WTT/WTS Sidi Armsman Sleeves



Defiled Sanquine Vambraces
102 af, 100% quality, 35% bonus
+3 crossbow, +21 qui, +18 str, +24 con
150 pt self melee health buffer proc (1.64 patch, 95 DD till then).

Bids start at 2 plat, auction ends on friday night.

Alternatively I will trade these one for one for the Sidi Armsman boots or gloves, or the Cleric legs.

Alternatively i'll discuss some sort of deal for a Sidi thrust polearm, but feel free to pm me with any other interesting Sidi related Armsman or Cleric offers.


2p then.
If you find a trade for what you want np for me, it will take some time till 1.64 either way ;)

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