be seen. It certainly seems like taking the easy way out instead of fixing the real problem."


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Any updates on this? It's been out in the US for a month now, I have seen no dates for a European release. Getting a sinking feeling that Ms may not release this in other markets.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
sold out across usa europes looking at end of autum


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
The 360 Elite is not anything like "sold out". And why would it be? Anyone see Major Dickson trying to justify the price they stated for the 120gb drive? lol.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
thought it was, or atleast early reports suggested so


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
I'm not sure the ramblings of some muppets on a forum actually counts as 'reliable information'.

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