This really isnt true. The Americans might have got the worst of day 1, but after that it was the British and Canadian armies that fought the SS Panzer divisions.
ford prefect said:I think if we are being honest, then yes there is a certain ring of truth there and the reason is simple - Hollywood.
America really had no politcal reason to get involved in the second world until 1941 and when they did, they committed completely to its resolution and did a remarkable job and you are right, it was a cooperative effort.
However I think movies where the likes of Ben Affleck come along in his plane and single handedly wins the war ect, gripe a little and lead to some incorrect assumptions about the US attitude towards the war. The second world war is still a very sore subject in europe, and it is something of a raw nerve in europe - especially in Britain, and dramatic license probably isn't as appreciated as it is elsewhere.
Hence I mentioned Omaha and Utah! Also the battle of the Bulge whas mostly American forces aswell.
And it wasn't so much that Hitler were really sneaky as much as Europe just couldn't believe he would actually do it.
Agree with all that
My posts make me seem anti-american, which I'm sure most regular people on here will know isnt true. I just do not like the American bullshit machine, i.e the media, from Hollywood to people like Stephen Ambrose, who have convinced the American people, and half the rest of the world, that the Yanks walk on water ...
Hence I mentioned Omaha and Utah! Also the battle of the Bulge whas mostly American forces aswell.
Well said.
I've always found Ambrose not overtly patriotic in his writing. Citizen soldiers is pretty balanced and well... Pegasus Bridge.